PSY Exam 2 Quiz questions – Flashcards

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X-rays of epiphyses enable doctors to estimate children's ____, which is helpful information in diagnosing growth disorders. A. Bone density B. Chronological age C. Skeletal age D. Height and weight
C. Skeletal age
The _____ and surrounding areas of the cerebral cortex establish connections with one another and with the prefrontal cortex, supporting the dramatic gains in memory and spatial understanding of early and middle childhood. A. Cerebellum B. Amygdala C. Hippocampus D. Reticular formation
C. Hippocampus
Infants born with inadequate thyroxine must receive it at once, or they will _____. A. Likely die within the first year B. Be intellectually disabled C. Grow too rapidly and have weak bones D. Reach an average mature height of only 4 to 4 ½ feet.
B. Be intellectually disabled
Most developmental impairments and deaths due to diarrhea can be prevented with _____. A. Thyroxine injections B. Restrictive diets C. Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) D. immunizations
C. Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT)
Which of the following statements about childhood injuries is true? A. Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death from birth to age 5 in the U.S. B. Most childhood injuries in the U.S. are due to chance and cannot be prevented C. Children in Western Europe are at greater risk for injury than children in the U.S. D. Boys are nearly twice as likely as girls to be injured, and their injuries are more severe
D. Boys are nearly twice as likely as girls to be injured, and their injuries are more severe
Six-year-old Kyja draws a picture of her mom. Her drawing will most likely be _____. A. A conventional human figure, with the head and body differentiated B. Simple scribbles, with no discernible features C. A tadpolelike image with additional features, such as hair, eyes and a nose D. A tadpolelike image, consisting of a circular shape and attached lines
A. A conventional human figure, with the head and body differentiated
Exposing young children to _____ helps them appreciate dual representation. A. Educational media B. Drawings and maps C. Memory tasks D. Conversations with peers
B. Drawings and maps
In Piaget's three-mountains problem, 3-year-old Madison is asked which image matches what the doll sees. Instead of choosing the image that represents the doll's perspective, she chooses the image that reflects her own vantage point. Madison is demonstrating _____. A. A nonegocentric response B. Centration C. An egocentric response D. Animistic thinking
C. An egocentric response
In which situation will 4-year-old Pietro most likely engage in private speech? A. Before beginning a task to clarify the directions out loud B. During a challenging task C. After he has successfully completed a task D. During an easy task
B. During a challenging task
In granting social experience a fundamental role in cognitive development, Vygotsky's theory underscores the power of _____. A. Memory capacity B. Executive function C. Teaching D. Basic motor skills
C. Teaching
In cultures that place little emphasis on schooling and literacy, _____. A. Parents expect children to learn through direct verbal instruction. B. Social experience is less important than in Western developed nations C. Children rarely take initiative for performing tasks that have not been specifically assigned to them D. Children are expected to acquire new skills through observation and participation in community activities.
D. Children are expected to acquire new skills through observation and participation in community activities
After a recent trip to the beach, 3-year-old Jelani's father says, "What was the first thing we saw at the beach? How did the sand feel? What kind of seashells did we find? What sound did the seagulls make?" Jelani's father is using a(n) _____ style to elicit her memory of the event. A. Elaborative B. Repetitive C. Episodic D. autobiographical
A. Elaborative
Anton wants to encourage his daughter's emergent literacy and foster her later achievement in reading and spelling. He should engage in activities with her that promote _____. A. Dual representation B. Invented spellings C. Phonological awareness D. Understanding of cardinality
C. Phonological awareness
To promote mathematical reasoning in preschool children, adults should ______. A. Provide many occasions for counting, comparing quantities, and talking about number concepts B. Teach children mental tricks for solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems C. Avoid discussing number concepts, leaving children free to discover mathematical ideas on their own D. Provide structured lessons in which children repeatedly practice the basic rules of arithmetic
A. Provide many occasions for counting, comparing quantities, and talking about number concepts
One way that adults can promote preschoolers' language development is to _____. A. Introduce at least five new vocabulary words each day B. Ask children to start over and self-correct when they communicate unclearly C. Give helpful, explicit feedback when children use words incorrectly or communicate unclearly D. Keep conversations simple so children are less likely to make mistakes.
