AP euro ch. 12 – Flashcards

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-rebirth of classical culture -spread of art and culture through europe -revival of antiquity
1st clergy 2nd nobility 3rd peasants
emphasis on interest in unique traits of each person -influenced humanism
becoming more concerned with material, worldly, temporal things and less with spirit;l and religious things.
an intellectual movement based on the study of roman and greek classics. caused people to start thinking for themselves and people appreciated human values
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civic humanism
cicero, intellectual and statesman, as the ideal and held that humanists should be involved in government and use their rhetorical training in the service of the state. one solitude, rejected community life, and thought that they should be put to the service of the state
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-revival of platonic philosophy associated with plotinus -associated with fincino who attempted to synthesize christianity and platonism
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-divinity is embodied in all aspects of nature -works of alchemy and magic as well as theology and philosophy
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equates god with the universe and all that is in it
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new monarchies
the governments france, england, and spainwhose rulers succeeded in reestablishing or extending centralized royal authority suppressing the nobility, controlling the church, and insisting loyalty
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appointment of family members to important political positions. derived from regular appointments of nephews by renaissance popes
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lorenzo de medici
dominated florence as the center of culture -grandson of cosmo -very rich and influenced of art and culture
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everyday language of a region as distinguished from a language used for special purposes. stray from latin
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city states
major ones- milan, naples, florence, venice, and papal states -maintained power
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secretary of the council of trent, made diplomatic missions, and saw workings of state craft at first hand -he was exiled after the medicis gained power -wrote the prince: acquisition and expansion of political power as the means to restore and maintain order. - -attitude towards power based on human nature
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christine de pizan
vernacular writer - wrote the book of the city of ladies she denounced male writers that argued that women needed to be controlled by men because women were prone ti evil, unable to learn, and easily swayed. encouraged women to defend themselves
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johannes Gutenberg
created printer by the moveable type encouraged reading and the development of scholarly research
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treaty of lodi
peace agreement between the italian states -ended a war and 40 years of peace -balance of power but failed to be long lasting
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guest to various and city gov -middle ages as a period of darkness promoting classical antiquity -quest for latin manuscripts and transacted monastic libraries
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governed by a small merchant oligarchy that manipulated the republican government cosmo took over
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giovanni boccacio
known for prose using tuscan dialect -inspiration fiammetta -the decameron was set during the black plague -ten people flee to a villa outside florence to escape the plague and tell stories
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printing press
moveable type -spread throughout holy roman empire more job opritunities, encouraged reading and envelopment of scholarly research
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lorenzo valla
educated in latin and greek -became papal secretary and published the elegances of the latin language. -effort to purify medival latin and restore latin to its proper position
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leonardo bruni
humanist, florentine patriot, and chancellor of the city -wrote the new cicero described the fusion of political action and literary creation in cicero's life
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belief that only natural laws and forces operate the world
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borgia family
known for debauchery and sensuality alexander VI used his reign to benefit his childer -known to kill many of its guests
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leonardo da vinci
goal to imitate nature -father of paleontology, and wanted to advance beyond realism - created the last supper where he showed 3 diminutional painting - revealed inner life
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sculptor and artist -influenced by neoplatonism in his creation of the sistine chapel - and creation of adam -david
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filippo brunelleschi
inspiration from the architectural monuments of roman antiquity -created a dome for the cathedral of florence and designed the church of san lorenzo
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geometric perspective
painters emphasized the mathematical side of painting worked out laws of perspective and organization of space
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pope julius II
considered the warrior pope -he hired michaelangelo to paint the sistine chapel -julius anxious
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jan van eyck
-used oil paint to show range of colors and create detail -created giovanni arnolfini and his bride -effort to imitate nature
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francesco guicciardini
wrote history of italy and history of florence to represent the beginning of modern analytical historiography -purpose of history is to teach not obvious lessons and analyze political situations
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humanist that wrote in the praise of folly where he criticized the practices of his society -and the abuses within the ranks of the clergy
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jean bodin
political theorist -believed that sovereign power consisted of the authority to make laws, tax, administer justice, control the states administrative system, and determine forge in policy
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blodassare castiglione
