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Define time management.
Effectively using your time by setting goals and objectives to help you get the most from your resources and accomplish the mission.
List three time management plans.
The ABC Priority Method, The Pareto Principle, The Covey Time Management Matrix.
Describe The ABC Priority Method.
The ABC Priority Method- Make a "To-Do" list, prioritize all of your tasks as "A", "B", or "C" items, perform "A" items first, "B" items next, and finally, complete "C" items.
Describe The Pareto Principle.
The Pareto Principle- 20% of items give 80% of the results. List your tasks and focus on 80% of your time and effort to the 20% of your work that is most important.
Describe The Covey Time Management Matrix.
The Covey Matrix- Place each of your tasks into one of the four quadrants (Quadrant 1 = Quadrant of Reaction, Quadrant 2 = Quadrant of Quality, Quadrant 3 = Quadrant of Deception, Quadrant 4 = Quadrant of Waste). Spend most of your time working in Quadrant 1. Beware of Quadrants 3 and 4.
What two steps are essential to ANY time management plan?
Make a "To-Do" list. Prioritize your tasks.
List several time management tools.
Calendars, Organizers, Personal Planners, PDAs, Smart Phones.
What types of items should be delegated?
Priority "C" task, Priority items that are urgent but not difficult.
How can you take command of the telephone?
Don't depend solely on messages left, No more telephone tag, Call scheduling, Work with others, Voicemail and answering machines.
Use the EPME Structure Thinking Process (IDDP) to evaluate the following scenario. The ORI is only a month away and the shop is feeling the pressure. In a prior inspection, the identified numerous problems that will require a significant amount of time and resources to fix. Ssgt Jones has been chosen as leader of the team to fix these problems. Monday morning, he got his team together and listed the tasks needing attention. When asked where they will start, Ssgt Jones responds, "We should get as many of the easily knocked-out task done so the commander sees we are getting things accomplished." According to Time Management chapter principles, Ssgt Jones' actions were?
Inappropriate. Ssgt Jones failed to prioritize the tasks needed for mission accomplishment. Ssgt Jones did not properly prioritize his tasks based on any time management tool. He decided to do the easy tasks first, which could cause certain tasks to be missed that have a greater mission impact.
Ssgt King is a work center supervisor who is very concerned about her subordinates getting to their mandatory appointments on time. In order to enable them to do this, she has a calendar of all their training and appointments on her desk, on her cell phone, and posted in the shop. How will Ssgt King's use of time management impact her subordinates?
Negatively because having multiple calendars opens her up to forgetting to update one. This could possibly cause her Airmen to miss training and become less proficient at their jobs. You should only have one calendar for you and your airmen. This saves time and confusion by only having one calendar to update.
Identify 2 examples of the early use of air power.
Military ballooning, air machines, Aeroplane No. 1
List 4 operations the Air Force has participated in since 1990.
Desert Storm, Provide Relief, Restore Hope, Allied Force, Enduring Freedom.
List 2 Air Force Medal of Honor recipients.
Staff Sergeant Henry Erwin, Airmen First Class William Pitsenbarger, Staff Sergeant Maynard H. Smith, Technical Sergeant Forrest Vosler, Staff Sergeant Archibald Mathies, Airmen First Class John L. Levitow, Chief Master Sergeant Richard Etchberger.
What Air Force Manual (AFM) or Air Force Instruction (AFI) governs Dress and Appearance?
AFI 36-2903
How do Dress and Appearance support Air Force culture?
Provide standardization and teamwork.
How far back does the origin of Dress and Appearance standards date?
1775, when Gen George Washington commanded the Continental Army.
Why is it important for military members to show respect to the Flag?
It honors our military heritage and shows an appreciation for freedom.
What Air Force Manual (AFM) or Air Force Instruction (AFI) governs Drill and Ceremonies.
