MGMT CHP 12, 13, 18 MC – Flashcards

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A leader is A. someone with authority over others. B. the top level manager in a firm or business. C. a strategic level manager. D. someone who influences others to attain goals. E. someone well-respected by others.
D. someone who influences others to attain goals.
According to Kouzes and Posner, the best leaders A. challenge the process. B. inspire a shared vision. C. model the way. D. encourage the heart. E. do all of the above.
E. do all of the above.
Which of the following is best described as a mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization? A. Mission B. Vision C. Leadership D. Vertical communication E. Horizontal communication
B. Vision
Which of these describes a vision, as it pertains to leadership? A. A long-term goal of an organization B. A mental image of a future state of an organization C. The method through which leaders achieve goals D. An operational plan for a specific department E. None of the above
B. A mental image of a future state of an organization
Which of the following statements regarding "vision" is accurate? A. Strong leaders often do not develop a clear vision. B. Vision properly focuses on performance and day-to-day survival. C. A person can develop a vision for any task. D. A vision is optional for effective leadership. E. A vision is meaningful without any additional action.
C. A person can develop a vision for any task.
Which of the following reflects a possible cause for an inappropriate vision? A. The vision is too challenging. B. The vision does not motivate all members of the organization. C. The vision reflects only the leader's needs. D. The vision is too long-term. E. All visions are appropriate.
C. The vision reflects only the leader's needs.
Supervisory leadership is behavior that provides A. support and corrective feedback. B. purpose and meaning to the organization. C. guidance and vision for the future. D. anticipation of changes. E. collaboration with others to initiate changes.
A. support and corrective feedback.
Strategic leadership is characterized by A. support and corrective feedback. B. purpose and meaning for the organization. C. financial support for plans. D. guidance and corrective feedback. E. day-to-day coaching.
B. purpose and meaning for the organization.
Behavior that provides guidance, support and corrective feedback for the day-to-day activities of work unit members is known as A. strategic leadership. B. supervisory leadership. C. organizational leadership. D. task leadership. E. performance leadership.
B. supervisory leadership.
Behavior that gives purpose and meaning to organizations, while envisioning and creating a positive future is known as A. strategic leadership. B. supervisory leadership. C. organizational leadership. D. task leadership. E. autocratic style.
A. strategic leadership.
The ability to influence others is referred to as A. cohesion. B. motivation. C. charisma. D. responsibility. E. power.
E. power.
____________ power is dominant when a leader utilizes his/her ability to control rewards. A. Legitimate B. Reward C. Coercive D. Referent E. Expert
B. Reward
_______ power is dominant when subordinates are obliged to comply by virtue of a boss's authority. A. Legitimate B. Reward C. Coercive D. Referent E. Expert
A. Legitimate
The right or authority to tell employees what to do and they are obligated to comply with the orders is referred to as A. coercive power. B. reward power. C. legitimate power. D. referent power. E. expert power.
C. legitimate power
Which type of power is dominant when a leader utilizes her ability to control punishments? A. Legitimate power B. Reward power C. Coercive power D. Referent power E. Expert power
C. Coercive power
Upper management at Gusto Foods determined that there would be no end-of-year bonuses due to predicted leveling of sales. Sherelle, a department manager, let her staff know that even those high-performing employees would not get bonuses this year. This change limited what type of power for Sherelle? A. Legitimate B. Reward C. Coercive D. Referent E. Expert
B. Reward
Legitimate power is described as power that exists through having A. control over punishments. B. control over rewards. C. the authority to tell others what to do. D. expertise. E. appealing personal characteristics.
C. the authority to tell others what to do.
At the restaurant where your friend works, the manager has quite a lot of power over the workers. She has the responsibility of scheduling workers and assigning projects during each shift. Employees that have performed poorly on her shifts tend to get scheduled for the unpopular weekend shifts and the worst shift duties. This manager seems to use a high degree of A. legitimate power. B. negative power. C. coercive power. D. referent power. E. expert power.
C. coercive power.
According to the text, which form of power is being used when a sales manager gives his salespeople some tips on how to close a deal, and the salespeople then alter their sales techniques because they respect the manager's expertise? A. coercive power B. legitimate power C. professional power D. referent power E. expert power
E. expert power
______________ power is dominant when a leader is followed due to his or her charisma. A. Legitimate B. Reward C. Coercive D. Referent E. Expert
D. Referent
Which type of power is dominant when a leader is respected for his knowledge? A. Legitimate power B. Reward power C. Coercive power D. Referent power E. Expert power
E. Expert power
Referent power is described as power that exists through having A. control over punishments. B. control over rewards. C. the authority to tell others what to do. D. expertise. E. appealing personal characteristics.
E. appealing personal characteristics.
At the pizza shop where your roommate works, the evening manager has quite a lot of power over the workers. He is a personable and likable person who is quite popular. Your roommate has confided that if she was the manager, she would manage just like he does and she likes working with him. This manager seems to have a high degree of A. legitimate power. B. reward power. C. coercive power. D. referent power. E. expert power.
D. referent power.
A leadership perspective that focuses on individual leaders and attempts to determine the personal characteristics that leaders share is referred to as the A. knowledge approach. B. behavioral approach. C. Leadership Grid. D. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory. E. trait approach.
E. trait approach.
Nadia Mueller, an operations manager at Blue Ridge Bottling Company, has a high need for achievement, is constantly striving for improvement, and shows ambition and energy. This would describe her A. leadership motivation. B. integrity. C. self-confidence. D. drive. E. knowledge of the business.
D. drive.
A set of leader characteristics that reflect high level of effort and a high need for achievement is identified as A. effort power. B. integrity. C. drive. D. charisma. E. motivation.
C. drive.
"Drive" includes a ___________ and ____________. A. high need for power; tenacity B. high need for achievement; ambition C. low need for power; initiative D. low need for power; energy E. high need for power; striving for improvement
B. high need for achievement; ambition
Which of the following traits distinguishes effective leaders from other people? A. Material possessions B. Education C. Self-confidence D. Command-and-control attitude E. Introversion
C. Self-confidence
The correspondence between actions and words that include characteristics such as honesty and credibility is known as A. drive. B. leadership motivation. C. self-confidence. D. knowledge of the business. E. integrity.
