Between shades of Grey – Flashcards
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Was a school teacher
Miss Grybas
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Sewed jewels into her coat so she could sell them later for food
Elena Vilkas
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Was the librarian that read stories to the children on the train
Miss Rimas
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Is a 17 year old boy who smokes a lot
Andrius Arvydas
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Tries to jump off the truck and breaks his legs
the bald man
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The Soviet Secret Police
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What is the main character name and how old is she when the novel begins?
Lina Vilkas and she was fifteen years old when she was taken
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What month, date, year was the main character and her family taken?
Their family was taken on June 14, 1941
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The NKVD were otherwise know as the soviet....
Secret police
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The main characters family was given 20 min to pack before they were being forced to leave. What was the main character told to pack? What did she end up doing?
Lina's mother said that Lina should only pack things that are useful but not necessarily dear to them. Lina ended up packing a golden picture frame, two books, ribbons, and a hair brush.
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Where does the main character have her first flashback to? What happened at this place? What do you think is the significance of this event in relationship to what is happening to the main character now?
The main character had her first flashback when she rushed out of the room. Lina looked back to see the curtains blowing, flapping over the loaf of fresh bread still sitting on the desk. During the the place where Lina had her flashback she was at t he bakery. The women at the bakery husband works at the university with Lina's father. When Lina held out the money to pay for the loaf of bread that she was getting, the women rejected it and say that " we could never repay you at it is." Lina tried to reach toward the women with coins but the women ignored her and assisted another customer. I think the significance of the event in relationship to what is happening to the main character is that the the bread in the table reminded her of that special moment at the bakery.
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What does the main characters father say after she says that he "must have done something to deserve free bread" (pg. 9)?
The main character father says after the quote that "I don't deserve anything. You stand for what is right, Lina, with out the expectation of gratitude or reward. Now off to your homework."
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What did the main character realize she was wearing on the train? What is the significance of this outfit? What does it say about how they were forced out of her house?
The main character relized that she was still in her night gown
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Why did the truck stop outside of the hospital? Who did they pick up?
The truck stopped because they were waiting for a women to give birth. They picked up a women named Ona and her new born baby
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What happened to the doctor outside of the hospital? What does this event say about the NKVD's character?
The doctor came running outside grabbing at the officer saying that you can't take the infant, it will never make it. The guard turned around and kicked him in his shin. It say that the NKVD doesn't care about anything
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What did the bald man do on the truck? What did he keep saying?Why do you think he keeps saying this?
The bald man on the truck tried to escape by jumping out from the back on the truck. The officers listen him back on the truck. The bald main continued to say my leg and that the officers were going to kill them. The reason why he continued to repeat what he was saying is because he was in pain and that he was speaking the truth.
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Why did the main character tell the bald man to "shut up" (pg. 19)?
The reason why the main character told the bald man to shut up is because the bald man continued to be negative and talked about death. He provoked Lina to say that by making smart remarks like "Saw him on his was to the grave" and he also said " a university man would certainly be near the top of the list for." That is when Lina cut him off and told him to shut up. The bald man was talking shout Lina's father thorough out the whole conversation because Jonas kept on saying that he was alive and when are we going to see daddy.
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Who tried to get the main character's mothers attention? What did she throw on the truck? What do you think is in it?
The person who tried to get mothers attention was her cousin Regina. Regina threw a small bundle in the bed of the truck. In the bundle I think there will be supplies that will be useful for where they are going.
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What does "Davai" mean? What language do you think it is in?
The word Davai means to hurry up. The language the word is in is Russian
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What does Jonas give the bald man to help splint his leg? What does this say about Jonas' character?
Jonas gives the bald man a ruler that he used at school. It says that Jonas is a very caring and generous person.
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Make a prediction about where you think the truck is taking the passengers?
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Once they reach the train platform Jonas is carried away. What does Lina's mother bargain with the officer and end up giving him in order to keep him with them? What does that say about how the NKVD valued the Lithuanian's lives?
Pocket watch. The Shows that the NKVD doesn't care about their lives, they see them as animals.
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What type of train car were they Vilkas family put in? What did Jonas say they were for?
The type of train car that the Vilkas family was put in was a crudely built, dirty and, the kind that would haul livestock. Jonas said that the cars were for pigs and cows.
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Where there any men in the train car?
The weren't any men on the train car. There were two old guys. There weren't any strong, well built men on the train. The two older gentle men couldn't help because they were to weak and old.
