Sam Arent

City: Goodrich, Texas
University: Huston-Tillotson University

Posts by Sam Arent:

APUSH Ch.23 – Flashcards
17 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Agricultural Marketing Act answer Established the first major government program to help farmers maintain crop prices with a federally sponsored Farm Board that would make loans to national marking cooperatives or set up corporations to buy surpluses and raise prices. This act failed to help American farmers. question “Black Tuesday” answer October 29, 1929; […]

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FSHN 120 Test 2 – Flashcards
17 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question The term “enriched” on a food label signifies that A) nutrients were added to the food that have additional health benefits beyond those naturally found in the food. B) nutrients were added to the food that did not originally exist in the food. C) the food was processed without any artificial additives. D) the […]

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Marketing Ch 9: Segmentation and Target Marketing – Flashcards
16 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Segmentation answer • Identifying and serving homogeneous groups of consumers • Segments = naturally existing groups of consumers with similar needs/wants and responses question STP answer step 1: establish overall strategy or objectives step 2: segmentation methods step 3: evaluate segment attractiveness step 4: select target market step 5: develop positioning strategy question The […]

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Economics-Chapter 18 – Flashcards
15 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Full Employment answer A situation in which any person who wants and is able to work should be able to find a job question Income Tax answer A tax on what individuals and businesses earn. (Progressive) question Sales Tax answer Charges on purchases of goods and services, usually a percentage of that price. question […]

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Integrated Ch. 2 Ch. 3 – Flashcards
14 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Multiple choice question: 40x 3 points =120 Essay question: 3×10 points= 30 Total =120+30=150. answer For multiple choice questions: – Quizzes 1-5 – Chapters 1-10 power point and chapter study guide / the textbook For essay questions: – IMC campaign guideline – Topic 1 & 2 discussions question mass media answer -viewers, readers, listeners […]

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Phil360 – Astronomy – Flashcards
14 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question • What does Feynman mean by “Cargo cult science” and by “integrity in science”? Do you agree?Is there something missing from Feynman’s account of science? o Cargo Cult science Refers to the practices of tribes who thoughts that if they replicated conditions under which planes came bearing materials during the war, then the planes […]

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BIO 302 Quiz Questions – Flashcards
13 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question T/F: The fundamental cause of cancer is gene mutation. answer TRUE question T/F: Invasion is a required step before metastasis. answer TRUE question T/F: “Cancer” is really hundreds of different types of malignant neoplasms. answer TRUE question T/F: All cancers have the common feature: loss of growth control. answer TRUE question T/F: Not all […]

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Geol 240: Earthquakes Midterm 2 – Flashcards
13 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question seismic waves answer -propagation of movement/motion through rock; waves of energy that travel through earth’s layers -3km/sec average question amplitude answer -height from crest (or trough) to middle average question frequency answer -number of waves that pass in a unit of time ie: cycles per second question period answer -time between wave crests passing […]

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HSU Astronomy Chapter 10 – Flashcards
13 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question A star in the lower left part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, compared to a star in the middle of the diagram, is answer smaller question An astronomer is measuring the brightness of a particular star through a telescope, using different filters in the visual (yellow-green), violet, and ultraviolet regions. What is the name of […]

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Intro PDA Exam 2 – Flashcards
10 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question How structure affects movement of the drug from point A to point B? answer ADME Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion question What is the main organ most drugs have to go through? answer Liver question Isomer answer Different compoiunds with the same molecular formula question Aliphatic answer Alkanes Alkenes Alkynes question In order for oxidation […]

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genetics week 9: Cancer Genetics – Flashcards
10 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question what is cancer? answer A collection of disorders that share the common feature of uncontrolled cell growth. question In order for cells to become cancerous, they much become answer resistant to signals that normally inhibit cell growth question Neoplasm/Tumor answer mass of cells due to uncontrolled cell growth question Tumorigenesis answer formation of tumors […]

