Posts by Patricia Smith:
question (Ch. 46) (Evolve) The nurse is admitting a patient with the diagnosis of advanced renal carcinoma. Based upon this diagnosis, the nurse will expect to find which of the following as the “classic triad” of presenting symptoms occurring in patients with renal cancer? A. Fever, chills, flank pain B. Hematuria, flank pain, palpable mass […]
Read morequestion What is neoplasm? answer Any new or abnormal cellular growth, specifically one that is uncontrolled and progressive, refers to benign and malignant tumors question What is a tumor? answer And abnormal mass of tissue that results when cells divide more than they should or do not die when they should, can be benign or […]
Read morequestion Phosphate ions answer Weakly acidic soil question Nitrogen ions answer High ph question Calcium and magnesium answer Unavailable at high ph question Copper and zinc answer Intermediate ph question Aluminium and iron answer Low ph question Carbon monoxide answer Anthro: incomplete combustion of fossil fuels Natural: anaerobic decomposition of organic matter question Catalytic converter […]
Read morequestion Scarcity answer the limited nature of society’s desirable resources question Economics answer the study of how society manages its scarce resources question Efficiency answer society gets the most it can from its scarce resource question Equity answer distributing economic prosperity FAIRLY among the members of society question Opportunity Cost answer whatever must be given […]
Read morequestion Microeconomics answer Study of how individuals choose to allocate the scarce resources available to them. question Macroeconomics answer The study of how groups of individuals choose to allocate the scarce resources available to them. question Aggregate answer “Total” question Scarcity answer Lack of enough resources to satisfy all desired uses of those resources. question […]
Read morequestion acute pancreatitis answer Acute inflammatory process that has the potential to become a systemic disease with involvement of peripancreatic tissues and remote organs question acute pancreatitis epidemiology answer -210,000 new US cases annually, increasing incidence -20 % will have severe acute pancreatitis (necrosis) -5 % overall mortality question obstructive causes of acute pancreatitis answer […]
Read morequestion Cancer in humans was first seen answer In 2500 B.C question The word cancer was first used by answer The greek physician Hippocrates question The term surveillance as applied to public health means answer Monitoring of the occurrence of selected health conditions in the population question The oldest example of a modern cancer registry […]
Read morequestion Spermat/o , answer Spermatozoon, sperm question Balan/o answer glans penis question epididym/o answer epididymis question orchid/o , orch/o , orchi/o , test/o answer testis, testicle question prostat/o answer prostate gland question vas/o answer vessel, duct question -ism/o answer state of question vesicul/o answer seminal vesicle question andr/o answer male question inflammation of the prostate […]
Read morequestion Cervical Enlargement answer innervates the shoulder and upper limbs question Lumbar Enlargement answer innervates structures of the pelvis and lower limbs question Conus Medullaris answer tapered, conical portion of the spinal cord inferior to lumbar enlargement question Cauda Equina answer complex of ventral and dorsal roots inferior to first or second lumbar vertebrae, resembles […]
Read morequestion Which sexually transmitted infection (STI) would warrant a cesarean delivery? 1 Genital warts 2 Syphilis 3 Gonorrhea 4 Active herpes answer 4 Active herpes question The health care provider advises expedited partner therapy (EPT) to a patient with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). What should the nurse explain to this patient about EPT? 1 […]
Read morequestion In postmenopausal woman, ovaries enlarged; if mass is seen, may be ____________ ____________ to ____________ with papillae within. answer mixed texture to solid question Well-defined anechoic lesions more likely to be benign; lesions with irregular walls, thick irregular septations, mural nodules, and solid echogenic elements favor malignancy answer True question Sonographic Evaluation of Ovarian […]
Read morequestion What is economics? answer the study of how people use their scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants question What is Land and what is the payment for it? answer Land is also known as natural resources, and the payment is either rent or gift of nature question What is Labor and it’s payment? […]
Read morequestion Adult BMI Assessment Prevention and Screening answer ABA question Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children/ Adolescents Prevention and Screening answer WCC question Childhood Immunization Status Prevention and Screening answer CIS question Immunizations for Adolescents Prevention and Screening answer IMA question Lead Screening in Children Prevention and Screening answer LSC […]
Read morequestion Moral therapy answer philosophy of treatment that emphasized treating mentally ill people with compassion and understanding, rather than shackling them in chains question Deinstitutionalization answer policy of reducing the population of mental hospitals by shifting care from inpatient facilities to community-based outpatient facilities question State hospital system answer large state institutions with little more […]
Read morequestion Rational emotive behavior therapy was developed in the 1950’s by (PG 332) answer Albert Ellis, a clinical psychologist. question REBT was created as a result of Albert Ellis’s dissatisfaction with (PG 332) answer His practice of psychoanalysis and with person-centered therapy. question Albert Ellis originated an approach that he believed would be _____ ________ […]
Read morequestion health perceptions/management for infants answer -Instill confidence in parents that they can enhance baby’s health -Help parents identify health needs -Encourage health promoting activities (stimulation) question health perceptions/management for toddlers answer -They may be able to perform preventative measures -Parents should model desired health perception & behaviors question health perceptions/management for preschoolers answer -They […]
Read morequestion How did Enlightenment ideas influence the Atlantic revolutions? answer – old ideas were challenged by Enlightenment ideas – monarchy was replaced by republic – state control of trade was replaced by free trade – identity as subject of an empire was replaced by political citizenship question Among the Atlantic revolutions, how is the French […]
Read morequestion Japanese invasion of china, german rearmament, Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, Spanish Civil War, Anschluss, Czechoslovakia and Munich Crisis, Invasion of Poland answer Eurasian Causes of WWII question Benito Mussolini answer inventor of fascists; very militaristic; glorifies war question Spanish Civil war answer power struggle in Spain; spanish republicans vs -Hitler decides he is going […]
Read morequestion Latin Alphabet answer The Latin alphabet came by way of the Romans from Greece Original alphabet had 21 letters: ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVX. Y and Z were added after fall of Greece. J, U, W came during the middle ages question Illuminated Manuscript answer term came from dazzling gold leaf to decorate a page the term is […]
Read morequestion multi-focus environments, where something is going on in more than one playing area simultaneously answer created and found spaces question in which of the following is the playing space in the center of a square or circle answer arena stage question elaborate scenery impossible bc it would block view of spectators answer arena stage […]
Read morequestion commitments answer agreements that the entity will hold to a fixed set of conditions, such as the purchase or sale of merchandise at a stated price, at a future date, regardless or what happens to profits or to the economy as a whole question completing the audit checklist answer a reminder to the auditor […]
Read morequestion Defibrillation answer A specific form of direct current countershock that “removes” fibrillation from the heart by stopping all electrical activity in the myocardium so the heart can (hopefully) begin normal electrical operation. question Cardioversion answer A specific form of direct current countershock where the energy delivered stops all electrical activity in the myocardium so […]
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