apush chapter 8 – Flashcards

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Business cycle
The periodic expansion and contraction of production and employment that are inherent to a market economy. The Panic of 1819 that lasted into 1821 gave american's their first glimpse of this cycle and lead to public dislike of banks (who went bankrupt) E
Letters from an American Farmer
Written by French-born essayist J Hector St Jean de Crevecoeur, this document wrote that European society was composed "of great lords who possess everything, and of a herd of people who have nothing" and stated that by contrast, America had "no aristocratical families, no courts, no kings, no bishops" basically America lacked hereditary aristocracy which allowed them to condemn inherited social privilege and encourage the republican principal of legal equality for all free men. (P)
Commonwealth system
Broad system of state mercantilism that included legislative support for road and canal companies, the legislatures passed laws to improve trade(special charters to corporate enterprises and grants of limited liability) forced the sale of privately owned land along road/water way routes (called eminent domain) Aided capitalist millers and manufacturers whose land flooded because of dams basically a system that funneled state aid to private businesses whose projects would improve the general welfare (E)
Burned Over District
The section of New York State near the Erie Canal known for sermons on hellfire and damnation. This area was full of revivalism and reform; crisis and riots broke over the region. This area was so heavily evangelized that there were no more people left to convert to other religions. This area was also where Smith's Mormonism movement began and mormons, shakers, and milliliters found support within the population. (C)
Republican motherhood
meant to keep their husbands on the moral path and instruct their sons to learn "the principles of liberty and government", this idea was embraced by Christian ministers who believed women(the pure and modest) should be "purveyors of republican ethics" to their families and that they should care for their families and be educated to spread republican ways (C)
American Colonization Society
Society that looked down on slavery and bought land in Africa, such as Liberia, that provided a homeland for freed blacks from the United States. Liberia then declared it's independence but no one really complained because the main purpose of the colony was to remove blacks from the country. (C)
Parson Mason Weems
He was an American printer and author best known for his apocryphal stories about George Washington, including the famous tale of the cherry tree. The idea of creating a moral tale to emphasize a character trait was a commonly used literary device of the 18th century. His most common textbook "the Life of George Washington" praised honesty and hard work and condemned drinking, gambling, and laziness (C)
Noah Webster
An American writer who believed education should develop the American intellect. He asserted that America must be as independent in books as it was in politics(republican literary culture) and wrote "dissertation on the English Language" in 1789 which defined words american uses. He wanted things to be spelled as they sounded didn't work but his blue and black speller was famous and helped give Americans of all backgrounds a common vocab and grammar understanding, his idea of a repub lit culture was slow to develop (C)
Washington Ivring
Most accomplished and successful writer in the new republic, he was an elitist-minded Federalist who wrote essays and histories which told the tales of "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", he won praise in the us and abroad and moved to live abroad for 17 years (C)
Established Church
A church supported by the government as a national institution or chosen religion of a state. These churches were occasionally given financial support from public taxes. An example of an established church is the Church of England in England, after the revolution these churches were no longer the norm in the US (C)
A law enacted by the VA assembly in 1782 that allowed individual owners to free their slaves (who had remained loyal during the revolutionary war and who had fought for the cause). Within the decade planters had released tens of thousands of slaves (C)
Missouri Crisis
When Missouri asked to join the union as a state with slavery, Congressman Tallmadge of New York suggested a gradual emancipation of its black residents, but the people of Missouri didn't agree, and then the northern majority in the HOuse of Reps blocked the territory's admission to the union. White southerners were horrified and angry and the southern senators withheld the statehood of maine to get back at northerners. The controversy raged until Henry Clay put together the Missouri Compromise and Maine was allowed in along with Missouri( a latitude was set in the Louisiana property that divided the North from the South (P)
Second Great Awakening
Overshadowing the debates of state and church, this awakening made the United States a Christian society. The churches that preached spiritual equality and had democratic government systems gained popularity. The PRESBYTERIAN (WOOT WOOT) church attracted members because of elder system but Evangelical Methodist and Baptist churches gained the most members because baptists=republican church gov and communal singing, broader than first Great Awakening, changed denominational makeup of American religion (C)
Emma Willard
The first American advocate of higher education for women, she opened the Middlebury Female Seminary in Vermont in 1814 and founded more girls schools in New York (C)
The process of land passing from father to the eldest son on account of the father's early passing without a will. (It was under english common law) but in america after the revolution, most states enacted statutes that required that such estates be divided equally among all the offspring. the abandoning of this idea was supported by American parents (C)
Republic of letters
intellectual communities in the late seventeenth and eighteenth century that existed in Europe and America. They joined the intellectuals of Age of Enlightenment through mutual respect of other cultures and letters to one another, helped shape the American literary scene(C)
Originating in parts of Europe as part of the Romantic movement of the late 18th century; it came to America in the early 19th century and spread quickly through all classes of society. It rejected Enlightenment's emphasis on logical, rational thought and celebrated the importance of "feeling"( a physical, sensuous appreciation of God, nature, and others) came from german and enlish books and actors and preachers. lead to more "love" marriages which were based on affection-fathers became protectors not authoritarian patriarchs. went along with republican thought (C)
Companionate marriages
theoretically gave wives"true equality, both of rank and fortune" with spouses although many husbands still dominated, was love-based, discouraged parents from protecting interest of young wives, lead to more divorces allowed (C)
Erie Canal
Built by the state of New York in the 1820's to connect the state's central and western counties to the Hudson River. Provided a water way over the Appalachians and provided a better route for trade (E)
First Bank of the United States
Issued by Hamilton, The bank was jointly owned by private stockholders and the national government. Hamilton argued the bank would provide financial stability by making loans to merchants, handling government funds, and issuing bills of credit. This bank would provide a stable and respected currency (E)
Anthony Benezel
Quaker who organized the first antislavery society in, it then became the "Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery" in 1787and Benjamin Franklin became its president. He tried to free many slaves and taught equality between blacks and whites and believed it was not consistent with Christian doctrine to discriminate. (C)
Blue-Black Speller
Created by Noah Webster, sold millions of copies and helped people from all backgrounds gain an understanding of basic grammar and vocabulary. (C)
Lyman Beecher
A Presbyterian clergyman and minister who was a temperance movement leader and a leader of the Second Great Awakening of the United States. people had the tendency to sin but rejected predestination-people could shape their destinies He believed citizens, more than the government, had the responsibility of building a better society. (C)
Mother Anne Lee
Founded the Shakers in 1774 by taking followers from England to New York. They were called the "shakers" because they worshiped through crazy dancing or "shaking", She preached to the public and led the Shaker church, which went against the social customs of her time. Thought she was Christ's female counterpart and preached the idea that sinfulness could be avoided by not only treating men and women equally, but also by keeping them separated so as to prevent any sort of temptation. (C)
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