AFM 36-2203
Air Force culture supports military professionalism by:
Helping you appreciate the need for authority, discipline, and the importance of following orders promptly and precisely. Helping you develop desirable qualities like professionalism, commitment, dedication and leadership/followership. Promoting a stronger military orientation. All the above.
You are home on leave from a deployment when you get a call from the high school you attended. They ask you to come and speak on behalf of the Air Force and its history for the annual career day. You are still jet-lagged from your trip. Based on the principles learned in the Air Force Heritage chapter and using the EPME Structured Thinking Process, your BEST course of action would probably be:
You are tired and do not want to be bothered. You have just traveled 2000 miles; however, you are proud to be a member of the Air Force and feel it's important to instill this and the Air Force history in future recruits and leaders. You choose to go and speak to them explaining the heritage of those who have come before you. Having learned and understanding the Air Force history in advance will help you out in situations like this one.
As your day came to an end, you walked out of the building noticing it was almost time for Retreat to sound. You stood by because you knew you not make it to your vehicle in time to get off post, and you wanted to give the flag its due respect. While waiting, you observed a team of Airmen led by a SrA who appeared to be behaving in an unprofessional manner and totally disrespecting the American Flag. They were talking and giggling among themselves, holding the flag as if it was a throw rug, and their uniforms were in total disarray. As a NCO, how would you approach this situation?
It's the end of the duty day. You're tired from walking up and down stairs all day, and you've been up since 0430. After observing their actions and appearance as being unprofessional, you walk over after the flag is completely down and say in a firm voice, "Hey, I need your undivided attention right now." You explain to them the importance of why we should render the proper respect and courtesy to the American flag. You also make them aware that their actions impact military professionalism. You demonstrate to make them aware the their actions impact military professionalism. You demonstrate to them the proper procedures and attitude when handling the flag for any ceremony. Once of the most notable symbols that all branches of the military show respect to is the American Flag. As a leader, it is your job to uphold the customs and traditions to inspire today's followers. So when you see improper displaying of the flag or members talking while the national anthem is being played, it is your job to step in and correct those discrepancies. As you know, people are more willing to follow and trust those who exercise their authority with confidence and competence. In this case, paying tribute to the flag is respecting military heritage.
Define wellness.
Wellness is identified as a complete advancement towards treating the mind, body, and spirit as a whole. It's a condition resulting from incorporating a system of individual programs into your life.
List the four dimensions of wellness.
Social Emotional Spiritual Physical
Describe Social Dimension:
This dimension builds essential teamwork among military professionals. Is also enables you to face your mission as a member of a cohesive team instead of as an individual.
Describe Spiritual Dimension:
This dimension provides you with a sense of meaning and value. Military professionals must have the inner peace to handle difficult situations anytime, anywhere, and under any condition.
Describe Emotional Dimension:
This dimension helps you to make sound decisions that affect everything from the careers of your subordinates to your ability to fight the enemy.
Describe Physical Dimension:
This dimension gives you the energy and stamina to work long yours and still be able to pay attention to the details of your job. It prepares your body to work long hours and endure austere conditions all over the world. It also develops and supports a professional military image that gives the public confidence and faith in the abilities of all Airmen.
Define the four dimensions of wellness.
Social dimension: deals with your network of friends and personal relationships with those you care about. Emotional dimension: refers to building an awareness of and accepting your feelings and moods. Spiritual dimension: is that within us which motivates us in life and gives us strength and resiliency. Physical dimension: refers to weight control, a balanced and healthy diet, appearance, self image, and exercise.
Explain why being totally fit impacts mission accomplishment.
Having a well-rounded perspective of fitness socially, spiritually, emotionally, and physically increases your ability to influence and lead your subordinates.
Describe the purpose of Air Force Fitness Program.
The Purpose is to motivate all members to participate in a year-round physical conditioning program that emphasizes total fitness to include proper aerobic conditioning, strength/flexibility training, and healthy eating.
List 5 key players of the Air Force Fitness Program.
Fitness Assessment Cell Unit Fitness Program Manager Immediate Training Leader Physical Training Leader Individual
Define the Fitness Improvement Program.