E. integrity.
Leadership motivation as an identified leadership trait suggests that great leaders A. can motivate others to work hard. B. can motivate others to become leaders. C. can motivate others to join. D. will follow words with action. E. want to lead.
E. want to lead.
Emilio can barely contain his desire to move up in his company. He is very extroverted and loves to successfully influence the decisions being made around and even above him. Emilio seems to be exhibiting which leadership trait? A. drive. B. leadership motivation. C. self-confidence. D. knowledge of the business. E. integrity.
B. leadership motivation.
Integrity as an identified leadership trait refers to A. the disconnect between action and words. B. honesty and credibility. C. the ability to overcome obstacles. D. self-discipline. E. rationality.
B. honesty and credibility.
Self-confidence as an identified leadership trait refers to A. the correspondence between action and words. B. honesty and credibility. C. the belief in oneself and one's decisions. D. discipline. E. extreme arrogance.
C. the belief in oneself and one's decisions
As a leadership trait, self-confidence A. tends to connect actions with words. B. will usually dilute a leader's effectiveness. C. is an important prerequisite to charisma. D. allows a leader to overcome obstacles. E. supports a leader's desire to lead.
D. allows a leader to overcome obstacles.
Effective leaders have been shown to possess a high level of expertise about their industries, companies and relevant technical matters. This trait is referred to as A. knowledge of the business. B. acumen. C. expert leadership. D. legitimate authority. E. expert power.
A. knowledge of the business.
A leadership perspective that attempts to identify what effective leaders do and the behaviors they exhibit is referred to as the A. behavioral approach. B. trait approach. C. transformational leadership. D. strategic approach. E. none of the above.
A. behavioral approach.
Actions taken to ensure that the work group or organization reaches its goals are referred to as A. task performance behaviors. B. organization structures. C. group maintenance behaviors. D. chain of commands. E. autocratic leadership.
A. task performance behaviors.
The behaviors that have received particular attention in the research on leadership are A. autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire. B. task performance, group maintenance and employee participation in decision making. C. leader preferences, follower preferences, environmental factors. D. rate of change and complexity. E. motivation, communication and stress management.
B. task performance, group maintenance and employee participation in decision making.
Task performance behaviors are A. focused on the accomplishment of the work. B. focused on the interactions of the work group. C. focused on solicitation of worker input. D. generally resented by workers. E. none of the above
A. focused on the accomplishment of the work.
Leaders who emphasize scheduling, maximizing efficiency and setting performance goals are A. employee-centered. B. task-oriented. C. consideration-centered. D. initiating structure. E. generally less productive.
B. task-oriented.
Group maintenance behaviors are A. focused on a concern for the accomplishment of the work. B. focused on the satisfaction of the work group. C. focused on the closeness of supervision. D. generally resented by workers. E. none of the above
B. focused on the satisfaction of the work group.
Actions taken to ensure the satisfaction of group members, develop and maintain harmonious work relationships and preserve the social stability of the group are referred to as A. task performance behaviors. B. participatory decision-making. C. the chain of command. D. initiating structure. E. group maintenance behaviors.
E. group maintenance behaviors.
Which of the following highlights the importance of leader behaviors, not just toward the group as a whole, but toward individuals on a personal level? A. The behavioral approach B. The Vroom model of decision-making C. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory D. The trait approach to leadership E. Blake & Mouton's Leadership Grid
C. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory
Leader-Member Exchange Theory refers to A. a concern for the accomplishment of the work. B. a focus on the satisfaction of the work group. C. a solicitation of worker input. D. the importance of leader behaviors on both a group and personal basis. E. using a funnel for decision making.
D. the importance of leader behaviors on both a group and personal basis.
Autocratic leaders A. make decisions on their own. B. solicit the input of experts for decisions. C. solicit the input of group members for decisions. D. allow subordinates to make decisions. E. look for consensus in making decisions.
A. make decisions on their own.
Democratic leaders A. make decisions on their own. B. challenge the input of experts. C. solicit the input of subordinates. D. allow subordinates to make decisions. E. force others to make decisions.
C. solicit the input of subordinates.
Robin Errington has again found herself frustrated at work. Robin's boss, for whatever reason, never makes a decision. If anything is to get done, Robin and her coworkers just go ahead with what they think is best. Robin's boss has a decision style that should be labeled A. autocratic. B. democratic. C. non-performance. D. employee centered. E. laissez-faire.
E. laissez-faire.
Which of the following statements is true regarding decision styles? A. Laissez-faire style results in positive attitudes. B. Democratic style results in positive attitudes. C. Autocratic style results in lower performance. D. Laissez-faire results in higher performance. E. Democratic style is the fastest.
B. Democratic style results in positive attitudes.
A form of leadership in which the leader solicits input from subordinates is referred to as A. autocratic leadership. B. participation in decision-making. C. democratic leadership. D. laissez-faire. E. subordinated leadership.
C. democratic leadership.
A leadership philosophy characterized by an absence of managerial decision-making is referred to as A. laissez-faire. B. democratic leadership. C. situational leadership. D. path-goal theory. E. autocratic leadership.
A. laissez-faire.
Whether a decision should be made autocratically or democratically depends on the characteristics of A. the culture. B. the governing laws. C. the situation. D. the competitors. E. all of the above
C. the situation.
According to leader behavior research, including studies at Ohio State and Michigan, the ideal leader A. does not exist. B. engages in both task performance and group maintenance behaviors. C. is both autocratic and democratic. D. is neither autocratic nor democratic. E. relies on the situation to dictate his/her behavior.
B. engages in both task performance and group maintenance behaviors.
Grid training was criticized for A. ignoring the influence of referent power. B. advocating a one-best-way style of leadership. C. demanding more from leaders than most were capable of giving. D. being little more than a money-making scheme. E. suggesting that it was possible to be concerned with people and production simultaneously.
