AP World History Practice Questions – Flashcards

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Which statement best summarizes the variety of changes that resulted from people learning to use fire a) fire improved the diet of early humans b) fire made domestication of animals easier c) fire allowed people to use metal for the first time d) fire altered the relationship between men and women
A. fire improved the diet of early humans
The key development that allowed people to to begin settling into permanent communities was a) the use of stone tools b) the advent of the pastoral lifestyle c) the development of agriculture d) the invention of writing
C. the development of agriculture
Why might historians use 8000 B.C.E to mark the beginning of a period in human history a) people began to practice agriculture for the first time b) people moved out of Africa for the first time c) people domesticated animals for the first time d) people developed writing for the first time
A. people began to practice agriculture for the first time
Which best describes the relationship between Paleolithic kinship groups a) because kinship groups were self sufficient they had almost no contact with other groups b) while kinship groups traveled separately they traded goods, members and ideas c) since life was so difficult kinship groups depended heavily on each other for survival d) anthropologists have not yet found physical remains of Paleolithic cultures
B. while kinship groups traveled separately they traded goods, members and ideas
Which generalization best describes where the first four civilizations developed a) they all emerged on separate continents b) they all grew up along seacoasts c) they all developed in the same climate zone d) they all formed in river valleys
D. they all formed in river valleys
The development of classes of people specializing in particular types of labor, such as artisans, priests, scribes, and merchant in early civilizations was most likely made possible by a) the invention of writing b) surplus food c) patriarchal relationships d) trade between groups
B. surplus food
Early cities such as Catal Huyuk and Jericho are important to historians and other scholars because they a) include several famous cave paintings b) demonstrate how urbanization changed culture c) were the sites of the first domesticated animals d) provide the first evidence of trade among people
B. demonstrate how urbanization changed culture
Which of the following illustrates a major change in how human societies were organized as the Neolithic Age progressed a) humans stopped gathering food and began to hunt and fish b) allegiance to divinely approved hereditary leaders replaced tribal societies c) settled societies with specialized skills emerged in a growing number of places d) nomadic pastoralism replaced agriculture in a growing number of societies
C. settled societies with specialized skills emerged in a growing number of places
How did the Phoenicians first use the alphabet they created a) to correctly perform complex religious rites b) to rule their many subjects c) to facilitate their wide ranging trade based empire d) to record and promote their democratic legal code
C. to facilitate their wide ranging trade based empire
Which of the following is the best example of the type of question the Chinese would use oracle bones to help them answer a) why does the moon change its appearance b) why does rain become snow c) how long is a trip form one city to another d) which day is best for the army to attack the enemy
D. which day is best for the army to attack the enemy
The Hittites successfully conquered their neighbors because they a) invented the bow and arrow b) used iron weapons extensively c) were experts in guerilla warfare d) had more soldier than other gorups
B. used iron weapons extensively
How are the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam similar a) they all trace their history to Abraham b) they were all founded in Egypt c) they all began as monotheistic d) they all controlled a country throughout history
A. they all trace their history to Abraham
How did geography affect cultural interaction in the early history of Southwest Asia a) daunting mountains protected the people from invasion b) rich deposits of marble provided areas with goods to trade c) isolation from other civilizations made trade difficult d) lack of natural barriers led to repeated conquest
D. lack of natural barriers led to repeated conquest
Materials used to build Chavin de Huantar are evidence that the Chavin a) traded with people outside of their region b) developed a strong centralized government to rule the civilization c) understood sophisticated principles of construction d) had similar ideas about beauty as the Olmec
A. traded with people outside of their region
Elements of Sumerian and Babylonian culture such as irrigation projects, calendars, astrology, and the worship of nature deities demonstrate a) the influence of the Hebrews b) the importance of the cycles of nature in their lives c) that superstition stunted the development of practical skills d) the inability of those two peoples to collaborate effectively
B. the importance of the cycles of nature in their lives
The Royal Road of the Persians exemplifies a) remarkable advance in technology b) the empires devotion to their king c) skill at managing a large diverse empire d) cultural borrowing from the Sumerians
C. skill at managing a large diverse empire
Egypt's period of stability and prosperity generally happened when Egypt a) was reducing trade with other empires b) was practicing monotheism c) was ruled by a strong central government d) was facing a threat of invasion
C. was ruled by a strong central government
One of the main reasons for the prosperity of Minoan civilization was that it a) adopted the alphabet b) developed a strong trade network c) was heavily influenced by Greek culture d) defeated the Spartans in the Peloponnesian War
B. developed a strong network
