WHAP Ch. 22 Review – Flashcards

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What was the Asian reaction to the arrival of the Portuguese?
Asians were not really reactive. The Portuguese realized they had little to offer for the luxury goods of Asia. Few Indian people were interested into Christians
Why were the Portuguese shocked when they arrived at Indian Ocean port cities?
The Portuguese were shocked b/c they actually found a sea route across the Arabian sea and to India. Also, considering the Arabian sea port was part of the Muslim world it was a huge success to cross the ocean. By doing this act, they were able to make a useful trading route were commerce would benefit their economy
Describe the Indian Ocean trade networks included who traded and what they traded in the different regions
In the W. A was an arab zone anchored on the glass-, carpet-, and tapestry-making Islamic heartlands of the head of the Red Sea and the Persion Gulf. India w/ its superb cotton textiles, dominated the central portions and China, which excelled in paper, porcelain, and silk textiles formed the Eastern part. Also, Japan kingdoms and islands of SE Asia and E. EAsia were centers of raw materials circulating he system. Spice was the most expensive and was high in demand. Bulk staples made up most of the volume of goods
Define factory.
-points were spices and other products could be stored until they were shipped to volume of goods in Europe. - the ports that were captured became key components of a Portuguese trading empire that was financed and directed by the kings of portugal
Why did Europeans travel to Asia during this time period?
Most Europeans traveled to ASia to convert people to Roman Catholicism and to build a grand trading empire to strength/monopolize goods.
What was the main difference between the expeditions of Columbus and de Gama?
Vasco de Gama and his sailors found sea link between an expansive and insecure Europe and the powerful and wealthy civilizations of Asia, whereas Columbus's voyages opened up new worlds to the civilizations of Europe
What was the main objective of de Gama's expeditions?
the main objective of De Gama's expedition was to obtain Asian products, however the merchants of Calicut were not interested in the products the Portuguese brought to exchange
What obstacle did the Portuguese have to overcome? What was one advantage to this?
most of what the europeans did in Asia was to work out the implications to their arrival in Calicut. They needs of curiosity of Eueopeans were demonstrated.. They realized that their Muslim rivals were already in W. Africa and Asia and that spreading Catholisixm was gong to be hard, but the pOruguese realized that the Muslims and Asian were divided
What were the main characteristics of the trading system within the Asian trading exchange?
2 characteristics of the trading system at the time of the Portuguese arrival were critical to European attempts to regulate and dominate it: no central control and military force was absent from commercial exchange
What happened due to the fact that the Portuguese were not assimilated to the trading rules of the Asian trade exchange?
The portuguese were not assimilated to she trading rules in the great Asian complex of trading. Lots of bullion went to Asia b/c mercantilist believed that the state's power depended don the monarch's coffers/
What advantages did the Portuguese have over the Asian people that allowed them to extract spices from the Asian people?
The Portuguese forced small Asian people to extract spices and other goods, utilizing their superior warfare even thought they were small in numbers. Their sudden appearance in Asian H2O and sea ware dare into a peaceful trading system gave the Portuguese an element of surprise that kept their opponents off balance
What united the Portuguese?
The portuguese were small in numbers but united in their drive for wealth and religious converts, which meant that they took advantage of the deep divisions that separated their Asian competitors
What did the Portuguese do when they realized that it wasn't sufficient enough to extract spices?
When the Portugeuse wasn't sufficient enough to control the items they wanted they started going inland and successfully captured towns and built in forces in places like Malacca
What was the main of the Portuguese empire?
The aim of the empire was to establish a Portuguese monopoly ctrl over key asian products, esp. spices. Spices produced were shipped in Portuguese chi[s and sold at high prices, where the Portuguese dictated prices
What did the Portuguese sought to give them a sizable portion of the Asian trading network?