B. advocating a one-best-way style of leadership.
The leadership perspective that proposes that universally important traits and behaviors do not exist and that effective leadership behavior varies from circumstance to circumstance is known as the A. situational approach. B. behavioral approach. C. trait approach. D. vroom model of leadership. E. charismatic leadership.
A. situational approach.
The situational approach to leadership suggests A. a combination of concern for people and concern for task will always succeed. B. that, if in doubt, focus on a concern for production. C. that a leader should analyze a situation before deciding what to do. D. there is a one-best-way to manage. E. that most leaders cannot alter their style of leadership despite the demands of the situation.
C. that a leader should analyze a situation before deciding what to do.
______________ is a situational model that focuses on the participative dimension of leadership, or how leaders go about making decisions. A. The Vroom model B. Path-goal theory C. Fiedler's contingency model D. Leader substitutes theory E. Directive model
A. The Vroom model
A situational model of leadership that focuses on how leaders go about making decisions using factors like decision significance, leader's expertise, and group support for objectives, is referred to as A. the path-goal theory. B. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory. C. the contingency theory. D. the Vroom model of leadership. E. the transformational leadership.
D. the Vroom model of leadership.
In the Vroom model, when the managers make the decisions themselves using information available to them at that time, it is referred to as the ________ decision style. A. decide B. consult Individually C. consult Group D. facilitate E. delegate
A. decide
In the Vroom model, when you share a problem with each relevant subordinate, getting their ideas and suggestions without bringing them together as a group, you are following which of these decision styles? A. Delegate B. Consult Individually C. Consult Group D. Decide E. Facilitate
B. Consult Individually
Which situational approach theory postulates that effectiveness depends on the personal style of the leader and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence over the situation? A. the Vroom model B. Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory C. Path-goal theory D. Leadership Grid E. Fiedler's contingency model
E. Fiedler's contingency model
On the LPC scale of Fiedler's contingency model, leaders with negative attitudes toward others score low, meaning they are likely to exhibit what type of leadership? A. Facilitation B. Delegation C. Control D. Task-motivated E. Relationship-motivated
D. Task-motivated
The theory that added the idea that the maturity of followers is a key situational factor is A. Fiedler's contingency theory B. Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory C. Path-goal theory D. Leader substitutes theory E. Managerial grid
B. Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory
In Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, an employee's self-confidence and self-respect is called A. job assurance. B. personal security. C. job maturity. D. psychological maturity. E. self-assuredness.
D. psychological maturity.
Path-goal theory is concerned with A. the relationship of follower maturity to leader behaviors. B. how leaders influence subordinates' perceptions of their work and how their goals might be attained. C. the level of participation that a leader might allow a workgroup to assume under varying conditions. D. the personal style of the leader in combination with the maturity level of followers. E. none of the above
B. how leaders influence subordinates' perceptions of their work and how their goals might be attained.
According to Path-goal theory, achievement-oriented leadership is descriptive of leader behaviors that are A. concerned with task performance. B. concerned with group maintenance. C. concerned with participatory decision making. D. geared toward motivating people. E. geared toward commanding respect.
D. geared toward motivating people.
The theory that examines follower and environmental characteristics such as locus of control, ability, and formal authority system is A. Contingency Plan Theory. B. Path-goal Theory. C. Vroom Model of Leadership. D. Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory. E. Leadership Grid.
B. Path-goal Theory
In Path-goal theory, the degree to which followers respect, admire and defer to authority is called A. authoritarianism. B. locus of control. C. integrity. D. drive. E. charisma.
A. authoritarianism.
The concept of substitutes for leadership illustrates that effective leadership can and should also be A. efficient. B. taught. C. charismatic. D. heroic. E. rational.
A. efficient.
Factors in the workplace that can exert the same influence on employees as leaders would provide are known as A. charismatic motivators. B. task performance behaviors. C. group maintenance behaviors. D. commitment motivators. E. substitutes for leadership.
E. substitutes for leadership.
A person who is dominant, self-confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his or her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers is known as a(n) A. authentic leader B. servant-leader C. charismatic leader D. bridge leader E. pseudotransformational leader
C. charismatic leader
A person who has a special ability to generate excitement and revitalize organizations is known as a A. transactional leader. B. situational leader. C. transformational leader. D. charismatic leader. E. bridge leader.
C. transformational leader.
A leader who motivates others to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group is referred to as a A. transactional leader. B. charismatic leader. C. situational leader. D. transformational leader. E. pseudotransformational leader.
D. transformational leader.
A leader who manages through connections, using their legitimate, reward and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered is referred to as a A. transformational leader. B. situational leader. C. transactional leader. D. charismatic leader. E. natural leader.
C. transactional leader.
Which of the following is a way that transformational leaders generate excitement? A. Being charismatic B. Having vision C. Having positive self-regard D. Building trust E. Communicating the vision
A. Being charismatic
Level 5 leadership is A. not well-known among executives. B. a combination of determination and personal humility. C. known for requiring that leaders exhibit pseudo-transformational characteristics. D. rooted in ancient Greek philosophy. E. all of the above
B. a combination of determination and personal humility.
Which of the following statements is true regarding authentic leadership? A. It is rooted in ancient Greek philosophy. B. It is a style in which the leader is true to himself or herself while leading. C. It can take the form of honesty, genuineness, integrity and reliability. D. Its leaders can be trusted and care about public interests. E. All of the above are true.
E. All of the above are true.
Leaders who develop their repertoire by living, working or traveling in other cultures, and therefore are able to help disparate groups reconcile conflicting value systems are known as A. lateral leaders. B. authentic leaders. C. shared leaders. D. bridge leaders. E. servant-leaders.
D. bridge leaders.
Leaders who relate to others to serve their needs and enhance their personal growth while strengthening the organization are known as A. lateral leaders. B. authentic leaders. C. shared leaders. D. bridge leaders. E. servant-leaders.
E. servant-leaders.
Matt, Renee and Anders were on a team together at their engineering company. Though Matt had the most experience of the three, he did not always assume the leadership role. Some projects fell into the specialized areas of the others, and so he moved the leadership around the group as appropriate. Matt's style would be classified as A. lateral leadership. B. authentic leadership. C. shared leadership. D. bridge leadership. E. servant-leadership.
