AUC: Skin and Soft Tissue Infections – Flashcards
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Unlock answersStreptococcus Pyogenes Beta Lactams or Macrolides
IA? |
Gram positive Chains of cocci Lancefield Group A Catalase negative
Name? Tx? |
Capsule M proteins Hyaluronic Acid Streptolysin S Streptolysin O Streptokinase Streptodornases
Name? |
Streptococcus Pyogenes
Streptococcus Pyogenes
Erysipelas Impetigo Streptococcal Toxin Shock Syndrome Myonecrosis/ Necrotizing Fasciitis/ Gangrene
Name? |
Tender, red, swollen lesions Most unilateral some bilateral Fever, chills, pain, leukocytosis May follow respiratory/ skin infections
Name? CD? Tx? |
Streptococcus Pyogenes Erysipelas Beta lactams or Macrolides
Streptococcus Pyogenes Erysipelas
Transmission? Dx?
Respiratory droplet Direct contact Endogenous spread
Clinical presentation Anti-streptolysin O Rapid Strep Test
Name? CD with swollen lesions? |
Capsule, M proteins, Streptolysin O and S Lancefield Group A Pre-existing underlying diseases (diabetics, cancer, alcoholism, etc.)
Name? Dx? |
Streptococcus Pyogenes Anti-streptolysin O Rapid Strep Test Beta Hemolytic
VFs? Lancefield? Risk?[
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Natural fluorescence (UV) Lactose non-fermentor
IA? |
Gram negative Rod Oxidase positive Strict aerobe
Name? Dx? |
Folliculitis Capsule, Biofilm, Efflux pumps Pyocyanin, Pyochelin Exotoxin A
Name? Symptoms? Other name for it?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Inflammation of hair follicles "Hot Tub Folliculitis"/ Dermatitis
CD? VFs?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa "Hot Tub Dermatitis"
At Risk? Symptoms? Tx?
Inflammation of hair follicle in normally healthy people Combo antibiotics "Vinegar Wash" on affected area
Name? Nickname for infection? |
Streptococcus pyogenes Contagious superficial pyoderma Vesicles --> Pustules --> Rupture and Crusting
CD? Contagious? Tx? |
Impetigo HIGHLY contagious Beta lactams or Microlides
Name? Symptoms? |
Erysipelas Impetigo Toxic Shock Syndrome Gram positive, Chained cocci, Lancefield Group A, Catalse positive
Name? Transmission? |
Streptococcus pyogenes Respiratory droplet Direct contact Endogenous spread
What CDs? IA?
Impetigo LACK of fever or sepsis Anti-strep O test Beta hemolytic Lancefield Group A
Name? Virulence factors?
Streptococcus pyogenes Capsule M proteins Hyaluronic Acid Strep O and Strep S Streptokinase, Streptodornases
CD? Fever or sepsis? Dx?
Exogenous infection Soft tissue inflammation Bacteremia --> Septicemia Pain, fever, chills, malaise, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Shock leads to organ failure Necrosis with HIGH mortality
Name? CD? |
Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcal Toxin Shock Syndrome
Symtoms? Shock? Death? |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Combo antibiotics
Keratitis/Keratoconjunctivitis --> Endophthalmitis Folliculitis Nail Infections Otitis externa Wound & Burn Infections Osteomyelitis
Name? Treatment? |
Nail turns green with secretions Inflammatory response triggered --> nail crumbles Gree colored pus Gram negative, rod, oxidase positive
Name? CD? |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nail infections
Symptoms? IA?
Otitis externa aka Malignant External Otitis Capsule, Biofilm, Efflux pumps
Name? Symptoms? Why is this bad?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Swimmer's Ear Usually harmless Could be life-threatening in older patients May lead to paralysis of facial muscles ; CD? Structural features? ; ; |
Wound and Burn Infections Combo antibotics Hyperimmune globulin ; ; Name? Symptoms? At Risk? |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Destroyed blood vessels limits phagocyte access Biofilm production blocks removal by phagocytes Exoenzymes damage tissue Burn patients Immunocompromised, poor health ; CD? Tx? ; ; |
Staphylococcus aureus; Mannitol positive fermentor Catalase positive Coagulase positive Beta-hemolytic ; CDs caused?; |
Styes/ Chalazion Folliculitis Impetigo Furuncles/Carbuncles Scalded Skin Syndrome (Ritter's Disease) Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Osteomyelitis
Name? Dx? |
Furuncles/ Carbuncles Associated with spider bites
Name? Symptoms? VFs involved? |
Staphylococcus aureus Lesions/abscesses Involves subcutataneous tissue Hyaluronidase and Fibrinolysin
CD? Associated with?
