State Council Grants Powers to Local Governments
State Council Grants Powers to Local Governments

State Council Grants Powers to Local Governments

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  • Pages: 4 (1036 words)
  • Published: December 29, 2021
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Article IX of the State Constitution mandates that certain powers are granted to local governments. These powers include the ability to enact mandates, resolutions, tenets, and regulations; acquire real and personal property; establish and maintain recreational facilities; and impose charges and fees. This article was implemented in 1964 through the City Home Run Law, which clarifies local law regulations and provides methods for adopting local laws. Home rule broadly refers to the governmental functions and activities typically performed by local governments without excessive interference from the state. In a more specific sense, home rule refers to the constitutional and statutory powers given to local governments to enact local legislation in order to carry out their duties and responsibilities.

The existing boundaries shall continue with powers, property, and rights.



The mayor in the city will be the chief executive commissioner of the city. This reflects the powers of the office. The subject of liability and obligation mostly exists at the time of charter taking effects for the power.

According to the New York City charter contents of 2003, the city boroughs continued.

Representation of New York City at the State Level

Starting in 1965, the mayor of New York City will be elected during the general elections every four years (Ostrom et al, 2016). The mayor's term will now last for four years from January 1st as a result of power assessment reforms. If the mayor resigns or is removed from office before completing their term, it will be considered as having completed their term in office, fulfilling section 1138 of the act (Andre, 2004).

The mayor earns $195,000 annually and is responsible for appointing deputy mayors whose roles are determined b

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the mayor. The mayor has authority over the entire city, unless prohibited by law (Andre, 2004).

Members of the Legislature House

The legislature election occurs every November in even years. This house consists of assembly members and senators who serve a two-year term with no restrictions.

The lower assembly of the house has 150 members who are chosen individually from each district. The senate has members that can vary in number. The election of members for the legislature house is determined by the seats available for elections (Andre, 2004). The Democrats typically have 48 election seats guaranteed, while the Republicans have 17 election seats guaranteed, unless unforeseen circumstances arise.

There are 14 open seats in total: 7 Democratic and the remaining Republican. Among these seats, 12 have competition in the general election. Republicans need to focus on the 84 districts that have a competitive general election in order to make gains. Typically, this is made possible by the major candidate parties (Andre, 2004).

The Delegation of Legislators in the City

The delegation of power has been a subject of discussion in the United States for numerous years.

According to Ostrom et al (2016), the legislative cannot transfer its power of legislating to any other entity because it derives its authority from the people. The constitution divides powers, with laws primarily enacted by the legislature, executed by the executive, and interpreted by the judiciary (Ostrom et al, 2016).

The Executive

In this body, the mayor acts as the chief executive and receives significant support from the council. Annually, at least once, the mayor communicates with the council regarding financial matters (Ostrom et al, 2016).

The mayor appoints heads of departments and a deputy to assist in

daily executive activities. The mayor also acts as the magistrates with powers over the board of finance, according to local finance laws (Ostrom et al, 2016).

Legislature Versus Executive

The structure of the New York City government gives the mayor the most power within the legislature house. The mayor directs many activities outlined in the charter (Andre, 2004). As magistrates, mayors appoint members of the executive to support the legislature house.

State Laws and Constitutional Features in New York City

Various state laws dictate different duties within the city charter (Ostrom et al, 2016).

The text discusses election laws and finance laws in relation to the organization of the city. It also mentions the political history of New York City and the recent changes in the selection of judges. In addition, partisan elections have been reintroduced with limitations on assisted appointments.

Keen observation of the complex of judicial system in New York City, it will be recognized that the system is not part of the resort. Under the new constitution, the term for the elected judges starts 1st January considering their election.

Importance of Understanding Politics in New York

Understanding of the politics within the arrangement of New York City is found to be important thing since there are have so many changes which are evolving in every day over how the how the government is structure (Andre, 2004). Through understanding of the politics within the city will enable one to recognize the leaders at which position and better protocol which will be resumed in approaching the authority.

Response New York City Government

To see how neighborhood governments can serve you, it is imperative to comprehend the sorts of nearby

governments in New York State. Nearby Government in New York State is exhaustive.

There are 1607 nearby governments in the state of New York, each with its own governing body and taxing authority. These governments were established to enable residents to be physically close to their elected representatives, as travel was difficult in the past. Although these considerations may no longer be relevant in the information age, we still have a fragmented and unsustainable system of governance. Additionally, New York has various other special purpose governments and districts that impact a resident's tax burden.


  1. New York city charter contents (2003) (As amended by local laws 1-72 and chapters of New York City charter city of new York as amended through Printed with Permission of the State of New York Legislative Bill Drafting Commission: (4-698)''
  2. Andrew M. C. (July 2004) local government handbook Local Government Handbook 6th Edition: (1-59).
  3. Ostrom, V., Tiebout, C. M., & Warren, R. (2016). The organization of government in metropolitan areas: a theoretical inquiry. American political science review, 55(04), 831- 842.
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