C. shared leadership.
__________ leadership invites colleagues at the same level to solve problems together. A. Horizontal B. Vertical C. Collegial D. Lateral E. Linear
D. Lateral
Which of the following is an act of leadership courage? A. Seeing things as they are, making no excuses and harboring no wishful illusions B. Saying what needs to be said to those who need to hear it C. Persisting despite resistance, abuse, and setbacks D. Stating the realities, even when they are harsh E. All of the above are acts of leadership courage.
E. All of the above are acts of leadership courage.
Which of the following are effective developmental experiences for leaders? A. Building something from nothing B. Having exposure to positive role models C. Increasing visibility to others D. Overcoming ideas that fail and deals that collapse E. All of the above are effective developmental experiences for leaders.
E. All of the above are effective developmental experiences for leaders.
what are the 5 sources of power?
legitimate, coercive, reward, referent, expert
Real Big Surf has designed many of the jobs in the company so that people are attracted to the organization, show up every day and work hard while they are there. Yet, most employees stay no longer than five years. RBS needs to address motivation in another essential category for productive employees, which is A. joining the organization. B. remaining in the organization. C. competing with others. D. performing their work. E. exhibiting empowerment.
B. remaining in the organization.
Motivation refers to forces that A. energize, direct and sustain a person's efforts. B. are acquired through education. C. that are basically involuntary. D. all of the above E. none of the above
A. energize, direct and sustain a person's efforts.
Forces that energize, direct and sustain a person's efforts are known as A. leadership. B. power. C. motivation. D. management. E. psychological contract.
C. motivation.
The motivation theory stating that people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular end is A. equity theory. B. law of effect theory. C. goal-setting theory. D. expectancy theory. E. reinforcement theory.
C. goal-setting theory.
For goals to be motivating, they must be A. disliked by employees. B. subjective. C. easy to achieve. D. quantifiable. E. open-ended.
D. quantifiable.
According to the guidelines of goal-setting theory, which of the following goals is likely to stimulate performance? A. Increase quality levels. B. Obtain sales levels of 15% over last year. C. Sell 85% of defective items overseas within two years. D. Develop a cure for AIDS this year. E. Employees who are late for work will be docked 1/2 day's pay.
B. Obtain sales levels of 15% over last year.
Particularly demanding goals that are designed to shift people away from mediocrity and toward major achievement are known as A. challenge goals. B. mountaintop goals. C. reach goals. D. summit goals. E. stretch goals.
E. stretch goals.
According to Organizational Behavior Modification theory, positive consequences that motivate behavior are referred to as A. consequences. B. behavioral antecedents. C. reinforcers. D. effectors. E. sanctions.
C. reinforcers.
Behavior that is followed by positive consequences will likely be repeated. This statement is referred to as A. the law of consequences. B. the law of repetition. C. the law of large numbers. D. the law of effect. E. the law of reinforcement.
D. the law of effect.
Art Kuene recently took two employees off probation because their performance had greatly improved. This action demonstrates A. positive reinforcement. B. negative reinforcement. C. punishment. D. extinction. E. encouragement.
B. negative reinforcement.
Applying a valued consequence to increase a behavior is A. positive reinforcement. B. negative reinforcement. C. extinction. D. encouragement. E. the law of consequences.
A. positive reinforcement.
Removing or withholding an undesirable consequence is A. negative reinforcement. B. punishment. C. extinction. D. positive reinforcement. E. empowerment.
A. negative reinforcement.
Positive reinforcement refers to applying a(n) ________ consequence that ________ the likelihood that the person will repeat the behavior that led to it. A. valued; increases B. valued; decreases C. undesirable; increases D. undesirable; decreases E. neutral; increases
A. valued; increases
Negative reinforcement refers to __________ a(n) ___________ consequence. A. applying; desirable B. applying; undesirable C. withholding; desirable D. withholding; undesirable E. applying; neutral
D. withholding; undesirable
Applying consequences that increase the likelihood that a person will repeat the behavior that led to it is referred to as A. negative reinforcement. B. positive reinforcement. C. punishment. D. extinction. E. encouragement.
B. positive reinforcement.
Which consequence is positive for the person receiving it? A. Negative reinforcement B. Punishment C. Extinction D. Goals E. Motivation
A. Negative reinforcement
Positive consequences that motivate behavior are known as A. motivators. B. valence. C. punishments. D. reinforcers. E. goals.
D. reinforcers.
Administering an aversive consequence is referred to as A. organizational behavior modification. B. punishment. C. extinction. D. negative reinforcement. E. reprimanding.
B. punishment.
Withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence is referred to as A. negative reinforcement. B. organizational behavior modification. C. expectancy. D. extinction. E. goal theory.
D. extinction.
Gabrielle is known to favor some of her employees over others. For those she dislikes, she sometimes sets impossible performance goals so that they cannot possibly succeed, and their motivation suffers. This is an example of A. positive reinforcement. B. negative reinforcement. C. punishment. D. extinction. E. expectancy.
D. extinction.
In Organizational Behavior Modification, which of the following is a key consequence of behavior? A. Availability B. Expectancy C. Instrumentality D. Valence E. Extinction
E. Extinction
Failure to provide positive feedback for a job well done, resulting in lower motivation thereafter, is what type of consequence of behavior? A. Punishment B. Extinction C. Positive reinforcement D. Negative reinforcement E. Disempowerment
B. Extinction
Which of the following prescriptions for effectively motivating high performance is suggested by Michael LeBoeuf? A. Conform to the majority opinion. B. Complicate solutions to account for every outcome. C. Focus on quantity to create volume. D. Use quick fixes so that stock price won't suffer. E. Be quietly effective rather than the "squeaky wheel."
E. Be quietly effective rather than the "squeaky wheel."
The effort-to-performance link in expectancy theory is called A. instrumentality. B. valence. C. outcomes. D. motivational force. E. expectancy.
E. expectancy.
The theory that proposes that people will behave based on their perceived likelihood that their effort will lead to a certain outcome and on how highly they value that outcome is known as A. expectancy theory. B. ERG theory. C. path-goal theory. D. equity theory. E. goal theory.