C. Give helpful, explicit feedback when children use words incorrectly or communicate unclearly
Four-year-old Parvati's parents label emotion words and explain them to her. Parvati is likely to be advanced in development of _____. A. Emotion understanding B. Early literacy C. Socially responsible behavior D. Global self-esteem
A. Emotion understanding
_____ contribute(s) to declines in emotional outbursts during early childhood. A. Insisting that children give up desired goals B. Placing limits on children's working-memory capacity C. Gains in inhibition and flexible shifting of attention D. Parental ignoring of children's negative feelings
C. Gains in inhibition and flexible shifting of attention
Which of the following statements about children's empathy and sympathy is true? A. Preschoolers who have parents who show empathic concern for their feelings are likely to react with concern to others' distress B. Although empathy and sympathy develop during the preschool years, these emotions are not consistently displayed until middle childhood C. Preschoolers tend to have limited experience with situations that merit empathic responding D. Children who have difficulty regulating their emotions are especially likely to display empathy and sympathy at an early age
A. Preschoolers who have parents who show empathic concern for their feelings are likely to react with concern to others' distress
Which of the following children's play activities is cause for concern, usually indicating adjustment problems? A. Functional play involving repetitive motor action B. Reverting to parallel play after displaying cooperative play C. Long periods of nonsocial activity D. Any nonsocial activity that continues past age 4
A. Functional play involving repetitive motor action
_____ predict(s) cooperative participation in classroom activities, task persistence, and academic performance into the early school grades. A. Gender B. The ease with which kindergartners make new friends C. Parenting style D. Teacher-structured and directed activities
B. The ease with which kindergartners make new friends
Which of the following parenting behaviors promotes social competence and peer acceptance during the preschool years? A. Offering suggestions for such challenges as managing conflict and entering play groups B. Taking children on frequent outings in the community C. Insisting that children arrange their own informal peer play activities D. Refraining from offering children guidance on peer-relationship issues
A. Offering suggestions for such challenges as managing conflict and entering play groups
Physical punishment has greater negative outcomes for children who _____. A. Live in cultures where it is illegal B. Come from low-SES families C. Are shy and inhibited D. Are temperamentally difficult
D. Are temperamentally difficult
Findings on ethnic differences in use of physical punishment reveal that ______. A. Such punishment consistently predicts behavior problems in children of all ethnic backgrounds B. Virtually all ethnic minority parents view physical punishment as harmful to children's development C. In African-American families, such discipline is generally mild and delivered in a context of parental warmth D. White families are more likely than most ethnic minority families to use physical punishment
C. In African-American families, such discipline is generally mild and delivered in a context of parental warmth
The most effective forms of parental discipline encourage good conduct through _____. A. Mild scolding for misbehavior B. Building a mutually respective bond with the child C. Punishing immediately after transgressions D. Occasional withdrawal of privileges
B. Building a mutually respective bond with the child
In early childhood, ______ aggression gradually replaces ______. A. Physical; hostile B. Verbal; physical C. Relational; verbal D. Instrumental; hostile
B. Verbal; physical
Sex hormones and temperamental traits help explain why boys are more _____ aggressive than girls. A. Verbally B. Physically C. Instrumentally D. Relationally
B. Physically
Which of the following statements about family influences on gender typing is true? A. Children of lesbian or gay parents tend to be more gender-typed than children of heterosexual parents B. Mothers are more likely than fathers to insist that children conform to gender roles C. Beginning at birth, parents hold similar expectations for sons and daughters D. Of the two sexes, boys are more gender-typed, partly due to fathers' insistence on conformity
D. Of the two sexes, boys are more gender-typed, partly due to fathers' insistence on conformity
When gender-schematic children see others behaving in "gender-inconsistent" ways, they often _____. A. Imitate the behavior and construct flexible gender schemas B. Distort their memory to make it "gender-consistent" C. Become extremely distressed and demand explanations D. Confront them in an effort to correct the behavior
B. Distort their memory to make it "gender-consistent"