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Lesson 1 The Birth Of Chinese Cilization – Flashcards
10 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question How did mountains and deserts affect China’s civilization? answer The mountains made it possible for China to develop unique culture and civilization. question How did rivers help civilization develop in China? answer River provided rich soil for farming, water for trade, and transportation. question What is a warlord? answer Is a military leader who […]

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Utah Marketing State Review – Flashcards
09 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Psychographic Segmentation answer involves studies of consumers based on their attitudes, lifestyles, and values. question Demographic Segmentation answer statistical data or information concerning a person’s age gender income level occupation, etc. question Behavioral Segmentation answer based on segmenting a market based on rate of use, shopping patterns or product benefits. question Geographic Segmentation answer […]

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Arabic Question Words – Flashcards
08 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question yes or no questions answer هل question who answer من question how answer كيف question when answer متى question what (w/o verbs) answer ما question what (w/ verbs) answer ماذا question why answer لماذا question where answer أين question from where answer من اين question where to answer الى اين question how much answer […]

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Social media marketing ch 10,11,12 – Flashcards
08 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Social network site answer Is an online service on which members can establish relationships based on friendship, kinship, shared interest, business advantage, or other reason. question What does social networking sites facilitate? answer Facilitates these interactions by letting members build public or private profiles, specify who can connect with them, and share their connections […]

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Chapter 6: the lymphatic and immune systems – Flashcards
08 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question anti- answer against question carcin/o answer cancerous question immun/o answer immune, protection, safe question lymph/o answer lymph, lymphatic tissue question lymphaden/o answer lymph node or gland question lymphangi/o answer lymph vessel question neo-, ne/o answer new, strange question -oma answer tumor, neoplasm question onc/o answer tumor question phag/o answer eat, swallow question -plasm answer […]

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Chapter 14: Lymphatic & Immune Systems – Flashcards
08 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question immun/o answer protection autoimmune disease, immunoglobulin, immunosuppression, question lymph/o answer lymph lymphopoiesis, lymphedema, lymphocytopenia, lymphocytosis, lymphoid question lymphaden/o answer lymph node (gland) lymphadenoopathy, lymphadenitis, question splen/o answer spleen splenomegaly, splenectomy, asplenia, hypersplenism question thym/o answer thymus gland thymoma, thymectomy question tox/o answer poison toxic question ana- answer again, anew anaphylaxix question inter- answer between […]

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Ch 16.3 and 16.4 World Geography – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question The Dutch have built ______ of earth and rock to hold back from water answer dikes question The Land that the Dutch reclaimed from the sea is called a _____ answer poder question The Belgian Government has passed laws to _________ giving greater authority to the governments in Wallonia, Flanders, and Brussels answer decentralize […]

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MWS Final Exam Review – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Containment answer the U.S. policy to stop the spread of communism question East Germany built the Berlin Wall, with Soviet approval, in order to _______________ answer keep East Berliners from fleeing to the West question What is the best definition of a superpower? answer a country that influences events with its military and economic […]

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Marketing Applications Unit 1 – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Control events in order to accomplish priorities answer The essence of time management is to achieve which goal? question A gain in market share answer If a business lowers the price of a product for the purpose of taking business away from its competitors, which action is often the result? question Acting unethically answer […]

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IB Chemistry Option D – Flashcards
06 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What are the effects of medicines and drugs on the functioning of the body? answer They can alter the physiological state of the body, alter incoming sensory sensations, or alter mood or emotions. question What are the stages involved in the research, development, and testing of new pharmaceutical products? answer 1. Identify the disease.2. […]

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DG week 5 – Flashcard
06 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Which caribneam island has the second largest land area? answer Hispaniola is made up by Haiti and Dominican Republic. question Which river flows just south of Cincinnati, Ohio? answer Ohio River question What is the capital of the state that is bordered by Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, and Oklahoma? answer Topeka, Kansas is the state […]

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