Posts by Pat Coker:
question #1 cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. answer bronchogenic carcinomas question Peak age group for bronchogenic carcinoma answer 40-70 years (2% of all cases occur before age 40) question How much more likely is a cigarette smoker to contract bronchogenic carcinoma? answer 10x more common in smokers question Why is the outlook for […]
Read morequestion What are the common cancers related to tobacco use? Select all that apply. 1- Cardiac cancer 2-Lung cancer 3-Cancer of the tongue 4-Skin cancer 5-Cancer of the larynx answer 2,3,5 Organs exposed to the carcinogens in tobacco are the most likely to develop cancer. Oral cancer is also a risk with “smokeless” tobacco. The […]
Read morequestion H answer Hydrogen question He answer Helium question Li answer Lithium question Be answer Beryllium question B answer Boron question C answer Carbon question N answer Nitrogen question O answer Oxygen question F answer Flourine question Ne answer Neon question Na answer Sodium question Mg answer Magnesium question Al answer Aluminium question Si […]
Read morequestion CAUTION Change in bowel or bladder habits A sore that doesnt heal Unusual bleeding or discharge Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere Indigestion or difficulty swallowing Obvious change in wart or mole Nagging cough or hoarseness answer Cancer’s 7 warning signs question Most common cancer in children More than 1/3 of childhood cancers […]
Read moreA 32-year-old female patient presents with right arm (dominant) paralysis due to childhood poliomyelitis. B91, G83.21 A 65-year-old patient with a history of lung cancer is admitted to a healthcare facility with ataxia and syncope and a fractured arm as a result of falling. The patient undergoes a closed reduction of the fracture in the […]
Read morequestion • Many developments noted in this chapter oppose this impression, including China’s active participation in long-distance trade; the tribute system, which established ties with China’s neighbors; and the influence of Buddhism on Chinese society. • Also contradicting this idea are the popularity for a time during the Tang dynasty of “western barbarian” music, dancing, […]
Read morequestion Hemoglobin hoe answer Red pigment molecule which gives RBCs (and blood) its color Contains 4 molecules of heme and 4 of globin (2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains) Each molecule of heme contains one iron ion question Normal range of Hct pussy answer is the percent of a volume of whole blood occupied […]
Read morequestion Britannia answer England question Germania answer Germany question Caledonia answer Scotland question Hibernia answer Ireland question Creta answer Crete question Macedonia answer Macedonia question Byzantium answer Constantinople, Istanbul question Hispania answer Spain question Lusitania answer Portugal question Gallia answer France question Helvetia answer Switzerland question Aegyptus answer Egypt question Iudaea answer Israel question Syria […]
Read morequestion active answer activo question tall answer alto question athletic answer atlético question short answer bajo question pretty answer bonito question What are you like? answer ¿Cómo eres? question What are your friends like? answer ¿Cómo son tus amigos? question on weekends answer los fines de semana question to play tennis (chess) answer jugar al […]
Read morequestion El cuerpo answer The body question El pelo answer The hair question La cabeza answer The head question El cuelo answer The neck question La garganta answer The throat question Los hombros answer The shoulders question Los brazos answer The arms question Los dedos answer The fingers question Las manos answer The hands question […]
Read morequestion Aries answer 1. 03/21 – 04/19 (美 [‘eri:z]) 2. the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox 3. My constellation is Aries. question Taurus answer 1.04/20 – 05/20 (美 [ˈtɔrəs]) 2. Constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. It represents a bull that was said, in Greek mythology, to be […]
Read morequestion 1. Adenomatous (most common) 2. Hyperplastic 3. Juvenile 4. Hamartomous (Peutz Jegher’s) 5. Inflammatory (due to Ulcers) answer Types of Polyps: question Precancerous polyp Appearance: 1. Dysplasia (low or high grade)–> hyperchromatic, large nuclei/N:c ratio, less goblet cells 2. didn’t invade submucosa (v. carcinoma) 3. Architecture: tubular vs. villous vs. tubulovillous 4. multiple Danger: […]
Read morequestion Gene Mutations answer -change in the sequence of bases in DNA -effort can range from none to complete inactivity of the protein question Germ-Line Mutations answer -occur in sex cells and can be passed to subsequent generations -can lead to inherited cancers question Somatic Mutations answer -not passed on to the next generation -can […]
Read morequestion Goal for Treatment of Hyperlipidemias: answer – prevent the consequences of atherosclerosis, including heart attacks, angina, peripheral arterial disease, ischemic stroke question Drugs for Treatment of Hyperlipidemias: answer 1. HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors – Statins 2. Resins 3. Ezetimibe 4. Niacin 5. Fibrates question Risk Factors for CVD answer 1. Age: Male > 45 years, […]
Read morequestion Practiced in the 50s,60s,70s Creates a space for client to be heard answer Carl Rogers, Person Centered Therapy question Food Health Movement Safety Rest Order answer Human Needs question When we give our full attention to seeing/hearing/sensing feelings and needs within ourselves + others Respectful and compassionate Doesn’t necessarily mean agreement – reflection and […]
Read morequestion Aaron Beck answer CT was developed by this man in the early 1960s, he focused on the treatment of depression, but now its expanded to many disorders he noticed several things with his depressed patients: – automatic thoughts during free associations – self-critical thoughts, negative attributions – in ambiguous situations, patients adopted negative assumptions […]
Read morequestion The term Òpresenteeism is a corporate business term to describe high productivity levels often motivated by one’s optimal stress level answer False question According to research by Holmes and Rahe, a person who scores more than ____ points on the Social Readjustment Rating Scale is quite vulnerable to stress. answer 150 question This factor(s), […]
Read morequestion What % of the unconscious mind is believed to control a persons behavior? answer 80-90% question a self-sabotaging effect that undermines the conscious minds best effort to make positive things happen answer Unconscious Resistance question _____ is a term best described as a rethinking process about a stressor answer Cognitive Restructuring question ____ in […]
Read morequestion The basic goal of existential psychotherapy is answer to expand self-awareness, to increase choice potentials, to help clients accept responsibility for choosing, and to help the client experience authentic existence. question Finding the “courage to be” involves answer developing a will to move forward despite fears. question The British scolar working to develop training […]
Read morequestion A gel electrophoresis is performed, but when the gel imager is used, no bands appear. The researcher might have forgotten to: (list all that apply): a. add electric current. c. blot with a membrane. e. include an RNA probe. b. add buffer solution. d. include DNA dye. answer a. add electric current. b. add […]
Read morequestion What is a contract? answer 1) Judicially enforceable agreement 2) An agreement that can be enforced by a court 3) An agreement that creates duties and obligations question What is mutuality of obligation? answer 1) Each party has a duty or obligation to perform question What source of law deals with contracts? answer 1) […]
Read morequestion What are the approaches to phonemic therapy? answer 1. minimal pairs 2. maximal pairs 3. multiple opposition 4. metaphon 5. metaphonology 6. cycles 7. language-based question What is another name for minimal pairs therapy? answer minimal opposition contrast therapy question What kind of words are used for minimal pairs? answer Words that differ by […]
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