Walled off "marble-like" HARD abscesses Chills and fever indicate systemic disease
Name? Associated with? What are they and do they coalesce? |
Staphylococcus aureus Spider bites Furuncles/boils coalesce to form Carbuncles
What are furuncles? Systemic disease indicated by? |
Staphylococcus aureus Impetigo Furuncles/ Carbuncles
Dx? Tx? |
Mannitol positive fermentor Catalase positive Coagulase positive Beta-hemolytic Wound cleansing, draining Mupirocin (Bactraoban)
Name? Mid grade CDs? |
Impetigo Polymicrobial infection Lacks fever or sepsis
Names of two causative agents? |
Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus pyogenes
CD? Fever or sepsis? |
Bartonella henselae
IA? |
Facultative intracellular Gram negative Rod
Name? |
Bartonella henselae Bite scratch, lick from infected animal
Disease why? Which animal? CDs? |
Diseases are a consequence of intracellular growth Cats Cat-Scratch Disease Bacillary Angiomatosis
Name? Transmission? |
5-10 days after bite or scratch pustules at site which persist for weeks Regional lymphadenopathy
Name? CD? Tx? |
Bartonella henselae Cat-Scratch Disease Needle aspiration; no antibiotics
Symtoms? |
Bartonella henselae Bacillary Angiomatosis Silver stain, biopsy
Symptoms? Blood supply? Risk? |
Proliferative, neo-vascular, cutaneous and visceral lesions Triggers it's own angiogenic factor HIV/Transplants/Chemo/ Leukemia ; Name? CD? Dx? ; |
Bartonella henselae; Facultative intracellular Gram negative rod ; CD? Dx? Tx? |
Cat-Scratch Disease Bacillary Angiomatosis Silver stain, biopsy Needle aspiration for CSD PROLONGED Macrolides for BA; ; Name? IA? |
Nocordia brasiliensis; ; IA? |
Gram positive branching rods Weakly acid fast Member of Actinomycetes ; Name? |
Gram positive rods Weakly acid fast Cell wall contains trehalose dimycolate Found in environment/soil ; Name? CD? |
Nocordia brasiliensis; Cutaneous Nocardiosis ; IA? Structural features? Reservoir? |
Pustules, fever, and tender lymphadenitis Macrocolonies of sulfer granules under microscope ; Name? CD? Tx? |
Nocordia brasiliensis; Cutaneous Nocordiosis Sulfonamides ; Symptoms? Microscopy? |
Nocordia brasiliensis; Cutaneous Nocardiosis Soil contamination of wounds, animal or insect bites ; Risk? Dx? |
Immunocompromised Aspirates show branching gram positive rods which are partially acid fast Macrocolonies (sulfer granules) in exudate Culture shows waxy, chalky colonies in 3-5 days ; Name? CD? Transmission? |
Cell wall contains trehalose dymycolate Microscopy shows macrocolonies Found in soil ; Name? CD? Tx? |
Nocordia brasiliensis; Cutaneous Nocardiosis Suflonamides |
Streptobacillus moniliformis; ; IA? |
Gram negative Pleomorphic rod Forms filaments which appear as tangles ; Name? |
Gram negative pleomorphic rod; Found in the nose/throat of rodents Transmitted from bites or scratches ; Name? CD? Tx? |
Streptobacillus moniliformis; Rat Bite Fever Penicillin ; IA? Reservoir? Transmission? |
Relapsing fever IP:1-22 days after intitial wound Chills, headache, migratory arthralgias and myalgias Nonpuritic rash over palms, soles, extremities Asymmetrical polyarthritis (knees) ; Name? CD? Dx?; |
Streptobacillus moniliformis; Rat Bite Fever Positive exposure Hx Pleomorphic rods in microscopy ; Symptoms?; |
Streptobacillus moniliformis; ; ; CD? Same name as CD caused by _______? |
Rat bite fever Spirillum minus ; ; What other agent causes Rat bite fever? ; |
Streptobacillus moniliformis; Gram negative Pleomorphic rod Forms filaments ; CD? Fever? Cell wall? |
Rate Bite Fever RELAPSING FEVER Cell wall less form can spontaneously occur during infection ; Name? IA? |
Streptobacillus moniliformis; Rat Bite Fever ; Transmission? Complications? |