Authoritative parents typically make demands for mature behavior that are ______. A. Similar for all children in the family, regardless of individual temperament or behavior B. Reasonable, consistently enforcing and explaining those demands C. Beyond children's current abilities, requiring them to work harder D. Below children's current abilities, enabling them to experience success
B. Reasonable, consistently enforcing and explaining those demands
Which of the following is a consequence of repeated child abuse? A. Heightened attachment security because, despite the abuse, neither parent nor child desires separation B. Enhanced executive-function skills, which assist children in withstanding abuse C. Choosing friends who also have been abused, which contributes to serious adjustment problems D. Central nervous system damage, including reduced size and impaired functioning of the cerebral cortex
D. Central nervous system damage, including reduced size and impaired functioning of the cerebral cortex
For obese children with maladaptive eating habits, a stressful family life contributes to their _____, amplifying uncontrolled eating. A. Diminished self-regulatory capacity B. Physical activity C. Delayed gratification D. BMI
A. Diminished self-regulatory capacity
Your neighbor is concerned about the health of her 8-year-old daughter, Ava, who is obese. The most effective approach to helping Ava lose weight would be to _____. A. Use food rewards as an incentive for her to spend more time exercising B. Enroll her in an adult-organized sport that emphasized individual achievement C. Implement a family-based intervention that focuses on changing eating and exercise behaviors D. Place her on a strict, low-calorie diet, while worrying less about exercise
C. Implement a family-based intervention that focuses on changing eating and exercise behaviors
Which of the following is the most common childhood chronic illness, causing the most school absences and childhood hospitalizations? A. Arthritis B. Asthma C. Diabetes D. cancer
B. Asthma
Children's informal sports and games _____. A. Have become increasingly common among economically advantaged U.S. children B. Remain common in village societies and in many low-SES communities in industrialized nations C. Usually become contests of individual ability D. Are associated with declines in self-esteem, as children compare themselves to peers
B. Remain common in village societies and in many low-SES communities in industrialized nations
Which of the following is true about physical education in the United States? A. Fewer than 30% of school-age children and adolescents engage in at least moderate-intensity activity for 60 minutes per day. B. School-based physical activity has been found to have no effect on cognitive and social skill development C. Nearly all children experience 30 minutes of physical activity per school day in elementary school D. The majority of children meet U.S. government recommendations for physical activity
A. Fewer than 30% of school-age children and adolescents engage in at least moderate-intensity activity for 60 minutes per day
Which statement is true about mastery of concrete operational tasks? A. They are mastered all at once B. They are mastered gradually, usually in a predictable order C. Each is mastered only after the child grasps its underlying abstract idea. D. They are mastered gradually, usually in an unpredictable order
B. They are mastered gradually, usually in a predictable order
One limitation of concrete operational thinking is that _____. A. Children are only able to think hypothetically about abstract situations B. Children's mental operations work poorly with abstract ideas C. Children are unable to work with information that they perceive directly D. Children have difficulty using information from more than one source
B. Children's mental operations work poorly with abstract ideas
Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) _____. A. Show abnormal brain functioning, including reduced activity and structural abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex B. Have brains that grow more rapidly and are slightly larger in volume than the brains of unaffected agemates C. Are no more likely than agemates to have parents with psychological disorders D. Benefit more from stimulant medication than family intervention
A. Show abnormal brain functioning, including reduced activity and structural abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex
As a result of gains in metacognition, school-age children _____. A. Realize that people can extend their knowledge by making mental inferences B. Are at risk for learned helplessness as they begin to doubt their own mental strategies C. Expect all people to interpret events in the same way D. Make an abrupt improvement in cognitive self-regulation
A. Realize that people can extend their knowledge by making mental inferences
