apush ch 14-16 – Flashcards

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Republican Party
-anti slavery -majority is the North
Kansas-Nebraska Act
-(1854) The Kansas-Nebraska act left the fate of slavery up to popular sovereignty (ppl in those territories would vote for or against slavery) , therefore nullifying the Missouri Compromise, and worsening sectionalism -The North took this as evidence of slave power's domination of government, and passed laws to weaken the fugitive slave act -Northern Democrats and Free soilers (all new soil acquired by US should be anit slavery) formed the whig party -Eventually led to Bleeding Kansas -lead to death of whig party and second american party system
Bleeding Kansas
-many pro slavery ppl voted illegally in kansas -series of violent political conflicts based on disagreements over the Kansas-Nebraska act -Kansas became number one issue in national politics 1856
Abraham Lincoln (what is it?, significance, outcome)
-Abraham Lincoln, a former whig who disliked the Kansas-Nebraska act, served 4 terms on Illinois legislature, and 1 term in congress -LINCOLN WAS PROPELLED BACK INTO POLITICS BY THE SHOCK OF THE KANSAS-NEBRASKA BILL -went on to lead the Union during the Civil war as the first Republican president of the United States -In the beginning Abraham Lincoln planned on leaving slavery as is in the slave states, but stop it from spreading any further (gradual emancipation) -He also offered compensation to slave holders for liberated slaves -Eventually made the war purely about the abolition of slavery with his Gettysburg Address, and in acted the Emancipation proclamation, and senate passed the 13th amendment in 1864
-(1854) The Hostility of Native born Americans towards immigrants is called Nativism -This hatred came about after the death of the Whig party, and threatened to swamp the anti Nebraska Movement -The American party (Know-Nothings) consisted of nativists
Know-Nothing/American Party
-party consisted of Nativists and spread negative propaganda about Irish and German Immigrants -Because of it's rapid growth many thought the American party would become the main competition for Democrats -ended up undergoing self destruction, because the Northerners and Southerners disagreed over slavery
-temperance crusade had swept through American Just when Irish and German immigrants were arriving -Nativism towards Immigrants was huge not only because they were catholic (not protestant), but also because of the culture that revolved around drinking -Established Americans saw recent immigrant arrivals as responsible for an increase in crime and poverty in the cities -Temperance crusaders had begun to go into politics, and attack immigrants for drinking
*Parochial School (result of establishment?)
-Parochial schools were created for Irish and German immigrants by the Catholic church to escape the protestant domination of public schools, and the teaching of the bible in school -When American Bishops tried to seek tax support for parochial schools, heated election contests in Northern cities were set off
Bigotry against immigrants (feelings about it, real intentions)
-know nothings were mostly white people who hated immigrants, the main aspect of bigotry -The bigotry/nativist movement swept the Northeast in 1854, during the rise of the Know nothings, have similar effects on the Northeastern Whigs, as slavery did on southern Whig -Many Republicans such as Abraham Lincoln worried about bigotry, saying "How can anyone who abhors the oppression of negroes, be in favor of degrading classes of white people
Caning of Sumner
-represents break down in Democratic Party -violence with in congress- not just limited to bleeding Kansas -increase sectional divide based on reaction to it -north condemned and south supported brookes for what he did SIGNIFICANCE: led to cultural sectional divide between north and south
"Black Republicans"
ones who believed in racial equality between blacks and whites- democratic propaganda -democrats used this to scare whites into staying loyal to them
Dred Scott Case
dred's owner left him military posts in Illinois and Wisconsin territory for several years before moving to Missouri. His owner died so he sues for freedom after on the grounds of his long stay in northern territories WHERE SLAVERY IS ILLEGAL -court sided against scott saying that blacks have no civil liberties, they are PROPERTY -congress has no authority to prohibit slavery anywhere only states can -ENRAGED NORTH- anyone from south could move slaves bc they're property and could move slaves to north where they're a FREE STATE -made north mad bc they were being forced to participate fugitive slave law SIGNICANCE: philosophical issue- don't like that Supreme Court sided with south- slavery COULD expand
fugitive slave laws
-1. ppl in north had to return get away slaves -2. couldn't aid runaway slaves -could face jail time if they broke one of those rules -infuriated whites who were against slavery -showed slavery was a national problem, not just regional
The Lecompton Constitution
-territories were going to vote for or against slavery -border ruffians from Missouri stuffed ballots bc wanted slavery there -when counting: votes were pro slavery even that wasn't reliable bc of Missouri -demanded recount bc it wasn't real but president Pierce said no-> Lecompton constitution -others write constitution w/ recount - Lawrence constitution -there was a mini civil war between the two towns, which foreshadowed that the issues over slavery in the states may cause a civil war SIGNIFICANCE: now 2 different constitutions/ systems in the same state- is that legal?
