The Western Wall Essay Example
The Western Wall Essay Example

The Western Wall Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (587 words)
  • Published: May 21, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The Western Wall or the Wailing Wall located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the western side of the Temple Mount. The western wall is part of the Jewish temple. The wall has great meaning for different religious, and has been an important worship place/ avenue for pilgrims in the history. It is the most holly site recognized by the Jewish faith. It is a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded the Jewish Temple.

Structure details 19 BCE Herod the Great Hordes built the second Jewish temple on Moria mount in Jerusalem. In his project he expended the prevouse walls which surrounded the first temple. The Western wall is one of the fourth walls which surrounded the Jewish temple. The western wall it's the longest wall, It's length is 488 meters. the original high was


about 30 meters, and the wall’s thick in the top is 2 meters and bottom is 4 meters.

Importance Since 2000 years ago, second temple age until today, the Western wall has been an important worship place for for jewish. Its historic life is full of stories beliefs, conflicts, pace worship. Songs. Many visitors and pilgrims Jewish and non-Jewish have been visiting the wall in the past. During the 14 centuries, The wall gain great privilege among the Jewish people as a holy place and important pray avenue. At the time, Due to the fact the the jewsh not allowed to temple mount were was the jewish temple, the wastran wall became a worship place and missing that jewish from all around the world come to disprees on their glory past. Jews have prayed in by the wall for hundreds

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of years, and they have been expressing their missing for the great temple, and thereby to wish that the third temple will come soon.

Different beliefs related to the west enwall. Jewish facing the west while the praying, this tradition/habit is related to the idea that "the 'Shechina' (the divine presence) is in the west. Therefor jewish believe it is connecting to the current western wall. The Islam also attributes importance for the Western Wall. In fact the name “The Willing Wall” has been giving by the Muslims, whom used to heard the jewish crying in the shadow of the wall. Until the 19 century, thw muslim tradishion recognized the east or the south wall as a place the profit Muhamad that he harness his beast (Al Buraq). When the conflict between the muslim and the juwish began over thw Westran Wall, the muslim for Politics resons conecctet the place of harness Al Buraq to the Westren Wall.


During the years pilgrims have made new traditions, such as Bar mizva in the wall, convergences for holidays. Prays groups, prayer notes. There is a much publicized practice of placing slips of paper containing written prayers into the crevices of the Wall. The earliest account of this practice is recorded in Sefer Tamei Ha-minhagim U’mekorei Ha-dinim and involves Rabbi Chaim ibn Attar, (d. 1743).[122] More than a million notes are placed each year[123] and the opportunity to e-mail notes is offered by a number of organisations.[124] It has become customary for visiting dignitaries to place notes too. slihot events

Conclusion The western wall has divers history, many profits, has been prucuis place for differnt rilegious. That's the main remaice from

the Jewish temple, that will keep standing, and according to the Jewish bilife the third and the last temple will built and get connected to the wall once the masic will come another 270 years.

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