Geography most affected the development of the poleis, Greek city states in which of the following ways a) the geography provided an urban center for a region surrounding it b) the mountains separated the regions so that they did not unite under one government c) the unnavigable seas made development difficult due to the lack of agriculture and trade d) the geography assured that there was no contact with other Mediterranean cultures
B. the mountains separated the regions so that they did not unite under one government
Which statement best describes the status of women in the Greek city states a) they were coveted by men as intellectual companions b) they were allowed to own property and to reclaim their dowries when widowed c) they were allowed more independence in Sparta than in Athens d) they walked freely on the streets of Athens without male companions
C. they were allowed more independence in Sparta than in Athens
Athens differed from the city states of ancient Mesopotamia because it a) was a democracy at times b) carried on trade with Egypt c) included a large slave population d) had a religion with many deities
A. was a democracy at times
Why were satraps used in the Persian Empire but not in Greece a) Persia was land empire while Greece was a sea based culture b) Persia was very large while Greek city states were small c) Trade was more important in Persia than in Greece d) Persia include people of many religious faiths while Greeks all shared the same relgion
B. Persia was very large while Greek city states were small
Which of these served the same role in the Persian Empire as the sea did for Greece a) the Royal Road b) the common currency c) qanat d) Persepolis
A. the Royal Road
One way people benefited from the conquests of Alexander the Great was that a) the Greek Olympics became more closely tied to the practice of traditional Greek religion b) the Greek language developed an alphabet that made writing more efficient c) he dramatically increased cultural and economic connections between South Asia and the Mediterranean world d) he introduced the idea of Greek concept of religious toleration to the Persians who had not practiced it before
C. he dramatically increased cultural and economic connections between South Asia and the Mediterranean world
Comparing the Greece of the 6th to 4th centuries B.C.E and the most Hellenistic period following the death of Alexander the Great most clearly illustrates which of the following conclusions a) use of the Greek language for literature and business declined b) Greek art and architecture became less admired and imitated c) There was uniformity of religion throughout the Mediterranean as a result of Greece's victories of the Persians in each period d) Greek governmental unity and alliances declined so that conquest of Eastern Mediterranean was easier for the rising Roman Empire
D. Greek governmental unity and alliances declined so that conquest of Eastern Mediterranean was easier for the rising Roman Empire
In what way were the Minoan and Etruscan civilizations most similar a) neither left many written sources so historians have been forced to rely heavily upon archaeology to study civilizations b) both depended upon large navies to transport goods to Greek colonists located around the Mediterranean c) both joined with nearby tribes to establish monarchies which persisted into modern times d) both shared a similar religion as shown in their art and literature
C. both joined with nearby tribes to establish monarchies which persisted into modern times
The Roman Republic featured which of the following a) Senate representative government rule of law b) Mandate of Heaven and civil service exams c) rule by two tyrants and an oligarchy d) separation of religious functions from those of the state
A. Senate representative government rule of law
Which statement best summarizes how Roman viewed Greece a) Romans rejected Greek religion b) Romans considered Greeks fit only for slavery c) Romans saw themselves as part of Greek culture d) Romans prized Greek art and hired Greek tutors
C. Romans saw themselves as part of Greek culture
Which most influenced trade in Afro Eurasia during the first several centuries C.E a) existence of large stable empires b) appearance of sophisticated navigational equipment c) introduction of the stirrup for mounted warriors d) establishment of the papacy in Rome
C. introduction of the stirrup for mounted warriors
Which statement probably provides the strongest evidence of the increasing influence of women in the public sphere of imperial Rome a) women could not vote or hold office although they ran households b) women could inherit property from their fathers giving them economic influence and some ability to influence politics c) Roman literature has references to strong educated women while Roman art shows the participating in social occasion d) women were allowed to divorce by the reign of Augustus
B. women could inherit property from their fathers giving them economic influence and some ability to influence politics
Edict of Milan and the City of God are significant because they provide the foundations for a) epicureanism and Judaism becoming increasingly accepted philosophies b) the success of the empire as a form of government as the Senate increased increased its power c) the desirability of making all male citizens of the empire when they fought in the Roman army d) the legal foundations for Christianity and the dual existence of church and state
D. the legal foundations for Christianity and the dual existence of church and state in Rome
Which factor best explains why estates belonging to Roman patricians became very large a) veterans preferred living in cities to living in rural areas b) small landowners sold their lands to patricians when they entered the army c) imports began to exceed exports, particularly for grains d) peacetime allowed for lower taxes so patricians could afford more land
B. small landowners sold their lands to patricians when they entered the army