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Why did both Jonas and Lina need to change their clothes? What did their mother have to do in order to guarantee them just a "little bit of privacy?"
The reason why both Jonas and Lina needed to change their clothes is because Jonas had wet his pant from being afraid outside of the train cars, and Lina was still in her nightgown from when the guards had taken them away throughout the past night. In order to get a "little bit of privacy" their mother had taken Lina's coat from Jonas and held it as a shield.
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Many times in the novel Lina has flashbacks. These flashbacks are types in all italics so the reader knows that it is a flashback instead of happening right now. Why do you think the author chose to have the flashbacks in the novel? What purpose do you think they serve?
I think that the reason why the author had chosen to have flashbacks in the novel is because he wants the reader to see the differences between the present and the past. He wants to show how great the past was, and how bad the future has become. I think the purpose that the flashbacks serve is a relationship between how good a specific event was in the past and awful it is in the present.
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How many people were packed into the cattle (train) car? Again what does this say about the NKVD and how they valued these people and their lives?
The amount of people that were packed into the car was the amount of 46 people. This says that NKVD thinks of these types of people like animals, they even treat them like animals given them buckets of water and slop. They valued their lives for reward.
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Forty-six packed into a cage on wheels, a rolling coffin." (pg. 35) what figurative language is this statement? What does it represent?
The type of figurative language that is used in this statement is a metaphor. This statement represents the deaths are going to be caused by being stuck in the same place with 46 people for two or more days.
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What is the name of the boy that Lina and Jonas meet on the train? When he tried to leave the car what happened?
The boy that both Lina and Jonas met on the train is named Andrius. When Andrius tried to leave the car to go to the bathroom the NKVD punched him and threw him back into the car.
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Andrius, Lina, and Jonas sneak off the train to look for whom? Why do you think they decided to sneak off the train?
Andrius, Lina, and Jonas snuck off the train to look for their fathers. The reason why I think they decided to sneak off the train is because they wanted to see if their fathers were there, and if they were okay.
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Lina finds her father and asks him where he thinks they are taking him. What is her father's answer to that question?
Lina's father answer to the question is Siberia.
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What does Kostas give Lina? What does he say to tell her mother?
Kotas gives Lina his wedding ring, socks, clothes, and ham. Kotas tell Lina to tell her mother to rememeber the oak tree.
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Kostas tells Lina how he can help him. What does he say? What do you think he means by that?
Kotas tells Lina how he can help by helping him find her. I think Kotas mean this by her art work because Lina is a great artist. This is how her father is going to identify her, maybe with the handkerchief.
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Why did Kostas give Lina the ring? What did he tell her to do with it?
Kotas gives Lina the ring incase Lina and the family is in desperate need for money. Kotas tells Lina to sell the right if they are in need of money or etc.
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Pg. 51 Mother said Stalin has a plan. Describe what that plan is.
Is to destroy and arrest all the Lithuanians
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How did Lina save Andrius on pg. 54-55? What did she realize at the end of that chapter that she had to do?
Lina saved Andrius by carrying him after he was hurt badly. She lunged him on top to get him in the train. At the end of the chapter she said she had to write everything and draw everything down to help her papa find her.
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What was the priest doing as the train pulled away? What do you think that means?
Preying and saying a verse
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What did the Partisians tell the patrons on the train?
The partisans told the patron on the train told them they were separating the car with the men in it.
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One person, two buckets, any dead bodies in there?" what did that statement mean for the train people to do?
One person, two bucks, any dead bodies in there, meant that he wanted one person to get the water and food and asks if anyone was dead.
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Lina said she wanted to run? Why do you think she wanted to run? Would you have felt the same way?
I think Lina wanted to run for an escape, she's probably tired of being packed into a cart with so many people. I would have felt the exact same way, but I would have stayed with my family.
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What happened to Ona's baby? What did the train passengers decide to do with the baby?
Ona baby died because of the loss of milk from her mother. The train passenger decided to wrap the baby up and put her down the bathroom hole.
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Why does Lina's mother say every night she thanks God Jonas has Andrius and she should too? Why should Lina be grateful that Jonas met Andrius on the train?
Lina's mom is thankful that Jonas has Andrius because that's kinda like his father figure while Jonas' real dads away. Lina should be grateful because Andrius kinda takes Jonas' mind off of the situation.
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What book were the boys smoking? Why did that upset Mrs. Grybas so much? Why did that upset Lina so much?
