Animal Farm Study Questions for Chapters 7 and 8
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why did the animals sing beasts of England slowly and mournfully as the gathered at the knoll?
they were mourning lost comrades and thinking that life on the farm was not as they had hoped for
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why was singing of Beasts of England banned?
Napoleon said that it was no longer needed because the revolution was over but it was actually because it might remind them of the idea of revolution
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in what ways has Napoleon set himself apart from the animals?
He has titles like "our leader, comrade Napoleon" he lived in desperate quarters in the house he was not seen in public often and had guards to protect him and had ceremonies for the celebration of his birthday
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how did Fredrick cheat Napoleon?
the bank note which he used to pay Napoleon for the timber was a forgery
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what moved he animals to attack Fredrick and his men at the Battle of the Windmill?
Fredrick and his men blew up the animal's windmill
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why was comerade Napoleon dying?
Napoleon was not really dying he had simply drank to much whiskey
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