Panic of 1857
economy fell bc Britain was out of war
"Free Labor Ideology"
ideology created by Lincoln -said that slavery degraded manual labor by connecting it to bondage -slaves work inefficiently and out of compulsion, as opposed to if a free man did their job -free men work hard bc they have to desire to get ahead, an opportunity that slaves aren't given
The Impending Crisis of the South
Hinton Rowan wrote a book proving slavery hurt non slave holding whites the most
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
-The Lincoln Douglas debated about national problems in the context of the dred scott case -Theses debates focused almost entirely on the issue of slavery -Douglas made out lincoln to be an extremist who wanted abolition of slavery -however that was wrong lincoln wanted to stop the spread of slavery, not abolition -lincoln forced douglas to admit that ppl living in the territories could effectively out law slavery by refusing to enforce laws in support of slavery due to popular soveringty -that cost douglas votes in the south SIGNIFICANCE: even though lincoln lost is showed he was a "rising star" in the republican party
The Freeport Doctrine
significant: douglas thought territories should have popular sovereignty (allow people in those territories to vote for or against slavery) threatens to expand slavery- wouldn't make sense prob end up with free territories came up after dred Scott decision
John Brown
-White abolitionist who settled in bleeding kansas -believed he was put on this earth by god to rid the nation of slavery -believed only way to end slavery was through a rebellion -led a raid on Harpers ferry arsenal, and planned on getting slaves to join the rebellion like Nat Turner -John Brown felt this was necessary because pro slavery advocates had demolished the free soil city, Lawrence in Kansas -rebels were caught and hung -Northerners saw John Brown as a martyr/Hero who died for what he believed in -southerners were relieved to see this "criminal" caught -some call this the final straw which led to war
Harpers Ferry
-Harpers Ferry turned out to be unsuccessful, and afterwards John Brown was hung -This gained Northern Sympathy, enraged southerners and weakened the union
Dissenter (why they believed this)
-Two non-Democratic northern justices were dissenters because they disagreed with with the majority opinion for the Dred Scott case and said that blacks were legal citizens in several northern states and were therefore citizens of the united states -They cited congress's constitutional power to make "all needful rules and regulations" for the territories -Modern scholars agree with the dissenters
Herrenvolk Democracy
-Herrenvolk democracy named all white men equal because they belonged to the master race -This was a concept that kept Southern non-slave holders from turning against slavery (along with kinship, and economic interest)
Referendum What did this create and ensure?)
-Buchanan had to present the Lecompton constitution to the voters in a fair referendum (process that allows the electorate to decide on an issue through a direct vote) -This Referendum would allow the voters to choose wether or not the constitution should include slavery or not -This was unfair to anti-slavery advocates, because the anti slavery constitution still gave slave owners the right to property (slaves) -The free state voters boycotted, so the slave state voters won -Southern Democrats threatened to secede if Kansas was to not be admitted with the Lecompton constitution -They revoted, kansas citizens reject, kansas not either slave or free -This situation created hostility between southerners and stephen DOuglas, and ensured a republican president for the next election (1860)
Colonial Economy
The south was dependent on the export of agricultural products and the import of manufactured goods. The south called for economic independence from the north during the sectional tensions in 1850
Crittenden Compromise
The Crittenden compromise was a series of proposed constitutional amendments with slavery by the south -It prevented the abolition and protected slavery -DENIED AND FAILS=IMPORTANT -last straw and south seceded after
"Bush Whackers" (where?)