A. expectancy theory.
In which order would expectancy theory place the following events? A. outcome, performance, effort B. performance, effort, outcome C. effort, outcome, performance D. performance, outcome, effort E. effort, performance, outcome
E. effort, performance, outcome
Expectancy is A. the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome. B. the value that expected outcomes hold for the person contemplating them. C. any consequence resulting from performance. D. the perceived likelihood that employees' efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals. E. indirectly correlated with motivation.
D. the perceived likelihood that employees' efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals.
Instrumentality is A. the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome. B. the value that expected outcomes hold for the person contemplating them. C. any consequence resulting from performance. D. the perceived likelihood that employees' efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals. E. indirectly correlated with motivation.
A. the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome.
The performance-to-outcome link in expectancy theory is called A. valence. B. instrumentality. C. expectancy. D. equity. E. hygiene-motivation linkage.
B. instrumentality.
Valence is A. the perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome. B. the value that expected outcomes hold for the person contemplating them. C. any consequence resulting from performance. D. the perceived likelihood that employees' efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals. E. indirectly correlated with motivation.
B. the value that expected outcomes hold for the person contemplating them.
The perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome is referred to as A. valence. B. instrumentality. C. expectancy. D. job enlargement. E. job enrichment.
B. instrumentality.
Roberto does not trust Eric, his boss. Roberto puts in a full day of his best efforts each day because he was taught at an early age to do his best. However, he does not expect that his hard work will be rewarded by Eric. According to expectancy theory, Roberto feels this way about a lack of reward by Eric because he has A. low valence for the outcome. B. low instrumentality. C. high expectancy. D. high valence for the outcome. E. instrumentality.
B. low instrumentality.
The need found at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy is A. social. B. physiological. C. ego. D. safety. E. self-actualization.
B. physiological.
Which of these is the highest level need in Maslow's hierarchy? A. Social B. Physiological C. Ego D. Safety E. Self-actualization
E. Self-actualization
A(n) ____________ need describes a need for friendship, affection, belonging and love. A. self-actualization B. ego C. safety or security D. physiological E. social
E. social
Which of the following levels of need includes the need for recognition and respect from others? A. Physiological B. Self-actualization C. Safety D. Ego E. Social
D. Ego
A conception of human needs organizing them into a hierarchy of five major types is A. Maslow's need hierarchy. B. ERG theory. C. Herzberg's two-factory theory. D. equity theory. E. expectancy theory.
A. Maslow's need hierarchy.
According to Maslow's need hierarchy, A. one can never be fully satisfied. B. higher-level needs are more important than lower-level needs. C. people are motivated to satisfy lower-level needs before higher level needs. D. once a need is satisfied, it becomes a powerful motivator. E. unsatisfied needs will not motivate performance.
C. people are motivated to satisfy lower-level needs before higher level needs.
Which of the following statements regarding Maslow's need hierarchy is true? A. It is a complex and altogether accurate theory of motivation. B. It sensitizes managers to the importance of personal growth. C. It focuses managers' efforts on behavior inherent in the workplace. D. Everyone progresses through the levels in hierarchical order. E. The concept of needs now has little use in most workplaces since today's workers are generally well-satisfied.
B. It sensitizes managers to the importance of personal growth
According to Maslow, the average person is only 10% self-actualized. The implication from this for managers is to A. fully satisfy lower-level needs so that employees are motivated toward self-actualization. B. gain specific information on what each employee considers personal fulfillment. C. assign pay levels that are commensurate with employee needs as well as employee performance. D. create an environment that provides autonomy, responsibility and challenging assignments. E. realize that employee needs are not likely to be met at the workplace.
D. create an environment that provides autonomy, responsibility and challenging assignments.
Alderfer's ERG Theory focuses on A. existence needs, relatedness needs and growth needs. B. existentialism, relativity and governance. C. employment, recruitment and gain sharing. D. effort, return and goal setting. E. expectancy, risk and growth.
A. existence needs, relatedness needs and growth needs.
A difference between Maslow's need hierarchy and Alderfer's ERG Theory is that A. ERG theory states that various needs operate simultaneously. B. Maslow's hierarchy has more scientific validity. C. Maslow's hierarchy reminds managers that even if one need seems to motivate people, other needs may still need attention. D. ERG theory focuses on five levels of need. E. only Maslow's theory serves to remind managers of the types of reinforcers that can be used to motivate people.
A. ERG theory states that various needs operate simultaneously.
The most important needs for managers, according to McClelland, are the needs for A. achievement, affiliation and power. B. existence, relatedness and growth. C. motivation and hygiene. D. equity and fair treatment. E. self-actualization and ego.
A. achievement, affiliation and power.
According to McClelland's research, the need for achievement is A. strongest in non-technical managers. B. a desire to influence others. C. often perceived negatively. D. important to most American managers. E. equivalent to Maslow's social needs.
D. important to most American managers.
According to McClelland, when the need for power is used as a negative force, such as through aggressive manipulation or exploitation of others, it is called A. aggressive power. B. abusive power. C. antisocial power. D. hostile power. E. personalized power.
E. personalized power.
Achievement, affiliation, personalized power and socialized power are all components of A. ERG theory. B. path-goal theory. C. Maslow's hierarchy. D. McClelland's needs. E. social theory.
D. McClelland's needs.
A recent article espousing the rewards of golfing stated that perhaps the best aspect of the game is not that you play against your partners but that you play against yourself by striving to lower your score. The author of the article evidently finds golf to be A. expensive. B. important to relatedness needs. C. intrinsically rewarding. D. instrumental. E. relaxing.
C. intrinsically rewarding.
The reward a worker derives directly from performing the job itself is referred to as a(n) A. extrinsic reward. B. motivator. C. intrinsic reward. D. job enrichment. E. job enlargement.
C. intrinsic reward.
The rewards given to a person by the boss, the company, or some other person are known as A. an extrinsic reward. B. a motivator. C. an intrinsic reward. D. job enrichment. E. job enlargement.
A. an extrinsic reward.
Giving people additional tasks at the same time to alleviate boredom is referred to as A. job enrichment. B. task significance. C. job enlargement. D. task identity. E. interest enhancement.
