Flashcards and Answers – MGT 101 Ch 6-8 (Exam 2)

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The main focus of the process of management is: A. initiating corporate social responsibility initiatives B. locating potential sources of raw materials C. coordinating resources to achieve objectives D. regulating the growth of small businesses to maintain the monopoly of larger companies E. creating a heightened sense of employee empowerment in the company
C. coordinating resources to achieve objectives
____ make decisions about the use of an organization's resources and are concerned with planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the organization's activities. A. managers B. shareholders C. employees D. consumers E. suppliers
A. managers
All of the following are major management functions EXCEPT: A. directing B. staffing C. advertising D. organizing E. controlling
C. advertising
If a manager is analyzing several methods for obtaining primary funding to expand operations, she is working with the ____ resources of the company. A. financial B. physical C. human D. natural E. structural
A. financial
Determining an organization's objectives and deciding how to accomplish them are part of the management function known as: A. planning B. organizing C. staffing D. controlling E. directing
A. planning
The principal difference between objectives and goals is that: A. objectives are broad, while goals are narrow B. objectives can be multiple, while a company can have only one goal C. objectives are measurable, while goals are immeasurable D. objectives are long-term, while goals are short-term E. objectives cannot lead to a competitive advantage, while goals can lead to a competitive advantage
C. objectives are measurable, while goals are immeasurable
_____ planning is conducted on a long-range basis by top managers A. incremental B. tactical C. strategic D. operational E. static
C. strategic
_____ are very short-term plans that specify what actions individuals, work groups, or departments need to accomplish in order to achieve the tactical plan and ultimately the strategic plan. A. operational plans B. contingency plans C. strategic plans D. tactical plans E. executive-level plans
A. operational plans
Downsizing is an aspect most closely associated with the management function of: A. staffing B. planning C. organizing D. controlling E. directing
A. staffing
In an organization, decisions regarding adding new products, acquiring companies, and moving into foreign markets would most typically be made by: A. the first-line management B. a sales manager C. the middle management D. a production manager E. the top management
E. the top mangement
Which of the following statements is true about organizational structure? A. it is not applicable to informal organizations B. it is the arrangement or relationship of positions within an organization C. it is usually not seen in government and nonprofit organizations D. it does not require a lot of planning in small organizations E. it remains the same even as the company grows in size
B. it is the arrangement or relationship of positions within an organization
Which of the following statements is true about an organizational chart in the context or organizational structure? A. it only lists the financial assets or an organization B. it is essentially designed for the customers of an organization C. it can only be accessed by the owners of an organization D. it gives information about an organization's chain of command E. it cannot represent the evolution or growth of an organization
D. it gives information about an organization's chain of command
_____ is the grouping of jobs into working units usually called units, groups, or divisions. A. downsizing B. specialization C. delegation D. departmentalization E. centralization
D. departmentalization
A company that has departments for marketing, finance, personnel, and production is organized by: A. product B. function C. territory D. customer E. geographic region
B. function
An airlines company having different departments for frequent travelers and occasional travelers illustrates ____ departmentalization A. product B. function C. geographical D. seniority E. customer
E. customer
_____ is the principle that employees who accept an assignment and the authority to carry it out are answerable to a superior for the outcome A. accountability B. specialization C. decentralization D. delegation of authority E. centralization
A. accountability
When an organization has a structure in which decision-making authority is delegated as far down the chain of command as possible, it is said to be exercising: A. centralization B. overcentralization C. downsizing D. overspecialization E. decentralization
E. decentralization
An organizational form that is based on direct lines of authority from the top executive to the lowest level of employees is called: A. line structure B. flat structure C. line-and-staff structure D. matrix structure E. multidivisional
A. line structure
Which of the following is an informal communication channel? A. leaflets B. telecommunications C. job descriptions D. grievances E. the grapevine
E. the grapevine
If an employee is involved with transforming resources into goods and services, then he is in: A. marketing B. financing C. human resources D. operations mangement E. budgeting
D. operations management
From the perspective of operations, food sold at a restaurant and services provided by a plumbing company are: A. processes B. inputs C. outputs D. stocks E. costs
C. outputs
As a manufacturing process, the term standardization means: A. ensuring that each product is sold at the same price B. that similar products, manufactured by different companies, all operate in the same manner C. making identical, interchangeable components or complete products D. making the exact product a particular customer needs or wants E. making an item in self-contained units that can be interchanged to create different products
C. making identical, interchangeable components or complete products
A company that manufactures large products, such as houses or bridges, may require that all resources be brought to a central location during production. This type of facility layout is called: A. fixed-position layout B. product layout C. line layout D. central control layout E. assembly line layout
A. fixed-position layout
An organization that creates many products with similar characteristics, such as automobiles, television sets, or vacuum cleaners, would most likely be categorized as a(n): A. continuous manufacturing organization B. intermittent organization C. project organization D. process layout organization E. fixed-position organization
A. continuous manufacturing organization
All activities involved in obtaining that managing raw materials and component parts, managing finished products, packaging them, and getting them to customers are part of: A. stock management B. supply chain management C. engineering D. finance E. strategic planning
B. supply chain management
All activities involved in obtaining that managing raw materials and component parts, managing finished products, packaging them, and getting them to customers are part of: A. stock management B. supply chain management C. engineering D. finance E. strategic planning
B. supply chain management
All activities involved in obtaining that managing raw materials and component parts, managing finished products, packaging them, and getting them to customers are part of: A. stock management B. supply chain management C. engineering D. finance E. strategic planning
B. supply chain management
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