Stephen Sanchez

City: Omaha, Nebraska
University: Northeast Community College

Posts by Stephen Sanchez:

AP World History- Chapter 15 Vocab – Flashcards
28 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Xuanzang answer young Buddhist monk who decided to go to India and visit the holy sites of Buddhism and learn about his faith; crossed 3 mountain ranges: the Tian Shan, Hindu Kush, and Pamir ranges; translated Buddhist treatises into Chinese and promoted his fait question Yang Jian answer imposed tight political discipline on state; […]

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History of the Earth – Flashcards
27 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question catastrophism answer theory that Earth’s rock layers formed in a global flood followed by the uplifting of rocks and mountain building over a short, violent period, possibly in the recent past question gradualism answer theory that rocks form slowly over time through processes of volcanism, erosion, and sedimentation question molecular clock answer a technique […]

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The general history of Virginia – Flashcards
23 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question History answer Record of the occurrences of a certain place and it’s people question Common types of settlers answer Seekers religious freedom, seekers of financing and goods, adventures, and those avoiding prison question First hand/primary account answer Someone who experienced an event and wrote about it question How long before the sickness set in […]

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Chapter 11: Becoming an Effective Teacher – Flashcards
20 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Academic Learning Time answer Engaged time with a high success rate (students can answer 70-80% of questions correctly) question Allocated Time answer Time a teacher schedules for a subject question Behavioral Objective answer Specific skill or academic task to be mastered. Objective is taught, then tested. Students who succeed move on; students who do […]

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18 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Jazz answer fusion of African and European movement traditions (may or may not be performed to jazz music, although some scholars would argue that jazz must be rooted in African traditional movement and done to jazz music) question What are the characteristics of dance answer • Changing levels, directions, shapes & floor patterns • […]

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Luna 7th Grade Biomes and Biodiversity – Flashcards
16 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question Climate is affected by answer Rainfall, Wind, and Temperature question Climate is not affected by answer Soil type question Biomes are determined by answer Temperature and rainfall, type of soil and growing season, and latitude and altitude question Biomes are not determined by answer The number of rivers and streams question The largest land […]

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G of T – Flashcards
16 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question 3 regions answer Kings Landing Winterfell Pentos question Stark Family answer Ned & Cat Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon & Jon Snow (the bastard) question Dogs Each of the Stark kids get answer Direwolves question Ned’s Wife’s Sister answer Lysa, widow of Jon Arryn question Capital of the 7 Kingdoms answer Kings Landing question […]

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Triángulo Aprobado 1 – Los Temas Económicos – Flashcards
14 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question los envíos answer mailings question la cifra answer figure, number question el promedio answer average question el decrecimiento answer decrease question el incremento answer increase question el resultado answer result, outcome question a pesar de answer in spite of, despite question mientras tanto answer meanwhile, in the meantime question el papel answer role question […]

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Sociology-Chapter5: Groups and organizations – Flashcards
02 Jul 2020 Flashcards

question social group answer two or more people who identify with and interact with one another question primary group answer a small social group whose members share personal and lasting relationships question secondary group answer a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a specific goal or activity question instumental leadership answer group leadership […]

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chapter 7 Inequality – Flashcards
30 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question social stratification answer the division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy question social inequality answer the unequal distribution of wealth power or prestige among members of a society question slavery answer the most extreme form of social stratification based on legal ownership of people question 4 basic principles to social stratification […]

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Economics Review practice test – Flashcards
28 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question When manufactured goods are used to produce other goods and services, they are called capital goods. answer true question A nondurable good lasts for less than five years when sued on a regular basis. answer false, three question The paradox of value occurs when some necessities have little value, while some non-necessities have a […]

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Economics ITB Flashcards
24 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Economics answer The study focuses on how people, businesses, and governments choose to allocate resources question Microeconomics is the study of broad, economy-wide issues such as the unemployment rate, gross domestic product, and inflation. answer False question Fiscal Policy answer the government’s effort to influence the economy through taxation and spending decisions to encourage […]

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Human Development-Test 1 – Flashcards
20 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Physical Development-biological changes of the body-includes genetics, birth process, brain development, and motor skills Cognitive-child’s reasoning, concepts, memory, and language, social responses, mental processes, different environments for learning Social-emotional development-modifications that occur in emotions, self concept, motivation, social relationship and moral reasoning and behavior-family foundations, personality, talents, sensitivity, behavior, self-esteem answer What are the […]

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federal govt chapter 6 – Flashcards
15 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question What did the framers identify as the greatest source of political conflict for the United States? answer differences between the rich and poor question The famous Lincoln-Douglas debates took place answer outside, in the cornfields and town squares of Illinois. question _______ ushered in the tax revolt and the deregulation of many government policies […]

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attitude and attitude change 1 – Flashcards
08 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Bem: Attitudes answer -Likes and dislikes – not percise enough question Allport: Attitudes answer – a relatively enduring mental and neural state of readiness (attitudes exist in brain) organized through experience (learned) which exerts a directive or dynamic influence upon the indis responses to all objects and situation with which it is associated. question […]

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Kinesiology Ch. 9 – Flashcards
08 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following statements about the effects on personality is true? answer Fitness training improves self-concept question Most of the stress associated with physical activity participation is based on answer Fear of failure and fear of evaluation question What is the key to reducing social loafing in groups? answer Monitoring and evaluating individual […]

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Sociology Final #1-53 – Flashcards
08 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question The systematic study of human society answer Sociology question Peter Burger describes using the sociology perspective as seeing the_______ in the_________ ? answer General in the particular question The chapters sociology analysis of childbearing around the world suggests that the number born to a women reflects what? answer Whether she lives in a poor […]

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Intro to Sociology – Chapter 9 Review – Flashcards
07 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question caste system answer a system in which people are born into a social standing that they will retain their entire lives question class system answer social standing based on social factors and individual accomplishments question class traits answer also called class markers, the typical behaviors, customs, and norms that define each class question class […]

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Soc Quizzes Test 1 – Flashcards
05 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Which discipline defines itself as “the systematic study of human society”? a. psychology b. sociology c. history d. economics answer b question the concept “sociology” was coined in 1838 by a. auguste compte b. adam smith c. herbert spencer d. karl marx answer a question the theoretical approach in sociology that assumes society is […]

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Give Me Liberty Chapter 11 – Flashcards
04 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question the ”peculiar institution” pg. 417 answer 1. Referring to slavery’s continued existence in the South after Northern abolition. 2. This connects to the focus question, ‘how did slavery shape social and economic relations in the Old South?’ because this was referring to slavery. question “Cotton is King” pg. 417 answer 1. A phrase referring […]

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FSU MAN 4701 Quzzies 7-11 – Flashcards
02 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question What is the promotion of environmentally friendly products called? answer Green Marketing question If a consumer staged an accident in a store and then sought damages against the store for its poor safety standards, this customer has committed which fraudulent activity? answer Duplicity question Which division of the Federal Trade Commission works to protect […]

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Flashcards and Answers – African American History
27 May 2020 Flashcards

question How did some blacks legislatures try to gain land for blacks? answer they tried to make taxes on large land owners so high so they would have to sell their land. question who tried to help the land owners? answer Andrew Johnson question how did class and social status divide blacks during reconstruction? answer […]

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