A Critical Evaluation of two Research Methods, Qualitative and Quantitative Essay Sample
Qualitative Article: A Women’s Place is in the Home: Females and Residential BurglaryThis article uses a qualitative research method. Qualitative research involves analysing and construing texts and interviews in order to detect meaningful forms descriptive of a peculiar phenomenon ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 13.
) . The method has been adopted to look into the research inquiry. The research inquiry is ; what engagement do adult females hold in residential burglaries. This research inquiry is analysed by comparing female features with their male opposite numbers and.
through primary probe. into the functions female burglars play during offenses.The article contains two literature reappraisals summarizing old surveies associating to the research inquiry ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 85 ) .
The first survey was by Ward. Jackson. and Ward. This survey examined constabulari
...es. tribunal and prison records of 80 female inmates functioning clip for burglary.
During this survey. it was found ; adult females played one of four functions in burglary offenses. The four functions are ; •Conspirator. who helps put up the offenses ( non taking portion ) •An Accomplice. who takes orders and does what she was told during the offence•A spouse. who operated on a equal terms with other wrongdoers involved in the burglary•A exclusive culprit.
who carried out the burglaries herself.Ward. Jackson and Ward besides concluded that bulk. 56 % to be exact. of the females committed their offense with other people.The 2nd survey was by Simon and Sharma.
This survey employed Prosecutor Management Information Systems information to research women’s engagement in a assortment of offenses. including burglary. Conclusion’s from the survey support that adult females
do non perpetrate offenses under the control of work forces. and 70 % of female apprehensions where by females moving entirely.
An ethnographic survey by Cromwell. Olsen. and Avary was besides mentioned. But. due to try size bounds it was seen as conclusive.
The two literature positions foremost mentioned are sufficient in developing an reply to the research inquiry. Although. it may hold been more good to utilize feminist positions that have developed theories and disputing issues associating to adult females piquing.There were no hypotheses formulated from the survey. as it was a signifier of explanatory research. Explanatory research tends to be deductive.
traveling from one general to less general statements ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 14 ) . Therefore.
instead than pursing natural science-like hypothesis. qualitative research workers are moved by more the chase of empathetic apprehension ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 433 ) .
A research design has been used in this survey to reply the research inquiry ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 158 ) . Allied with qualitative research methods.
this survey incorporated asurvey design technique on single instance surveies. as a manner to reenforce and measure the findings ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 55 ) .
The research workers conducted their ain primary research through in the flesh interviews. The interviews conducted involved a non-profitability sample of 105 presently active residential burglars. The interviews weresemi-structured and where conducted informally. The topics sampled were located through a “snowball” sampling scheme. whereby a few wrongdoers were contacted ab initio and where asked to mention others ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008.
122 ) . This procedure was continued until the research workers had a “built” suited sample.The research design works good with the research inquiry. which would hold been chosen for its feasibleness.
Although. clip and cost outgo. due to the nature of the research inquiry. would hold been the dominant issue.
Importantly. in respects to the clip outgo. the research worker managed to subtract clip restraints due to utilizing the “snowball” sampling system.The findings suggested that adult females.
compared to their male opposite numbers. do non differ significantly in respects to involvement in residential burglaries. But. the consequences from the informations presented besides show that differences between both sexes do be. Such as adult females commit burglaries more frequently in groups.
they begin piquing at a ulterior age so adult male and adult females have less contact with the Criminal Justice System. The information besides demonstrated that a women’s engagement in residential burglary is diverse. For illustration. in the interviews. the topics functions ranged from primary functions entirely.
some adopted secondary functions entirely. and others moved from one type of function to another as they became more experient.The survey consequences suggested that farther scrutinies need to be made. in future research.
into the evident differences between adult male and women’s engagement in residential burglary to corroborate the consequences concluded from the information. The qualitative informations presented was clear in trying to understand and reply the research inquiry. what are women’s engagements in residential burglaries. but did non reply the inquiry once and for all.
Although. the survey has societal policy deductions as. there is limited research and theoretical accounts on female criminalism.Quantitative Article: CO-OFFENDING AND THE
CHOICE OF TARGET AREAS IN BURGLARYBy Wim BernascoThis article employs a quantitative research method utilizing empirical surveies.
statistics and graphs ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 15 ) . The research worker used quantitative research techniques to give precise and accurate information to reply the devised research inquiry ( Adler & A ; Clarke.
