College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay Example
College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay Example

College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3053 words)
  • Published: November 5, 2021
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There has been a broad open deliberation on whether division 1 players should be paid or not. Currently, the colleges across the United States have been rewarding these players with lump sum amount of money as their salary. The benefits these players acquire have attracted the attention of the public, especially the student and the community as a whole whether these people should actually get paid.
This debate always arises March of every year when there is NCAA Men’s basketball tournaments commence, and when the college football games begin. To most media and the sport report articles, they see the need of not paying these players. While to college managements, they justify the need to pay these players.

The amount of benefits in terms of finances, ranging from scholarship to monthly payment make it stricken a jealous rea


ction from other classes of students who are not talented in the sports, and the entire public who feel that it is a waste of resource to compensate these sports students. (Wolverton, 2013). Division one players are those students who are endowed with first class talents, expressed in their excellent skills of the university sports grounds.

To the school management, these division one students’ players are classified as members of their employment stuff, as they provide services to the colleges in which they study. In the fact that games are co-curriculum activities carried by the students, they see a need to pay them as they consider them as their employees. This is the stand according to the college management office.
To the debating students and the entire community is that these division one players are equally students as the rest of

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others. They do not see the need to compensate them for the use and enjoyment of the college facilities to use and express their talents. In this case study, the focus will be to investigate the reasons for the payments and not paying these players. It will also give a clear stand on whether they should be paid or not.

Grounds for the Payment

There are several reasons why the college administrations have been paying these division one players. These reasons can be analyzed, and the following are some of these reasons:

According to most debates, seventy percent of the participants see the needs to compensate the talented college sportsmen. This depends on the way that, the NCAA makes billions of dollars from their talents. The players are just entitled to less than one percent of this money. As reported by US Today, the organizations make six million dollars per annum. This excludes 206 billion dollars cast bets during the NCAA tournaments. (Tracy, 2015)More so, it is very unjust to the players by the fact that they are the subject matters in the context, yet that get very little pay.

The second reason for the favor of the payment of division 1 college players is the fact that their names are being sold. That is, the NCAA uses their name for business. This is shown by printing the players’ names on t-shirts and then selling them to the public. This selling of these clothes makes the organization earn a lot of profit. This profit should, therefore, be given to the players due to the fact that, it is their identity and name which of used for sell the


These players are always put in video games, and as a result, these games are as well used for commercial purposes. An example of such games is the NCAA basketball and the NCAA Football video games, which have actually been selling across the American country. To most people who oppose the payment of these division 1 plates, their argument is based on the fact that these people are just but ammeters. This is a very wrong perception, because, in the actual sense, 45% of the American population has a keen interest in the college sports, and about twenty-nine million do attend the college sports event. (Robert A. et.el, 2006)This is a clear indication that these people generate a lot of income to the organization that makes then have a right to a lump Sam compensation.

The division 1 athletes do not always get time to do part time jobs as the other college students. This is because; they spend most of their time in the field training. It is approximated that, they spend around six hours per week in the training grounds. According to report, this time does not include the time they spend in participating in the competition and the quantity of hours they spend in traveling. Because of these commitments, they do not have a chance to make money from part-time jobs. The fact that they have the scholarship for their tuitions fee does not allow them to get money for the necessary kinds of stuff like food. Therefore, it is very essential that they are compensated by the NCAA so as to be able to meet their financial needs.

It is likewise basic

to note that these division 1 players are prone to injuries as they practice and during their games in the tournaments. The scholarship policies do not always cater for these lesions, in that, when a person stops playing due to accidents in the field, the scholarship is withdrawn. Being that the scholarship is based on the annual contracts, these students may find it difficult to pay for their fees once they get injuries and the scholarship is withdrawn. In this case, it is essential for the NCAA to pay these players so as to secure their financial stability throughout their education in the colleges.

There are several factors that make division 1 athletes very crucial in the college environment, apart from giving the college its identity, it also gives the college’s avenue to entertain themselves and provide an environment full of entertainment. (Kenneth L, et.el, 1991)This always makes the college very lively and relative. The way that they have the grant for their educational costs charge does not permit them to get cash for the fundamental sorts of stuff like sustenance. In this way, it is extremely fundamental that they are remunerated by the NCAA in order to have the capacity to meet their money related necessities. It is the effort of these athletes that other students find a way of relaxing. This service of entertainment these people offer should far much be appreciated by paying them. This is a way of motivating them and gives them a chance and that eager to deliver more in the sports field.

Therefore, the debate on division 1 athletes not being paid for their services is an idea that should

be well analyzed to ensure that any erroneous decisions are not being made about the college sport. A strong team in college is an asset to the management to earn money. Hence it is very reasonable to motivate the players by giving them that payment and keep them focused on the games.

Reasons for Not Paying the Division 1 Athletes

The idea of not paying the D1 players has taken different dimensions across the United States of America. The current ruling from the court of appeal about the compensation of these division 1 football and basketball athletes is somehow a negative decision to the athletes. In the ruling, the judge indicated that these players should not expect that high compensation a because of the stated several reasons.
One of the strongest grounds for this decision is the fact that, these students always do not pay any amount to the various colleges they are in. They also need not to apply for loans to their education and struggle to pay for their college services like textbook access. These costs have already been catered for in the scholarship scheme. The controversial issue is that, at the end of their four years studies in the college, the instruction is left with a huge debt that they may not be able to pay. In this case, any additional payment to these students will lead to further accumulation of these debts. Hence, it is prudent not to pay these division 1 athletes any further amount apart from their scholarship fee.
The other issue about paying the college students arises on the facts of the ambiguity of the payment mode. The issue on whether all

these athletes to be paid the same amount or each game should be treated differently. The idea of compensation of these athletes has also stroked a big debate and disagreements among the sports departments in these colleges, because of the incapability to come up with a clear way to the payment. (William. O, 2014) Therefore the classification of sports according to the number of people watching or being entertained with it is an idea that will make some sports to be ignored and considered not necessary.

