ccp 1.2.3 study: high school transcripts – Flashcards

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What are some important questions to ask your guidance counselor about your transcript?
1.Am I evaluated every quarter, semester, or trimester? 2.Does the transcript include only courses I completed, or are dropped and incomplete courses also on the record? 3.Does the school rank students and, if so, how? 4.Is my GPA weighted or unweighted? 5.Does the transcript include a profile with records of attendance and community service or a list of honors? 6.Does the transcript include a profile of the school?
What are high school transcripts, and who maintains them at a high school?
an official report supplied by a high school on the academic record of an individual student maintained by school registrar: an official at a school or college who maintains students' personal and academic records and mails out transcripts
What is the difference between a weighted and an unweighted GPA?
weighted gpa: grade point average that includes the additional points given to a student for completing advanced courses unweighted gpa: grade point average that does not factor in additional grade points for more challenging courses
Does a slow start to your academic performance in your freshman year doom you?
Why does your transcript include your immunization records?
Colleges go to great lengths to ensure campus security and the safety of their students and professors
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