Bite or scratch from rodent or other animal Untreated causes endocarditis myocarditis and degenerative disease of kidneys and liver ; Name? CD? |
Eikenella corrodens; ; IA? Transmission? |
Gram negative Anaerobic rod Human bites; polymicrobial wound infections,;opportunisit in immunocompromised Name? |
Human bites; polymicrobial wound infections,;opportunisit in immunocompromised Pustules Pain at site, stifness with inflammation IP is a week Foul smelling discharge from pustules ; Name? Reservoir? Tx? |
Eikenella corrodens; Normal flora in mouth Penicillins, Cephalosporins or Tetracyclines ; Transmission? CD? Symptoms? |
; Eikenella corrodens; Pustules ; If underlying disease could cause? Dx? ; |
Could cause osteomyelitis Dx is X-rays showing swelling and air pockets Small, graying colonies that ERODE medium (turn green) Smells like bleach ;(hypochlorite) ; Name? CD? |
Occurs in "Clenched fist" injuries, cancer patients, diabetics, nail biters, and IDUs ; Name? IA?;;CD? |
;Eikenella corrodens; Gram negative Anaerobic rod Pustules ; Risk? |
Candida albicans; Budding yeast and pseudohyphae on microscopy SDA ; Skin CD? Variations? |
Candidiasis Mucous membrane or oral --> Thrush Skin --> Diaper rash, folliculitis Between fingers Under nails
Name? Dx? |
Local inflammatory disease; most damage is bystander Diabetics or those with weakened immune systems Yeast producing pseudohyphae
Name? CD? Can it become systemic? |
Candida albicans Candidiasis YES --> septicemia, endocarditis, and meningitis
Symptoms? Risk? IA? |
Candida albicans Candidiasis
If systemic becomes? Tx? |
Systemic becomes septicemia, endocarditis, and meningitis Amphotericin B for systemic disease
Name? CD? |
Actinomyces israeli
IA? Similar Dx as ____? |
Gram positive Filamentous Anaerobic NON ACID FAST
Nocordia brasillensis
Name? |
Abscess-fibroses --> woody feel, uneven, lumpy Sinus tract formation (maybe granulomas too) Hematogenous spread
Name? CD? Tx? |
Actinomyces israeli Cutaneous Actinomycosis Penicillin G for weeks to months!
Symptoms? |
Actinomyces israeli Normal flora Filamentous gram positive rod Anaerobic Non acid fast
Risk? Dx? Similar to? |
Trauma, dental work, surgery Branching gram positive NOT ACID FAST on micro Presence of sulfer granules in pus "Molar tooth" shaped colony Nocordia brasilliensis
Name? Reservoir? IA? |
Pasteurella multocida Capsule, Fimbrae/pili Leukotoxin, ToxA protein
IA? Reservoir? |
Gram negative rod Bipolar staining Zoonotic, oral cavity of healthy animals
Name? Structural Features? VFs? |
Pasteurella multocida Leukotoxin ToxA protein
CD? Dx? |
Soft Abscess BAP (will not grow on Mac) Bipolar staining - looks like "safety pins"
Name? VFs? |
Bite, scratch or lick of an open wound by an animal Acute inflammatory response Swelling and tenderness after 24 hours Regional lymphadenopathy May become systemic
Name? CD? Tx? |
Pasteurella multocida Soft Abscess Amoxicillin-clavulantate; resistant to Macrolides
Transmission? Symptoms? Systemic? |
Capsule Fimbrae/pili BAP (will not grow on Mac) Bipolar staining - looks like "safety pins" Amoxicillin-Clavulanate; resistant to Macrolides Name? CD? |
Pasteurella multocida Soft abscess
Structural features? Dx? Tx? |
Scalded Skin Syndrome Exfoliative toxins found on lysogenized phage Serine proteases
Name? Other name for CD |
Staphylococcus aureus Ritter's Disease
CD? What are the VFs?
Skin of young children or adults with skin diseases Large bullae or cutaneous blisters Covers entire body in 48 hours FEVER Positive Nokolsky's sign
Name? CD? Tx?
Staphylococcus aureus Scalded Skin Syndrome (Ritter's Disease) Treat infection and shock, no antitoxin used
Staphylococcus aureus Scalded Skin Syndrome (Ritter's Disease)
VFs? Desquamation? Scarring?