The Fitness Improvement Program is a unit-based or fitness center-based program that all members receiving an "Unsatisfactory" fitness score are required to attend.
Define the Healthy Living Program.
The Healthy Living Program targets nutritional and exercise behavior changes to improve the members' health and fitness.
List the factors of proper weight management.
Aerobic Fitness Muscular Fitness Flexibility Body Composition
List the four basic eating rules.
Eat small frequent meals. Eat every 3-4 hours (3 meals per day minimum). Eat as soon as possible after exercise. Consume a variety of foods.
Give an example of how not eating frequently throughout the day may affect you.
Slow metabolism Overeating Reduce physical performance (ex. Slow run time, decrease push-ups/sit-ups repetitions) Reduce mental performance (ex. Reduce attentiveness to task accomplishment, attention to detail, and concentration levels)
Give an example of a behavior not recommended to achieve optimal fitness.
Weigh yourself daily Use diuretics or laxatives Spend an excessive amount of time in saunas Participate in extremely low calorie diets
Your team has recently been tasked to represent your unit in a fitness competition among all units assigned to your wing. Two members do not want to compete because they feel that they are not as fit as the others and will potentially hurt the team's chances of winning the competition. Based on the concept from the Fit to Lead chapter, the dimension of wellness most affected the two members of your team is BEST described as:
Physical. This dimension refers to weight control, a balanced and healthy diet, appearance, self image, and exercise. The physical dimension includes any issues dealing with physical well-being such as diseases, alcohol and tobacco use, regular exercise, and a healthy diet.
Use the EPME Structured Thinking (IDDP) Process as you asses the following scenarios. Determine which examples demonstrates your responsibilities as a supervisor in relation to the fitness program.
Your unit is supporting a major exercise that requires members from your team to be at the work center around the clock for a period of seven days. You developed a work schedule that will allow each member to have an hour of physical fitness training 3 times during this period. In this situation you developed a work schedule that would allow your subordinates to continue their physical fitness training at least 3 to 5 times a week while supporting a major exercise.
Define Stress
Stress is any circumstance (stressor) that places special physical and/or psychological demands on an organism leading to physiological, psychological, and behavioral outcomes. If these demands persist over time, long-term or chronic undesirable outcomes or strains may result.
What is the difference between eustress and distress?
Eustress is the positive consequence of stress and distress is the negative consequence of stress.
List the subcategories of organizational stressors.
The seven organizational stressor subcategories are job, role, environmental, interpersonal, leadership, organizational structure, and change.
List the major types of extra-organizational stressors.
The three major types of extra-organizational stressors are family problems, marital issues, and financial issues.
What are 4 stress reaction/condition types?
Four stress reaction/condition types are physical, psychological, behavioral, and cognitive.
Define strategy.
Strategy- A prudent idea or set of ideas for employing the instruments of a nations power in a synchronized and integrated fashion to achieve theater, national, and /or multinational objectives.
Define Doctrine
Doctrine- Fundamental principles by which the military forces or elements there of guide their actions in support of national objectives.
Essential tasks outlined in our National Security Strategy document.
-Transform American national security institutions reconfiguring ground forces. -Championing aspirations for human dignity achieve net-centricity. -Strengthening alliances to defeat terrorism. -Defuse regional conflict. -Prevent threats from WMD. -Engage and confront globalization. -Ignite economic growth. -Expand the Circle of Development. -Develop agendas for cooperative action.
What is the Quadrennial Defense Review?
The Quadrennial Defense Review is a report published every four years that lays out how the military will be used for the defense of our country.
How are Joint Forces Commanders provided information on unit reeadiness, personnel, and equipment availability?
Through the Global Force Management.
According to the 2006 QDR, identify the two fundamentalchanges essential to military strategy.
1. Implement broad changes to ensure that organizational structures, processes, and procedures effectively support the DoD's strategic direction. 2. Continue to reorganize the DoD's capabilities and forces in order to be more agile in this time of war, while preparing for wider asymmetric challenges.