Which statement about the decline of Rome is most plausible a) like Egypt, economic differences among social classes became so small that people lost incentive to work hard b) like Persia, the empire became so large that protecting trade routes became difficult and expensive c) like Greece, Rome began to weaken when new religious beliefs began to challenge traditional ones d) like Sumeria, the Romans failed to develop solid institutions and innovations that would be stable and lasting
B. like Persia, the empire became so large that protecting trade routes became difficult and expensive
Which of the following statements about slaves in the Roman Empire is most accurate a) most slaves came from northern and central Africa and were racially homogeneous b) many slaves rejected Christianity because it emphasized humility c) conditions for slaves improved after a large rebellion led by Spartacus d) slaves carried out the raising and educating of children in wealthy families
D. slaves carried out raising and educating of children in wealthy families
What conclusion can be made about the decline of the Roman Empire a) Rome's ability to resist invaders was reduced by the nonviolent messages of Christianity b) invaders into the Roman Empire came primarily from north and west Africa c) a unified force of "barbarians" attacked Rome from the north d) attacks from multiple directions overwhelmed Roman soldiers
D. attacks from multiple directions overwhelmed Roman soldiers
Emperor Ashoka's sending of ambassadors and Buddhist missionaries to other countries reflected his a) steadfast opposition to Alexander the Great b) determination to rule nonviolently through dharma c) strong support for Hindu traditions d) lack of tolerance for religious diversity
B. determination to rule nonviolently through dharma
The Pax Sinica and Pax Romana were similar in that both a) ended suddenly when pastoral nomads began attacking communities b) were periods of peace when trade prospered c) reflected the influence of a religion that emphasized peace d) lasted only the lifetime of a single ruler
B. were periods of peace when trade prospered
Which of these rulers followed policies toward religious unity in his empire similar to those practiced by Ashoka a) Darius b) Qin Shihuangdi c) Akhenaton and other Egyptian pharaohs d) Roman empires before Constantine
A. Darius
One important contribution of classical India to other societies is a) the belief in reincarnation b) the effective, unified government c) the war chariot d) an easy to use number system
D. an easy to use number system
With which statements would Confucius agree with most strongly a) people should be free to find and pursue their true calling in life b) men and women should share power equally c) treating others properly is the key to a good society d) scholars are less valuable to society than are merchants
C. treating others properly is the key to a good society
Which statement best summarizes the relationship of Jainism to Hinduism to Buddhism a) Jainism is a variation of Hinduism b) Jainism shares all of the traits that Hinduism and Buddhism share c) Jainism shares aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism, but is separate from them d) Jainism is unlike Hinduism and Buddhism in all of its basic beliefs and practices
C. Jainism shares aspects of Hinduism and Buddhism, but is separate from them
Which of the following is most accurate about the spread of Buddhism a) it grew after it began to emphasize the worship of local deities b) it remained closely linked to Hinduism c) it became more popular outside the country of its origin than inside d) it did not change as it spread from one culture to another
C. it became more popular outside the country of its origin than inside
Which is a sign that Teotihuacan had a strong government a) Streets were built on a grid pattern b) Priests had larger homes than did peasants c) Most people were involved in agriculture d) A large fire burned much of the city
Streets were built on a grid pattern.
Unlike the Mayan the people of Teotihuacan lived a)In one large city instead of many small cities b)Mostly in lowlands that were often swampy c)Much closer to the equator, so it was warmer d)Primarily on small farms along rivers and streams
in one large city instead of many small cities
In which way were the Moche and the Mayan similar a)Both developed a system of writing b)Both featured an Avenue of the Dead c)Both emphasized the idea of communal work d)Both saw their power decline when the climate changed
Both emphasized the idea of communal work
Which of the following describes civilizations in South America but not in Mesoamerica a)Both developed a writing system b)People viewed the jaguar as a deity c)People used llamas extensively for producing wool and transporting goods d)People held ritual ball games that sometimes involved human sacrifice
People used llamas extensively for producing wool and transporting goods.
One similarity between the Chavin and the Moche is that both a) Carried on extensive trade by sea with the Maya b)Lived primarily in the higher elevations of the Andes c)Made jewelry and ritual items out of jade d)Constructed irrigation ditches to aid farming
both carried on extensive trade by sea with Maya.
The Mayan pyramid is similar to the Egyptian pyramids because both demonstrated a) the ability of the society to organize a large labor force b) the need to build structures for defense against invaders c) the syncretism between an older and a newer culture d) the value people placed on creating tombs for leaders
C. the syncretism between an older and a newer culture
Which statement uses the term ayllu accurately a) an ayllu was a large community led by one ruler b) all members of an ayllu were related biologically c) women could belong to more that one ayllu d) the purpose of an ayllu was to share work
B. all members of an ayllu were related biologically
By the 10th century what demographic phenomena was happening in the Yucatan Peninsula a)People were immigrating to South America b)Citizens were abandoning the cities for the countryside c)Mayan cities were growing in size d)Diseases were spreading rapidly in the region
Citizens were abandoning the cities for the countryside.
