Aggression Symptoms Can Be Controlled With Some Psychological Interventions Essay Example
Personality is a manner of cognitive processing, feeling and reacting that makes a man distinct from individuals around him/her. A person’s personality is predisposed by their experience, surroundings, life situations and hereditary features which affect them. Personality disorder is said to be the divergence of thought process, emotional reactions and the way a person behaves differently from the expected norms by the culture, which causes stress or problems in normal functioning.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
At times known as sociopathy, this disorder is a mental state where an individual persistently doesn’t show any concern for what is correct and incorrect and disregards the virtue and emotions of others. People who have this disorder have a habit of trying to provoke, control or behave with others firmly or through apathetic indifference. Individuals with antisocial personality disorder usually defy law,
...becoming offenders of the law. They may lie, behave in a violent or impulsive manner, and have indulged in drug and alcohol use. Because of these attributes, individuals with this disorder naturally can fulfil responsibilities of family or work.
Borderline personality disorder
This psychological disorder affects the manner in which one thinks and feels about oneself and others, leading to difficulties in normal functioning. It consists of a series of unstable relations, distorted self-image, intense sentiments and impulsivity. With this disorder, you have a strong fear of being abandoned or instable, and you may face problems in being by yourself. Yet excessive anger, impulsiveness and regular mood swings may distance you from others, even if you want a permanent relationship filled with love.
Psychopathy is a part of antisocial behaviour in which the individual has a impaired sense of empathy, remorse and egoistica
traits. Psychopaths generally appear to blend in our society, as they act normal or even can have a charming personality. A psychopath does not have a conscience and lacks empathy. The individual can be manipulative, turbulent and often a criminal.
Esther was a 9 year old Russian girl who was adopted from a local orphanage by a couple, Kate and John, after their third child was stillborn. They had one more daughter who was 5years old and a 12years old son. Kate builds a strong bond with Esther in the beginning but soon begins to be suspicious of Esther. The suspicion grows because of Esther showcasing unusually hostile and aggressive behaviour like killing a pigeon and injuring her classmate. After asking about Esther in her orphanage, the head of the orphanage mentions to Kate that Esther was always this violent and aggressive. Esther later on knowing this kills the head of the orphanage. Kate tried to explain her suspicion to her husband John but he does not pay much attention. Esther also tries to kill Kate’s daughter and son. She also broke her arm and blamed it on Kate.
Esther continued to create problems in the married life of Kate and John leading John to threaten Kate for a divorce. Esther not once but several times tried to kill Kate and John’s children. She also tries to seduce John one night. After this incident Kate receives a call from a doctor informing her that Esther is not a 9 year old girl but 33 year old women who is suffering from a condition of hypopituitarism and her name was also not Esther but Leena Klamer. Hypopituitarism
is a condition in which the physical growth and of the individual is stunted and leads to dwarfism. Kate also learns that Leena previously had also killed seven people of the family she lived with. She also kills John after her failed attempt to seduce him. She also tries to kill Kate and her children but they escape after killing her.
- Name – Esther/Leena Klamer
- Age – 9yrs/33yrs
- Gender – Females
- Marital Status – Not Married
- Any psychological history in the family – Not specified
- Occupation – NA
- Language – English
- Smoking – No
- Drinking – No
- She had tendencies for self harm.
- Due to her clinical condition of hypopituitarism she suffered social exclusion.
- Excessive anger led to maladaptive behaviour and antisocial behaviour.
- She used to harm people of her own family for fulfilling her motive.
- She had high sexual tendencies due to which she seduced John and men in her previous family.
- She was deceiving and manipulative.
- Psychotic symptoms.
- Anti-social tendencies.
The problems faced by the client were the excessive anger management issues due to which she killed a pigeon and injured her classmates. She also pretended multiple times to be a 9 year old girl although she was a 33 year old woman for fulfilling her motive. She had killed her previous family and also tried to kill Kate and her family. She succeeded in killing John, Kate’s husband, after he denied to indulge in sexual intercourse with her. Leena seriously injured both of Kate’s children also.
The client was assessed to have anti social personality co-morbidly with borderline personality disorder. According to the diagnostic statistical manual V, symptoms like impairments in
self-functioning, interpersonal functioning, disinhibition and negative affectivity exhibit the signs of antisocial personality and borderline personality disorder. She was not only a threat for her family but also others as she killed the head of the orphanage as well. The client also suffers from a clinical disease called hypopituitarism, which can be a cause of her social exclusion. She also had anger management issues as she had brutally murdered people. She had extremely charming personality and was manipulative at the same time. She also killed multiple people and had no guilt of it and having all the symptoms of antisocial personality displaying that she is a psychopath too. She did not display any signs of drug or alcohol abuse.
Esther/Leena Klammer, a 33-year old Russian woman who pretended to be a 9 year old girl was suffering from antisocial personality disorder co-morbidly with borderline personality disorder and along with showing symptoms of psychopathy. She murdered her previous family and was attempting to kill her new family as well. She was a mental patient and had run away from a mental asylum before. She took advantage of her medical condition of hypopitutarism and disguised herself as a 9 year old girl. She had high sexual tendencies and targeted men in the family. She did not indulge in alcohol or drug abuse. She portrayed antisocial and maladaptive behaviour. She was hostile in nature and felt no remorse in killing people and animals. She had a frequent mood changes and anger issues which led her to take impulsive decisions like killing people who came in between her goals or motives. She was manipulative and deceiving, she broke her arm
on her own and blamed it on her mother ,Kate to create a conflict between Kate and John. All these symptoms can be controlled with some psychological interventions.
Intervention techniques can be used and have proven to be effective. They are as follows:-
- PSYCHOTHERAPY- It is also known as talking therapy. It can include anger management, violence management, drug treatment, amongst others.
- MEDICATION- It may include medication for anxiety or depression, as there are no specifically prescribed medicines for anti-social personality disorder.
- HOSPITALISATION- It may be needed in severe conditions. It may also prove to be fruitful in case of keeping suicidal tendencies or self-harm at bay.
- DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOUR THERAPY- It is a form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It is the first therapy proven to be useful in the case of Borderline Personality Disorder. It emphasises on how our thoughts to lead to actions. It emphasises on mindfulness and managing conflicts.
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