Mr. Bernalillo is about to administer the WISC-V to a Mexican child who just immigrated to the United States. Because of the greater possibility of cultural bias, he should be cautious about interpreting the ____ score. A. Verbal comprehension B. Working memory C. Processing speed D. Visual-spatial reasoning
A. Verbal comprehension
According to the Flynn effect, the amount of increase in IQ from one generation to the next depends on ______. A. Quality of schooling B. Extent of societal modernization C. Nutrition during infancy and early childhood D. SES and ethnicity
B. Extent of societal modernization
School-age children's ability to comprehend subtle metaphors and to appreciate riddles and puns largely depends on ______. A. Understanding that words can have double meanings B. Using words more precisely C. Being able to figure out the meaning of a word from context D. Having a large vocabulary
A. Understanding that words can have double meanings
Compared to monolinguals, bilinguals ______. A. Show greater activity in the prefrontal cortex during linguistic tasks B. Exhibit increased attention to irrelevant stimuli during linguistic tasks C. Perform more poorly on tests of sustained and selective attention D. Show reduced activity in areas of the left hemisphere devoted to language during linguistic tasks
A. Show greater activity in the prefrontal cortex during linguistic tasks
When teachers emphasize competition and publicly compare children, ______. A. Teacher expectations have a greater impact on high-achieving students than on low-achieving students B. Students are more likely to cooperate and support one another's learning C. Children tend to adopt teachers' positive or negative views and start to live up to them D. Low-achieving students improve more than high-achieving students
C. Children tend to adopt teachers' positive or negative views and start to live up to them
Which statement about education of talented children is true? A. They often struggle academically because of high commitment to extracurricular and social activities B. They do best when parents arrange for caring teachers when they are young and for more rigorous, master teachers as their talent develops C. They thrive in school only when teachers work with them on an individual basis D. They fare best in classrooms with less talented students, where peer collaboration is more challenging
B. They do best when parents arrange for caring teachers when they are young and for more rigorous, master teachers as their talent develops
During the school years, children refine their self-concept by _____. A. Describing themselves in extreme, all-or-none ways B. Becoming more autonomous and self-sufficient C. Organizing their observations of behaviors and internal states into general dispositions D. Taking on leadership roles in various school and athletic activities
C. Organizing their observations of behaviors and internal states into general dispositions
In describing themselves, older school-age children are likely to _____. A. Include mostly unrealistically positive traits B. Compare their own performance to that of a single peer C. Mention more negative than positive traits D. Emphasize competencies instead of specific behaviors
D. Emphasize competencies instead of specific behaviors
Which statement is true about self-esteem in middle childhood? A. U.S. schoolchildren score lower than Chinese and Japanese children in self-esteem B. For most children, self-esteem declines sharply in elementary school C. Self-esteem generally remains high during elementary school D. Gender-stereotyped expectations have little impact on self-esteem in middle childhood
C. Self-esteem generally remains high during elementary school
Between ages 6 and 12, children _______. A. Can understand their own emotions but not those of others B. Become less aware of self-conscious emotions C. Experience guilt over a transgression only when an adult is present D. Become more aware of circumstances likely to spark mixed emotions
D. Become more aware of circumstances likely to spark mixed emotions
Which of the following is correct about school-age children's moral understanding? A. They consider a person's intentions in evaluation whether lying is right or wrong B. They view people who transgress because of lack of knowledge as immoral C. They view social conventions with a clear purpose as less morally relevant than those with no obvious purpose D. They have difficulty taking into account both an actor's intentions and the context of his behavior
A. They consider a person's intentions in evaluation whether lying is right or wrong
Voicing of negative attitudes towards minorities ______. A. Is reduced among children who believe that people's personality traits are fixed B. Increases when children experience extensive interracial contact C. Declines after age 7 or 8, as children develop the capacity to classify the social world in multiple ways D. Is more common among children who volunteer to help people in need
C. Declines after age 7 or 8, as children develop the capacity to classify the social world in multiple ways
