ch 13 – Flashcard Test Questions
Flashcard maker : Noel Macdonald
people’s height,
What body part continues to grow in early adulthood?
it is not until the 40s that eyesight changes sufficiently to be noticeable. The other senses, between 40-50.
when does a persons senses start to change?
secondary aging
physical declines brought about by environmental factors or an individuals behavioral choices.
ex. smoking, drinking, unprotected sex.
ex. smoking, drinking, unprotected sex.
Aids, Cancer, heart disease, and suicide.
What is the primary cause of death for young adults?
age 35
When does illness take over as the leading cause of death
United States
who has the highest murder rate?
By race, what is the most likely cause of death?
young adults must reduce caloric intake they were used to during adolescents
what is the research on caloric intake and age?
They have a disability
who would be considered undereducated and underemployed ?
mandates full access to public establishments such as stores, office buildings, hotels, theaters,
what is the Americans disability act? (ADA)
a condition that substantially limits a major life activity such as walking or vision.
the physical and emotional response to events that threaten or challenge us.
the study of the relationship among the brain, the immune system, and psychological factors.
psychosomatic disorders
medical problems caused by the interaction of psychological, emotional, and physical difficulties.
the effort to control, reduce, or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress.
problem-focused coping
people attempt to manage stressful problems by directly changing the situation to make it less stressful.
emotion-focused coping
involves the conscious regulation of emotion.
social support
assistance and comfort supplied to others.
defensive coping
coping that involves unconscious strategies that distort or deny the true nature of a situation.
a personality characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress-rerlated illness.
– these individuals are take-charge people.
– these individuals are take-charge people.
william perry
a psychologist who suggests early adulthood represents a period of developmental growth that encompasses mastery not just of particular bodies of knowledge, but of ways of understanding the world.
– believes in dualistic thinking.
– believes in dualistic thinking.
Dualistic thinking
something is either right or wrong, ppl were good or bad, etc.
suggest that adults’ thinking follows a set pattern of stages.
practical intelligence
according to sternberg, intelligence that is learned primarily by observing others and modeling their behavior.
emotional intelligence
the set of skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of emotions.
the combinations of response or ideas in novel ways.
In the US, less than ____% of people are involved in enough exercise to give them good physical health.
Primary appraisal
the assessment of an event to determine whether its implications are positive, negative, or neutral.
Secondary appraisal
the assessment of whether one’s coping abilities and resources are adequate to overcome the harm, threat, or challenge posed by the potential stressor.
according to Schaie, what is the mission of young adulthood?
reintegrative stage
the period of late adulthood during which the focus is on tasks that have personal meaning.
-no interest in acquiring new knowledge.
-no interest in acquiring new knowledge.
what percent of white high school graduates enter college?