Abortion is one of the leading causes of human deaths per year, with 893,000 in the year 2016 (U.S. Abortion Statistics). It has become way to common and available and despite societies opinion, the majority of women think that a child would be a burden on their life and hold them back. This procedure is done often and not thought about or what the consequences might be. It is because nobody truly wants to admit they have done such a detrimental act. Education is key and should be available everyone to learn more about this topic and not just ignore this issue. The only question to ask now is are you Pro-life or Pro-choice?
Many women, or people in general, don’t even realize what is happening to those babies when they decide to
...go through with an abortion. In fact, the majority of pro-choice supporters don’t like to admit that it is even a baby at all, but rather “fetuses”. In the spur of the moment, many feel only relief over knowing the burden of a child in their lives is no longer. And why should they worry, the baby can't feel it right? It's not a real child yet if it's still in the womb, right?
Wrong, life begins with conception. The moment the sperm travels to the egg and the baby starts to form it is a human. By six weeks into pregnancy it will have a mouth, nose, and ears. By seven weeks old the hands and feet are forming. By twenty weeks a baby can feel real pain. Regardless if any of this is known, in some states, abortions can be done u
to 24 weeks into the pregnancy (How Late Can You~Actually~Have An Abortion?), that’s 5 months and 1-week in. This means that while that procedure is being performed the child can feel the actual pain of the procedure being used to kill them.
Even though it may have started off with just a few cells it has grown into a baby at this point, a human just like you in me. But although this person has done nothing to you, deciding to murder it is the best choice right? Funny how that works. People are jailed and are being jailed for killing other humans for no reason but if they are still in a woman's stomach it is perfectly fine according to the law. Abortions for pointless reasons that do not concern a mother's health or safety reasons are murder and it needs to be stopped.
Planned parenthood, leading reproductive health services, helps low income women terminate pregnancies that they do not want at the current moment. It was first started by a woman named Margaret Sanger in 1916 with racist views on african americans. Her goal was to exterminate as many children that were african american in hoping to abolish the entire race one day. Many of her teachings of abortion and other harmful medical procedures were implemented in the holocaust. That was a long time ago and times and people have changed, you’d think. It is easy to twist and trick people into believing into these kind of horrific concepts and normalizing the in society today. If one famous celebrity says something all minorities seem to think it is true but the truth is not on
their side. Planned Parenthood is largely the reason why black babies are aborted in America three times more often than white babies, and Hispanic pre borns are killed one in a half times more often than whites. In fact, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention research compiled by TooManyAborted.com, “Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. More than HIV. More than heart disease. More than cancer. Abortion snuffs out more black lives than all other causes of death combined.”(Larson) She started out with this awful goal and people are still helping her achieve it.
There are a large portion of the women who get abortions that the only reason is because they think they are too young. That may be true but if you are not in the spot to have a child then there is no need to have sex. Sex in biblical times was used for more than just pleasure like it is today. If the woman and man were not married and in those days the woman was shamed and called many whorish names. She would stop and regain self control or be shamed by her family and looked down by everyone and used as property. Today it is encouraged and promoted through the media to engage in sexual behaviors starting at a young age. All for a good time, all fun and games, everyone regrets choices when they are young thats what they tell you. It might be for a short while but will you be able to forgive yourself when you decide to make the choice of murdering an infant that was brought
on by just a little fun?
The most amount of pregnancies that are terminated due to the simple thought of a child messing up their idea of what they have envisioned for their future. There is more than one contributing factor that influence this huge decision, although it still does not make murdering an unborn child okay. Torres documented, three-quarters said that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities, about two-thirds said they could not afford to have a child and half said they did not want to be a single parent or had relationship problems. A multivariate analysis showed young teenagers to be 32 percent more likely than women 18 or over to say they were not mature enough to raise a child and 19 percent more likely to say their parents wanted them to have an abortion. Unmarried women were 17 percent more likely than currently married women to choose abortion to prevent others from knowing they had had sex or became pregnant. A report in 2016 shows that the number of abortions actually being performed for these issues is much lower than it is displayed to be. Rape victim abortions are only a mere 0.3%, incest 0.03%, maternal life 0.1%, maternal health 0.8%, and finally fatal health issues only at 0.5% of abortions (Reasons Given For Having An Abortion In The United States). Most women that willingly put themselves through this are doing it to keep a good reputation or just simply do not want to put in the time and effort to raise a child.
Sometimes the circumstances surrounding a pregnancy are tragic. Perhaps the woman was raped. Maybe
the baby has been diagnosed with a defect. Or the woman’s health might be at risk. However, one tragedy is not answered with another. We do not erase a rape by killing a child. We do not cure a baby by taking his life. And we do not avoid all health issues by avoiding the reality of another human being ( Kristie Brown). The saying goes, “two wrongs don't make a right” and I feel that it really relates to this topic in particular. Most women think this way or try to go to extreme measures in situations where they are scared. Nobody is truly prepared to raise a child and not have doubts but there is always more than one solution. Adoption is a great option if you do not want to raise your child because someone else out there due to different circumstances can’t have one and wants one. There is always going to be a better choice other than killing a child because they are more than just cells. It is a human and deserves the very best chance to live a full life.
All women want to support other women and can relate to the similar struggles that we all experience. A feminist is someone who supports other women and abortion should not be something supported. It does not empower or help anyone in the long run to end an innocent life. It should not be anyone's “right” or responsibility to commit this horrible act and should not be condoned by society. Letting a child suffer such a grueling situation, being sucked out by a tube, cutting off the limbs and extracting
out of the uterus, or their small hearts being stopped by a poisonous shot. This should never come down to one person's choice who will most of the time be out of selfishness. It brings not one single ounce of freedom let alone happiness to anyone, so what is the point?
All in all, educating everyone on what abortion is and what it can do to the woman having the procedure and the innocent life of a child being murdered needs to be addressed more. Nothing good comes out of this situation only takes away the the chance to be responsible for the life created. Adoption is a great alternative because there is someone out in the world that will be able to give the child everything he or she needs and most importantly you personally can save a life. Abortion kills the most lives every year in the United States and it has been accepted as “normal”. Plan Parenthood, performs this procedure more than any other provider, founded on the racist mindset of a woman who wanted to kill as many African American children as possible. Lastly, as I have repeated in so many ways through this essay of why abortion is wrong and should not be performed for unnecessary reasons on millions of women. The only thing to ask now is, are you Pro-life or Pro-choice and what are you going to do about it?