Lesley and Cara, both aggressive girls, have become friends. The girls' relationship will probably ______. A. Be full of jealousy, conflict, and betrayal B. Strengthen each girl's prosocial tendencies and reduce their relational aggression C. Involve physical aggression that is primarily directed toward less popular girls D. Be especially long-lasting, because of their similar levels of aggression
A. Be full of jealousy, conflict, and betrayal
As bullies move into adolescence, ______. A. An increasing number engage in cyberbullying B. They are more likely to attack popular-prosocial children C. They engage in more physical attacks than verbal attacks D. They focus their physical attacks on "tough" boys
A. An increasing number engage in cyberbullying
A recent, encouraging sign with respect to changing beliefs about gender typing is that ____. A. Boys identify less with "masculine" traits over the course of middle childhood B. In several investigations, a majority of elementary and secondary students disagreed with the idea that math is a "masculine" subject C. With age, children less often say it is okay to exclude a peer on the basis of gender C. In a Canadian study, more boys than girls expressed the view that "math" is a feminine subject
B. In several investigations, a majority of elementary and secondary students disagreed with the idea that math is a "masculine" subject
In child rearing, _____ is more effective with school age children than with younger children, because of school-age children's greater capacity for logical thinking and increased respect for parents' expert knowledge. A. Permissiveness B. Punishment C. Direct control D. Reasoning
D. Reasoning
Ten-year-old Aaron and 8-year-old Brody are brothers who get along well. Aaron is academically successful and socially competent. Brody will probably _____. A. Be disrespectful toward Aaron when his parents are present B. Be resentful of Aaron's success and accomplishments C. Also be academically successful and socially competent D. Do poorly in school and be socially rejected
C. Also be academically successful and socially competent
Many older school-age children and adolescents whose parents are getting divorced respond by ____. A. Blaming themselves B. Declining in school performance and becoming unruly C. Seeking out positive peer relationships D. Worrying that both parents will abandon them
B. Declining in school performance and becoming unruly
Lisa successfully balances her work as a personal trainer with positive investment in being 8-year-old Melissa's mother. As a result, Melissa will probably _____. A. Exhibit low self-esteem and get poor grades at school B. Hold less gender-stereotyped beliefs but also express fewer positive family values C. Display high self-esteem and less gender-stereotyped beliefs D. Resent her mother for the time she devotes to her career
C. Display high self-esteem and less gender-stereotyped beliefs
Which statement about child sexual abuse is true? A. Reported cases of child sexual abuse are linked to poverty and marital instability B. Most abusers are strangers who reach children via the internet and mobile phones C. Because many nonrelative abusers are caregivers, abusers are female almost as often as they are male D. Most cases of sexual abuse are reported in early adulthood, though usually the abuse begins in middle childhood
A. Reported cases of child sexual abuse are linked to poverty and marital instability
Michael has an easygoing temperament, has a warm relationship with his father, and has a third-grade teacher who emphasizes effort. These attributes are likely to foster _____. A. Strong gender typing B. Decreased susceptibility to gender stereotypes C. Overly high self-esteem D. Resilience
D. Resilience
As older children begin to understand the realities of the wider world, ______. A. They develop a more cynical and pessimistic attitude toward life B. Fear of supernatural beings, such as ghosts or demons, increases C. Fear of natural phenomena, such as thunder and lightning, increases D. The possibility of personal harm and media events often trouble them
D. The possibility of personal harm and media events often trouble them
Which of the following is true about school refusal? A. Parents of children with school refusal should allow the child to decide when the timing is right to return to school B. Few instances of school refusal appear among 11- to 13-year olds C. A change in school environment or parenting practices may be necessary for children with school refusal D. Most cases of school refusal occur in 5- to 7-years old
C. A change in school environment or parenting practices may be necessary for children with school refusal
9-year-old Daniela experienced numerous life-threatening events during the civil war in Colombia. For Daniela, the best protection against lasting problems is _____. A. Removal from the country where the conflict occurred B. Parental affection and reassurance C. Witnessing clips of the war on television D. Avoiding reminders of the war
B. Parental affection and reassurance