Exfoliative toxins - Serine proteases Desquamation of epithelium Returns to normal in 7-10 days No scarring
Name? CD? |
Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Infection through vaginal or wound Quorum sensing induces toxin production SuperAg toxins released into bloodstream
Name? VFs? Endogenous or Exogenous? |
Staphylococcus aureus
Toxic Shock Toxins (TSST): Superantigens Endogenous
CD? How does it happen? Toxin release? |
Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Desquamation of skin after 1-2 weeks
Fever Capillary leak syndrome with hypotension Diffuse macular red rash PAIN RARE
Name? CD? Desquamation? |
Streptococcus pyogenes Patients with current bad disease Similar presentation to a CD of S. aureus
CD? |
Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (M Type 1 and 3)
Name? Risk? Similar to? |
Exogenous infection Bacteremia --> Septicemia Pain, fever, chills, malaise, GI issues SHOCK --> organ failure PAINFUL
Name? CD? |
Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (M Type 1 and 3)
Endogenous or Exogenous? Symptoms? Pain? |
Staphylococcal TSS
Origin? Pain? Rash? Bacteremia? Necrosis? Mortality?
Endogenous RARE pain Rash COMMON LOW frequency of bacteremia RARE tissue necrosis LOW mortality
Name? |
Exogenous COMMON pain LESS common rash HIGH frequency of bacteremia COMMON necrosis HIGH mortality
Name? |
Streptococcal TSS
Origin? Pain? Rash? Bacteremia? Necrosis? Mortality?
Clostridium perfringens Alpha toxin - Lecithinase Fermentative toxins
CD? IA? |
Myonecrosis = Gas Gangrene Gram positive Spore former Anaerobic rod
Name? VFs?
Clostridium perfringens Myonecrosis = Gas Gangrene Soil and human colon
Transmission? Symptoms? Sounds? |
Spores introduced into wounds Begins as cellulitis - mottled (splotchy red/purple) Gas from microbial fermentation of skin and tissue Crackling or Popping sound
Name? CD? Reservoir? |
Clostridium perfringens Gram positive Spore former Anaerobic Rod
Dx? Tx? |
Clinical presentation Alpha AND Beta hemolysis Egg yolk agar (Nagler Rxn) for toxin Empirical treatment Surgical debridement High dose penicillin Hyperbaric oxygen
Name? IA? |
Egg yolk agar Alpha and Beta hemolysis Alpha toxin (Lecithinase) Fermentative toxins
Name? CD? Risk? |
Clostridium perfringens Myonecrosis = Gas Gangrene Trauma, Diabetics, poor peripheral circulation
Dx? VFs? |
Streptococcus pyogenes Myonecrosis/ Necrotizing Fasciitis/ Gangrene
Active VFs? What's different from Clostridium? |
Streptolysin S and Streptolysin O Streptokinase Streptodornases (DNase)
Fluid filled bullae; NO gas filled lesions
Name? CD?
Deep tissue infection - damage to fat and muscle Initial cellulitis followed by gangrene and systemic problems --> organ failure Fluid filled bullae; NO gas filled lesions
Name? CD? Tx? Dx? Is Dx culture? |
Streptococcus pyogenes Myonecrosis/ Necrotizing Fasciitis/ Gangrene Surgical debridement and Penicillin G
Normal culture and biotyping BUT culture often NEGATIVE so test for Abs
Symptoms? Anything unique? |
Vibrio vulnificus
IA? VFs? |
Motile Gram negative curved rod Capsule RTX toxin Cytolysin and other extracellular enzymes
Necrotizing Fasciitis Motile, gram negative curved rod Culture and biotyping
Name? Reservoir? Transmission |
Vibrio vulnificus Estuarine or marine water Direct Contact Eating of contaminated oysters in those with underlying Liver disease
CD? IA? Dx? |
Vibrio vulnificus Necrotizing Fasciitis
Symptoms? Sepsis? |
Infected skin lesions within 24-48 hours after exposure erythema, edema, bullous lesions, ulcers --> tissue destruction and sepsis
Sepsis has fever, chills, dec. BP (septic shock) and blistering skin lesions 50% are fatal
Name? CD? |
RTX toxin forms holes in plasma membranes Contaminated oysters Necrotizing Fasciitis
Name? Tx? Risk? |
Vibrio vulnificus Doxycycline and a Beta-Lactam Immunocompromised are at higher risk of sepsis |