Affordable Care Act and Cost of Care Essay Example
Affordable Care Act and Cost of Care Essay Example

Affordable Care Act and Cost of Care Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (561 words)
  • Published: December 29, 2021
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Affordable Care Act is also called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). In other words, it is also called Obamacare. It focuses in improvement of the health care in America and was enacted in the year 2010. It is composed of Affordable Health Care for American Act, the health care connected sections of the Health Care and Education and Protection Act of the Patient. The Student Aid, The Reconciliation Act, the Fiscal Responsibility Act and the Student Aid are categorized in this Act. It has plays many duties including the amendment of laws like Cosmetic Act, Drug Act, Food Act and in Public Service Act.

The Affordable Care Act and care cost controls both the customers and the manufacturing costs. This contains cost regulatory techniques that affect both rich and poor customers, hospitals, medicine manufacturers, health


device makers, community health insurance, private health care assurance, and many more (Kocher, R 2010). The Affordable Care Act makes its laws clear to public, but some people argue despite this, it doesn’t address some of healthcare’s chief complications as expected.

Better health care is very expensive act as large amount of capitals have been allocated in the field of better health care to better services to public worldwide. Reining in drug and health care especially in the field of costs is an important priority for people who make decisions. Despite the various meetings attended on critical analysis of health improvement, no clear agreement has been resulted about how supreme to do it. This has made the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to have a full variety of different supplies basically pointing to the costs (Emanuel, E. J. 2010). Numerous provisions

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in the Affordable Care Act resolve to control the increasing cost of health care via greater competition amid health plans, taxes on expensive insurance contact, techniques of cutting fraud and also in other methods.

In the present time, there has been a well promising transformative variation in USA. Healthier people, good spending and better health care is experienced in both private and public sectors. There advancement in the precision of Medicine which have been enabled by the new creativities (Rosenbaum, S. 2011). Some indications have led to the recognition of the fact that the Affordable Care Act is working basically focusing on the affordability, the quality of services and admission. There is also enlarged interest among Americans in prevention and wellness. Recent unlocked wellbeing data to inform providers and motivation of customers are also present. As charges are involved, taxpayers advantage a lot while the spending is held down.

There is always disagreement between the decision makers and health policy experts on the amount of savings these provisions will attain. Disagreement is one of the major challenge faces in the law enforcement. A disapproval arises as time progresses and the Affordable Care Act is sued of ignoring the serious issue of health care charge control. Despite this, it is clear that there are important price containment factors involved in the law. These involves the managed competition interactions in the exchange structures, the excise tax on expensive health care plans and also in Medicare payment provisions (Rosenbaum, S. 2011).

Services may be made to several supplies in credit with an attempt to slowing the growth in the health care charges (Kocher, R 2010). This is fundamentally enabled by bodies

like the Centers for Drug and Medicaid Facilities.

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