Sexually abused children _____. A. Rarely know their abuser B. Frequently display precocious sexual knowledge and behavior C. Generally experience only short-term adjustment problems D. Tend to be well-liked and popular, traits that make them easy targets
B. Frequently display precocious sexual knowledge and behavior
Educational programs that teach children to recognize inappropriate sexual advances and identify sources of help _____. A. Have been shown to be effective only for older children B. Are offered by few schools because of controversies over educating children about sexual abuse C. Have had little impact on reducing rates of sexual abuse in school-age children D. Are frequently offered by U.S. schools to help prevent sexual abuse
B. Are offered by few schools because of controversies over education children about sexual abuse
In effective school-based social and emotional learning programs like 4Rs, resilience is viewed as _____. A. A capacity that develops B. A preexisting attribute C. Unrelated to environmental factors D. Rather unimportant for school-age children
A. A capacity that develops
Girls reach puberty, on average, _____. A. Four years earlier than boys B. Two years later than boys C. Two years earlier than boys D. At about the same time as boys
C. Two years earlier than boys
Research on pubertal timing indicates that threats to emotional health ____ puberty, whereas threats to physical health _____ it. A. Accelerate; do not influence B. Do not influence; accelerate C. Do not influence; delay D. Accelerate; delay
D. Accelerate; delay
Research on reactions to pubertal changes reveals that ____. A. Widespread formal recognition of pubertal onset in Western societies reduces adolescent confusion B. Boys' reactions to spermarche are more favorable than girls' reactions to menarche C. African-American girls react more favorably to menarche than European-American girls do D. Girls get less social support than boys for the changes of puberty
C. African-American girls react more favorably to menarche than European-American girls do
Early-maturing boys report ____ than both their on-time and later-maturing agemates. A. Feeling less depressed B. More psychological stress and depressed mood C. Lower self-esteem D. Less sexual activity and delinquency
B. More psychological stress and depressed mood
Which statement about bulimia nervosa is true? A. About 10% of teenage girls are affected by bulimia B. Young people with bulimia tend to have parents who are controlling C. Most adolescents with bulimia also suffer from anorexia D. Bulimia nervosa is usually easier to treat than anorexia
D. Bulimia nervosa is usually easier to treat than anorexia
Which of the following teenagers is at greatest risk for early sexual activity? A. Jaylin, whose friends are not yet sexually active B. Amanda, who lives in a high-crime neighborhood C. Kim, who lives in a tightly knit rural community D. Karli, who lives with both parents and her younger brother
B. Amanda, who lives in a high-crime neighborhood
By the end of adolescence, the majority of lesbian, gay, and bisexual teenagers ____. A. Continue to struggle with their sexual identity B. Have entered into a healthy relationship with a same-sex partner C. Accept their sexual identity D. Suffer from persistent, internalized homophobia, especially if they live in urban areas
C. Accept their sexual identity
Evaluations of the Strong African American Families (SAAF) program show that it was most effective in reducing substance use among teenagers _____. A. From two-parent families B. With genetically-based vulnerability to self-regulation difficulties C. Whose friends rarely engaged in alcohol and drug use D. Who experimented with alcohol rather than illegal drugs
B. With genetically-based vulnerability to self-regulation difficulties
Which of the following is true about hypothetico-deductive reasoning in Piaget's formal operational stage? A. It requires that the variables in a problem be considered in random combinations B. It begins with reality and proceeds to possibility C. It begins with possibility and proceeds to reality D. It is fully developed during the concrete operational stage
C. It begins with possibility and proceeds to reality
Teresita is given the following reasoning problem: Gold is heavier than dirt, and feathers are heavier than gold. Are feathers heavier than dirt? Teresita can answer correctly only if she grasps the ____ of propositional reasoning. A. Content B. Major premise C. Logical necessity D. Real-world nature
C. Logical necessity
Which statement about adolescents' scientific reasoning skills is true? A. Scientific reasoning emerges from experiences that require adolescents to match theories against evidence and evaluate their thinking. B. Few adolescents show self-serving biases in scientific reasoning C. Scientific reasoning results from an abrupt, stagewise change in adolescence D. Nearly all adolescents apply logic more effectively to ideas they favor than to ideas they doubt.