The boys were smoking The Pickwick Papers. Mrs Grybas was mad because that was a book and knowledge was important. Lina was mad because her grandma gave her that the Christmas before she died.
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Mother bribed a guard to get off the train. What does she come back with? What do these items on the train make the people do?
After mother bribed the guard she goes into the store and grabs a bunch of candy and cigarettes. These items on the train make the people awww in amazement. They also made the hungry feeling
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What did mother tell Mrs. RImas the soldiers were doing with the passengers on the train? What does this say about how the NKVD viewed these people as a whole? (Are you making the connection yet?)
Ask miss kuhlmann
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How long were they on the train before it stopped?
They were on the train for six weeks.
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Though readers mostly learn about Kostas, Lina's father, through her shared memories, a great deal can be understood about his character. In your opinion, what kind of man is he? Is he a good father? Use textual evidence to make your case.
The kind of man I think Kotas is strong minded, loving, strict, and caring man. The reason why I think this is because through out the book he is alway caring for someone and helping them out. He is making sure that his children are well taken care of. Even when he was in one of the train cars, he still cared for his family by giving them supplies. The supplies included ham, socks, and extra clothes. I do think that Kotas is a good father because he always wants the best for his children and he always wants to protect them. When Lina drew that picture of Stalin dressed in a clown suit, the only reason he tore it up and threw it in the fire place is because he wanted to protect his family from getting in serious trouble. When he helped his family by giving theme supplies, you can see how much he cared. He gave up the last bit of food he had and his wedding ring to sell. This is why he is such a great man and person.
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How does the author use the embedded flashbacks to help readers understand why Lina's family has been rounded up for punishment? Do you agree with the family's choices? Why or why not?
The embedded flashbacks help the readers understand where they are today is because through out the flashbacks events happen there are clues that are given. This includes people's reactions to problems, and their family helping their cousins. When Joanna sends Lina the letter where jonnas dad is packing up her special books and how he hasn't been home lately later leads to why her father was doing these things. Their father was covering their tracks, and getting prepared to leave. Kotas and his wife was helping them get to saftey. When it backfired on Lina's family it seemed like they gave up their lives to help theirs. I do agree with the family's choices. There is nothing wrong about helping someone, especially when it's family. They were just living their everyday life except that they were helping escape from danger. If the family didn't help their family they both would be in the same situation.
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Lina unflinchingly shares the nature of the condition in which she and the other prisoners are forced to live. What feelings does this candor evoke in you? Why? Describe in 5 sentences at least.
The feeling that this candor evokes in me is anger and sadness. The reason why is because it's awful to know that of people that are innocent are being tortured just because they were trying to help their own family. They were being treated like animals and even called animals. No one tried to help them or show any type of sympathy. The main reason why I'm angry is because other people who were free in the villages didn't care to help them out of the situation. The main reason why I'm sad is because of the hard ships they are going through. They are struggling to even survive a day. When someone is sick they are still, forced to work.
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Why do you think they are selling the Lithuanians in groups? How would they benefit from being sold in groups? How would they not benefit from being sold in groups?
The reason why I think they are selling Lithuanians in groups is because they are wanting to sell the people that by their talents, occupations, and the way they look. Also another reason why they are selling the Lithuanians in groups is because they are sending people do different places all over the world. This would benefit them from being sold in groups because some of them can stay together with their families, and you all get to go to the sq,e place. This would not benefit them from being sold in groups because some of the families are split a parts and are sent into different directions. thy will never see each other again.
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Why did the guard shoot Ona in the head? What did she do to deserve this fate? Was her death validated? Why or Why not?
The reason why the guard shot Ona in the head is because she cried and scream. She deserved this kind of fate because after all the women finished bathing Ona continued chanting pulling her hair, and sitting up/down. The commander saw these actions and yeld at her. Mrs. Roma's tried to explain that she was grieving, and Ona stood up again and stamped her right foot. The guard pulled her off the train and shot her in the head. Ona's death was not validated because the NKVD just threw her off the train. They didn't let any of her family or friends know or did they even care about it. They just walked off and the train went off agin.
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What is a collective farm? What do you think Lina, her mother, and Jonas will have to do there at the farm?
A collective farm is one huge land made up of several farms. It is usually ran by the government. I think that Lina, her mother, and Jonas will have to do farming and hard labor in order to stay at the farm. They will have t work for their privileges.
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What did the commander want from Mama? Why do you think they wanted Mama to "snitch" (pg. 114)? What did Mama say? What did she give up when making this decision? Explain if you think she will regret it later?
