490 Test 2 – Flashcards

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A company's ability to marshal adequate resources in support of new strategic initiatives and steer them to the appropriate organizational units is important to the strategy execution process because
Changes in strategy often require resource allocation and because organizational units need the proper funding the carry out their part of the strategic plan effectively and efficiently--too much funding wastes resources and reduces financial resources while too little funding slows progress and impedes the efforts of organizational units to execute their pieces of the strategic plan proficiently discipline needed to execute the chosen strategy in a cost-efficient manner
Managers charges with implementing and executing strategy need to be deeply involved in the budgeting and resource allocation process because
Too little funding deprives organizational units of the resources to carry out their piece of the strategic plan and too much funding wastes organizational resources and reduces financial performance AND a change in strategy nearly always calls for budget reallocations and resource shifting
From a strategy-implementing/strategy-executing perspective, budget allocations should
Be strategy-driven and based primarily on how much each organizational unit needs to carry out its piece if the strategic plan efficiently and effectively
New strategies often entail budget reallocations because
Units important in the prior strategy but having a lesser role in the new strategy may need downsizing while units and activities that now have a bigger and more critical strategic role may need more people, new equipment, additional facilities and above-average increases in their operating budgets
Visible actions to reallocate operating funds and move people into different organizational units
Signal a determined commitment to strategic change and can help catalyze and give credibility to the implementation process
Prescribing new policies and operating procedures can aid the task of implementing strategy
By helping align the actions and behavior company personnel with the requirements for good strategy exectution, placing limits on independent action, helping overcome resistance to change, helping enforce consistency in how things are done in scattered geographic units and promoting the creationg of a work climate that facilities good execution
A useful guideline in designing strategy-facilitating policies and operating procedures is
To prescribe enough policies to give organizational members clear direction in implementing strategy and to place desirable boundaries on their actions, then empower them to act within these boundaries however they think makes sense
Prescribing policies and operating procedures aids the task of implementing strategy by
By placing limits on independent action and painting new white lines to steer the actions and behavior of company personnel in a manner that is more conducive to good strategy execution and operating excellence
Which one of the following is NOT a benefit of prescribing policies and operating procedures to aid management's task of implementing strategy?
Helping build employee commitment to adopting best practices and using the tools of TQM and Six Sigma
A "best practice"
Is a technique for performing an activity or business process that at least one company has demonstrated works particularly well (in terms of significantly lowering costs, improving quality or performance, shortening time requirements, enhancing safety or delivering some other highly positive operating outcome)
The idea behind benchmarking and best practices is to
Identify companies that are the best performers of an activity and then modify and adapt their practices to fit the company's own specific circumstances and operating requirements; the more that a company uses best company uses best practices in conducting its operations, the closer it moves toward operating excellence and proficient strategy execution
The backbone of identifying, studying and implementing best practices is
Which one of the following is NOT a tool that company managers can use to promote operating excellence in performing value chain activities?
Adoption of standard industry techniques
Because functional organization structures often result in pieces of strategically relevant activities and capabilities being scattered across many different functional departments, companies have found that
There's merit in using business process reengineering to pull the pieces of strategy-critical processes out of different departments and unify their performance in a single department or cross-functional work group that has charge over the whole process and that can be held accountable for performing the activity in a cheaper, better and/or more strategy-supportive fashion
Business process reengineering is a tool for
Pulling the pieces of strategy-critical activities out of different departments and unifying their performance in a single department of cross-functional work group that has charge over the whole process and can be held accountable for performing the activity in a better, cheaper and/or more strategy-supportive fashion
Which of the following is NOT a tool that managers can use to promote operating excellence and further the cause of a good strategy execution?
Strategic resource training
Total quality management (TQM)
Is a philosophy of managing a set of business practices that emphasizes continuous improvement and empowerment of employees at all levels, team-based work design, benchmarking and total customer satisfaction
TQM emphasizes all buy which one of the following?
Widespread adoption of industry standard operating practices
TQM programs
Entail creating a corporate culture bent on continuously improving the performance of every task and every value-chain activity
Which one of the following statements about TQM is false?