A. Scientific reasoning emerges from experiences that require adolescents to match theories against evidence and evaluate their thinking
With respect to decision making, teenagers are _____. A. Less effective than adults only under highly emotional conditions B. More effective than adults only under unemotional conditions C. More effective than adults because of recent gains in formal operational thought D. Less effective than adults under both highly emotional and unemotional conditions
D. Less effective than adults under both highly emotional and unemotional conditions
School transitions in adolescence are especially likely to lead to self-esteem and academic difficulties among _____. A. Students who face added strains, such as family disruption, poverty, or high parental conflict B. Boys, who tend to achieve less well than girls in all school subjects C. Academically motivated students, who experience a sharp rise in anxiety about getting good grades D. Popular students, who find themselves in classes with few or no former friends
A. Students who face added strains, such as family disruption, poverty, or high parental conflict
Which statement about high school academic tracking in the United States is true? A. Once assigned to a low track, students are "locked out" of advanced courses in later grades B. Low academic tracks typically provide more stimulating classroom experiences and increased teacher expectations C. Assignment to a vocational or general educational track has no detrimental effects on academic progress D. Once assigned to a low track, most students are motivated to exert more effort in order to attain reassignment to a higher track.
A. Once assigned to a low track, students are "locked out" of advanced courses in later grades
Which of the following teenagers is most likely to drop out of high school? A. Glenn, who is a poor student but whose parents insist that he stay in school and who keep tabs on his progress B. Val, who achieves poorly but participates in extracurricular activities C. Joseph, who has a long history of marginal-to-falling grades and is frequently bullied by peers D. Leslie, who is a generally good student in a college-prep track but who failed ninth-grade chemistry
C. Joseph, who has a long history of marginal-to-falling grades and is frequently bullied by peers
Current theorists agree that for most young people, identity development is a process of ____ followed by _____. A. Confusion; a crisis B. Questioning; autonomy C. Exploration; commitment D. Exploration; role confusion
C. Exploration; commitment
Thirteen-year-old Vanessa describes herself as both "shy" and "outgoing". These disparities probably result from the expansion of Vanessa's social world, which _____. A. Creates pressure to display different selves in different relationships B. Encourages her to express her true self only when with her family C. Leads to a cohesive sense of who she really is D. Encourages her to express her true self only when with her friends
A. Creates pressure to display different selves in different relationships
For most young people, self-esteem ____ mid- to late adolescence. A. Rises from B. Fluctuates a great deal between C. Declines from D. Remains stable between
A. Rises from
Which statement about influences on identity development is true? A. Foreclosed young people report the lowest levels of parental support and absence of a "secure base" B. Adolescents who assume that absolute truth is always attainable tend to be foreclosed C. Teenagers in moratorium often have close bonds with parents but lack opportunities for healthy separation D. Diffused young people usually experience more supportive school experiences that promote high-level thinking
B. Adolescents who assume that absolute truth is always attainable tend to be foreclosed
Juliana has a warm relationship with her parents but also feels free to voice her own opinions. Ian has low levels of support from his parents and lacks warm, open communication with them. Juliana will probably become identity- _____, whereas Ian is likely to be identity-____. A. Achieved; foreclosed B. Achieved; diffused C. Diffused; achieved D. Foreclosed; diffused
B. Achieved; diffused
Which statement about Kohlberg's theory of moral development is true? A. It can be applied consistently across diverse cultures B. It is in step with Gilligan's view of a feminine morality that emphasizes an "ethic of care." C. It was inspired by Piaget's work on cognitive development D. It is supported by researchers who favor a pragmatic approach to morality
C. It was inspired by Piaget's work on cognitive development