2008. p14 ) . There research inquiries is ; what are the effects of co-offending based on the pick of mark countries by burglars in residential countries. The research inquiry is analysed by detecting what standard burglars use in taking an country for perpetrating a burglary. and whether that standard differs between lone and group wrongdoers.The article contains two theoretical models to assist reply the research inquiry ( Adler & A ; Clarke.
2008. p. 20 ) . That is.
accounts on the location pick of residential burglars. The first is Johnson and Bowers scrounging theory. a subdivision of behavioural ecology. which surveies the scrounging behaviours of animate beings. This theory proclaims animate beings. when taking a foraging country for nutrient.
optimise wagess by outweighing the nutritionary value of nutrient with attempt and hazard. Johnson and Bowers put frontward the impression that burglars. like carnal foragers. maximize their grosss by choosing streets and houses that require small attempt to come in. look to be unoccupied and that appear to incorporate valued points. This perspective describes facets of rational pick theory.
the belief that adult male is a concluding histrion who weighs agencies and terminals. costs and benefits. and makes a rational pick.Second. Kleemans theory provinces burglars instead choose locations on the footing ofestimated hazard of sensing and apprehension.
separating the physical and societal facets of surveillance and control. The physical facet mentioning to architectural characteristics such as visibleness from the street and if a home has multiple entree points. This perspective describes facets of Shaw and MacKay societal control theory. The two theories stated are sufficient. but relate merely to the first research inquiry.
From the theoretical model. research workers develop a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a testable statement about how to or more variables are expected to be related to one another ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008.
p. 23 ) . One of the hypotheses presented in the article. in general. provinces that burglars follow certain standard when taking a location to perpetrate a burglary. The Independent variable being the burglar’s standard for location pick.
as it effects the dependent variable. which are burglary rates ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 23 ) .There where more hypotheses presented in this article.
but as this survey is a signifier of explanatory research. it is designed to seek and supply an account between two or more phenomena ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 30 ) . It is besides deductive in nature.
Deductive means the inclination to get down with general theories and so concludes with more unequivocal hypotheses ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 30 ) .A research design has been used in this survey to reply the research inquiries ( Adler & A ; Clarke.
2008. p. 158 ) . The research design used in this survey was informations retrieved from the Police Service in the Netherlands between the periods of 1996 – 2004 that
pertained informations of all detected residential burglaries committed by burglars in the country of Hague. This is a signifier of cross-sectional design with a non-probability sample. Cross-sectional design is data collected about one sample at one point in clip.
even if that “one time” lasts for old ages ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p. 160 ) .
Besides. the information does non give every member of the population a opportunity to be included hence is a non-profitability sample ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p.
102 ) . This design was equal in replying the research inquiries and tried hypothesis.In this article the research worker did non carry on any primary research. but instead utilised secondary statistics retrieved from the Hague Police Force ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008.
p. 334 ) . This secondary information would hold been chosen for feasibleness and practicality grounds of the research ( Adler & A ; Clarke. 2008. p.
334 ) .In summery. this article confirmed the importance of the vicinity environment as a burglary mark country for local wrongdoers. Discovered from the statistical information was that it’s the burglars ain vicinity.
and close environing vicinities. that are most likely marks for both lone and group wrongdoers. In understanding with Kleemans. it was besides concluded. that the chief standard that drive the mark countries pick of burglars is the physical handiness of the belongingss in the country. Therefore.
the results of this survey was able to partly corroborate burglary mark picks. but failed to contend the differences between lone wrongdoers and group wrongdoers.The survey suggests that farther scrutinies need to be made in order
to find what standard offender’s usage in taking country to perpetrate burglary. As it could hold societal policy deductions in relation to what countries have higher offense rates. A better apprehension of mark pick countries for burglars would assist lend to offense bar schemes.BibliographyAdler.
E. . & A ; Clark. R.
( 2008 ) . How its done: An invitation to societal research. California: Thompson Wadsworth.Bernasco.
W. ( 2006 ) . Co-offending and the pick of mark countries in burglary. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling.
Vol. 3. 139-155Decker. S. .
& A ; Wright. R. . & A ; Redfern. A.
. & A ; Smith. D. ( 1993 ) . A Women’s topographic point is in the place: Females and residential burglaries.
Justice Quarterly. Vol. 10.
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