The success of both the Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus shows a) the value of extensive trade routes along water routes b) the benefits of a powerful military for seizing new territory c) the impact of Viking culture on this era d) the drawbacks of selling people into slavery
A. the value of extensive trade routes along water routes
The Seljuk Turks, The Pechenegs, and the Mongols all a) originated as identifiable groups in the steppes of Central Asia b) adopted Orthodox Christianisty through contact with the Byzantine Empire c) fought either for or against the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert d) emerged as military power for the first time in the 900s
A. originated as the identifiable groups in the steppes of Central Asia
What do iconoclasm, Heraclius's choice of language, and ideas about theocracy have in common a) all reflect differences between Rome and Constantinople b) all were fundamentally political rather than religious issues c) all were responses to invasion by outsiders d) all showed the influence of Greek culture
A. all reflect differences between Rome and Constantinople
Which statement best explains why Constantinople became so wealthy a) Constantinople formed an alliance with the wealthier empire of Kievan Rus b) it carried out successful military conquest against the Sassanids c) the use of the Justininan Code protected the rich against peasant revolts d) the city's location on key water routes made it a center for trade
D. the city's location on key water routes made it a center for trade
Which event created a long lasting connection between the Slavic principality of Kievan Rus and the Byzantine Empire a) the building of a canal connecting the Danube and the Dnieper rivers b) the Russian acceptance of the Eastern Orthodox faith c) invasions from the west forcing Kiev to ally with Constantinople to the south d) the Byzantine Empire's defeat of Kiev at the Battle of Manzikert
B. the Russian acceptance of the Eastern Orthodox faith
Justinian and Yaroslav the Wise were both famous for a) creating a law code that was used in their empires b) expanding their empire through conquest c) being the first people in their lands to convert to Christianity d) uniting separate territories into one empire
A. creating a law code that was used in their empires
Which of the following is the best example of how Islam, during and after the time of Muhammad, adopted aspects of the traditional religion of Bedouin culture a) the respect for the ideas expressed in the Koran b) the importance of the black stone known as the Ka'aba c) the requirement to follow the principles of shariah d) the ban on enslaving Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians
B. the importance of the black stone known as the Ka'aba
The division of Islam between Sunnis and Shia was similar to other conflicts in history that began as a) a dispute between upper and lower classes b) a rivalry over who should succeed an important leader c) a battle for control over a natural resource d) a debate over how to interpret a law
B. a rivalry over who should succeed an important leader
Between the 8th century and 11th century, Baghdad became a) an important city in the Byzantine empire b) an important center of learning and distribution of books c) the most important city in the Umayyad empire d) the most important city on the northern Silk Roads
B. an important center of learning and distribution of books
The attack by the Seljuk against the Abbasids in 1055 is an example of a) nomads attacking a settled society b) Persians attacking Arabs c) ocean going invaders attacking a land based empire d) invaders being pushed to move from outside pressures
A. nomads attacking a settled society
Which of the following statement best describes the Islamic rule of Spain between the 8th and 15th centuries a) Spain slowly became apart of the Abbasid empire b) Spain had to fight off attacks by the Seljuks and Mamluks c) Muslims built a culture of religious toleration d) The Battle of Tours marked the beginning of Islamic influence in Spain
C. Muslims built a culture of religious toleration
Free women in the Islamic world enjoyed which of the following rights a) they could speak publicly in marketplaces b) they could participate in dance performances in mixed groups c) they could serve as imams or priest in local mosques d) they could divorce and own property in certain circumstances
D. they could divorce and own property in certain circumstances
What impact did urbanization have on the status of women in the Arabian Peninsula a) their status remained relatively the same because it reflected religious values b) their status rose because they had more employment opportunities c) their status declined since they performed fewer tasks raising food d) their status rose because some joined the upper class or royalty
A. their status remained relatively the same because it reflected religious values
From the time of Muhammad to 1450, which of the following best described the movement of the knowledge of technological advances a) they often began in the Islamic world and moved to Europe b) they often began in Europe and moved to the Arabian peninsula c) they often began on the edges of the Islamic world and moved to the Arabian Peninsula d) they often began and remained in the Arabian Peninsula
C. they often began in edges of islamic world and moved to the Arabian Peninsula
Which factor was the most responsible for the decay of Baghdad in the 13th century a) Islam had lost its popularity in the area b) the city had become overpopulated c) huge amounts of wealth were invested in city infrastructure d) the conquering Turks fought each other more than they maintained the city
D. the conquering Turks fought each other more than they maintained the city