The Portuguese sought to impose a licensing system on all merchant ships that traded on the Indian Ocean to Malacca. The combo of monopoly and licensing systems (which had little success) was intend to give Portuguese a sizable portion of the Asian trading network
Describe the collapse of the Portuguese trading system
POrtugal's trading sysem collaped b.c they d - didn;t have ships of soldiers to sustain their monopolies - small Portuguese trading system divided - many Portuguese became independent traders ho defied the crown monopoly - resistance of Asian rivals - poor military discipline - corruption amongst crown officials - Portuguese ship losses
What happened ever since the Portuguese had become weak?
The portuguese had become so weak that they were unable to exploit the deep hostility and recent clashes between their northern European rivals during the 17th century
How was the Dutch empire similar to that of the Portuguese and how was it different?
The dutch trading empire was made the same way as the Portuguese: - fortified towns and factories - warships on patrol - monopoly of limited number of products The dutch had better armed ships and went about the business of monopoly control in a much more systematic manner
What did the Dutch rely on as the demand for spice went down? Who also adopted these practices?
The dutch relied on the fees charge for transporting products from areas in Asia to another. They also depended on profits gained from buying in one area and then traded them in other places with inflated prices. The English also adopted practices
What did the Europeans realize what they had to do when they moved inland?
AS Europeans moved inward they realized that their military advantages were subordinate to Asian kingdoms so they were left with kowtowing or humbling themselves before the Asian thrown
What did the Spanish take advantage of?
When the Spanish were granted the other 1/2 of the world by the Pope they conquered Luzon annd northern islands easily because the inhabitants lived in small states that the Spanish could subjugate
What did the Europeans do when they went ashore in the early stages of expansion?
In each area where the Europeans went ashore in the early stages of expansion they set up tribute regimes. In most areas little attempt was made to interfere the daily lives of people as long as their leaders paid tribute
How was tribute paid?
Tribute was paid in the orm of agricultural products grown bu the peasantry under forced labor systems supervised ut the peasants own elites.
What roles did friars play in the settlement of the Philippines?
B/c the Spanish had conquered Lizan they were able to launch a large missionary effort. Oncea areas were established under conquistadors the admin onf Flilipinos was turned over to the friars who were mostly responsible for conversions. Friars also served as gov officials
What did the Europeans realize when they were coming into existence within the Asian trading network?
The europeans realized they were better of adapting to the existing commercial arrangements rather than dismantling them b/c the Asian trading system survived European innovations such as building trade empires and winning Christian converts.
How was European innovation and social organization was limited during early expansion?
Very few diseases had killed people ion the Indain Ocean unlike the Americas. European discoveries in thee western hemisphere resulted in the introduction of new into this area. Impact of the Europeans innovation and social organization was limited during early expansion
Which other European powers vesides the Portuguese wmwefws in the Asian trade netowrks
The Dutch and English emerged in the ASian trade network
How did the Dutch control trade?
They captured Malacca (portugal's most critical port) and built their own port . The Dutch decided to control theirmonopoly on certain spices
How did the English and Dutch efforts in Asia differ from those of the Spanish and Portuguese?
The English and Dutch promoted a peaceful trade realizing that it was more profitable than forcible control, whereas the Portuguese extracted spices out of its inhabitants.
Where was the widespread conversion to Christianity? Where was conversion limited? Why did efforts fail?
Roman Catholcism was mainly spread to SE Asia, but was only limited to outcaste groups in coastal areas. The fact that Islam had arrived in S. and SE Asia complicated missionary efforts. Most of the conversions occurred in India, however it was hard to spread the religion to higher castes. Other than the Untouchables, conversions mostly took place in isolated areas, the most successful being in the Philipines. see #23
Describe China during the early years of the Ming dynasty
Under the Ming dynasty, renewed agrarian and commercial growth supported a large population. They had vast resources w/ advanced technology and turned rich soils to use. Although firearmss fell behind the W. , China had an establish military. Civil service exams returned and ensured the elite were educated. They pursued a policy of overseas expansion
How did the Hongwu emperor restore China? Describe his reforms.