The controversy also arises in the case of gender compensation. According to the NCAA report on the number of views who watch college sports, it is very clear that the male tournaments are very much popular than the ones for the female ones. In the case of sports ranking, therefore, male football players will be paid more than those of the female counterparts, based on the popularity of the game. In this case, the ranking will not be fair since both of the sexes employ similar efforts in the field. This unjust discrepancy makes it necessary to lift the payment for these division 1 athletes.

There is also a critical issue how to tackle the payment of other divisions of athletes, especially divisions 2 and 3. Should they also be compensated, or should they also get the scholarship like the rest of the division 1? This makes it so complicated on coming up with a decision to compensate all the players as recommended by various organizations. The idea behind this is that all the divisions of athletes in the various colleges play a critical role tin these schools. The issue

arises on how to classify their payment and ensure fair distribution of the compensation. This calls for the need to lift the payment for all the divisions. Therefore the debate of payments of the division one players will also strike campaigns for other divisions to be paid as well, an idea which may be too much expensive for the colleges.
The debate to pay the division1 players emanate from the fact that the NCAA makes a lot of profits from the sports business, especially by organizing having a lot of viewers in the States. The question arises whether that should be a reason to compensate the players. (C. Peter, 1997).This is because it is their business and that their good businesses strategies give them the great profit them receive from organizing the tournaments. Furthermore, the organizations do reward the best players and the best teams. Therefore the blame to compensate division 1 athletes should be lifted away from them.

The fact that the college students in Division I athletic getting a scholarship is an opportunity to get enough exposure. There is no exploitation of these athletes since, the best players always sign a maximum of four years contract, that enable them to push through the college education. Therefore the campaigns for further compensation for them are an idea that is not appropriate, due to the fact that, the schools have done enough to give them a free scholarship deal.

The notion of the people to view athletics as a multi-billion business project or a form of investments is the beginning of the entire problem for this complains. The expose these athletes get by being viewed in televisions and

also the opportunity to sell their name to the world make them have a strong link and connections after their studies. Therefore these students should be satisfied with the free college fee they get .and put much effort on their studies, rather than fighting to seek public sympathy. In fact, some of the Division I sportsmen who fail to perform in their academic works should not hold the college responsible for their failure.


Based on the points laid by the supporters of the ideas of compensating the Division I athletes and those against the idea of paying them, there is a lot which can be realized based on the two side’s arguments? The following are some critical points to note:
To those against the compensation, most of their points are based on the jealous reactions that emanate from the ideas. One of them is the idea that the athletes are equally students like the rest of other students. The jealousy comes in the fact that, the debts that the athletes leave with the school are always cleared by the student not participating in these games. (Keith, et.el, 2014) This point is shortsighted due to the fact that it ignores the entertainment part that the athletes provide to the rest of the students. That entertainment makes the student break the monotony of reading and doing assignments to enjoying sporting activities.

The point that the argument considers NCAA as a business venture and do not see the need to pay the players is also unsatisfying. This is due to the fact that the students are used in the process of making that money when they organize these tournaments. It is

mainly because the talents of these athletes that they attract their attentions of their customers. The athletes are very much entitled to the compensation, and they ought to be paid by the NCAA rather than the college management. This will tend to bring just to the athletes since it is their talents which are being exploited.

The issue of compensation criterion on which the college should base their payments should be a reason to deny the athletes their right of compensation. Instead, it is prudent that the college design promotion mechanisms that will enable these athletes to get regular payment rather than abandoning it. The criterion should be based on a step to step promotion of these athlete students based on the level of talent, but not gender.( Eddie, ,2015) This will encourage hard work in the sports field and promotion of world sports championship.
The idea of not having sufficient time to make their money for other necessary commodities like food. The fact that these students are much talented, and maybe are from poor backgrounds who cannot support their college spending makes it necessary to be compensated by the college and NCAA at the same time.

The NCAA has a responsibility to pay the students because of their skills they are using to make money. It would be a selfish act to for the organization to yield that significant amount of profit from exploiting poor college students with that magnitude of talent. Therefore, part of the organization get should go to those actual people who make them yield such a big amount of profit. These are the Division I sport students. In fact, it is good

to incorporate such studies in the logistics of organizing the events.


Compensating the Division I college students is always necessary. Apart from the scholarship the college give these students, the colleges should also lie with the NCAA to ensure that these students are well taken care of. The existing debate on the issue has shown that many individuals are supporting the idea of compensating these students from their talents.

Currently, the existing policies regarding how the scholarships are to be given to them is not aimed at promoting the sports skills on the colleges. The fact that these colleges withdraw the policies of scholarship once a student is injured on the sports field is inhuman and further review should be done in it. This will help to bring justice in the sports field.

Furthermore, these players should be granted with patent right on their name and labels on the commercial commodities like t-shirts and video games.(Michael,, 2013) Any company who use their labels to promote sales should be in a position to pay these athletes based on a signed contract between the student and the company. This will ensure that there is no exploitation and the misuse of the identities of these talented college students.

In conclusion, the court decision to reduce the amount paid to the student should be appealed further to bring justice to these students. This will help to minimize the exploitation of the latter by various organizations. To sum up, it is also a way of promoting and conserving dignity of these students.

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