As Bantu speaker migrate throughout Sub Saharan Africa, they spread the use of a) gold and silver b) slash and burn agriculture c) a uniform language d) the Islamic faith
C. a uniform language
One parallel between the importation of bananas to Africa and the spread of rice cultivation in East Asia was that both resulted in a) increased trade with other countries b) a higher death rate from introduction of new diseases c) higher migration from rural areas to cities d) rapid population growth
D. rapid population growth
One difference between the government in Constantinople and the government of Rome was that only the Byzantine Empire a) was ruled by a theocracy b) had a unified body of laws c) traded with more regions in Asia and Eastern Europe d) gave basic rights to women
A. was ruled by a theocracy
One similarity between the increase of trade across the Sahara and trade along the eastern coast of Africa was that both a) developed new technologies that used iron b) depended primarily on networks among Bantu speaking people c) resulted in the spread of Islam d) led to a rapid increase in a new form of labor, slavery
C. resulted in spread of Islam
The most important global impact of Islam coming to Sub Saharan Africa was that a) the region participated more in interregional trade than before b) the Islamic faith became more militant c) religious wars erupted in the region d) diseases indigenous to the African continent spread throughout Eurasia
A. the region participated more in interregional trade than before
Trans Saharan trade shows the importance people in northern Africa placed on a) trading for luxury items for the wealthy b) obtaining iron for making weapons c) purchasing horses for use by farmers d) obtaining salt for preserving and flavoring food
D. obtaining salt for preserving and flavoring food
Unlike the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, the empire of Zimbawe was a) directly involved in the Indian Ocean trade b) linked to the Middle East by trade c) heavily influenced by Islam d) based on trade in gold
A. directly involved in the indian ocean trade
Which of the following situations would reflect the highest status in a Sub Saharan culture during the period of 600-1450 a) a young man who owned many cows b) an elderly man who served on a council of elders c) a young woman who became the 4th wife of a tribal chief d) an elderly woman whose son was the best hunter in the village
B. an elderly man who served in the council of elders
Which best explains why veiling never became universally accepted by Sub Saharan Africans who converted to Islam a) veiling was a custom in Southwest Asia, not a religious requirement b) religious customs usually weaken as a faith spreads to new areas c) Sub Saharan Africa's climate was too hot for women to wear veils d) religion was less significant to Bantu speaker than to Arabs
A. veiling was a costume in Southwest Asia, not a religious requirement
A Christian church in East Africa has been carved out of rock. The building demonstrates how people a) adapt new ideas to local conditions b) modify old structures for new uses c) blend new and old religious beliefs d) combine new technology with old traditions
D. combine new technologies with old traditions
Why are the Tang and Song dynasties often thought of as China's Golden Age a) foreign worker built the Grand Canal and rebuilt the Great Wall b) it was a period of wealthy and stability c) women gained more rights d) trade brought large quantities of gold into China
B. it was a period of wealth and stability
One long term impact of the civil service examination system in China was a) to place a high value on learning b)to reduce corruption in government c) to allow equal opportunities for men and women d) to decentralize the government
A. to place a high value on learning
Why is China during the Song dynasty (960-1279) often regarded as the most upwardly mobile civilization of the time a) gender equality became and active goal b) talented officers were needed to lead the army as they conquered new territories c) Chinese meritocracy rewarded gifted men d) Confucian principles expected the status quo to be constantly tested
C. Chinese meritocracy rewarded gifted men
Which statement best summarizes the influence of the bureaucracy during the Song dynasty a) it promoted foreign trade but it made tax collection difficult b) it made managing the empire more efficient but it was very expensive c) it ended corruption but it weakened the scholar gentry class d) it strengthened Buddhism but it undermined Confucianism
B. it made managing the empire more efficient but it was very expensive
In which of the following ways did China most influence Japan in the Post Classical period a) both countries consistently had powerful central governments b) both countries had military rulers with more power than the emperor c) China's emperors sent scholars to tutor the Japanese emperor d) Japan sent emissaries to China to learn styles of art and literature
D. Japan sent emissaries to China to learn styles of art and literature
One source of conflict between Chinese Buddhism and Confucianism was that a) Confucianism emphasizes accomplishment in this world while Buddhism emphasizes what happens after death b) Buddhism is based on gender equality while Confucianism teaches a hierarchical ordering in relationships c) supporters of Buddhism charged that Confucians encourage class conflict in society d) supporters of Confucianism charged that Buddhist monks made no visible contributions to Chinese society
D. supporters of Confucianism charged that Buddhist monks made no visible contributions to Chinese society
