Chad Lipe

City: Sewickley, Pennsylvania
University: The Art Institute of Pittsburgh

Posts by Chad Lipe:

Ame gov’t ch13 – Flashcards
06 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question Match each item with the correct statement below. You will not use all the terms. a. chief executive b. presidential succession c. Platform d. commander in chief 1. ____ the President’s role as the head of the armed forces 2. ____ the formal statement of a political party’s basic principles 3. ____ the plan […]

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Nutritional Biochemistry Exam 1 – Flashcards
05 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question What are the characteristics of lipids? answer 1. large energy content (9 kcals/g) 2. Can be hydrophobic, hydrophilic or amphiphilic question What are the 5 functions of lipids? answer 1. Energy 2. Structure 3. Steroid hormones 4. Insulation 5. Fat soluble vitamin absorption question What is the Omega nomenclature system? answer # of carbons:# […]

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POl 101 SOL 2 – Flashcards
02 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question Civil liberties are the protection we have that guarantee our equality as residents of the U.S. answer False question The first ten Amendments to the Constitution are also know as the answer bill of rights question the protections we known as civil liberties, including the freedom of religion, were included in the answer Bill […]

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Chapters 1 – 5 Quizzes – Flashcards
01 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question political efficacy answer belief that citizens can affect what government does question citizenship answer informed and active membership in a political community question government answer formal institutions through which a land and its people are ruled question politics answer the conflicts and struggles over the leadership, structure, and policies of governments question Chinese Exclusion […]

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quiz one speech – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question the value of speaking (chapter one) answer – a vital life skill – good for careers and getting jobs – enhances your career as a student (skills learned in a speech class can be applied to other classes as well) – gives you a voice that can be heard and counted, a voice that […]

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PSY 335– Questions – Flashcards
29 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question The increase in ___during middle childhood allows children to enter the give and take conversation successfully answer mentalinguistic awareness question Tahir got up from his nap and said to his babysitter, Mommy gone? example of answer telegraphic speech question Preschool children build their vocabularies at a rapid rate that requires that after the briefest […]

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American literature test 8 Abeka – Flashcards
24 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question James whitcomb riley answer Wrote ” the frost is on the pumpkin” , also known for hossher poets question Edwinmarkham answer Wrote “outwitted” question R.G. Lee answer Preached ” evolution” question Jonathan Edward answer Preached ” sinners in the hands of an angry God “ question Lora E Richard answer Wrote ” eletelephony” question […]

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US History Semester 1 – Flashcards
24 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question The 1820 Missouri Compromise set the dividing line between slave and free states at… answer 36° 30′ question Uncle Tom’s Cabin was authored by… answer Harriet Beecher Stowe question What document changed the purpose of the Civil War from one of states’ rights to that of slavery? answer Emancipation Proclamation question What were three […]

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Shakespeare Figures of Speech – Flashcards
24 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Alliteration answer The repetition of an initial consonant sound. Pickled Peppers, Amazing Animal question Anaphora answer The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. We learned that we had no hair, we learned that we are awesome, and we learned that I am stupid. question Antithesis answer A rhetorical […]

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Speech Unit 2 Quiz – Flashcards
22 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question What “other guidelines” will help you select an appropriate topic for our academic setting? answer All of the above question ___ is a consideration when you think about speaking at a park versus in your classroom. answer Setting question Which is not one of the three concerns you should have when choosing a topic: […]

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Grades for Manual Muscle Testing Occupational Therapy – Flashcards
21 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Normal answer Part moves through complete ROM against gravity and Normal Resistance question Good answer Part moves through complete ROM against gravity and Moderate Resistance question Fair Plus (F+) answer Part moves through complete ROM against gravity and Slight Resistance question Fair (F) answer Part moves through complete ROM against gravity (resistance cannot be […]

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Human Development, Chapters 9-16 – Flashcards
20 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Identity achievement involves a denial of past experiences and childhood identifications. (True or False.) answer False question Menarche is answer a girls first menstrual period. question A 15-year-old girl realizes that the dress she has worn to school has a small stain on it. Her belief that everyone will notice it is an example […]

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Cognitive Therapy – Automatic thoughts – Flashcards
20 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question What are automatic thoughts? answer – Thoughts that occur rapidly without rational analysis – Negative – Based on erroneous logic question Types of automatic thoughts? answer – Arbitrary Inference – Overgeneralization (absolutistic thingking) – Dichotomous thinking – Selective abstraction – Magnification – Minimization – Catastrophic thinking – Personalization question What is Arbitrary Inference? answer […]

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Flashcards About Chapter 5 Psych
20 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question a state of immediate alarm in response to a serious, known threat to one’s well being answer fear question a state of alarm in response to a vague sense of being in danger answer anxiety question experiences of fear and anxiety are often useful when answer they prepare us for action — for fight […]

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19 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Handicaps answer Can be situation specific question Disuse sydrome answer Results from distuption of the normal valance between rest and physical activity, therefor decreasing the optimal functional capacity. question A client’s age is not important when designing a comprehensive therapeutic exercise program answer False question What should be considered when designing a proper treatment […]

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Abnormal Psychology CH 9 – Flashcards
19 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question 10th most common cause of death in US answer suicide question how many people die of suicide each year answer 1 million 38,000 in US question how many people attempt suicide each year answer 25 million 1 million in US alone question unsuccessful attempts to kill oneself answer parasuicides question T or F suicide […]

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18 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question the “foul friend” Christian saw coming over the field to meet him answer Apollyon question why did Christian decide to face the fiend rather than flee? answer he had no armor for his back question when Christian came to the second valley, what did the men advise him to do? answer turn back question […]

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AP English Literature Terms – Flashcards
17 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question abstract answer an abbreviated synopsis of a longer work of scholarship or research question adage answer a saying/proverb containing a truth based on experience and often couched in metaphorical language question allegory answer a story in which the narrative/characters carry an underlying symbolic, metaphorical or possibly an ethical meaning question alliteration answer the repetition […]

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Social Media Final SJSU – Flashcards
17 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question OTT vs SMS answer Social Messaging question is over the top messaging such as Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instant messaging answer OTT question is the same thing as texting answer SMS question when people are exposed to a persuasive message followed by a discounting cue (i.e., a low credibility source/a false tag), people tend to be […]

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Pharm Chp 35 – Flashcards
16 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question A 46-year-old man with a high body-mass index and a sedentary lifestyle has been diagnosed with hypertension by his primary care provider after serial blood pressure readings. The clinician has opted to begin the patient on captopril (Capoten). The patient’s nurse should recognize that the therapeutic effect of this drug is achieved in what […]

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Marketing 3000 Exam 4 – Flashcards
16 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question The maturity stage of the product life cycle is associated with which one of the following? answer -sales promotion question Which of the following is associated with intensive distribution? answer -routine decision making question Which of the following is most appropriate to use when the levels of product complexity and risk are extremely high? […]

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American literature test 7 study – Flashcards
15 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Booker T. Washington answer The Secret of Progress question Ralph Waldo Emerson answer Concord Hymn question Walt Whitman answer I Hear America Singing question Stephen Foster answer Oh! Susanna question Douglas MacArthur answer A Father’s Prayer question Fanny Crosby answer Close to Thee question What is America’s unique contribution to the world’s folk music […]

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