C. job enlargement.
Changing a task to make it inherently more rewarding, motivating and satisfying is referred to as A. task significance. B. job enrichment. C. job rotation. D. task identity. E. job enlargement.
B. job enrichment.
Changing from one routine task to another to alleviate boredom is called A. job rotation. B. job enlargement. C. job enrichment. D. job feedback. E. autonomy.
A. job rotation.
According to the text, giving an assembly worker two tasks to perform instead of one is known as A. job rotation. B. job enlargement. C. job enrichment. D. feedback. E. autonomy.
B. job enlargement.
The job design in which workers are given more activities to perform and more discretion about how to perform them is called A. job rotation. B. job enlargement. C. job enrichment. D. job specialization. E. job exchange.
C. job enrichment.
When Ying-Li is given additional tasks to perform that are considered to be at a similar level of responsibility, her job has been A. rotated. B. enlarged. C. expanded. D. enriched. E. decentralized.
B. enlarged.
Esteban's job responsibilities were recently changed as part of a decentralization effort taking place at his place of employment. He is to decide when a file's status is to be altered, rather than only altering files at his supervisor's discretion. Esteban is pleased that his judgment is now utilized and valued by his employer. Esteban's job has been A. encompassed. B. enlarged. C. expanded. D. enriched. E. explored.
D. enriched.
Herzberg's theory describing hygiene and motivators as factors affecting people's work motivation and satisfaction is referred to as A. equity theory. B. expectancy theory. C. path-goal theory. D. two-factor theory. E. the hierarchy of needs.
D. two-factor theory.
Characteristics of the workplace, such as company policies, working conditions, pay and supervision, that can make people dissatisfied are referred to as A. hygiene factors. B. motivators. C. feedback. D. autonomy. E. reward structure.
A. hygiene factors.
Herzberg's hygiene factors are A. one of two broad categories of factors affecting workers. B. capable of making employees unhappy if they are poorly managed. C. incapable of satisfying or motivating workers. D. company structures like policies, working conditions, pay and supervision. E. all of the above.
E. all of the above.
Which of the following describes Herzberg's motivators? A. Characteristics of the workplace B. Capable of making employees unhappy if they are poorly managed C. Capable of satisfying and motivating workers D. Company structures like policies, working conditions, pay and supervision E. Even when well managed employees will not be satisfied
C. Capable of satisfying and motivating workers
According to Herzberg, the key to true job satisfaction and motivation to perform lies in the A. hygiene factors. B. characteristics of the workplace. C. motivators. D. working conditions. E. motivators and hygiene factors.
C. motivators.
A contribution of Herzberg's two-factor theory is that it A. distinguishes between a need for power versus achievement. B. reminds managers to focus on intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards. C. illustrates the difficulty of actually motivating workers. D. compounds the problems inherent in motivation theory. E. notes that job design is of little consequence to employee motivation.
B. reminds managers to focus on intrinsic as well as extrinsic rewards.
Ensuring the core job dimensions of skill variety, task identity and task significance is linked to what critical psychological state of enriched jobs? A. Knowing about results of work activity B. Experiencing responsibility for outcome of work C. Experiencing high work motivation D. Learning about how well the job was performed E. Experiencing meaningfulness of the work
E. Experiencing meaningfulness of the work
The positive outcomes of Hackman and Oldham's model of job design will occur when A. employees believe they are doing something meaningful. B. employees feel responsible for the work that they do. C. employees receive feedback about their performance. D. employees feel that their work is important to other people. E. all of the above occur.
E. all of the above occur.
According to the Hackman and Oldham model, the best way to design an enriched job in which employees experience responsibility for the outcome of the work is to provide A. task identity. B. feedback. C. skill variety. D. autonomy. E. task responsibility.
D. autonomy.
According to Hackman and Oldham's model of job design, the degree to which a job provides independence and discretion in making decisions refers to A. skill variety. B. task identity. C. meaningfulness. D. autonomy. E. rationalization.
D. autonomy.
People who are likely to respond most positively to job enrichment are those who have A. a low growth need strength. B. a high growth need strength. C. high expectations. D. low expectations. E. below average skills.
B. a high growth need strength
Growth need strength refers to A. the desire people have for responsibility. B. the desire people have for experiences that enable them to advance in the corporate hierarchy. C. the desire people have for experiences that contribute to personal and psychological development. D. the desire people have for retirement. E. the desire people have for experiences that allow for socialization and affiliation.
C. the desire people have for experiences that contribute to personal and psychological development.
Empowerment encourages what set of beliefs among employees? A. Clarity, power, self confidence, punishment B. Meaning, competence, self determination, impact C. Information, knowledge, rewards D. Earning, refinement, understanding E. None of the above
B. Meaning, competence, self determination, impact
The degree to which individuals want personal and psychological development is known as A. empowerment. B. career enrichment. C. growth need strength. D. motivation. E. hygiene factors.
C. growth need strength.
The process of sharing power with employees, thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization is known as A. empowerment. B. job enrichment. C. growth need strength. D. restoring equity. E. expectancy.
A. empowerment.
An "empowered" workforce A. increases hidden costs. B. improves quality and service. C. maintains personal power at top levels. D. applies socialized power to lower levels. E. all of the above
B. improves quality and service.
A theory stating that people assess how fairly they have been treated according to outcomes and inputs is referred to as A. quality of work life. B. psychological contract. C. equity theory. D. ERG theory. E. empowerment.
C. equity theory.
Which of the following statements is supported by equity theory? A. Inequity causes dissatisfaction. B. Equity will result in an effort to restore balance. C. If the ratios of outcomes/inputs are equivalent, people will be dissatisfied. D. It is advisable for managers to compute the outcomes/inputs ratios in order to maintain equity. E. Equity theory causes people to be dissatisfied with their treatment.
A. Inequity causes dissatisfaction.
Under equity theory, employees may attempt to _________ in their efforts to restore balance. A. reduce their outcomes B. increase their inputs C. decrease others' outcomes D. increase others' outcomes E. use procedural justice
C. decrease others' outcomes
Using fair processes in decision making and making sure others know that the process was as fair as possible is referred to as A. procedural justice. B. participation. C. job equity. D. job enrichment. E. participative equity.