The commander wanted mama to work for them. I think they wanted mama to snitch because she knew how to speak Lithuanian and Russian. They wanted her to translating documents and speaking with the other Lithuanians there. They also wanted her listen to people's conversations and report them to the commander. Mama answer to the problem was "no?" When making her decision the mother gave up preferential treatment. I think she will regret it later because when times get rough and there is a large decreasing in food, she probably wishes she had agreed to do it.
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Where do you think Andrius got cigarettes from? Why is this significant?
I think that Andrius got the cigarettes from the NKVD because he worked for them or he got them because of what his mother is doing for him. This is significant because later on in the story it leads to what his mother is doing to save Andrius life.
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Consider the consequences of not signing the documents which charge the prisoners of counterrevolutionary activities against the Soviet Union. Does Lina's family make the right decision by refusing to "confess" these transgressions? Why or why not?
I do think that Lina's family made the right decision by refusing to confess these transgressions because of they signed the papers, that would technically mean giving up. Also they didn't do anything to deserve the cruel treatments so that's why this is the second reason why they are not signing the papers.
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Who was mad at Lina at the end of Chapter 39?
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Why would Jonas tell Lina to "Please don't say anything to the guards. Don't make them mad?" What was he afraid the guards would do to Lina?
The reason why Jonas told Lina to "please don't say anything to the guards, Don't make them mad" is because Lina has a very strong opinion. She tends to speak Loudly about how she feels about the guards. She says things that could get her and her family in big trouble. Jonas was afraid that Lina would get shot in the head like the rest of the people at the camp, he was afraid that she would be barred alive.
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What is a kolkhoz? What type of farming are Lina and her family going to do?
A kolkhoz is a collective farm in the Soviet Union. The type of farming that Lina and her family are going to do is hard labor. They are chopping down trees, digging holes, and doing whatever the NKVD is telling them to do.
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Why do you think the lady in the Hut is forcing Lina's family to pay rent?
The reason why I think the lady in the hit is forcing Lina's family to pay rent is because she only has a little space made for one person, she looks at Lina's family as criminals, and she has to provide food for them. The lady feels that everything needs a price and a trade. You always have to trade her something for food.
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What did mother say that the guards cannot take away from them?
Mother said that the guards cannot take away their sense of humor.
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How much bread were the workers allowed? How big does Lina describe it to be? Does that seem like enough bread to live off of from day to day?
True amount of bread that the workers were allowed to have was the amount three hundred grams. Lina describes the amount of bread to be It does not seem like enough bread. 300 grams of bread is enough for lunch but not something that can last all day long. The reason why is because a human body needs a lot more nutritious and energy to keep themselves from getting sick and from starvation. One meal day makes the body more prone to diseases. Also they only get bread as long as they worked. Of someone didn't work that day, that meant there would be a shortage of food. This is why this isn't enough bread to love off from day to day.
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What does Lina have to take to Mr. Stalas?
Lina had to take Mr. Stalas food Including potatoes because he can't work due to his leg. he is disabled. This means that Lina and her family have to provide food for him through out the time they are there.
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What is Josef Stalin's real name? Why does he call himself Josef Stalin (what does it stand for?)
Josef Stalin's real name was "Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili." He calls himself josef Stalin because it means Man of steal.
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What are the three things they are being forced so sign say that they have to do?
The three things they were being forced to sign was 25 years, member of collectives farm, and 200 ribald including children.
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What did Kretzsky do to Lina, her mother, Mrs. Rimas, and the grouchy woman in the hole? What was his purpose of this event (what was he trying to make the women do)?
While Lina, her mother, !ts.Rimax, and the grouchy women were in the hole Kretzsky was trying to make them scared. He was shooting and kicking the dirt in the hole. The purpose of the event was to scare them into signing the documents. Kretzsky then helped them all out of the hole after the commander left.
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How many potatoes did Jonas steal?
The amount of potatoes that Jonas stole were three large potatoes.
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Where is Andrius living?
Andrius was living in the NKVD building with the other solidiers.
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What does Andrius mother have to do in order to keep him alive?
In order to keep Andrius alive Andrius's mother has to sleep with the NKVD. His mother had to prostitute herself to save his life.
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Why does Andrius call Lina selfish and self-centered? Is he right to call her those things? Why or why not?
