Managerial Accounting Case – Lipton Essay Example
Managerial Accounting Case – Lipton Essay Example

Managerial Accounting Case – Lipton Essay Example

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We at ALMS Consulting Co. have been hired to analyze the way product lines and product managers are being evaluated at the Thomas J. Lipton, Incorporated (Lipton or the Company) entity. We will review the performance metrics utilized at the corporate level of Lipton, explain the current methodology utilized to evaluate the individual product lines, and then detail the benefits and potential downfalls of the methodology proposed by Don Logan. Finally, we will provide our own recommendations and opinions as to how Lipton should evaluate product lines and product managers. Contents

  • Organization Overview
  • Current Performance Measurement
  • Proposed Performance Measurement – Economic Profit
  • Benefits of Proposed Performance Measurement
  • Potential Issues with Proposed Performance Measurement
  • Exhibit
  • Analysis and Recommendations
  • Educate Product Line Managers
  • Train-the-Trainer
  • Capital Charge
  • Management Evaluation/Incentive System
  • Exhibit<


  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion
  • Organization Overview

    The Company is a subsidiary of Unilever NV (Unilever) that offers a variety of products which are classified into three main operating divisions: Beverage, Food, and General Management. Within these divisions are numerous products, and corresponding product lines, ranging from tea to ice cream to salad dressings. Each of these products lines maintains a different marketing strategy based on their market position and growth potential. Historically, Liptons strategy has been to invest more capital into the products that are the most profitable while simply maintaining the other profitable product lines that lack growth potential. Unilevers corporate office does not manage Lipton?s daily operations, only requiring a meeting twice a year to discuss the Companys consolidated financial results and basic strategic plan. Consistent with this strategic plan, approved by Unilever, the Company has identified certain financial and operating objectives: Maintain sales growth of 10.5% annually;


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15% after-tax return on average invested capital; Improve after-tax profit margin to 6%. Manage current and potential cash needs, including maintaining the Companys AA bond rating. The stated objectives outlined above are for the consolidated Lipton operations. However, the financial performance of the Company is driven/managed at the individual product line level by product managers. An evaluation of the product line financial performance methodologies currently being implemented was completed. This resulted in the identification of certain opportunities to more closely align the objectives of the broader Company with the individual product line financial performance measures. Current Performance Measurement Trading Profit

While Liptons main corporate measuring tool within the organization is after-tax return on average invested capital (ATRIC), Unilever utilizes three different measuring tools:

1. Capital Turnover:Net Sales / Average Gross Capital

Return on Sales:Trading Profit before tax / Net Sales

Return on Capital:Trading Profit after-tax / Average Gross Capital employed Further, the Company?s individual product lines are evaluated based on Trading Profit (Net sales less cost of sales and marketing, selling and administrative costs). Product managers are expected to maximize this figure without having complete control over some of the expenses and elements that make up Trading Profit. Issues with Current Performance Measurement

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