Unit 2 essay possibilities – Flashcards

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"Despite the view of some historians that the conflict between Great Britain and its thirteen North American colonies was economic in origin, in fact the American Revolution had its roots in politics and other areas of American life." Support, modify or refute this interpretation, providing specific evidence to justify your answer. (Causation)
Roots of the revolution and leading events: post French & Indian War there was a strain between Colonists and England they couldn't utilize the new land they fought for now they have to pay for this war aren't being paid for fighting acts were imposed including wanted to restrict colonies wanted to get as much money from colonies as possible shoe colonies they were not in charge(Townshend) stamp act 1765 declaratory act 1766 townshend acts 1767 boston massacre 1770 more acts tea act 1773 intolerable acts boston port mass. govern. administration of justice quartering quebec Economic correlation: The Colonists felt they they were consistently being used for monetary gain by England starting after the French and Indian War. The problem continued to grow with each act, tax, and restriction placed on the Colonies.
The French and Indian War (1754-1763) altered the relationship between Britain and its North American colonies. Assess this change with regards to TWO of the following in the period between 1763 and 1775. Land Acquisition, Politics, Economics. (CCOT)
Land Acquisition: colonists wished to live on and could utilize the land which they had just won but England, in fear of losing control, forebayed it. Politics: politically the colonists were upset they felt they didn't have representation "virtual representation?" they taxed the heck out of the colonies stamp townshend boston massacre then more taxes tea intolerable first continental congress 1774 Economic: Thesis: After the Fr. Ind. War, Britain attempted to tighten its control economically through taxation which led to boycotts in the colonies, and in response to the boycotts and rebellion they worked to strengthen their hold on the colonial government though acts and legislature, causing the relationship to change from one country as a whole, to a tyrannical dictatorship close to rebellion and revolution.
Evaluate the extent to which the American Revolution changed the political, economic, and social aspects of American society from 1775 to 1800 (CCOT)
Politics: articles of confederation they failed and they started over continental congress was formed to write constitution parties formed right off the bat when they were writing the constitution and the debate over The Bill of Rights democratic republicans believed that we needed the bill of rights and wouldn't ratify constitution without it mostly western and southern states federalists believed that there was no need for the bill of rights the federalist stronghold was it the New England area Economy: went from being prosperous in trade to having a ton of national debt to worry about out producing, which was prosperous taxes had to be implemented taxes on foreign products to stimulate their own economy industrialize america??? they needed a plan to bail themselves out of debt Bank of the united states we all must literally invest in the country Social: it didn't really have as much influence over the social change as it did social created more equality for white men white male property owners could vote Thesis: The american revolution changed the society by forcing it to break away from British ideas and build their own beliefs, ideas, and rules in politic, the economy, and society itself.
Analyze the ways in which political, economic and diplomatic crises of the 1780s shaped the provisions of the US Constitution (Causation)
Political- powerful central government three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial- they are able to do what is necessary and proper, how is this a political turning point? Bill of Rights, Precedent to be set. power granted to the national government, political parties Economic- How much of a turning point was the US Constitution politically and economically? Politically: national government, bicameral legislature (House of Rep. and Senate), powerful chief executive (President), centralized government, Supreme Courts, Bill of Rights, political parties (fed vs anti-fed), Bank of the United States--Too much power in the hands of the national government, Supremacy Clause (Supreme Law of the Land), Necessary and Proper Clause, Power to tax Economic: Hamilton's financial plan: Funding the net at par, Bank of the United States, Manufacturer economy Thesis: A lack of authority at the national and executive level led to an inability to maintain a strong economy and adequately deal with foreign affairs forcing the nation to create a strong government at the national level with a strong executive leader to take charge.
Which document, the Articles of Confederation or the federal Constitution better represented the ideals of the American Revolution? (Comparison)
the colonists wanted this in the american revolution: The goals and the ideals were related, but not completely the same. The goal of the Revolution was simple; the colonists wanted to be independent from Britain. The ideals were connected to this, but went beyond simple independence. The ideals of the Revolution had to do with democracy. The Revolution was based on the idea that government existed only by the consent of the people. It was also based on the idea that the government should exist to preserve the rights of the people. so therefore....the constitution did this because it set up the government of the new nation and set its ideal while the Articles of Confederation defined the rules and relations between the states.
Evaluate the extent to which the new U.S Constitution (ratified 1788) was a political and economic turning point in the history of the U.S (Periodization)
Evaluate the relative importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping American politics in the 1790s (Causation)
Settlers in the 18th century backcountry sometimes resorted to violent protest to express their grievances. Compare and contrast the causes and significance of TWO of the following. March of the Paxton Boys, Regulator Movement, Shay's Rebellion, Whiskey Rebellion.(Comparison)
Analyze the impact of the American Revolution on both slavery and the status of women in the period from 1763-1800. (CCOT)
"Between 1783 and 1800 the new government of the US faced the same political, and economic issues that troubled the British government's relations with the colonies prior to the Revolution" Support, modify or refute this interpretation, providing specific evidence to justify your answer. (CCOT)
French and Indian War
was the North American theater of the worldwide Seven Years' War. The war was fought between the colonies of British America and New France, with both sides supported by military units from their parent countries of Great Britain and France, as well as Native American allies.
declaratory act
This was a law made my Parliament to declare its power over the colonies. This Act was passed the same time that the Stamp Act was revoked. The colonists were excited that there was no more Stamp Act, however that was short lived because the Declaratory Act brought more trouble and disagreement.
townshend act
This Act was started by Charles Townshend. This Act was made to collect revenue from the colonists by taxing imports like lead, paper, paint, glass and tea. This Act was passed by the English Parliament.
intolerable act
was the American Patriots' name for a series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea party. They were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in throwing a large tea shipment into Boston harbor.
first continental congress 1774
An assembly that had representatives from each colony. Some southern colonies refused this response to the Coercive Acts because they had royal governors. Even islands surrounding them joined in on this assembly. Each side( North and South ) had different views on the subject of plots. The Southerners worried about the British having a plot to overturn a lot of things and make a completely new type of government while the North was more focused on military and defense subjects.
articles of confederation
Created in 1777. These articles formed a government for America in the years following the declaration of independence. It stated that each state was free, independent and equal. Each state had one vote, any important law needed a majority of the votes to pass and any changes to the document itself required all 13 votes.
bill of rights
The first ten ratifications that were made to the constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. These amendments insured that each citizen had personal rights they were granted. These amendments were officially ratified in 1791.
bank of united states
was a central bank, chartered for a term of twenty years, by the United States Congress on February 25, 1791. Federalists liked this
supremacy clause
"supreme law of the land"
Hamilton's financial plan
proposed that the government assume the entire debt of the federal government and the states
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