AP Art History Pacific Pictures – Flashcards
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Female deity. Nukuoro, Micronesia. c. 18th to 19th century C.E. Wood.
N: Female Deity D: 18th to 19th century P/S: Pacific Art A: unknown PA: unknown OL: Nukuoro, Micronesia M: breadfruit tree (wood) T: Carving, these figurines were of smaller statrue and most likey required experice to achieve lines on the Deity. F: The figurine is known to have been used in religious cerimonies. However the specific type of cerimony is unknown. Some speculation suggest they may have been used in fertility ceremonies. placed in temples and decorated with loom-woven bands, fine mats, feathers, paint, or headdresses. its supposed to guide the spirits; "guardian angel" statue. C: Only 20 left in the world. The Female Deity is shown with many protruding areas from the elbows, shoulders, and breasts. It could be argued that they focused on the functino over the form. Keeping the visual effects simple; has a columnar neck; shoulders sloped down and chest indicated by a line; each figurine had the name of a specific male or female deity associated with a particular extended family group; during this ceremony, the harvested fruits and food were offered and brought to these sculptures; they were considered a resting place for god or a deified ancestral spirit; this specific figurine depicts the goddess of the sewake clan; it's 7 feet tall; she has a tattoo on her private area; feet are too decayed; stylized pierced ears and chin but no other facial features DT: Protudring areas, simple, stiff, rigid M: represents a strong force in social life; death and memory height 220 cm (7 ft)
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Moai on platform (ahu). Rapa Nui (Easter Island). c. 1100-1600 C.E. Volcanic tuff figures on basalt base.
N: Moai on platform D: 1100-1600 C.E. OL: Rapa Nui, Easter Island M: made of basalt T: carved from pics P: polynesia S: monolith; statues C: one of the earliest datable artworks in oceania and are also the largest; monumental sculptures; 50 ft tall and weighs 4 tons; most of the moai of huge blocky figures with fairly planar facial features: large staring eyes, strong jaw, straight nose with carefully articulated nostrils and elongated ear lobes; a number of moai have pukao (small red scoriac, a local volcanic stone cylinders that serve as a sort of top knot or hat); moarian platform; backs are facing the sea; 900 statues are still there F: carved to commemorate ancestors; the backs are facing the sea so that they could keep watch over the island; represents power; many scholars believe lineage chiefs of their sons erected the moai and sculptures depict ancestral chiefs; Easter Islanders believed they had the ability to accommodate spirits or gods; statues mediate between chiefs and gods along with between the natural and cosmic worlds; burial; sacred
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Buk (mask). Torres Strait. Mid- to late 19th century C.E. Turtle shell, wood, fiber, feathers, and shell.
N: Buk (mask) D: Mid to Late 19th century P/S: N/A A: Torres Strait Islander people Pa: Elders of the Torres strait society OL: Mabuiag Island, Torres Strait, Australia M: Turtle shell, wood, fiber, frigate bird feathers, shell T: hand-crafted and unique to ceremony F: Turtle-shell masks in the western Torres Strait reportedly were used during funerary ceremonies and increase rites (rituals designed to ensure bountiful harvests and an abundance of fish and game). ritual; this is worn over the head like a mask; used for male initiation; funerary rights C: The ceremonies often involved performances in which senior men, wearing the masks together with rustling costumes of grass, reenacted events from the lives of culture-heroes, drawn from local oral tradition. Divided into 3 registers: bottom (human face), middle (body of a bird), top (feathers); face has a raffia attached to it= hair; part of an elaborate costume used in a masquerade and people would dance wearing the mask; bird can be seen as a totem; width=25 in; mask made from turtle shell; DT: Rough, made of native materials, resembles totem pole M: This work displays the composite human and animal imagery typical of western Torres Strait masks, and provides insight on the beliefs/religion of the islanders at the time.; depicts a human face portraying a culture hero; surmounted by frigate bird representing his personal totemic species;
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Malagan display and mask. New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea. c. 20th century C.E. Wood, pigment, fiber, and shell.