Which is the best example of one way Neo Confucianism represented syncretism? a) Neo Confucians discounted filial piety in favor of an all pervasive soul b) people spread Theravada Buddhism throughout Southeast Asia c) the scholar gentry class began to contemplate the existence of the soul and meaning of life d) China allowed more classes of people to take the civil service exams
C. the scholar gentry class began to contemplate the existence of the soul and the meaning of life
Thought the Koreans had to kowtow to the Chinese, one advantage in the tributary relationship was that a) China subsidized the Korean education system b) Korea and China had a healthy trade relationship c) China protected Korea from Japanese and Mongolian incursion d) the Korean peasantry benefited from the weakened nobility
B. Korea and China had a healthy trade relationship
One major difference between the political structure of South Asia and East Asia in the 6 centuries following 600 C.E. was that a) South Asia was often fragmented under several governments while East Asia was often ruled by one centralized government b) South Asia governments attempted to expand their borders while East Asia governments were content with the size of their territory c) South Asian societies isolated foreigners while East Asian societies promoted interaction with non Asians d) South Asia was dominated by secular ruler s while East Asia was controlled by religious leaders
A. South Asia was often fragmented under several governments while East Asia was often ruled by one centralized government
Which was a result of Northern India being invaded more frequently than Southern India after 600 C.E. a) Northern India developed a centralized government before Southern India did b) Northern India was more motivated to develop a large standing army c) Northern India was less politically stable than Southern India was d) Northern became impoverished from lack of trade
C. Northern India was less politically than Southern India was
The primary reason merchant were so successful at increasing the size of Dar al Islam by moving into South Asia and Southeast Asia was that a) invading soldiers helped them force people to convert to Islam b) members of the upper classes were attracted to Islam's emphasis on equality c) intermarriage with local women helped spread the faith d) Muslim traders exported newly converted African slaves into the region
C. intermarriage with local women helped spread the faith
How did contact with China assist Muslim in the spread of Islam across South Asia and Southeast Asia a) repeated attacks by Chinese military forces in South Asia weaken d the empires there b) Chinese merchant introduced Muslim merchant to the Khyber Pass the historic invasion route into the continent c) many Chinese converted to Islam and became allies with armies from the Middle East d) the adoption of Chinese sailing technology by Muslim traders allowed them to increase their activity in the Indian Ocean
D. the adoption of Chinese sailing technology by Muslim traders allowed them to increase their activity in the Indian Ocean
Buddhism declined in South Asia after a) Islam was introduced from the west b) Hinduism adopted many of its features c) Jainism developed into a separate faith d) Zoroastrianism spread throughout northern India
A. Islam was introduced from the west
Urdu is similar to Swahili because each one was a) spoken widely in the past but no longer is b) developed to help people read the Koran c) created by the blending of Arabic with one or more other languages d) used primarily by poets who were Muslims
C. created by the blending of Arabic with one or more other languages
The surviving building in the Angkor Kingdom display a melding of which two religions a) Buddhism and Islam b) Islam and Hinduism c) Hinduism and Buddhism d) Buddhism and Daosim
C. Hinduism and Buddhism
The Funan rulers of Southeast Asia appreciated the scripture of Hinduism, including the Ramayana and Mahabharata because they a) encouraged ideas of kingship b) encouraged trade with other lands c) respected local deities d) served as a bulwark against the Islamic faith
A. encouraged ideas of kingship
Which statement best describes how gunpowder technology spread throughout Eurasia a) the Mongols transferred knowledge of guns from China to Europe b) European feudal lords developed guns and then use of guns spread eastward c) religious influence slowed the adoption of new weapons among Europeans d) gunpowder was invented simultaneously in China and Europe
A. the Mongols transferred knowledge of guns from China to Europe
How was the influence of Dante and Chaucer similar a) both stimulated renewed interest in classical culture b) both reflected the influence of Arab through in their writings c) both encouraged people to write their own poetry d) both promoted the spread of vernacular languages
D. both promoted the spread of vernacular languages
The hierarchical organization of the Roman Catholic Church (pope, bishops, and priests) can be most closely compared to which of the following situations a) European manorial system b) international trade systems c) medieval universities d) Western Roman Empire
D. Western Roman Empire
Which of the following occurred as a result of the Crusades a) Christians took control of the Hold Land for several centuries b) European ruler were less likely to fight one another of the pope c) many Europeans immigrated permanently to Southwest Asia d) exposure to new ideas contributed to the development of the Renaissance
D. exposure to new ideas contributed to the development of the Renaissance
One avenue of advancement for women during the Middle Ages was a) attending universities established just for women b) joining Christian armies of the Crusades c) becoming administrators of Catholic convents d) exercising extensive property rights
