James Storer

City: Hattiesburg, Mississippi
University: University of Mississippi

Posts by James Storer:

Marketing Chapter 2 Part 2 – Flashcards
24 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Small business saying “locally owned” is an example of answer Positioning strategy question When discussing the marketing planning process, STP stands for answer Segmentation, targeting and positioning question Additional investment to create more opportunities for students to find jobs is related to answer product value question Idea of value based marketing requires firms to […]

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Central Nervous System Test Questions – Flashcards
23 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Central Nervous System Definition answer The central nervous system comprises the brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord connects the brain and the peripheral nervous system. question Peripheral Nervous System Definition answer The peripheral nervous system includes all parts of the nervous system that lie outside the brain and the spinal cord. It links […]

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Foundations of Pathophysiology – Flashcards
23 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Pathology answer the study of the structural (physical) changes in cells, tissues, and organs, due to disease or injury question Pathophysiology answer the study of the physiological (functional) changes in cells, tissues, and organs, due to disease or injury question Pathologist answer – diagnoses disease based upon structural and/or functional changes to aid in […]

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Multiple Choice 2 – Flashcards
22 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question The __________ is the key to finding information in the library. a. general index b. catalogue c. periodicals guide d. encyclopedia e. browser answer B question The library’s catalogue allows you to search for books by a. author. b. title. c. keyword. d. all of the above. e. a and b only. answer D […]

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Human Development Chapters 7-10 – Flashcards
22 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Growing body: Preschool Years answer 2-6 years question By the age __, __ to __ lbs and close to __ in. tall answer 2, 25, 30, 36 question By the age __, about __ lbs and __ in. tall answer 6, 46, 46 question Boys gain __ weight and height than girls answer more […]

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Public Speaking Chapter 16 – Flashcards
22 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What contemporary researchers term credibility, Aristotle termed answer ethos. question According to your textbook, the two most important factors affecting the credibility of a persuasive speaker are answer competence and character. question To create common ground with an audience in the introduction of a persuasive speech, your textbook recommends that you answer show the […]

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The Autobiography of Malcolm X – Flashcards
21 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Where was Malcolm X born? answer Omaha, Nebraska question Why did white people murder Earl Little? answer He was spreading the ideas of Marcus Garvey question With whom does Malcolm live in Lansing? answer The Swerlins question In eighth grade, what does Malcolm declare he wishes to become? answer A lawyer question Who does […]

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21 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question To Twain, the best thing about being a subject was answer having everyone’s attention question How is Simmons’s comment that he could have stopped Twain from attacking the school bully dramatic irony? answer Simmons was not in control of Twain’s actions. question You can predict that Twain will remember the story about the cannonball […]

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Unit 4 US study guide – Flashcards
21 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Early 1800’s British textile manufactures had what advantages over America competitors answer A large pool of cheap labor question What was the experience of young women who worked in New England textile mills in the 1820’s and 1830’s answer They were able to save their wages for later use or to help out their […]

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Medical Terminology Chpt 14 Quiz – Flashcards
20 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Fungal infection associated with AIDS. Involves brain and meninges, lungs, and skin: A) Kaposi sarcoma B) Herpes simplex C) Toxoplasmosis D) Cryptococcosis E) Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia answer D) Cryptococcosis question Slight increase in numbers of lymphocytes: A) Lymphocytosis B) Lymphopoiesis C) Lymphoid D) Lymphedema E) Lymphocytopenia answer A) Lymphocytosis question B cells, plasma cells, […]

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Flashcards and Answers – intro to business
18 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question the process of receiving money in return for lamp shades is answer exchange question the location of a coffee shop franchise in a mall creates ____ utility answer place question A hurricane was coming and people needed plywood. retailers who carried plywood were operating in a ___ answer sellers market question Maria is campaigning […]

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BUSI 380: Marketing – Flashcards
17 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question The definition of marketing implies that ____ should receive benefits from exchange relationships. A. both customers and businesses B. company management C. only the most important customers D. only customers E. only businesses answer A. both customers and businesses question Organizations should define themselves not according to the products they produce but according to […]

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Marketing 101 Key Terms/Definitions – Flashcards
17 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question When buyers and sellers need to find and satisfy eachother (conduct exchanges) answer Marketing Match question Marketing is the anticipation, management and satisfaction of demand through the exchange process answer Marketing question 1) Goods and Services 2) People 3) Organizations 4) Places 5) Ideas 6) Hospitals/Medical Centers answer Marketing can be used for…. question […]

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Week 7 Mastering Chapter 10 questions – Flashcards
17 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Why is penicillin regarded as the first true antibiotic? answer It is produced naturally by the fungus Penicillium. question What is microbial antagonism? answer the ability of the normal flora to outcompete and outgrow pathogens question What is a superinfection? answer Superinfection is a disease caused by an organism that is often an opportunist […]

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Geology Ch. 3 Minerals – Flashcards
17 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Regardless of their size, most rocks are made up of __________. A. synthetic B. grains C. minerals D. magma answer C question Minerals must be solid, have an orderly atomic structure, have a recognized chemical composition, be naturally occurring, and __________. A. be reproducible in a laboratory setting B. made by organisms C. be […]

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Chapter 4 Marketing Management – Flashcards
16 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question ________ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company. A) Marketing communications B) Internal marketing C) Marketing research D) Market segmentation E) Marketing planning answer C question Which of the following types of marketing research firms gathers consumer and trade information […]

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chapter 5 A&P – Flashcards
16 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question each of the following is a function of the integumentary system except synthesis of vitamin C answer maintenance of body temperature. excretion of salts and wastes. synthesis of vitamin C. protection of underlying tissue. provision of sensation. question stratum basale, which of the following specialize epithelial cells are sensitive to touch answer tackle discs […]

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European Ethnic Conflict – Flashcards
16 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What was the political goal of Irish constitutional nationalists in the 19th century? What obstacles did they face? answer -wanted freedom from British rule -created the home rule: idea that Ireland should have its own assembly or parliament, that would have control over domestic issues, but they would still remain part of the British […]

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Marketing Lab Practice Questions Exam 1 – Flashcards
15 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Which of the following is one of the benefits or results of marketing at the societal​ domain? answer Quality of Life question At its​ core, the essence of marketing is to create which of the​ following? answer Connections question True or False: A market differs from a central market only in terms that a […]

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PreAP World Geography Eastern Europe Chap. 13 – Flashcards
15 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What countries make up Eastern Europe? answer Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Moldova, Albania, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Kosovo. question What is the geography like in Eastern Europe? answer Mostly mountains and plains. Mountains dominate in the south. question Dinaric Alps are an extension […]

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bio exam II – Flashcards
15 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question A malfunction in the G1 phase of the cell cycle might lead to answer a failure of the cell to grow properly in preparation for division question What is the fate of sister chromatids during mitosis answer They separate in anaphase and become chromosomes in new daughter cells question When and why does the […]

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14.04 Anatomy Test – Flashcards
15 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question How nervous and endocrine systems differ in (a) the rate of their control, (b) the way in which they communicate with body cells, and (c) the types of body processes they control. answer A) The nervous system is built for quick control and reactions the endocrine system uses hormones which are slowly transported through […]

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