When Hongwu came into power he imideaitely gor rid of any trace of the Mongols and got rid of any nomads. Scholars wll versed in the Confucian classics were again appointed to very high positions in gov. civil service exams were introduced. Exams were harder and ensured there would be talent in the gov
Describe th civil service examination under the Ming?
The examination system was more routinized and more complex than before, Prefectural, or county, exams were held every 2/3 years. The exams were given in large compounds where exam takers would eat/sleep/ strugle in their own cubicle. Exams were very competitive. Those who passed moved on to the next level, provincial capitals. Success at this level brought rise to status and positions in the middle of the bureaucracy. It also allowed scholars to take imperial exams and those who passed recieved highest posts in bureaucracy.
What happened to corrupt bureaucrats?
Hongwu expected lotalty and honesty from bureaucrats so he instilled public beatings. Any bureaucrat charged w/ misdee wa paraded before courtiers and beaten several times on their butt. Many died of wounds, but those who survived never got over humiliation.
How was China impacted by the Columbian exchange?
Columbian exchange boosted China's population because the crops introdduced were famine resistant and were cultivated easily and rapidly.
Describe Ming art
Had generous patrons in the court, scholar gentry. Much more colorful art. Concentrated mainly on developing establish techniques and genres. Portraits of courts, city, or country life were prominent. Novels increased literacy among upper classes. Increase of books led to increased literacy among scholar-gentry
Compare the motives of Chinese and European overseas expansion
Chinese - alreaded produced desired goos - desired to explore other lands - proclaim glory of the Ming - had advanced ship-building - driven by curiosity and desire to impress people - rulers and bureaucrats didn't want to expand ----> focused on internal problems - wanted people to kowtow Europeans - rivalries between the states of fragmene=ted Europe had also fostered a greater agressiveness and sense of competition - wanted to precious metals and goods that coud be sold at great profit - treasure and goods translated into warships and armies that would strengthen those kingdoms - elite promoted trade - leaders of Christian faith believed they could win lots of converts
What happened to China after Zheng He's expeditions ended?
China became an extremely isolated empire because Chinise oversea commerce was limited so ships were gone and expedition and ended.
What strategies did the Jesuits use to attempt to conver the Chinese?
They utilized trading contacts, infiltrated Chinese coastal areas and tried to gain access to the court where they hoped to gain favor w/ Ming emporers. They utilized to the top-down strategy that Di-Nobli used. Ming emporer sat on top so chief advisors and rulers became targets. Jesuits utilized their tech. knowledge to gain converts. However some scholar gentry resented them
What are the reasons for Ming decline
The Ming declined b/c of weak rulers, official corruption increased. Public works fell into desrepair. Famine, floods, droughts. Peasants desparate for food. Landlords took over peasant lands. Internal disorder resulted in foreign threats by nomadic people. Chinese bureaucrats could not get rid of Japanese pirate attacks. Empire over thrown by rebels in 1644.
What was the last Chinese Dynasty called? What was the ethnicity of the imperial family?
The last Chinese Dynasty was the Qing. THe ethniciy of the imperial family was Manchu (descendents of the Jurchens-established Jin dynasty b/f the Mongols and they fought with Song)
What was the political state of Japan in the early part of the time period?
Before the Europeans arrived, the Japanese found leaders who had the military and diplomatic skills need to restore the shogunate. To do so it was neccessary to force the daimyo (most powerful warlords) to awknowledge a supreme commander. The new Tokugawa shoguns had gained control and succeeded in bringing the islands into isolation. By the 16th century the daimyo and the pattern of recurring civil war were so entrenched in society that a succession of 3 leaders was necessary see #31
How was some degree of central power achieved? What family emerged in control of Japan?
Finally central power was achieved when Tokugawa Ieagsu tried to sieze power after Hideyoshi's death. He came from a small daimyo house, but soon gained power in the Kanto hills where he became triumphant. He consolidated power instead of expending and was granted the title of shogun
What goods helped the Tokugawa unify Japan?
Firearms were introdued and revolutionized warefare and contributed to the victories of the unifiers.
