Posts by Keisha White:
question Public speaking is more formal and planned with clearly defined speaker and listener roles. answer True question Diverse audiences have different expectations for appropriate and effective topics, structure, language, and delivery. answer True question It is unrealistic to try to eliminate speech anxiety because almost everyone experiences some degree of anxiety when speaking. answer […]
Read morequestion What was the name of the main character in the cop and the Anthem answer Soapy question Who wrote the pit and the pendulum answer Edgar Allan Poe question What was the pen name of William Sidney porter answer O Henry question Who wrote the town poor answer Sarah Jewett question In the town […]
Read morequestion connotations answer suggested meanings or associations question denotations answer literal meanings question imagery answer the use of words which appeal to our senses question figurative language answer includes various types of comparisons (similes, metaphors, personification, apostrophe) as well as language as language used on more than one level (symbolism, irony, paradox) question Smells answer […]
Read morequestion foreshadowing answer to hint at or to present an indication of the future beforehand question enjambment answer the continuation of a sentence from one line of a poem to the next question pastoral answer a work that describes the simple life of country folk who live in a timeless, painless life in a world […]
Read morequestion Acetate answer CH3COO– question Ammonium answer NH4+ question Arsenate answer AsO43- question Azide answer N3– question Bromate answer BrO3– question Carbonate answer CO32- question Chlorate answer ClO3– question Chlorite answer ClO2– question Chromate answer CrO42- question Cyanide answer CN– question Dichromate answer Cr2O72- question Dihydrogen Phosphate answer H2PO4– question Bicarbonate answer HCO3– question Hydrogen […]
Read morequestion In his hierarchy of human needs, Maslow argues that some needs must be fulfilled before others become salient. According to this perspective, the most basic need is ______. answer physiological question You have been asked to present a speech. At what point should you conduct audience analysis? answer From the moment you begin planning […]
Read morequestion Who said this? “I am not some preaching farmer with a book under my arm; I am a graduate of Harvard College.” “There is either obedience or the Church will burn like Hell is burning!” answer Reverend Samuel Paris question What traits are shown in this quote? “I am not some preaching farmer with […]
Read morequestion To achieve therapeutic effectiveness, a nurse teaches a patient with chronic asthma to use an inhaled glucocorticoid medication according to which schedule? answer On a consistent, daily basis question A patient with a history of asthma is short of breath and says, “I feel like I’m having an asthma attack.” What is the nurse’s […]
Read morequestion antineoplastic answer drugs used to treat cancers question 4 types answer -cytotoxic (chemotherapy) -targeted antineoplastic (target specific types of cancer cells without widespread systemic effects) -hormones & hormone antagonists -bioloiogcal response modifers (immunomodulators) -different types effective against different types of cancers question characteristics of cancer cells answer multiple mutations or epigenetic changes enable them […]
Read morequestion Accountability answer active acceptance of the responsibility for diverse roles, obligations, and actions of the physical therapist, including self-regulation and other behaviors that positively influence patient/client outcomes, the profession, and health needs of society question Altruism answer primary regard for or devotion to the interest of patients/clients, thus assuming the fiduciary responsibility of placing […]
Read morequestion The results of Oral Mech in clients where Metaphon therapy is used will typically reveal normal structures and functions answer True question What assessments can be used in Metaphon Therapy? answer GFTA2 and KLPA2 question What type of disorders does Metaphon address? answer Phonemic question Metaphon therapy is a therapeutic approach marked by the […]
Read morequestion What did Hester reveal to Dimmesdale in the forest? answer Chillingworth was Hester’s husband. question What did the mariner reveal to Hester in the market-place? answer Chillingworth had booked passage on his ship. question Who asked Hester about Dimmesdale in the market-place? answer Mistress Hibbons question Who told Hester and Pearl to join him […]
Read morequestion The enduring pattern of inner thoughts and emotions along with outward behavior that is unique to each individual is termed: answer personality question What differentiates normal personality characteristics from personality disorders? answer the specific characteristics the degree of inflexibility and maladaptiveness the length of time one possesses the characteristics All of the above are […]
Read morequestion star answer Fast growing market leader question cash cow answer Generates more cash than it needs to maintain its market share. In a low growth market, but product has dominant market share question question mark answer Shows rapid growth but poor profit margins. Low market share in high growth industry question dog answer Low […]
Read morequestion Collaborative Theory answer is a therapeutic techniques that evolved in the 1950’s in Galveston. The originators are H. Anderson and Goolishian. question collaborative therapy answer a conversation that takes place in relationships which stories of people’s lives are co-created and co-constructed through the voices of all who are involved in the system that presents […]
Read morequestion Icon/Founder of the humanist psychology movement answer Carl Rogers question what kind of therapy did Carl Rogers focus on? answer person/client centered therapy question Carl Rogers believed in the importance of _______ in the self answer congruence question Carl Rogers took a ___________ approach answer phenomenological question Freud viewed motivation in terms of __________, […]
Read morequestion Putting up with problems within a system answer Homan says is rarely gratifying and that workers gain professional satisfaction by actively taking steps to promote positive changes. question Agency Philosophy answer Study the agency’s philosophy before you accept a position, and determine whether the agency’s norms, values, and expectations coincide with what you expect […]
Read morequestion You are working with a client and she reports being in a physically abusing relationship. Her partner has been violent with her. In this situation you would… answer 1.WE DON’T HAVE TO BREACH CONFIDENTIALITY IN THIS SITUATION. question Therapists can deal with powerful attractions to clients by doing what? answer 2.CONSULT, GOING TO SEE […]
Read morequestion What is Resonant Voice Therapy? answer Voice production involving oral vibratory sensations, usually on the anterior alveolar ridge or higher in the face. question Resonant Voice is a _______ of oral sensations and easy phonation builds from basic speech gestures through conversational speech. answer continuum question Three steps in resonant voice therapy: answer 1. […]
Read morequestion persuasion answer the process by which a message induces change in beliefs, attitudes or behaviors – not inherently good or bad. question central route to persuasion answer focusing on the content and the argument (explicit) question peripheral route to persuasion answer focusing on cues that trigger automatic acceptance without much thinking (reflective) question the […]
Read morequestion Researchers find that a chemical in a recently discovered rainforest plant significantly reduces appetite in laboratory mice. Other researchers then make the chemical into a drug and test it to see whether it helps obese people lose weight. This type of research is called answer translational question Which of the following represents all of […]
Read morequestion Hydrogen answer Number: 1 Weight: 1.008 question Helium answer Number: 2 Weight: 4.00 question Lithium answer Number: 3 Weight: 6.94 question Beryllium answer Number: 4 Weight: 9.01 question Boron answer Number: 5 Weight: 10.81 question Carbon answer Number: 6 Weight: 12.01 question Nitrogen answer Number: 7 Weight: 14.01 question Oxygen answer Number: 8 Weight: […]
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