A. procedural justice.
Programs designed to create a workplace that enhances employee well-being are referred to as A. quality analysis. B. quality circles. C. quality control. D. QWL programs. E. equity circles.
D. QWL programs.
The general goal of Quality of Work Life programs is to A. lower absenteeism. B. attract employees. C. satisfy the full range of employee needs. D. improve working conditions. E. provide socialization opportunities.
C. satisfy the full range of employee needs.
Which of the following is the aspect of quality of working life that provides for personal privacy and the right to dissent? A. Social equity B. A safe and healthy environment C. Lowered demands for personal growth D. Constitutionalism E. Freedom from prejudice
D. Constitutionalism
A "psychological contract" resides in the minds of A. employers. B. CEO's. C. customers. D. employees. E. competitors.
D. employees.
A set of perceptions of what employees owe their employers and what their employers owe them is known as a A. personality contract. B. quality circle. C. psychological contract. D. statistical process control. E. equity theory.
C. psychological contract.
Which of the following was identified as a "built-to-last" company? A. Google B. Visa C. Sony D. Apple E. Cisco Systems
C. Sony
To be world class in the management of employees means A. striving for controlled improvement. B. using the best and latest knowledge and ideas. C. having infectious core values. D. focusing on competition instead of profits. E. operating at industry standards.
B. using the best and latest knowledge and ideas.
According to Collins and Porras, the essential characteristics of the "built to last" companies included A. being driven by incremental goals. B. focusing on beating the competition. C. a strong strategy that they believe in deeply. D. continuous change. E. focusing on profits.
D. continuous change.
Many individuals and companies are plagued by the ______ the belief that one must choose. A. "problem of if" B. "tyranny of the or" C. "glut of when" D. "predicament of and" E. "confusion of what"
B. "tyranny of the or"
The ability to achieve multiple objectives at the same time is known as the A. "genius of the also." B. "tyranny of the or." C. "tyranny of the and." D. "genius of the and." E. "genius of the if."
D. "genius of the and."
__________ refers to being able to achieve multiple objectives at the same time. A. Organizational strategy B. Organizational development C. Organizational ambidexterity D. Organizational behavior E. Leadership
C. Organizational ambidexterity
The belief that things must be either A or B and cannot be both and that only one goal and not another can be attained is referred to as A. black or white. B. tyranny of the "or." C. pragmatic or idealistic. D. genius of the "and." E. management myopia.
B. tyranny of the "or."
The system-wide application of behavioral science to organizational effectiveness is referred to as A. organization development. B. organization strategy. C. organization systems. D. organization behavior. E. leadership.
A. organization development.
Which of the following statements about organization development (OD) is accurate? A. OD is a narrow improvement in technology that affects change. B. OD is not directly concerned with economic or technical aspects of the organization. C. Under the wrong circumstances OD can do more harm than good. D. OD aims to increase profitability of the firm. E. OD is the main way that leaders are developed.
B. OD is not directly concerned with economic or technical aspects of the organization.
A key management practice that leads to sustained, superior performance is A. leadership. B. vision. C. change. D. innovation. E. culture.
E. culture.
Which of the following characteristics does it take to be a change agent? A. Seeing a future that others don't see B. Having the courage to take risks C. Being able to motivate people D. Being able to galvanize teams E. Being able to do all of the above
E. Being able to do all of the above
Even after MP3 players became an accepted technology, some people still resisted utilizing them because they were comfortable with their old ways of listening to music. The reason for this type of resistance to change might be A. surprise. B. peer pressure. C. differing assessments. D. inertia. E. timing.
D. inertia.
Which of the following change-specific reasons for resistance is likely to occur when a person thinks a change will cause them to lose something of value? A. Misunderstanding B. Management tactics C. Self-interest D. Surprise E. Different assessments
C. Self-interest
Which of the following types of resistance to change is likely to result from not seeing the change's advantage over current practices? A. Surprise B. Timing C. Inertia D. Misunderstanding E. Self-interest
D. Misunderstanding
When people have discrepant information about an organizational change or its implementation, they are likely to resist the change due to A. self-interest. B. surprise. C. different assessments. D. peer pressure. E. inertia.
C. different assessments.
When an employee realizes that he/she really doesn't disagree with a proposed change but simply "hates the way they heard the news," they are most likely resisting change because of A. different assessments. B. timing. C. misunderstanding. D. management tactics. E. surprise.
D. management tactics.
The three basic stages of implementing change within an organization are A. unfreezing, moving and refreezing. B. mobilizing, moving and fastening. C. planning, instituting and evaluating. D. storming, norming and performing. E. unfreezing, freezing, and thawing.
A. unfreezing, moving and refreezing.
Realizing that current practices are inappropriate and that new behavior must be enacted is a required stage for managing resistance called A. freezing. B. span of management. C. refreezing. D. span of control. E. unfreezing.
E. unfreezing.
As a new project manager of a call center, you've noted that the quality of customer service at the center is quite varied. Simply put, the service that exists at the call center is not what it should or could be. By making this comparison, you've uncovered a A. service initiative. B. performance gap. C. management problem. D. proactive need for change. E. need for technological innovation.
B. performance gap.
Instituting a change begins with establishing a vision of where the company is heading and is referred to as A. freezing. B. moving. C. refreezing. D. unfreezing. E. leading.
B. moving.
) In the process of managing change, moving refers to A. when management realizes that its current practices are no longer appropriate. B. the strengthening of the new behaviors that support the change. C. instituting the change and begins with establishing a vision. D. the process of correcting performance gaps. E. when managers communicate a problem.
C. instituting the change and begins with establishing a vision.
Identifying the forces that prevent people from changing and those that will drive people toward change is called a A. force-field analysis. B. meta analysis. C. strategy analysis. D. SWOT analysis. E. competitive analysis.
A. force-field analysis.
Strengthening new behaviors that support a change is known as A. moving. B. unfreezing. C. freezing. D. refreezing. E. enforcing.