N: Malagan display and mask D: c. 20th Century C.E. T: hand painted P/S: Tribal Art/ Ceremonial Art A: Unknown Pa: None OL: New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea M: Wood, Pigment, Fiber, and Shell T: Weaving, Figure-making, free-hand painting F: To serve as visual part of ceremony in which the dead are celebrated and assisted in their transition to the spiritual realm, the ceremonies length can be from months to years so sturdy materials for elaborate structures can withstand long time frame; centered on honoring the dead C: The culture behind the Malagan display and mask greatly treasure ancestry and the soul/life force of an individual which is what is often portrayed in these displays. They also believe that their loved ones spirits enter into the Malagan so these pieces are treated with the upmost care until they are no longer needed. Once they are no longer needed they are often burned in fear of confusing other spirits trying to find their way. New Ireland has 19 islets. the ceremonies held can last from months to years. once the soul leaves the mask they burn it. it had both men and women genitalia. DT: Natural, mystical, elaborate, large, complex, interwoven, cohesive. M: These pieces serve to represent the deceased's souls in our world and the ceremonies help to push them on to the spirit world. Also because of the cultures sense of community and familial values we also see it as a way for the entire village to mourn and to publically display the death of a family member. The Malagan, lastly, are very substantial in displaying class because more powerful people were made grander structures and masks. the ceremonies that are held sent the souls of the deceased to the dead. they are intended to represent individual's souls.
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Nan Madol. Pohnpei, Micronesia. Saudeleur Dynasty. c. 700-1600 C.E. Basalt boulders and prismatic columns.
N: Nan Madol D: 700-1600 C.E. T: man-made; islets were constructed by placing large rocks and fill a top submerged coral reefs to form raised platforms supporting elaborate residential and ceremonial complexes M: complexes were built from columnar basalt, a volcanic rock that breaks away naturally to form massive rodlike blocks that make an ideal building material; prismatic structures F: center of religion; mortuary; ritual; ceremonial for the ruling chiefs of the saudeleur dynasty; break walls for canals; protect the city from the ocean; administrative and ceremonial center C: highly stratified social system; home to thousands; earliest known place for such centralized political power in the western pacific; the larger homes are made for the chiefs showing the social hierarchy; there are shallow lagoons; there are walls to protect from the ocean; 92 artificial islands covering covering 170 acres; sea walls are 17 ft high and 35 ft wide; break walls are for the canals; they are reflective of the king; islands are arranged for the winds; had a cubical tomb
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Processional welcoming Queen Elizabeth II to Tonga with Ngatu launima (tapa cloth). Tonga, central Polynesia. 1953 C.E. Multimedia performance (costume; cosmetics, including scent; chant; movement; and pandanus fiber/hibiscus fiber mats), photographic documentation.
N: Processional Welcoming Queen Elizabeth II to Tonga with Ngatu launima (tapa cloth) D: 1953 C.E. P/S: Modern Art/ Video Art A: Unknown Pa: None OL: Tonga, Central Polynesia M: Multimedia performance (costume; cosmetics, including scent; chant; movement; and pandanus fiber/ hibiscus fiber mats), photographic documentation. made ngatu with bark cloth. T: Photography, documentation. F: To show respect and gratitude towards Queen Elizabeth II for visiting Tonga and for commemorating the war memorial. Also I believe this served as a way of the two countries signaling their alliance and partnership. idol and spiritual. used for funerals. banner sometimes used to decorate graves. queen visited in 1953. the ngatu was placed under the body of the queen. C: During both world wars the people of Tonga and England have fought for same cause and have even assisted each other at times so in order to so union between two countries English royal family visits Tonga for the first time and honors those who died in the line of duty. made bark cloth for queens (it had hand painted decoration on cloth) DT: Elaborate, native, unique, representative, grand-scale, natural M: The meaning behind the display involves along lasting peace agreement between both queens and Queen Elizabeth's desire to thank those who served, fought, and died in World War II, is what inspirers her arrival. Because it was the first time any English Queen had stepped foot onto the island so it is a celebration of many years of peace and common cause in the war efforts.
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Hiapo (tapa). Niue. c. 1850-1900 C.E. Tapa or bark cloth, freehand painting.
N: Hiapo (tapa) D: 1850-1900 C.E. P/S: Pacific Art A: Unknown P: polynesia OL: unknown (somewhere in the Pacific islands) M: Tapa or bark cloth S: distinctive and iconography T: Freehand painting on the cloth. The tribe's people would beat the cloth after weaving to strengthen bonds. F: The Pacific Islanders were known for wrapping their sacred items in tapa cloths which was unique to their culture. The clothes varied in size and what they protected. used for clothing, bedding, or wall hangings. C: In the Islander culture the women's jobs were to weave and beat the Tapa clothes for use. earliest examples of hiapo were collected by missionaries. contains geometric and complex designs. the patterns have spirals, circles, squares, triangles, and diminishing motifs (they decrease in size from the border to the center). DT: geometric organization, intricate patterning M: There is very few remaining authentic Tapa clothes, although they were meant to protect sacred items because few remain they in themselves have become sacred. introducing depictions of human figures into their bark cloth. connection to people who made it made by a community.
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