created the book of the courtier- handbook for aristocrats -believed nobles should possess a fundamental native and noble birth, must cultivate certain achievements, and should participate military exercises. have a classical education - modest and grace
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philip VI was involed in the hundreds year war needed a source of revenue -and taxed salt
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sir thomas more
received a good education proficent in latin and greek -wrote Utopia what was the account of the idealistic life and institution of the community (imaginary island) reflects his concerns -
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marsilius of padua
wrote defensor packs in which he denied clergy jurisdiction of any kind and in subordinately them completed to the state -promoted unlimited power in regards to the church -created between the power struggle between pope john XXII and louis of bavaria
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pieter brugel the elder
dutch painter and printmaker known for landscapes and peasant scenes flemish painter
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national monarchy
monarchy that controls all aspects of leadership of a country including the government and religion
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fuggers of austria
german family of bankers when haps burgs defaulted loans they went bankrupt
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ferdiand and isabella
monarchs whose marriage created the union of castile and aragon which formed the kingdom of spain -funded christopher columbus' voyage to find a passage through india
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spanish inquisition
established by ferdinand and isabella. to maintain catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms and to replace the medical inquisition that was under papal control. ensure orthodoxy of those who converted from judaism and islam
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Analyze how Italian Renaissance humanist prompted a revival in classical literature and created new physiological approaches to ancient texts
Renaissance humanist study liberal arts. Many educated humanists, such as petrarch, had interesting classics and went on quests for forgot in Latin manuscripts and started ransacking monastic libraries. Humanism also have a strong impact on the writing of history
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Explore the role that the humanist revival of Greek and Roman text had on challenges to the institutional power of universities in the Roman Catholic Church. Most notably how the focus of education shifted from theology toward the study of classical texts
The revival of humanism during the Italian Renaissance was based on the study of classical literary works of Greece and Rome. Humanists took occupations from other teachers by becoming a teacher of humanities in secondary schools and universities. Others served as secretary's in the chancellors of it Italian city states. I blame in humanist created unstable power and universities in in the church. Education shifted to studying liberal arts in order to produce individuals who followed the path of virtue you and wisdom. Many people such as petrarch influenced many others to find interest in the Classics him to look for Italian manuscripts
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Analyze how the admiration for Greek and Roman political institution supported the revivalist civic humanism culture in the Italian city states in produce secular models for individual and political behavior
The first major intellectual movement that was influenced by civic humanism was in Florence, Italy in the early 15th century. The Florentine enlightenment saw to live up to the rep public in ideals of Athens and Rome. Humanist be in the study the literary works of Greece and Rome. Many fall of the Roman Cicero when studying civic humanism. Brunis. Knowledge of Greek express humanism as well, the Florentine model produced changes throughout Italy and parts of Europe because of their cultural, civic, and economic success by being a republic. They focused more on building. Art and architecture rather than the spiritual world
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Explore the role of the printing press played in the dissemination of new ideas
The invention of the printing press during the Italian Renaissance allowed many new ideas to arise. The printing press allowed for many job opportunities prescribes that we're no longer in business. Since the Bible is printed first is religious ideals spread throughout Europe. The printing of books acreage the development of scholarly research and the desire to retain knowledge. Let in the Greek classics, medieval grammars, legal handbooks, what's the philosophy, and romances also were spread across Europe
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Explore the impact of vernacular language on development of national cultures
The development of vernacular allows many writers to express their ideas in their native language. At the beginning many writers wrote about the pain that the black death has caught had caused. Some people such as christine de pizan expressed her feminist beliefs on the way men treated women. Chaucer even used vernacular to criticize the corruption of the church. Vernacular made Renaissance traced back to its Latin roots through humanism
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Analissa visual arts Inc. new ideas of the Renaissance and how they were used to promote personal, political, and religious goals
Visual art depicted nature, landscape, geometry, and perspective through humanism. Three-dimensional and Ideal figures arose as well. Just by ones stature in visual art many could tell deep emotions. Greek and Roman mythology was reflected in famous works such as Primavera. Many artists use art to show various religious scenes. When he became patrons of the arts to improve their political and social status
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Compare the renaissance to the late medieval period
The Renaissance florist in art and culture where the late Middle Ages were characterized by famines and plagues. The late Middle Ages were a period of darkness that resulted in death in war (hundred years war )The renaissance is considered a rebirth in with it emerged many talented artists in new philosophies
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Analyze how the influence of the classics in growing trade brought in the views of renaissance citizens
Vernacular writing expanded many peoples views on literature. When many philosophers such as Petrich begin to revive the classic they created a broad spectrum for stores to study. The classics mostly revolves around my name rather than studying multiple languages
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Compare the political structures in form from region to region, and Renaissance Europe.
