Bacterial Diseases Test Questions – Flashcards
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Unlock answers 41Botulism |
Clostridium botullum ; In low-acid foods; absorbed through intestine; kill with heat Blocks ACh so there is no firing of nerves ; Flacid paralysis of short nerves, blurred vision, cardiac and respiratory failure (adult) Wasting away (infants) ; t(x): *antitoxin, penicillin |
Tetanus |
Clostridium tetani ; Look like tennis rackets Heat-labile taxon (make vaccine!) ; Paralysis, cardiac ; respiratory failure, risus sardoniscus ("smile"), trismus (pulled back), opisthotonos (seizure of all muscles) ; t(x): Non-immunized - antobodies; immunized - toxoid |
Pseudomembranous Colitis |
Clostridium difficile ; Normal flora - opportunist Toxin A: enterotoxin - secretion of fluids Toxin B: cytotoxin - kills cells ; Loose, watery diarrhea ; t(x): Antitoxin |
Food Poisoning Clostridium |
Clostridum perfringens ; large, rectangular, hemolytic cultues Has lecithinase to break down membranes Has B-hemolysin (clear), collagenase, hyaluronidase, DNAase, protease enterotoxin: reverses H2O reabsorption -; diarrhea ; t(x): Penicillin, fluid ; electrolytes |
Gas Gangrene ; Myonecrosis |
Clostridium perfringens ; Enteres through wounds Lecithinase, B-hemolysin, collagenase, hyaluronidase, DNAase, protease ; Necrosis, edema, and gas from tissue break down Pain, necrosis, shock, RF, death, crepitis, cellulitis, fascitis ; t(x): penicllin, amputation |
Diphtheria |
Corynebacterium diphtheriae ; Due to exotoxin, lethal in 24-48 hours (small amount - nerve paralysis, large - HF) Grows well on tellurite Can colonize wounds in tropical climates ; Acute febrile infection of URT, enlarged lymphnodes, inflammed throat, pseudomembrane cells in abck of throat ; t(x): Penicillin |
Listeriosis |
Listeria spp. ; From cattle to humans ; Headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, convulsions ; t(x): penicllin |
Tuberculosis |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis ; Entery ; exit through respiratory route ; Localized: pneumonia, granuloma lesions, high mortality Systemic: lymphatic spread, granuloma at site, any tissue except muscles ; Primary (exudative): one lesion; Reactivated: multiple lesions ; t(x): Isoniazid, ethambutamol, rifampin, streptomycin |
Leprosy |
Mycobacterium leprae ; Binds to epithelail and nerve cells Lepromatous type: progressive, slow, nodular lesions Tuberculoid: non-progressive, macular lesions ; Digit loss, nerve damage, hypothermia of skin ; t(x): Isoniazid, ethambutamol, rifampin, streptomycin |
Meningitis |
Neisseria meningitidis ; Survives inside phagocytes of CSF Releases endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) while alive (exception to the rule!) attaches to M-cells with pili ; Chills, fever, malaise, headache THEN hedache, vomiting, fever, papilledema, nuchal rigidity, convulsions, coma, petechiae, purpura, purple spots on skin ; t(x): tetracycline |
Waterhouse-Frederickson Syndrom |
Neisseria meningitidis ; high mortality sudden onset (24 hours) ; High fever, chills, myalgia, weakness, N;V, restlessness, destruction of adrenal glands ; t(x): tetracycline |
Gonorrhea |
Neisseria gonorrhoeae ; IgA protease (breaks down IgA); lipopolysaccharide endotoxin Protein I - makes holes in membranes Protein II - forms colonies Penicillin resistant ; Males: purulent discharge, abscess, epididimitis, prostatis Females:asymptomatic, discharge, pain, ascending infection, sterility All: fever, arthritis, pustular rash, conjunctivitis (neonate) ; t(x): tetracycline |
Gastroenteritis Bacteremia |
Salmonella spp. ; N;V, diarrhea, fever, cramping, myalgia, headache ; t(x): antiinflammatory (aspirin, NSAID) |