D. refreezing.
Which of the following is an approach to managing resistance to change? A. Evaluation and communication B. Participation and structure C. Promotion and support D. Vision and communication E. Coercion
E. Coercion
In managing resistance to organizational changes, facilitation and support refers to A. gaining employee participation and ideas about the change. B. giving a resisting individual a role in the change process. C. using force to make people comply with the change. D. making the change as easy as possible for employees. E. offering concrete incentives for cooperation.
D. making the change as easy as possible for employees.
In return for participation and cooperation in instituting a major organizational change, Terry Textiles provided each of its employees with two extra days of paid vacation. This is an example of which method of dealing with employee resistance to change? A. Education and communication B. Facilitation and support C. Negotiation and rewards D. Manipulation and cooptation E. Coercion
C. Negotiation and rewards
When managers apply punishment or the threat of punishment to those who resist change, it is called A. negotiation. B. coercion. C. manipulation. D. cooptation. E. force.
B. coercion.
In response to resistance to a change in customer service standards from the clerks, the local department store asked for advice from clerks from each of the shifts. These clerks were then asked to assist managers in disseminating information and training other clerks regarding the new standards. The department store used which method of managing resistance to change? A. Education and communication B. Facilitation and support C. Negotiation and rewards D. Manipulation and cooptation E. Coercion
D. Manipulation and cooptation
Introducing and sustaining multiple policies, practices and procedures across multiple units and levels is called A. total organization change. B. proactive change. C. reactive change. D. sustainable change. E. multi-faceted change.
A. total organization change.
Which of the following statements harmonizing multiple changes is accurate? A. There is an answer to every change situation known as the "silver bullet." B. There is no "silver bullet" method for organization change. C. Organization change is simple. D. Organization change requires a single shot method. E. Any single, small change will last.
B. There is no "silver bullet" method for organization change.
Change efforts seen by employees as jumping on board the latest bandwagon, called the ______ approach, should be avoided. A. "connect the dots" B. "fill-in-the-blanks" C. "urgency" D. "fad" E. "flavor-of-the-month"
E. "flavor-of-the-month"
In an organizational context, "Connecting the Dots" refers to A. communicating the interconnectedness of all organizational teams. B. integrating various efforts at change into a coherent picture. C. illustrating the relationship between the current state and a desired future state. D. facilitating interaction between organizational members. E. a child's game using writing instruments and numbered dots.
E. a child's game using writing instruments and numbered dots.
Identifying crises and opportunities occurs in which activity of leading change? A. Establishing a sense of urgency B. Generating short term wins C. Communicating the change vision D. Anchoring new approaches in the culture E. Developing a vision and strategy
A. Establishing a sense of urgency
________ means putting together a group with enough power to lead a change. A. Establishing a sense of urgency B. Creating a guiding coalition C. Communicating the change vision D. Empowering broad-based action E. Generating short-term wins
B. Creating a guiding coalition
The process of ________ involves determining the idealized, expected state of affairs after a change is implemented. A. communicating the change vision B. developing a vision and strategy C. consolidating gains and producing more change D. generating short-term wins E. anchoring new approaches in the culture
B. developing a vision and strategy
Urgency is driven by A. the absence of a major and visible crisis. B. low overall performance standards. C. compelling business reasons for change. D. too much happy talk from senior management. E. too many visible resources.
C. compelling business reasons for change.
Which of the following is a common reason for complacency? A. The absence of visible resources B. A high overall performance standard C. Insufficient performance feedback from internal sources D. The presence of a major and visible crisis E. Human nature
E. Human nature
_____ requires using every possible channel and opportunity to talk up and reinforce the vision and required new behaviors. A. Generating short-term wins B. Establishing a sense of urgency C. Creating a guiding coalition D. Communicating the change vision E. Empowering broad-based action
D. Communicating the change vision
Creating the future is dependent upon A. significant investment. B. reactive change. C. serving articulated needs. D. intense attention to control. E. proactive change.
E. proactive change.
Reactive change A. is incremental. B. generates short-term wins. C. focuses on the long-term strategy. D. is based on a lack of sufficient performance feedback. E. is problem-driven.
E. is problem-driven.
A response that occurs when events in the environment have already affected the firm's performance is called A. performance change. B. reactive change. C. internal change. D. total organization change. E. external change.
B. reactive change.
In the context of leading change, highlighting positive results and developing new change agents is part of A. generating short term wins. B. consolidating gains. C. anchoring new approaches in the culture. D. unfreezing behavior. E. empowering broad-based action.
B. consolidating gains.
__________ take the current industry structure and its future evolution as givens. A. Stables B. Shapers C. Adapters D. Compromisers E. Complementors
C. Adapters
Nanotechnology is an example of A. meeting an articulated need. B. meeting an unarticulated need. C. reactive change. D. adaptive change. E. an unexploited opportunity.
B. meeting an unarticulated need.
__________ needs are those that customers acknowledge and try to satisfy. A. Experienced B. Unarticulated C. Inexperienced D. Articulated E. Recognized
D. Articulated
Creating the future you want for yourself requires A. taking an inventory of your skills every five years. B. sharing ideas and advice with those who seek you out. C. discovering new ways to make a connection. D. using tried and true ways of thinking. E. setting high personal standards.
E. setting high personal standards.
Successful lifelong learning is dependent upon which of the following? A. being willing to take huge risks B. finding your "comfort zone" C. reflecting on your successes and failures D. being open to others' life journeys E. utilizing others' opinions to decide if you are successful or not
C. reflecting on your successes and failures
__________ includes being willing to seek new challenges and to reflect honestly on successes and failures. A. Personal reflection B. Lifelong learning C. Self-improvement D. Self-management E. Awareness
B. Lifelong learning
Learning leaders do which of the following things? A. Exchange knowledge when necessary B. Commit to their own continuous learning C. Maintain their time schedules for their own assessment D. Maintain a broad focus E. Are never defensive
B. Commit to their own continuous learning
A person who builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will is called a A. highly capable individual. B. contributing team member. C. competent manager. D. effective leader. E. Level 5 executive.
E. Level 5 executive.
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