C. becoming administrators of the Catholic convents
Which of the following was an effect of the fall of Rome in 476 C.E. in Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages a) strong nation states with large standing armies developed b) cities, transportation and trade all declined c) Latin quickly disappeared as a spoken language d) the bubonic plague spread rapidly
B. cities, transportation and trade all declined
What was the purpose of guilds in the Middle Ages a) to gain more legal rights for members of the nobility b) to improve and regulate specific occupations c) to invest in long distance trade and shipping d) to organize peasant to agitate for better agricultural practicies
B. to improve and regulate specific occupations
Which statement best describes the relationship between Europeans and the Islamic world in European Middle Ages a) the two world remained isolated from each other b) the Islamic world was known primarily for its piracy against European ships c) both cultures had negative and false views of one another d) Europeans encourage Muslims to attend their universities
C. both cultures had negative and false views of one another
How did the Mongols lifestyle contribute to their military supremacy a) their religious practices made them willing to die in battle b) their skills on horseback made them expert cavalry fighters c) their navigation skills gave them an advantage in naval battles d) swift runners provided communication among military units
B. their skills on horseback made them expert cavalry fighters
What military policy practiced by the Mongols might have influenced cities to voluntarily give up without a fight a) Mongols sent advance emissaries offering payments of gold in exchange fro not going to battle b) Mongols often treated the enemy citizenry better then they were treated by their own leadership c) the Mongols would wipe out the civilian population of towns resisting their advances as a warning to others d) the Mongols bought off the surrounding countries and groups denying the defenders any possible allies
C. the Mongols would wipe out the civilian population of towns resisting their advances as a warning to others
One result of the Pax Mongolica was a) increased transregional trade b) creation of a united Europe c) greater conflict between China and India d) the spread of Christianity in Asia
A. increased transregional trade
The long term impact of Russian resistance to the Golden Horde was that a) the complete destruction of many Russian towns and cities b) the conversion of many Russians to Buddhism c) the improvement of Russia's relations with the west d) the primacy of Moscow among Russian city states
D. the primacy of Moscow among Russian city states
Kublai Khan's defeat of the Song dynasty in China was different from other Mongol conquest because he a) converted to the Buddhist religion of the conquered b) modeled his government on Chinese traditions c) gave most government posts to native born Chinese d) conquered the land, pillaged its wealth and then left
B. modeled his government on Chinese traditions
Which of the following happened as a result of Mongol rule in China a) Chinese literature and arts flourished b) the civil service examination system became stronger c) the government supported the work of the Confucian scholars d) the Chinese emperor of the Song dynasty remained in power
A. Chinese literature and arts flourished
Which of the following was a positive long term impact of the Mongol invasions on Europe a) economic self sufficiency of nations b) the strengthening of city fortifications c) the spread of centralized governments d) improved agriculture techniques
C. the spread of centralized governments
The Mongols nomadic culture differed from more settled western culture in that Mongols a) developed a caste like social structure b) had greater equality between the sexes c) placed a greater value on material possessions d) practiced a single monotheistic religion
B. had greater quality between the sexes
Early American civilizations that believed in animism believed that a) animals should never be sacrificed b) only beings had souls c) physical objects could have spiritual power d) there were rational explanations for all natural phenomena
C. physical objects could have spiritual power
In which way were Aztecs similar to the Egyptians? a) they used pack animals to move animals b) they had wheeled vehicles for transporting goods c) they developed an alphabet for recording information d) they used slave labor to build their society
D. they used slave labor to build their society
What earlier civilization possessed a religion most similar to that of the Inca a) the Greeks during the time of Pericles b) the Egyptians under the pharaohs c) Zoroastrians of Southwest Asia d) Buddhists of East Asia
B. the Egyptians under the pharaohs
Unlike the Mississippian culture or the Incas, the Aztecs successfully constructed a) large earthen mounds b) a city on a lake c) an extensive network of roads d) waru waru to expand their agricultural land
B. a city on a lake
The most important reason the Aztec practiced human sacrifice was probably to a) decrease the population b) advance medical knowledge c) pay their debts to their enemies d) appease the gods
D. appease the gods
Which of the following is a common characteristic shared by the Mississippian, Aztec, and Inca cultures a) organization of labor for massive building projects b) an egalitarian society c) the deification of Quetzalcoatl d) a greater respect for the accomplishments of women
A. organization of labor for massive building projects
Compared to societies in Afro Eurasia societies in Mesoamerica a) did not use pack animals b) worshiped sun gods more widely c) placed less value on precious metals and stones d) allowed women to have less power and opportunity