What are four major areas that DoD senior leaders identified to focus on to implement change?
1. Defeat terrorist networks. 2. Defending the homeland in depth. 3. Shaping the choices of countries at atrategic crossroads. 4. Preventing hostile states and non-states actors from acquiring or using weapons of mass destruction.
Define Joint Doctrine.
Land and maritime forces.
Define Multinational Doctrine.
Allied Forces.
Define Service Doctrine.
Official beliefs and war fighting principles.
Listr 3 levels of air and space doctrine.
1. Basic 2. Operational 3. Tactical
Which level of war focuses on campaigns and incorporates the strategy for when , where and what conditions our forces will attack?
What is not a principal of war, according to the AFDD1?
Which air and space power function allows us to gain knowledge of the enemy's actions and provide this information in real time to the forces on the battlefield?
SSgt JOnes is the Bravo team leader of the vehicle dispatch section and supervises SrA Powell, A1C James, and Amn Brook. SSgt and his team members are currently deployed and have just been tasked to help train host nation personnel in similar durites that the team performs. SSgt Jones briefs his Airmen on the task and finds that they are extremely reluctant and apprehensive about performing the mission. His subordinates indicate that they dont think they should be providing this training. Their reasons range from classification issues to "they're not from the US." His first thought is to just ignore them. He thinks for a bit abouit their concerns and how he looked at things as a young Airmen a few years back. Everything seemed pretty straight forward back then.... but then came 9/11 and everything changed. Using the EPME Structured Thinking Process (IDDP), determine which action will MOST LIKELY have a positive impact on mission accomplishment.
SSgt Jones expresses to his subordinates that he can sympathize with their feelings, but maybe if they show them the same process we use on convoys, overtime the convoys will become safer. By training our host nations we strengthen relationships and reduce the chances of another 9/11 happening. IDENTIFY- This means to strengthen alliances to defeat global terrorism and coninuing to work to prevent attacks against the United States. DIFFRENTIATE- SSgt Jones appropriately handled this situation. SSgt JOnes offered supportive advice and explained our National Security Strategy tasks. SSgt JOnes emphasized the importance of this task and how it is required to maintain a secure environment for Americans. DETERMINE- Not Required as SSgt Jones appropraitly handled the situation. PREDICT- MOST LIKELY, the team will successful train host nation personnel in similar duties that the team performs.
SSgt Green is the Bravo team leader of tactical air control team and supervises Sra Golf and A1C Sanford. SSgt Green and her team members are currently deployed. Over the last several days, SSgt Green has become increasingly concerned that her Airmen are technically proficient, but do not understand or appreciate their role in the Joint team. After watching her young Airmen provide information for planning the upcoming joint operation, SSgt Green was surprised to find that the information they provided was quoted word for word out of an Air Force training manual. While the information was accurate, they lacked the ability to apply the knowledge into a real time situation and it lacked knowledge of the host nation capabilities and requirements. SSgt Green notices the discrepency during her review prior to going forward. SSgt Green is in a dilemma about what to do with her Airmen. She knows that her AIrmen are technically smart and work well when together. Using the EPME Structured Thinking Process (IDDP), determine which action will MOST LIKELY have a positive impact on mission accomplishment.
SSgt Green expresses to her subordinates that war is complex and chaotic and corrects the observed substandard technical proficiencies. SSgt Green reminds them that this is a tactical operation and to remember to consider the assets available. IDENTIFY- This is an AIr and Space doctrine that will describe and guide the proper use of air and space forces in military operations, which outlines how to employ Airmen. DIFFERENTIATE- SSgt Green appropriately handled this situation. SSgt Green reiterated the importance of tactical doctrine as it applies to Air and space doctrine. DETERMINE- Not required as SSgt Green appropriately handled this situation. PREDICT- MOST LIKELY, the team will be better prepared to support the combatant commander and joint forces to complete the mission.