In some regions of your up their political structures revolver and kings and others revolver and Popes the state system established in Europe consisting of the first to say, the clergy, the second is the, the nobility, and the third estate, the peasants. The city states were run by Dukes, princess, accounts, and lords. They ruled without a representative body but relied on other lords in merchants for support. Monarchies we're stronger institutions that would typically passed down for generations but others were elected
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Compare medieval and Renaissance art
Medieval art focused on three-dimensional painting, pain in death, realism within nature, realistic figures, in solid in rounded figures.gitto was the star artist of the middle ages. Renaissance art was also three-dimensional, characterized by humanism, individualism, and secularism, involves nature in landscape, geometric perspective, involved mythology, and created realistic, detailed, an ideal bodies. The leaders of this period We're Rafael, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo
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Compare Northern Renaissance in Italian Renaissance
Within the Italian Renaissance the subject matter consisted of mythology and religious scenes. It was known for emphasizing nature, perspective, emotion, and body structure. A great danger of this period Was Michael Angelo. The Northern Renaissance subject matter consisted of portraits in religious scenes. Is. Was centered around detail and naturalism. A great artist of this period was jan van eyck utilizing oil paint
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What characteristics distinguish the Renaissance from the middle ages
The Middle Ages were characterized as a period of darkness. Much of the Middle Ages revolves around the church while the Renaissance was characterized by art and culture. The Renaissance emerged three-dimensional art, geometric perspective, an incredible detail. middle age literature was written in Latin while Renaissance literature it was written in vernacular in the middle ages the church was over the church well in the Renaissance the state was over the church
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What major social changes occurred during the renaissance
Throughout the Renaissance many social changes occurred, lack of attachments occurred because of frequent death during birth in age differences. Most marriages were arranged and they were motivated by economic gain. Serfdom was at an all-time low, the high population increased socially and economically and some urban communities, and a decline in income came to Nobles with Land because the peasants became free
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How did Machiavelli's works reflect the political realities of the Renaissance Italy
Machiavelli went against the ethical values of Christianity and was one of the first to go against morality. In his words he made many decisions based off his diplomatic missions. In the prince is political ideas stems from his preoccupation with Italy is political problems and his knowledge of ancient Rome
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What was humanism, and what effect did it have on the philosophy, education, attitudes toward politics, in the writing of history?
Humanism is a deep interest in human values through the study of Liberal arts. Through philosophy humanism cause people to view life in a new perspective. Many students begin to study at humanistic schools. Education was based on liberal studies which followed a path of virtue and wisdom in possessed rhetorical skills. Politics changed because humanists wanted the government to focus on the people more specifically. The writing of history change because he with this believe that classical civilization had been followed by an age of barbarianism. Greater attention was paid to political events and forces that affected their city states
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What were the chief characteristics of renaissance art, and how did it different Italy in northern Europe
Realism, imitation of nature in landscape, an emphasis on humanistic values were some sort of major characteristics of renaissance art. In northern Europe many painters leave an emphasis on religion was vital although in Italy expression was important towards the perfect human form, do you miss your perspective, and potrayal in a realistic setting
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Why do you historian sometimes referred to the monarchies of the late 15th century as a new monarchy or renaissance states
Monarchies of the late 15th century have been labeled renaissance states or new monarchies an attempt to reestablish a monarchical government as a source of power
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What were the policies of the Renaissance Popes, and what impacted those policies have on the Catholic Church
The policies of the Renaissance Popes were based on the can secure the movement. This movement attempted to eliminate the corruption of popes by taking their land. Over a series of time popes begin to get angry and finally issued their power over the Catholic Church
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How did renaissance are in the humanist movement reflect the political, economic, and social development of the period
Art in humanist movement reflected events of the time. And focused on benefiting the people. Many sought to view issues in in a secular and realistic way
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What was the pattern of political development in Renaissance Italy
Political development in Italy stems from new monarchy is rather than an independent city states. The prince by Machiavelli express the issues of the expanding political policies in order to maintain order
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What new political practices did the Italians contribute to Europe, and how are these new political practices reflected in the works of Machiavelli
Ambassadors were created as a resident diplomat the Renaissance Italy. Ambassadors lives in other nations and sent back information to their own country. Throughout the prince Machiavelli reflected in his beliefs by abandoning morality is the focus of political activity
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What what is the relationship between Italian Renaissance humanism in Italian Renaissance art
Many aspects of the Italian Renaissance were based off of realism, individualism, Neoplatonism, and secularism. Art based on the Elizabeth trade a detailed in real estate for the emphasizing the human form it's potential. Individualism also sought to show humans capable of making their own independent thoughts. Neoplatonism was based off the translation of Plato in the exposition of platonic philosophy. Secularism replace Christian figures with regular people as the focus of the work. Secularism is well expressed in the school of Athens by Raphael
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