A. did not use pack animals
A major difference between the Inca and the Aztecs in their treatments of conquered people is that the Inca a) required labor rather than payment of tribute b) treated conquered people more harshly c) refrained from enslaving their captives d) allowed conquered people to retain their culture
A. required labor rather than tribute
What factor played the greatest role in determining a person social status in Spanish and Portuguese empires in the Americas by the 17th century a) commercial wealth b) land ownership c) racial ancestry d) religious affiliation
C. racial ancestry
One characteristic of indentured servitude as a labor system was that a) servitude was passed from parent to child b) it involved a contract between master and servant c) servants had strong legal protections d) it was generally used only with skilled workers
B. it involved a contract between master and servant
What was a major effect in Africa of the Trans Atlantic slave trade a) most slave raiding African groups became poorer because of the competition with other groups b) warfare among African groups decreased in frequency and severity c) the influx of money caused economic growth d) the ratio of males to females became unbalanced
D. the ratio of males to females became unbalanced
Which statements explains why Portugal became the first European nation to engage in widespread slave trading along the West Coast of Africa a) the Portuguese were pioneers in gunpowder and cannon technology b) the Portuguese were more skilled in setting up trading posts c) only the Portuguese were willing to trade cannons for slaves d) the Portuguese were pioneers in naval technology
D. the Portuguese were pioneers in naval technology
Santeria in Cuba, Vodun in Haiti and Condomble in Brazil were all a) African religions that were the roots of todays African church b) African religions that included the belief in spirits that could possess a person c) syncretic religions that combined aspects of Christianity with African religious beliefs d) syncretic religions that combined aspects of African religious tradition such as drumming and dancing
C. syncretic religions that combined aspects of Christianity with African religious beliefs
Which of the following statements best explains why Russian rulers established the Russian Orthodox Church a) to maintain closer relations with Western Europe b) to adopt the religion of most Russian peasants and nobles c) to unify Russians under the belief that the tsar ruled by divine rights d) to maintain closer relations with the Orthodox Church of the Byzantine Empire
C. to unify Russian under the belief that the tsar ruled by divine rights
Which of the following accurately describes the condition of serfs in Russia before the 19th century a) most gained middle class status by paying off their debts b) most were freed and given lands neighboring those of their lords c) most were tied to the land and could not move about freely d) they gained new constitutional rights through successful peasant revolts
C. most were tied to the land and could not move about freely
Russia's expansion eastward to Siberia and beyond created what new trade connection a) export of fur to Europe, China and North America b) export of cloth to England, India and Persia c) import of caviar from markets on the Silk Road d) export of naval technicians to Western Europe
A. export of fur to Europe, China and North America
The movement of Russia's capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg reflected a new period in Russian history marked by a shift toward a) a more agricultural economy b) increased involvement with Western Europe c) greater expansion into Siberia d) more traditional Orthodox religious views
B. increased involvement with Western Europe
In which ways does Russian leader Vladimir Putin represent continuity with Russia from 1450 to 1750 a) he is also the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church b) he is a descendant of the Romanov rulers c) he reflects the Enlightenment ideal of Peter the Great d) he is a powerful, charismatic and autocratic ruler
D. he is a powerful, charismatic and autocratic leader
The Kremlin in Moscow best exemplifies which historical process a) displays of political power through monumental architecture b) use of religious ideas to legitimate political power c) the growing power of local nobles over centralized power d) the spread of Enlightenment ideas across Europe and Asia
A. displays of political power through monumental architechture
For what reason did Tsar Ivan III refuse to pay tribute to the Mongols, take the title of the tsar from the word Caesar and marry the niece of the last Byzantine emperor a) to improve Russia's relations with the Byzantine Empire b) to share power with the Mongols and the Russian nobles c) to throw off Mongol rule and legitimize his own power d) to force the Mongols into a war with the Byzantine Empire
C. to throw off Mongol rule and legitimize his own power
Which of the following was most responsible for making conditions worse for Russia's serfs in the 14th and 15th centuries a) the growing power of the nobility b) the spread of Enlightenment ideas c) the growing power of Cossack warriors d) the rise in demand for fur
A. the growing power of the nobility
Which statement best describes a change in social status caused by the 1795 Partitions of Poland a) Catherine II gained more power to enforce her programs b) many more people were inoculated against the small pox virus c) Russian Jews had to live apart from the rest of the population d) many more schools for girls were established
C. Russian Jews had to live apart from the rest of the population
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