Define Tempo band.
The term used to describe U.S. Air Force deployment categories.
Define battle rhythm.
A deliberate daily cycle of command, staff, and unit activities intended to synchronize current and future operations.
Which tempo band provides a dwell ratio of 1:2 with 6 months vulnerability/deployment and 12 months non-deployment?
Band D
What does force readiness include?
Technical competence and the dimensions of wellness (physical, emotional, social, and spiritual).
What are some specific pre-deployment challenges people may encounter?
Specific pre-deployment challenges may be related to: family, health and fitness, completing pre-deployment training, making preparations for house and car, getting financial issues in order, work-related issues, and personal problems.
As a supervisor, what should you do if you become aware of any challenges a subordinate is facing during a deployment?
If a subordinate is experiencing a challenge during deployment, a supervisor should: refer them to Base Chaplin, make sure he/she receives medical treatment, counsel the Airmen, refer to mental health, use Stress Management techniques, encourage physical exercise, establish a point of contact at home base, and help establish good communication.
Describe some post-deployment reintegration challenges an Airmen may encounter upon returning home?
An Airmen returning home from a deployment may exerience: short and long term health concerns, conflicts with family members, arguments with spouse, difficulties adjusting to home life, problems sleeping, survivors guilt, anti-social behaviors, relationship issues, resentment at work, difficulty bonding with family members, anger and frustration, and difficulty connecting with children.
As Expeditionary Airmen you have a constant duty to maintain a high level of _________ as well as ensuring the ___________.
Personal readiness; readiness of subordinates
SSgt Cake is Bravo team leader of the vehicle maintenance section and supervises SrA Maple, A1C Pine, and Amn Teak. SSgt Cake and his team members have just returned from a 179-day deployment. During the deployment, SSgt Cake and his team worked long hours, but managed the repairs of all assigned vehicles in a timely manner. SSgt Cake's team received many accolades for ensuring there were no missions impacted due to vehicle being unavailable. Each of the team members were considered professional, well trained, and positive during this difficult deployment. Upon returning home, SSgt Cake noticed that A1C Pine is not his normal self. SSgt Cake pulls A1C Pine aside and asks if everything is okay, and A1C Pine expresses that he feels that his spouse doesn't seem to be happy that he is home. He also states that every time he tries to help out with something, his spouse is always telling hime "I got it" or "we no longer do it that way." Using the EPME Structured Thinking Process (IDDP), determine which action will MOST LIKELY have a positive impact on mission accomplishment.
SSgt Cake expresses to A1C Pine that this is normal, and reintegrating back in family life and routines takes time and patience. SSgt Cake asks him to sit down with his spouse and explain how he feels and to try to come up with ways that they both can agree on. IDENTIFY- This is a post deployment challenge that many may face as they begin the reintegration process as the returning member is having difficulties dealing with new family dynamics and adjusting to new roles and responsibilities. DIFFERENTIATE- SSgt Cake appropriatly handled this situation. SSgt Cake observed and identified behaviors of A1C Pine that could have led to serious emotional problems. DETERMINE- Not required as you appropriately handled this situation. PREDICT- MOST LIKELY, A1C Pine will speak with his spouse and reinegrate well and begin the cycle of pre-deployment activities.
SrA Smith is a Combat Weather Team, team leader and his team includes several apprentice Airmen. The team is preparing to deploy to support operations in Afghanistan. As part of their pre-deployment requirements, SrA Smith provided his subordinates with an overview of the tasks that must be signed off before they deploy. During PT, SrA Smithh noticed that A1C Jones is struggling to complete some of the exercise. SrA Smith believes this may be due to her recent pregnancy and decides he must get involved before their deployment. Using the EPME Structure Thinking Process (IDDP), determine which action will MOST LIKELY enhance mission accomplishment.