The reason why Andrius calls Lina selfish and self-centered is because Lina accused Andrius of spying for the NKVD. They got into a huge argument until Andrius got even angrier and told Lina what the NKVD was doing to his mother. Andrius said that she was selfish and self centered because Lina was comparing of how she had to dig holes all day. Andrius did have the right to call her those things because Lina should've started accusing Andrius when she truley didn't know what was going on.
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Who was allowed to go to the village? Why were they allowed to go to the village?
The people who were allowed to go to the village was named Ms. Grybas. The reason why she was allowed to go to the village is because she signed the documents/papers stating the three things.
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Why does Kretzsky's disposition (the way he acts, stands, etc) change when he is out of sight vs. around the other guards? What does that say about his character?
Kretzsky disposition changes when he is out of vs. around other guards is because he doesn't want to get in trouble. When he is not around the other guards he tends to be more generous, caring, and sympathetic. When he is around other guards he has to act rough and like he doesn't care about anything. This says a lot about his character because he seems to be a warm hearted person and when he is at work he has to change so that he does not get in trouble.
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What as Lina asked to draw?
Lina is asked to draw a picture of a map.
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What news did Elena learn from town and the papers about Lithuania and who was running the country?
The news that Elena learned from town and the papers was that
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Who was teaching the school on the collective farm? Who was he/she teaching to? What language did he/she have to teach in?
The person that is teaching the school on the collective farm is Mrs. Vilkas. Mrs. Vilkas was teaching to children in the village, and in the town, The language that she had to teach in the school was Russian.
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What did Jonas make for his family while working with the Siberian women?
The item that Jonas made for his family while working with the Siberian women was shoes. He made the shoes from left over scraps.
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What did the letter addressed to Mrs. Rimas say? Who did the crowd speculate it was from? Why did Lina say the letter was "sad?"
The letter that addressed to Mrs. Rimas said a bible verse. The crowd it was speculated from their hometown. Lina said the letter was sad because it talked about death and how people were going through hardships.
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What disease does Jonas contract? What does the man who winds his watch say he needs to make him better?
The disease that Jonas contracts was Scurvy. The man who winds his watch said the Jonas needs something's with vitamins in it.
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What is the Lithuanian's Christmas celebration called?
The Lithuanians Christmas celebration is called Kucios.
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On Christmas Day Andrius and his mother sent a package to the people to celebrate. What was in the package?
The package that Andrius and his mother sent to the people to celebrate with was a package full of chocolate. It was real chocolate and every one enjoyed the sweet treat.
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What did Lina steal after she drew the commander?
After Lina drew the commander Lina stole the pen that she drew the portrait with. She stole the pen because it drew well, and she loved the feeling of it.
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What type of food that was thrown out at Lina and Jonas?
Th type of food that was thrown out at Lina and Jonas was trash that included potatoes and a can of sardines that hit her head.
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Where did the file say Kostas was located?
The file said that Kotas was located at a prison called Krasnoyarsk .
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When is Lina's birthday? How old does she turn?
Lina's birthday is on March twenty-second (22). The age Lina turns to is sixteen years old.
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What did Andrius get Lina for his birthday?
The thing that Andrius got Lina for her birthday was a book called "Dombey and son" written by Dickens.
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When is Andrius' birthday?
Andrius's birthday is on November twentieth.
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What does Andrius give to Lina outside of Mr. Stalas hut? Where do you think he got those items from?
The item that Andrius gives lina outmoded of Mr. stalas hut was three cigarettes. I think he got those site,s from one of the guards because he was working for them.
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What word does Andrius tell Lina to learn? What do you think it means?
The word that Andrius told Lina to learn was krasivaya. I think the word means beautiful.
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What season are they in in chapter 60? How long have they been at the labor camp?
The season that they were in chapter sixty was the season of spring. They had been in labor camp for seven months.
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Has to do things against her wishes in order to keep her son alive.
Mrs. Arvydas
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Receives food almost every day by the Vilkas family.
Mr. Stalas
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Is an attorney who comes up with the idea of waiting out signing the contract while winding his watch.
Alexander Lukas
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Is the blonde guard who pulls Lina up out of the hole.
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Snuck the Vilkas family beets in her underswear.
Miss Grybas
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Is constantly the translator of the group.
Elena Vilkas
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Was buried alive with the grouchy woman and the Vilkas family.
Miss Rimas
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Called Lina a stupid, spoiled, kid.
Andrius Arvydas
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Told the Lithuanians they were charged under Article 58 of the Soviet Penal code for counterrrevolutionary activities against the USSR.
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The Altaian woman with who the Vilkas family stays with in the shack.
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