In response to Kohlberg's "heinz dilemma," Camilla says, "He shouldn't steal the drug because he could get into big trouble, and he might have to go to jail." Camilla's response is consistent with Kohlberg's ____ level of moral understanding. A. Reflective B. Principled C. Conventional D. Preconventional
D. Preconventional
When presented with the "Heinz dilemma," Jillian explains that laws should be obeyed because they are vital for ensuring societal order and cooperation between people. Jillian is at which of Kohlberg's stages of moral understanding? A. Stage 3: the "good boy- good girl" orientation B. Stage 1: the punishment and obedience orientation C. Stage 4: the social-order-maintaining orientation D. Stage 2: the instrumental purpose orientation
C. Stage 4: the social-order-maintaining orientation
Higher education is related to more advanced moral reasoning because colleges _____. A. Rarely offer classes that emphasize open discussion of opinions B. Attract students with autonomy-granting parents C. Introduce students to social issues that extend beyond personal relationships to entire political and cultural groups D. Provide many opportunities to develop close, rewarding friendships with people of similar cultural backgrounds
C. Introduce students to social issues that extend beyond personal relationships to entire political and cultural groups
Which statement about religious involvement of adolescents is true? A. Teenagers who are part of a religious community are advantaged in moral values and behavior B. Teenagers who are part of a religious community are less involved in community service activities than non affiliated youths are. C. Religious cults that indoctrinate alienated youths foster adolescents' moral progress D. As adolescents search for a personally meaningful identity, formal religious involvement increases
A. Teenagers who are part of a religious community are advantaged in moral values and behavior
Of siblings who established a positive bond in childhood, we can anticipate that in adolescence, ____. A. Older siblings will have increasing power over younger siblings' choices of friends B. They will invest less time and energy in each other, but their attachment will remain strong C. Their relationship will become conflict-ridden, as each strives for autonomy D. Their relationship will intensify, resembling a best friendship
B. They will invest less time and energy in each other, but their attachment will remain strong
Which statement about gender differences in friendship is true? A. Girls' closest same-sex friendships tend to be of shorter duration than boys'. B. Emotional closeness is more common in boys' relationships than girls'. C. Boys are more likely than girls to experience anxiety and depression as a result of corumination D. Boys tend to get together to "just hang out", whereas girls are more likely to gather for an activity
A. Girls' closest same-sex friendships tend to be of shorter duration than boys'.
Which statement about mixed-sex cliques is true? A. By midadolescence, mixed-sex cliques are common, but by late adolescence, they disappear B. Mixed-sex cliques teach boys and girls how to interact and become intimate C. Cliques are mixed-sex at first, but by miadolescnece, same-sex cliques are common D. The positive impact of mixed-sex cliques is greatest for teenagers whose parents are uninvolved
A. By midadolescence, mixed-sex cliques are common, but by late adolescence, they disappear
Which of the following courses of action contributes to adolescent suicide prevention? A. Report each suicide incident to local newspapers as a means of discouraging additional suicides B. Avoid contact with vulnerable adolescents, who prefer to be left alone to grieve C. Discourage communities from providing telephone hot lines because too often they are staffed by mentally unstable volunteers D. Train parents and teachers to recognize signals that a suicidal teenager sends.
D. Train parents and teachers to recognize signals that a suicidal teenager sends
Which of the following approaches is most effective in reducing adolescent antisocial acts? A. Imprison offenders in juvenile correctional facilities, separate from adult prisoners B. Assign offenders to multisystemic therapy that combines family intervention with integration into positive school, work, and leisure activities C. Adopt a zero tolerance policy in schools, severely punishing all disruptive and threatening behavior, major and minor D. Assign offender to individual therapy sessions
B. Assign offenders to multisystemic therapy that combines family intervention with integration into positive school, work, and leisure activities
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