Why were Christian missionaries supported at first?
Christianity acted as a counterfource towards Buddhism. Nobunga protected the missionaries and encourge conversion. They used the top-down strategy and won lots of converts
Whend did the official attitude toward Christianity change and why?
Nobunga had died and Hideyoshi was lukeard towards the missionary efforts. They believed that the Europeans might follow up their commercial and missionary efforts with a military expedition. Christianity also threatened to subvert the social order
What happened to European and Japanese Christians?
Hideyoshi ordered them to leave the islands but openly persecuted them. Ieaysu carried out the persecutions and banned the faith. Euros were driven out and Japanese converts had to renounce faith.
By the mid-17th century who was allowed to trade in Japan and how?
Only a limited numbers of Futch and to carry on commerce on the small island of Deshima in Nagasaki Bay. The export of silver and copper was restricted and W. books were banned to preent reoccurrance of Christianity
Whar are some continuities and changes in S and E Asia?
Changes - chanes in china, japan, and korea and C. Asi arose mainly from internal factors. Continuities - the persistence of centuries of cultural and social patterns and techniques of handling alien intruders such as European seaferers
What is the main difference between the overal effects of the Spanish America discovery and the Portuguese discovery?
Very few diseases had killed people in the Indian Ocean unlike the Americas. European discoveries in the W. hemisphere resulted in introduction of new food into this area . Impact of European innovation nd social organization was limited during early expansion
What was agrarian expansion and population increse were paralled by?
Agrarian expansion and population increse were paralled by a renewal of commercial growth. Oversease trading links multiplied . China possessed tech that everybody wanted so they ran the trade
What was the most elite job of China?
Administrative service in the imperial bureaucracy was the most elite job in China, which means Chinese were super intent on education
What measures did Hongwu introduce to China to protect the throne?
Hongwu introduced measures to cut on cort factionalism and conspiracies that had eroded the court before. He decreed that the emporer's wives should come from humble families intended to end power-plays. To prevent plots against the ruler and fights over succession. Hongwu all rivals to estates/ provinces where they couldn't be involved in politics. He also controlled the scholarly thought.
Why did Zheng He's voyages end?
Zhenghe's voyages ended b/c scholar gentry ribals argued that it drain treasury
Who was Nobunaga and what did he achieve? Who was his successor?
Nobunaga was the first of the japanese leaders - he was one of the 1st daimyos to use firarms from the Portuguese - Hideyoshi succeeded his postion and quickly restored Nobunaga's efforts to break the power of the daimyos who had not yet submitted to him
How did the Tokugwa family put an end to civil war?
most of the lands in central Honsu were either controlled directly by the Tokugawa or were held by daimyos who were closely allied w/ the shoguns. Many outlying of vassal daimyos retained their domains but were carefully controlled and were required to pledge the personal allegiance to the shogun. It was clear the Tokugawa family put an end to civil war
What encouraged the Japanese to venture overseas?
Commercial contacts w/ the Europeans also encouraged the Japanese to venture overseas to trade in Kirea and distant places like the Phillipines.
What happened to the denouncment of Christians?
The persecution of Christians grew into a broader campaign to isolate Japan from outside influences. IN 1616, foreign traders were condined to a handfulof cities and Japanese ships were forbidden to trade/sail overseas
What was the School of National learning?
Much of the next centry was spent consolidating the interanl contro of the Tokugawa shogunte by expanding the bureaucratic admin into the vassal daimyo domains throught the island. The School of National learning was also introduced. This name implies that Japan's unique historical experience and revival of indegenious culture at the expense of Chinese imports of Confucianism.
What did the members of the Japanese elite follow in the West?
Members of the Japanese elite followed developments in the W. Their avid intersts in European achievements while the chinese strongly rejected it.
What happened to the Japanese after much debate?
After much debate w/ the daimyo elite the Japanese first followed a policy of concession and evasion in the face of the W. challenge. They the concentrated on building their strength by adopting European innovations that they had moniterred throught contacts w/ the Dutch
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