-Confederate guerilla raiders in the west who made a lot of damage through raids and ambushes and stuff particularly in Missouri (border states)
Confederate States of American
-the lower south seceded -guaranteed slavery in states and territories -gov based off states rights -kept congress from placing protective tariffs and internal improvements -president: Jefferson davis moderate secessionist -thought him being moderate, would help persuade other states to join confed as opposed to radical secessionist
secession (specific people, how do southerners justify it)
-Secession is the act of leaving the union, exactly what confederate states did after lincoln was elected president -Secessionists: William L. Yancey and Edmund Ruffin walked out of the democratic conference and formed the league of united southerners -Southerners invoke the right of revolution to justify secession- like the british-american revolution
Fort Sumter
-When Lincoln refused to remove U.S. troops from Fort Sumter and instead sent supplies on unarmed ships to avoid provoking the confederacy -South Carolina, the new confederate states army opened fire on the fort, and essentially started the civil war -lincoln sent in 75,000 volunteers to suppress the rebellion -No one died in this first battle -NORTHERNERS BECAME PREPARED TO FIGHT THE SOUTH
Border States
-states that remained loyal to the union -very important to union, especially maryland since it bordered washington -fighting happened in the border states -violence
habeas corpus
-suspended habeas corpus -allowed gov officials to arrest confederates and confederate sympathizers w/ out official charges
Jefferson Davis
-President of the confederate states -Failed Miserably because the confederacy was based off of states rights, so the federal government couldn't do much
Robert E. Lee
-Robert E. Lee offered command of the Union army, but then when virginia (his home state) seceded he stayed loyal to them even though he believed states didn't have the right to secede -He later became an important general of the Confederate army -Favored defensive war (waiting to tire out the north)
-Unionist, or people that wanted to stay in the union, and felt that secession was unconstitutional -They feared the belief of European Monarchists that eventually everyone will secede and the USA will be no more
-Although the north was superior in terms of supplies, their situation was much like that of Britain in the U.S. war for independence -they had a harder logistical military task to tackle than the south and less morale -The south had more morale because they were defending their homes, land and family (union only fought for nation, flag and constitution, confederate fought for that and more) and their way of life -North adopted the anaconda plan to strangle confederate resources
most white in south weren't slave owners
-still fought to preserve idea of white supremacy -poor whites aren't at the bottom of the social class if slavery still exists
-The confederacy planned on a short war, so they set aside specie so that a low production of treasury notes would be redeemable in specie at the end -The war ended up lasting way longer than they thought, and so much inflation occurred in the south that before the war even ended the confederate dollar was worth a Union cent. The south disliked taxes and had bad financing
treasury notes (where was money?)
-One of the greatest defects of the confederate army was finance because they focused on using treasury notes -A HUGE INFLATIONARY CURRENCY -instead of on taxation and loans which counteract inflation by soaking up money -Most capital in the south was tied up in land and slaves, so little was available for buying war bonds
Legal tender act
-Made all people in the union take the treasury notes as money and for face value
Legal tender/greenbacks
paper money demonstration of war power -paper currency: "Green backs" issued during war time that can still buy things even though it is not backed up by specie -The value would Fluctuate depending on the status of the war -North used this method, south did not, giving the south greater inflation costs in the end -This led to the modern paper dollar (established uniform national currency by fed gov't)
King Cotton Diplomacy
-tremendous amounts of cotton was traded to europe -75% of all raw cotton in britain came from the south before war started failed -south relied on their ties w/ europe during this war -europe was sympathetic to their cause however king cotton failed -by 1861 british factories had a huge surplus of raw cotton -exports from egypt and india replaced need of southern cotton -soon after the emancipation proclamation became a big part of the war and more europeans agreed w/ that
-a line of ships preventing other ships from passing -Lincoln proclaimed a blockade of confederate ports -blockade so thin that 9 of every 10 vessels could get by
blockade runners
-Fast, steam powered ship were able to smuggle things past the union blockade easily, but the blockade was still reduced confederacy's seaborne commerce enough to convince the british government to recognize it as legitimate -the blockade did limit the south's economy after they lifted their cotton embargo in 1862, and were having trouble exporting enough cotton to pay for it's needed imports