SrA Smith expresses to A1C Jones that her fitness is of great concern. SrA Smith states that he will spend an additional time after each PT session with her to help her and that he wants her to schedule an appointment with the HAWC for additional advice as well. IDENTIFY- This is a pre-deployment challenge that many may face as they strive to maintain and achieve the physical dimensions of wellness. DIFFERENTIATE- SrA Smith appropiatly handled this situation. SrA Smith observed and identified personal behaviors of A1C Jones and considered her pregnancy as he offered assistance and recommended professional advice. DETERMINE- Not required as SrA Smith appropriately handled this situation. PREDICT- MOST LIKELY, A1C Jones will seek advice from the HAWC and follow a prescribed nutritional and exercise program designed to target her discrepancies. By following the guidance from HAWC professionals allong with SrA Smith Support, A1C Jones should achieve the highest levels of presonal readiness and meet her pre-deployment requirements.
Define terrorism
Terrorism is the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear, inteded to coerce or to intimidate governments of societies in the pusuit of goals that are gernally political, religious, or ideological.
Give two examples of how a terrorist operates today.
Terrorists' organizations operate: A. together in a losse network. B. plan their attacks together C. share resources D. train together in armed training camps using love munitions. E. networks allow them to gain strength from each other and contribute resources in executing attacks.
Which would not be considered a difficulty when attemping to counter a terrorist operation in an area like Iraq and Afghanistan?
Terrorists are very skilled in building weapons would not be considered a difficulty when attemping to encounter a terrorist operation in an area like Iraq and Afghanistan.
What is a rougue state?
A rougue state is an unprincipled political entity. Rouge states are considered as theatening to the world's peace, have dictatorial regimes that restrict human rights, sponsor terrorism, and seek to proliferate weapons of mass destruction.
How does a nation become a regional threat?
Any one of the following incidents could cause a nation to become a regional threat: A. disagreement over borders. B. Control of natural resources (oil). C. Difference of political objectives. D. Cultural/ethnic/religious differences. E threat of CBRNE weapons use. F. Illifal drug distribution.
Describe Underlying conditions Structure of Terror
Create opportunities for terrorist to exploit.
Describe International Environment Structure of Terror.
Boundaries within which terrorists plans take shape.
Describe States Structure of Terror.
Offering havens whether through ignorance, helplessness, or willingness.
Describe Oraganization Structure of Terror.
structure, membership, resources and security determine its capabilities and reach.
Describe Leadership Structure of Terror.
Provides the overall direction and strategy.
What are the three steps for first line of defense recommended by the Eagle Eye program?
Watch, Report, Protect
If you worked at a warehouse that stored sensitive materials, should you be concerned about a pizza delivery driver who asks questions about the warehouse? Why or why not?
Yes, they may be attempting to elicit information. Elicitation can occur by mail, telephone, by fax, or in person.
What are some examples of a person conducting surveillance that should send warning signal to you?
Someone recording or monitoring activities, using cameras, taking notes, drawing diagrams, writing on maps, or using binoculars.
What are some examples of a suspicious activity?
People who dont seem to belong in workplace, business, neighborhood or anywhere. Suspicious border crossings, stowaways in border ships, people jumping ship in port.
What are some suspicious activites to be aware of if a dry run is being conducted?
Someone mapping out routes, observing traffic light timing, and flow of traffic.
What should you do if you think a suspicious activity is occuring or has occurred?
Report any suspicious activity to your supervisor, base law enforcement, local Office of Special Investigation, or local law enforcement.
What is Force Protection?
Force Protection is an integrated application of offensive and defensive actions that deter, detect, preempt, mitigate, and negate threats against Air Force air and space operations and assets based on an acceptable level of risk.
According to the U.S. Air Force Eagle Eye program, who is considered the first line of defense when countering terrorism?
All Airmen, military, civilian, and family members.
________- terrorism refers to combating or defending measures.
________-terrorism is offensive measures meant to deter and respond to terrorism.
What are the three strategic objectives of the National Strategy for Homeland Security?
Prevent terrorist attacks, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, minimize the damge, and recover from attacks that do occur.
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