Ben Powell

City: Fairfax, VA
University: George Mason University

Posts by Ben Powell:

Which Of The Following Is A Result Of Forming Strategic Alliances Answers – Flashcards
17 Mar 2016 Flashcards

question market economy works wells, aggregate fluctuations ( govt cannot improve the efficiency of the market economy). answer Classical Macroeconomics question fluctuations in the quantity of money generate the business cycle. answer Monetarist Macroeconomics question determine the change in equilibrium expenditure and real GDP that it generates. (autonomus, investment, govet expend). answer Multiplier ( depends […]

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APUSH Review: Part 10 (Tariff of Abominations to Second Great Awakening) – Flashcards
17 Mar 2016 Flashcards

question Tariff of 1828 answer New Englanders supported the passage of this Tariff to further protect them from foreign competitions, raising Tariffs even further. question John C. Calhoun answer This man argued against the Tariff of 1828 as apart of the South. question The Southern Carolina Exposition answer John C. Calhoun of South Carolina secretly […]

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