Enteric Fever |
Salmonella typhi ; Grows in intestines Lymphoid hyperplasia ; N;V, diarrhea, fever, cramping, myalgia, headache ; t(x): antiinflammatory (aspirin, NSAID) |
Relapsing Fever |
B. recurrentis ; Carried by ticks (rodent reservoir) and louse (human reservoir) Cannot develop immunity ; t(x): tetracycline |
Leptospirosis |
L. interrogans Salmonella ; Excreted in urine ; Acute phase: fever, headache, nausea, myalgia Immune phase: meningitis ; t(x): doxycycline ; |
Syphilis |
T. pallidum ; ; Antibodies made but not good for future infection d(x): breakdown products of cells (cardiolipin, VDRL) ; Primary: outbreak at site of contant, diappears Secondary: rash elsewhere on skin Tertiary: any part of body less muscle ; t(x): penicillin ; |
Lyme Disease |
B. burgdorferi Spirochaete ; Carried by hard shelled ticks ; Red skin lesion (macule/papule), malaise, fatigue, headache, fever, chills Chronic: irreversible neurologic, cardiac, and rheumatic damage ; t(x): penicillin |
Discitus |
Staphylococcus aureus ; Inflammation of intervertebral discs ; Back pain ; t(x): vancomycin, surgery |
Stitch abcess |
Staphylococcus epidermidis ; Redness, swelling ; t(x): vancomycin |
Staphylococcus saprophyticus ; Burning, itching, irritation, blood in urine ; t(x): vancomycin |
Pneumonia |
Staphylococcus H-influenzae ; cough, fever, SOB, secretions, malaise, flu-like symptoms ; t(x): vancomycin |
Scalded Skin Syndrome |
Staphylococcus aureus ; Splitting of skin (looks like sunburn) ; t(x): vancomycin ; |
Food Poisoning Staphylococcus |
Staphylococcus aureus ; Enterotoxin made at room temperature Can cause FP even if microbe is killed (toxin) ; N,V,;D; abdominal pain ; t(x): vancomycin |
Toxic Shock Syndrome |
Staphylococcus aureus ; From enterotoxin ; Organ failure, hypotension, weakness ; t(x): vancomycin |
Mastitis |
Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) ; In animals (commonly cows) ; Infection of udder, decreased milk production ; t(x): penicillin |
Pharyngitis |
Streptococcus pygoenes ; Sore throat, fever, headache, edema of pharynx ; t(x): penicillin |
Scarlet Fever |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; sore throat, fever, headache, erythema of pharynx Strawberry red tongue (exotoxin) Pin-point peticial hemorrhage (erythogenic toxin) ; t(x): penicillin |
Impetego |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; Rash IN skin ; t(x): penicillin |
Cellulitis |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; Epidermolytic toxin Carried in fish ; Skin peels/shreds like sunburn ; t(x): penicillin |
Puerperal Fever |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; "Childbirth fever"; carried by physicians ; Ruptured membranes of genital tract ; t(x): penicillin |
Encephalitis |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; Lethal in hours ; Swelling of Brain ; t(x): penicillin |
Suppuration |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; Abscess behind ear, sore throat ; t(x): penicillin |
Necrotizing Fasculitis |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; Grows rapidly (lots of enzymes) ; "flesh eating" ; t(x): amputation |
Erysipalas |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; Secondary invasion No toxin, no immunity gained ; Red skin, advancing thick line (bacteria are here) Septicemia ; t(x): penicillin |
Rheumatic Fever |
Streptococcus pyogenes ; Makes cardiotoxins and causes Aschoff bodies Body develops antigens to damaged tissues (autoimmune) Irreversible damage ; t(x): none, prevent other infections with penicillin |
Pneumonia Sinusitis Meningitis Bacteremia |
Streptococcus pneumoniae ; Small chains or pairs (diplococci) Immunogenic capsule ; No coughing ; t(x): penicillin, erythromycin |