Posts by Judith Simpson:
question Name and briefly describe the four Cs of medical malpractice prevention. answer *caring: care about patients and colleagues *communication: communicate clearly and accurately *competence: know your limitations, update credentials, confer with other professionals, stay informed *charting: documentation is proof, chart clearly and accurately. question Briefly describe how practicing effective communication skills can help prevent […]
Read morequestion small business answer is independent (that is, not part of a larger business) and has relatively little influence in its market.Most U.S. businesses employ fewer than 20 people, and most U.S. workers are employed by small firms. The contribution of small business can be measured through its impact on job creation, innovation, and its […]
Read morequestion a flexible tube placed inside the trachea of an anesthetized patient used to transfer gases directly from the anesthetic machine into the lungs answer Endotracheal Tube (ET tube) question what does an ET tube bypass answer the nasal passages, oral cavity pharynx, and larynx question what are 4 reasons to intubate answer maintain airway […]
Read morequestion what is the most invasive procedure in dentistry answer injection question Your professor’s FIRST obligation is answer your dental patients question most common fear in order answer public speaking dentistry heights mice flying question iatrosedation answer smooth talking the patient no 4 letter words question Local anesthesia definition answer the REVERSIBLE lossof the sensation […]
Read morequestion Match the vitamin with the characteristic seen in a deficiency state:Vitamin A answer Night blindness question Match the vitamin with the characteristic seen in a deficiency state:Vitamin B1 answer Beriberi question Match the vitamin with the characteristic seen in a deficiency state:Vitamin C answer Scurvy question Match the vitamin with the characteristic seen in […]
Read morequestion All of the following are general-purpose financial statements except: answer A. statement of owner’s equity B. income statement C. balance sheet D. cash budget question The asset created by business when it makes a sale on account is termed answer Accounts recievable question The post-closing trial balance differs from the adjusted trial balance in […]
Read morequestion Anesthesia is defined as the lack of what? answer Physiological response to noxious stimulus. (May also be defined as a state of loss of all sensation) question What are the qualities of an ideal anesthetic? answer Amnesia, (rapid) loss of consciousness, analgesia, muscle relaxation Suppress autonomic, somatic, and endocrine reflexes, free of adverse effects, […]
Read morequestion cartridge contents answer local anesthetic drug, vasoconstritor, vaso preservative/sodium bisulfite, buffer/sodium hydroxide or sodium chloride, methylparraben/bacteriostatic agent and preservative (before 1984 only) question 1.8 mL or 1.7 ml? answer most cartridges contain 1.8 mL but FDA requires it be labeled as 1.7 mL if manufacturer cannot guarantee due to slight machine variations question 2 […]
Read morequestion What foramen does maxillary division of trigeminal nerve come through? answer Foramen rotundum question Branches of V1 of trigeminal nerve? answer Nasociliary nerve * Posterior ethmoidal nerve Long ciliary nerve Infratrochlear nerve Anterior ethmoidal nerve Lacrimal nerve * Frontal nerve * Supratrochlear nerve Supraorbital nerve question Is opthalmic division of trigeminal nerve sensory or […]
Read morequestion What is the postclassical period in Western Europe referred as? What was its defining characteristic? answer The Middle Ages.The fall of the Roman Empire in 476 question Civilization extended to what areas during the period? answer Western Europe question Which religion will spread along with civilization? answer Christianity question What are some of the […]
Read morequestion **Marco Polo answer Italian explorer who was important in regards to the Mongol Empire. He travelled to the court of Kublai Khan question **God, Glory, and Gold answer The reason people went on voyages question **Compass and Astrolabe answer The compass was similar to the Quadrant but instead of using degrees, it used points. […]
Read moreMolecular Formula C7H16 Average mass 100.202 Da Density 0.7±0.1 g/cm3 Boiling Point 81.7±7.0 °C at 760 mmHg Flash Point -6.7±0.0 °C Molar Refractivity 34.4±0.3 cm3 Polarizability 13.6±0.5 10-24cm3 Surface Tension 19.4±3.0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 144.5±3.0 cm3 Experimental data Predicted – ACD/Labs Predicted – EPISuite Predicted – ChemAxon Experimental Physico-chemical Properties Experimental Melting Point: -24 °C […]
Read morequestion Color gradient answer the placement of people on a continuum from light to dark skin color rather than in distinct racial groupings by skin color question panethnicity answer The development of solidarity between ethnic subgroups, as reflected in the terms Hispanic or Asian American question Borderlands answer The area of common culture along the […]
Read morequestion state capitalism answer system in which the owner of much of the nations capital is a powerful centralized apparatus called the collective state question capitalist answer anyone who owns producer goods or owns a share of some business that produces goods question mixed economy answer an economy in which private enterprise exists in combination […]
Read morequestion Systems of the Human Body answer Skeletal system, muscular system, cirulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system, nervous system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, integumentary system question Skeletal System answer The framework of the body, consisting of bones and other connective tissues, which protects and supports the body tissues and internal organs. question Muscular […]
Read morequestion Containment answer Cold war policy of limiting communism to areas already under soviet control question Lend-lease Act answer The ability to sell land or lend materials to countries who are vital to the safety of the U.S. question Appeasment answer Policy of giving in to an aggressor’s demands in order to keep the peace […]
Read morequestion A. Fib answer atrial fibrillation question a.c. answer before meals question A.M. answer morning question ABG answer arterial blood gas question ADL answer activities of daily living question Ad lib answer as much as needed question ARF answer acute renal failure question b.i.d. answer twice per day question BM answer bowel movement question BP […]
Read morequestion Roentgen answer 1cc in Air External X & Gamma rays GM Survey Meters question SI Unit for Roentgen answer Coulombs/kilogram 3880 question REM (R) answer To Man External & Internal X, Gamma, Alpha, Beta Radiation Badges Rem=Rad x QF question SI unit for REM(R) answer Sievert (Sv) 1 Sv=100Rem question RAD answer Deposited in […]
Read morequestion -Subtraction. – Multiplication. – Division answer Which of the following can be derived from other assumptions about numbers. question Numbers to cardinal numbers to addition to subtraction to multiplication to division. answer The video describes the steps in simple arithmetic as proceeding from question Scarcity answer Which of the following are assumptions of economics […]
Read moreMolecular Formula C2H4F3N Average mass 99.055 Da Density 1.2±0.1 g/cm3 Boiling Point 36.0±35.0 °C at 760 mmHg Flash Point -16.7±0.0 °C Molar Refractivity 15.3±0.3 cm3 Polarizability 6.1±0.5 10-24cm3 Surface Tension 16.5±3.0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 81.6±3.0 cm3 Experimental data Predicted – ACD/Labs Predicted – EPISuite Predicted – ChemAxon Predicted – Mcule Experimental Physico-chemical Properties Experimental Boiling […]
Read morequestion critical thinking answer nursing process question nursing process answer is the systematic method of critical thinking that helps nurses work in an organized, methodical, and effective manner as they develop individual care plans for patients. question by using this process answer nurses gather patient data, and assess and communicate patient needs, goals, and interventions […]
Read moreMolecular Formula CF2O Average mass 66.007 Da Density 1.2±0.1 g/cm3 Boiling Point -83.1±9.0 °C at 760 mmHg Flash Point -74.0±12.9 °C Molar Refractivity 7.0±0.3 cm3 Polarizability 2.8±0.5 10-24cm3 Surface Tension 10.7±3.0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 53.1±3.0 cm3 Experimental data Predicted – ACD/Labs Predicted – EPISuite Predicted – ChemAxon Experimental Physico-chemical Properties Experimental Melting Point: -114 °C […]
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