Billboards and Media Effects Essay Example
Billboards and Media Effects Essay Example

Billboards and Media Effects Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (425 words)
  • Published: November 1, 2021
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What is your opinion on Vermont's stance on billboards and which other places may follow suit? What are your thoughts? The elimination of billboards in Vermont has proven to be beneficial for the state, and it is reasonable to support their decision. It is evident that preserving the scenic beauty of their land should take priority over obstructing it with billboards. This move has brought satisfaction to both local residents and businesses (Zezima, 2008). Surprisingly, everything has gone smoothly since the law was implemented, despite potential concerns from a business perspective.

Despite my respect for Vermont's views on billboards and their emphasis on aesthetics, I hold a different opinion. I believe that this stance hinders business activities and overall development by failing to consider economic value or the impact on the community. Consequently, this perspective may discourage potential investors from enterin


g the region, which is why I strongly oppose it (Zezima, 2008). Unfortunately, Vermont's ideology has not prevented other states from adopting similar laws. Several states have already implemented such legislation or are moving towards it, including New York – a major global business hub. In my view, this approach would be detrimental to businesspeople and negatively impact business activities (Zezima, 2008).

However, the move is advantageous because it enhances the environment and fosters a positive working atmosphere.

Which social media effect is the most intriguing to explore and what theory would you employ to examine that effect?

In examining media effects, my initial approach would involve analyzing how a particular topic impacts individuals and the resulting outcomes. In addition, I would investigate the strategies employed to capture such a significant portion of the public's attention (Yetgin, et al,

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2016). As a researcher, my primary focus would be studying people's tendencies towards addiction to specific products. This entails investigating the influence of continuous advertising that establishes the belief that the advertised product is superior and unparalleled. Consequently, individuals become so accustomed to it that they perceive it as supreme while disregarding the merits of other products.

I would apply the cultivation theory to examine my topic as it has a clear connection to the theory (Yetgin, et al, 2016). The addiction is evidently a consequence of excessive advertising, illustrating a deliberate effort to establish the company's brand as superior to others.


  1. Zezima, K. (2008). Mural Tests Vermont Law That Forbids Billboards.
  2. The New York Times. p. 24. Miranda, S. M., Young, A., ; Yetgin, E. (2016).

Are Social Media Emancipatory Or Hegemonic? Societal Effects Of Mass Media Digitization In The Case Of The Sopa Discourse. MIS Quarterly, 40(2), 303-A32.

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