Social Cognitive Theory- Constructs – Flashcards
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o Most important determinant of behavior o Plays a role in other theories o People will only try to do what they think they can and won't try what they think they can't o Believes that they could quit smoking
o Anticipated outcomes of a behavior o Influenced by: • Past experiences -know that you'll get the flu if you don't get the flu shot • Observing others or hearing about others • Emotional or physical response -fear of shots, so you don't get a flu shot o Embarrassment and fear
o Self-efficacy + expectations + goal setting = self-regulation o People who are able to maintain a healthy diet, they maintain in self-regulation • Individual believes they can eat healthy, know the outcomes of eating healthy, they have a plan of action of what they are going to eat (meal plan)
observational learning
o Learned by watching others o Impact depends on extent of attention given to the individual modeling the behavior
o Values the person places on the outcomes o Is the anticipated outcome viewed as: • Good/bad • Positive/negative • Useful/useless • Healthy/unhealthy o Having a PSA exam is embarrassing and could be a negative experience o PSA exam is good for my health
emotional arousal
o Fear felt in certain situations or when in engaging in certain behaviors o Fear can support positive health behaviors • Fear of skin cancer= avoid tanning o Fear can support negative health behaviors • Fear of breast cancer = avoid mammograms
behavioral capability
o Knowledge and skills to perform behavior • Know that you should eat fruits and vegetables, but don't feel like it o Before doing something you have to know: • What it is you are going to do • How to do it o Learns about high risks, understands the exam, schedules an appointment
o Rewards and punishments o Doing something to get a reward (positive reinforcement) • Quitting smoking = reduced insurance premiums o Doing something to avoid punishment (negative reinforcement) • Quitting smoking= avoid higher insurance premiums for smokers o Using reward to maintain positive health behaviors are more likely to result in repeated positive behaviors o Punishment tends not to lead to positive behavior change • Giving extra vacation days for maintaining healthy weight more likely to support healthy eating and physical activity vs. taking days away from those who are overweight o "Dad's day out" after exam = positive reinforcement
locus of control
o Varying degrees in belief of ability to control what happens o Degrees of ability: • Internal locus of control • External locus of control o Internal • Total control over what happens to self • Results from personal decisions and behaviors o External • No control over what happens to self • Results from fate, destiny, luck • Already have a family history of cancer, so I might as well participate in these behaviors o Personal decision to schedule annual exams = internal o My dad died from prostate cancer so its just going to happen to me anyways = external