Will Walter

City: Baton Rouge, LA
University: Louisiana State University

Posts by Will Walter:

mgmt 339 ch 13 – Flashcards
17 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Inventory answer A stock or store of goods question Independent demand items answer Items that are ready to be sold or used question Inventories are a vital part of business: answer (1) necessary for operations and (2) contribute to customer satisfaction A “typical” firm has roughly 30% of its current assets and as much […]

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Marketing Principles Mid-term (Ch.1-Ch.5) Quizes – Flashcards
15 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question All of the following should be determined by the marketing department of a firm EXCEPT: A) storing the product. B) actually making the product. C) advertising the product. D) designing the packaging for the product. E) setting the price of the product. answer B) actually making the product. Marketing should determine storing, advertising, designing […]

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Managerial Accounting Review Questions – Flashcards
12 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question Which one of the following does NOT appear on the balance sheet of a manufacturing company: a) finished goods inventory b) work in process inventory c) costs of goods manufactured d) raw materials inventory answer Cost of goods manufactured question The equivalent of finished goods inventory for a merchandising firm is referred to as: […]

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MANA CRISP – Flashcards
10 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question four ongoing challenges that characterize the current business landscape answer globalization, technological change, the importance of knowledge and ideas, and collaboration across organizatinal boundaries question knowledge management answer the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization’s intellectual resources- fully using the intellects of the organization’s people question innovation answer the introduction […]

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LSG- Northouse Chapter 9 – Flashcards
08 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question transformational leadership answer – focus: charismatic & affective leadership elements process: changes/transforms people through emotions, values, ethics, standards & long-term goals question 2 kinds of leadersihp – Burns answer – transactional – transformational question transactional answer focusses on the exchanges that occur between a leader and its followers (most models) question transformational answer process […]

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K201 Lecture – Flashcards
06 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question People because they are in every information system used answer According to your textbook, in the five-component framework of an information system, which is the most important? question Hardware Software Data Procedures People answer Each Information System is comprised of five components. . question False answer The number of components in the Five Component […]

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ISM chapter B10 – Flashcards
03 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question ERP (definition) answer Enterprise Resource Planning, integrates all departments and functions throughout and organization into a single IT system (or integrated set of IT systems) so that employees can make decisions by viewing enterprise wide info on all business operations question internal operations ERP components answer accounting and finance, production and management, human resources […]

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01 Aug 2020 Flashcards

question An investor should buy a stock only if the prevailing market price exceeds the intrinsic value of the stock. answer False question An investment should offer an expected return commensurate with the risk involved. answer True question Advocates of the efficient market hypothesis would argue that it is virtually impossible for any investor to […]

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Introduction to Business – Chapter 29 Vocabulary – Flashcards
30 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Demand Deposits answer Each check a customer writes is an ordr to the bank to release money from the account demanded. question Interest Bearing Account answer A checking account that earns interest on your acccount’s balance. question Signature Card answer A record of your signature used by the bank to verify your identity. question […]

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Info systems ch 1 – Flashcards
28 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question computer literacy answer using productivity software(word processors, spreadsheats) and have basic knowledge of hardware and software, internet and tools and technologies question 2 types of knowledge to be competitive in the workplace answer computer literacy and information literacy question information literacy answer understanding the role of information in generating and using business intelligence question […]

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HSC FINAL – Flashcards
26 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Health disparities answer Difference in incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups. question Health care disparities answer The categorisations of parts of a population based on physical appearance due to particular historical social and political forces. question Mainstream smoke answer Tobacco smoke inhaled […]

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HIM chapter 1 – Flashcards
23 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question 1928 answer First professional association for HIM managers was established question 1918 answer Hospital standardization program was started by the American college of surgeons question Accreditation answer Formal approval process for academic programs in HIM question Certification answer Formal process for conferring a HIM credential question All the above answer Which of the following […]

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global chapter 12 – Flashcards
21 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Government is not a central stakeholder of business. answer false question The way in which most legislation gets passed is through special-interest politics. answer true question For large corporations today, political involvement is not optional and government has granted them more power to do so. answer true question Lobbyists are generally interested in the […]

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FLVS US History Module 2 Exam – Flashcards
19 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Which location was associated with political machines in the 19th century? answer It was Tammany Hall that was the location associated with political machines in the 19th century, since this was the place that many men would meet not only to discuss politics but also to elect members to office. question Which group strongly […]

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FIN301 practice ch.2 – Flashcards
17 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question balance sheet answer The financial statement showing a firm’s accounting value on a particular date is the question an item currently owned by the firm that will convert to cash within the next 12 months answer A current asset is question that do not come due for at least 12 months answer The long-term […]

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ethics exam 1 – Flashcards
15 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following is not one of the rights spelled out by John F. Kennedy in his “Consumers’ Bill of Rights”? answer the right to be ethical question The _____ was/were enacted to restore confidence in financial reporting and business ethics after the accounting scandals of the early 2000s. answer Sarbanes-Oxley Act question […]

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EEE Final – Flashcards
12 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question What does a business model represent? answer The core aspects of a business and how they fit together. question Standard Business Model answer Depict existing plans firms can use to determine how they will create, deliver and capture value for their stakeholders. question Disruptive Business Model answer Business Models that don’t fit the profile […]

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ECON HW 5 – Flashcards
10 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question During a business cycle expansion, total production ________ and total employment ________ answer increases; increases question Which of the following is not directly counted in GDP answer intermediate goods question Suppose that a simple economy produces only four goods and services: shoes, DVDs, tomatoes, and ketchup. Assume one half of the tomatoes are used […]

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Econ 04.01 Ultimate Roller Coaster Quiz – Flashcards
08 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following describes a key difference between B and D? answer Unemployment rises in B but falls in D. question Which of the following most likely occurs during C? answer Low production and high unemployment question Which statement best explains the relationship between points A and B? answer Production reaches its highest […]

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database part 3 – Flashcards
05 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question The entity realtaionship mode is dependent on the database type answer false question The Crow’s Foot model is less implementation-oriented than the Chen model. answer false question An “entity” in the ER model corresponds to a table. answer true question In the entity relationship model, a table row corresponds to an entity instance answer […]

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CITI biohazard training – Flashcards
01 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Biohazards includes: answer humans animal/plant pathogens prions genetically modified organisms/microorganisms potentially infectious human material (blood, body fluids, tissues, etc) known pathogens, pests, noxious weeds, arthropods and insects not indigenous question biohazard definition answer a biological agent or condition (as in an infectious organism or insecure laboratory procedures) that constitutes a hazard to man or […]

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chapter question from 1- – Flashcards
28 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question The applications development backlog was due to the inability of computer professionals to design and write programs fast enough to keep up with the demand for new applications. True False answer True question The Information Technology department is a modern name for the Data Processing department. True False answer True question PCs that are […]

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