Posts by Gabriela Compton:
question _______ is the process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires answer Consumer Behavior question _______ generally occurs during the first stage in the consumer decision making process answer Problem Recognition question Ilon loves his […]
Read morequestion superō, -āre, superāuī answer v. I overcome question temptō, -āre, temptāuī answer v. I try question addō, -ere, addidī answer v. I add question legō, -ere, lēgī answer v. I read question supersum, -esse, -fuī answer v. I am left, I survive question facilis, facile answer adj. easy question numerus, -ī, m. answer n. […]
Read morequestion what does MMR stands answer Mumps, Measles and Rubella question prophylactic vaccination answer it protects, defend or prevent something like a disease question dialysis answer clinical purification of blood question hemodialysis answer kidney dialysis question cognitive answer thoughts or thinking, learning or memory processes. question decompensating answer deterioration: exacerbation of an illness or condition […]
Read morequestion Marketing answer activity, set of institutions, and processes of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for costumers, clients, partners, and society at large question For profit organizations answer to deliver goods -Tide, Wrangler, Chevrolet, Hilton, Verizon, H&R Block question Not for profit organizations answer private-sector organizations like Harvard University, Presbyterial Church, […]
Read morequestion Independent retailer answer one of a few units under the same ownership, 10 or fewer stores Ex. A small pet store question Retailing answer where all activities directly relate to the sale of goods and services ultimately to the final sale for personal use question Chain Store answer 11 or more stores under the […]
Read morequestion Why was protecting religious freedom a major goal for the Framers? answer In colonial times, many people came to the American colonies for the freedom to practice their faith without the discrimination they faced in their home countries question What two main guarantees regarding religion are protected by the First Amendment? answer Government cannot […]
Read morequestion People Dimension answer Training, job attitudes, and management behavior question Technology Dimension answer Computer hardware, software, data management technology, and networking/telecommunications tech, including the Internet question Organization Dimension answer Organizations hierarchy, functional specialties, business processes, culture, and political interest groups question An Information System answer set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and […]
Read morequestion Market opportunities are areas where the company believes that customer needs and opportunities are being satisfied answer False question A market can rarely be viewed as one large, homogeneous group of customers; rather, it consists of many heterogenous groups or segments answer True question Dominating channels of distribution is one way of creating a […]
Read morequestion Which of the following is not true regarding the Chesapeake Bay? answer it is one of many small estuaries along the east coast of the United States question Human wastewater entering into bodies of water can be dangerous because answer it can lead to cultural eutrophication and the wastewater can carry pathogens question Dead […]
Read morequestion Verb families are called _____________. answer conjugations question Give the 6 attributes of a Latin verb. answer conjugation, person, number, tense, voice, mood question Give the three grammar persons. answer first, second, third question Give the two grammar numbers. answer singular, plural question The stem vowel of the 1st conjugation is _____________. answer a […]
Read morequestion Which of the following is the reason why the international marketer’s task is more complicated than that of the domestic marketer?` answer The international marketer must deal with at least two levels of uncontrollable uncertainty instead of one. question Which of the following is a controllable element in the environment of an international marketer? […]
Read morequestion Adkins v. Children’s Hospital (1923) answer A landmark Supreme Court decision reversing the ruling in Muller v. Oregan, which had declared women to be deserving of special protection in the workplace. question Nine-Power Treaty (1922) answer Agreement coming out of the Washington “Disarmament” Conference of 1921-1922 that pledged Britain, France, Italy, Japan, the United […]
Read morequestion 2nd person singular present answer mones question 2nd person plural imperfect answer videbatis question 3rd person singular perfect answer mansit question 1st person plural imperfect answer respondebamus question 3rd person plural perfect answer deleverunt question 2nd person plural present answer movetis question 3rd person plural perfect answer iusserunt question 3rd person plural imperfect answer […]
Read morequestion A company’s “macro-environment” refers to: answer the strategically relevant factors outside a company’s industry boundaries – economic conditions, political factors, socio cultural forces, technological factors, environmental factors and legal/regulatory conditions question Which one of the following is not party of the company’s macro-environment? answer The company’s resources strengths, resource weaknesses and competitive capabilities question […]
Read morequestion Based on everything you have learned about the formation of our solar system, which of the following statements is probably not true? Other solar systems will also have planets in the two basic categories of terrestrial and jovian. Only a tiny percentage of stars are surrounded by spinning disks of gas during their formation. […]
Read morequestion The years from 2 to 6 are often called “the __________ years.” answer play question During early childhood, boys __________ than girls. answer are slightly larger question ________for one population are not good standards for children elsewhere in the world. answer Growth norms question X-rays of epiphyses enable doctors to estimate children’s… answer skeletal […]
Read morequestion Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest— Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest— Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! answer – pirate’s song, first in chapter 1 and repeated in story – refers to drink, death, and wickedness of the pirate’s lifestyle and their drinking […]
Read morequestion Approximately how long does it take a new driver to reach the driving ability of the average experienced driver? answer 5 years question Each year _________ are killed in motor vehicle-related collisions in the U.S. answer 40,000 question More than _____ of all vehicle-occupant fatalities occur in single vehicle crashes. answer 50% question Approximately […]
Read morequestion Alexandrine answer A line of iambic hexameter. The final line of a Spenserian stanza is an alexandrine. eg: “A needless alexandrine ends the song / That like a wounded snake, drags its slow length along”. The second line is an alexandrine from Pope’s “Essay on Criticism” question Alliteration answer The use of a repeated […]
Read morequestion Which is the correct order for these steps in cell signaling? answer receptor activation, signal transduction, then response question The signaling molecule involved in juxtacrine cell signaling is: answer a transmembrane protein. question Which one of the following is not a cell surface-type receptor? answer steroid receptor question GTP binding occurs on which subunit […]
Read morequestion -algia answer Pain and suffering question dys- answer Bad, difficult, painful question -ectomy answer Surgical removal question hyper- answer Excessive or Increased question hypo- answer Deficient or Decreased question -itis answer Inflammation question -osis answer Abnormal condition or disease question -ostomy answer Surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface question -otomy […]
Read morequestion psychodynamic theories answer view personality with a focus on the unconscious and the importance of childhood experiences question psychoanalysis answer free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts, in order to free psychic energy for mature love and work question […]
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