Trent Affair
-failure of King cotton -southern diplomats went to England and northern blockade and arrest them -England got mad but not mad enough to help out south bc Union said sorry to England -if Union didn't apologize, England have might've helped south
Thomas J ("Stonewall") Jackson
-Stone wall Jackson got his nick name fore sticking to his position, and being one of the greatest confederate military minds of all time -Known for "outflanking the enemy" by fighting offensive wars for the south
revolving turret/Monitor vs Merrimac
-used on the monitor, allowed the cannons to fire 360 degrees -Monitor v. Merrimac was a draw because neither ship could damage the other -The monitor brought a new age to ship building (ironclads)
Contraband of war
-Runaway slaves that were not turned back to the confederacy because they were considered "Contrabands of war" -This led to the confiscation act of 1861 in which congress authorized the seizure of all property, including slaves, that were being used for confederate, military purposes -congress forbade return of slaves who entered union lines
Compensated Emancipation
-Lincoln attempted to persuade states to abolish slavery voluntarily by offering them federal compensation -Slave states in the union failed to see the light and rejected the proposal
battle of antietam
-lee's troops invaded marlyand -did this bc supplies were needed- maryland's crops were ready to be harvested at that time -hoped that this would gain european recognition of the confederacy if they defeated union troops on northern soil -bloodiest day of fighting in the war -union victory -over time lincoln had been reconsidering his views on the war and slavery -as war continued and death toll rose, he drafted the emancipation proclamation by waited for union victory to announce it -after antietam he announced the preliminary emancipation proclamation which declared that slaves living in states in rebellion against the union shall be freed, not slaves in states who remained loyal to the union -that secired support of the border states while pressuring them into emancipation -didn't really free slaves in south bc lincoln had no authority over states in the confederacy -however this formed the union's war aims, no longer fighting to preserve union they were fighting to free slaves -would go into effect on january 1 1863
Emancipation Proclamation
abolished slavery in the south
Copperheads/Clement Vallandingham
peace democrat- one who says if south wants to secede let them be- poisoning the country with their ideas like copper heads
Martial Law
-rule by military- think of location- located near Capitol in Maryland and don't want them to secede -can arrest ppl who are against the war and they love slavery -Vallandingham -most arrests happening in Maryland bc wanna make sure capitol doesn't secede -basically control over ppl through military-controversial provides question: is this just?
Twenty Negro Law
if a man owned over 20 slaves he was exempt from fighting in the war -made it so rich men didn't have to fight but poor and middle class did -excluded poor and middle class men because they obviously wouldn't have many slaves
Commutation fee
for ones who didn't want to fight could pay $300 to be exempt from the war or buy a substitute -raised cry of "rich man's war, poor man's fight"
New York City Draft Riots
fueled by -"rich man's war, poor man's fight" bc of communication fee -democrats used this to tell immigrants (who couldn't afford to pay fee) that they were being forced to risk their lives for slavery -after war, slaves would be free and take their jobs -sparked widespread violence in the north -in New York mostly irish group demolished draft offices, lynched blacks, and destroyed areas of the city
bounty jumpers
took advantage of bounty system by enlisting and deserting when they got money. They would then "jump" to another place holding a draft and repeat the same action. lots of violence came out of these drafts
Clara Barton
-famous wartime nurse -founded American red cross
Elizabeth Blackwell
-first american women to earn MD -organized 3,000 women in NYC -made Women's Central Association for Relief -became power house for the most powerful volunteer association of the war- US sanitary commission -showed women also helped out in the war
-the "tide turned" in favor of the union
-lee retreated from petersburg he was low on supplies and men -grant made them surrender on april 9, 1865 -grant was generous, the confederates were allowed to go home w/ their horses -w/ in weeks the war was over
Gettysburg address
the main purpose of the war became slavery
54th Massachusetts Infantry
All black regiment who fought for union in the civil war -before blacks weren't allowed to fight with whites -could soon after, however were separated and had unequal pay -after emancipation proclamation could have equal pay and were more equal to white soldiers
13th Amendment
officially bans and prohibits slavery in ALL of the US
John Wilkes Booth
assassinated Lincoln in theater by breaking into his theater box after north won the war
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