TQM produces significant results very quickly--very little benefit emerges after the first six months
Six Sigma quality control
Consists of a disciplined, statistics-based system aimed at producing not more than 3.4 defects per million iterations for any business process
Six Sigma processes
Can be used for both improving existing business processes and for developing new processes of products
The statistical thinking underlying Six Sigma is based on the following three principles:
All work is a process, all processes have variability and all processes create data that explains variability
The Six Sigma process of define, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) is
An improvement system for existing processes falling below specification and needing improvement--the DMAIC process is a particularly good vehicle for improving performance when there are wide variations in how well an activity is performed
Six Sigma's DMADV process of define, measure, analyze, design and verify is a particularly good vehicle for
Developing new processes or products at Six Sigma quality levels
The big difference between business process reengineering and continuous improvement programs like TQM or Six Sigma is that
Reengineering is a tool for achieving one-time quantum improvement whereas TQM and Six Sigma programs aim at incremental improvement (striving for inch-by-inch gains again and again in a never-ending stream
To obtain maximum benefits from benchmarking, best practices, reengineering, TQM and Six Sigma programs aimed at facilitating better strategy execution, mangers need to
Start with a clear idea of what specific outcomes really matter (whether it a be Six Sigma or lower defect rate, on-time delivery, faster cycle time, superior customer satisfaction, lower costs or whatever); then they have to build a total quality culture that is genuinely committed to achieving these outcomes
To build a total quality culture and achieve full value from the use of TQM or Six Sigma initiatives, managers can take such actions steps as
Signaling unequivocal and unyielding commitment to total quality and operating excellence; setting measurable objectives for quality and continuous improvement; screening out job applicants who don't have the right aptitudes or attitudes for quality-based performance; instituting employee training programs; and using online systems to give employees immediate access to best practice information and experiences
Installing well-conceived state-of-the-art support systems are an important managerial component of implementing and execution strategy because
Such support systems not only enable better strategy execution but also strengthen organizational capabilities (perhaps enough to provide a competitive edge over rivals)
Well conceived, state-of-the-art information and operating systems
Not only enable better strategy execution but also strengthen organizational capabilities
From a strategy-implementing/strategy-executing perspective, which one of the following is NOT a benefit of installing well conceived state-of-the-art information and operating systems?
Providing the data for undertaking benchmarking, TQM and Six Sigma quality control
Management's most powerful tool for mobilizing commitment to competent strategy execution and operating excellence is
Proper use of incentives and rewards
The strategic role of a company's reward system is to
Enlist employees' energetic commitment to competent strategy execution and operating excellence by rewarding them, both monetarily and non-monetarily, for their contributions
Enlisting employees' sustained and energetic commitment to a good strategy and execution and achievement of the targets strategic and financial objectives is best done by,
Resourceful and effective use of motivational incentives, both monetarily and non-monetarily
In trying to gain employees' wholehearted commitment to good strategy execution and operating excellence, managers are well advised to use such incentives as
Base pay increases and performance bonuses Frequent words of praise, special recognition at company gatherings, stimulating assignments and opportunities to transfer to attractive locations More (or less) job security Opportunities for rapid promotion (or the risk of being sidelined)
Which of the following is NOT likely to be effective in trying to gain employees' wholehearted commitment to good strategy execution and operating excellence?
Aggressive management efforts to eliminate stress, anxiety and job insecurity from the work environment
Which one of the following is likely to be the LEAST effective way of gaining employees' wholehearted commitment to good strategy execution and operating excellence?
Regular across-the-board pay increases for all employees
Which of the following motivational practices is LEAST likely to be effective in spurring stronger employee commitment to good strategy execution?
Setting performance targets that are relatively easy for employees to achieve and thereby making it relatively easy for all employees to get sizable performance bonuses
A motivation and incentive system that is aimed at spurring stronger employee commitment to good strategy execution
Must GENEROUSLY reward and recognize individuals and groups who meet or beat performance targets and deny rewards and recognition to those who don't
From the standpoint of promoting successful strategy execution, it is important that the firm's motivation and reward system
Accentuate positive rewards but also carry the risk of punishment for poor performance
A reward system that accentuates positive rewards for good performance
Has considerable appeal because when cooperation is positively enlisted and rewarded, rather than strong-armed by orders and threats (implicit or explicit), people tend to respond with more enthusiasm, dedication, creativity, and initiative
Motivational and incentive compensation practices that aim at winning the commitment of company personnel to good strategy execution typically
Strike a middle ground--entailing decidedly positive rewards for meeting or beating performance targets but also imposing sufficiently negative consequences (if only withholding rewards) when actual performance falls short of the target (but the negative consequences of underachievement should not be so sever or demoralizing as to impede a renewed and determined effort to overcome existing obstacles and hit the targets in upcoming periods)
The most dependable way to keep people focused on strategy execution and the achievement of performance target is to
Generously reward and recognize people who meet or beat performance targets and to deny rewards and recognition to those who don't--the underlying principle must be to reward people for accomplishing results, not for just dutifully performing assigned tasks
A well-designed reward system
Is focused on "what to achieve" (the specified performance targets) in order to be rewarded and recognized and is not focused on "what to do"
An important consideration in designing a strategy-supportive reward system is
Make non-monetary rewards and recognition an integral part of the reward system
To win strong employee commitment to competent strategy execution, management
Must use incentives and rewards in ways that align the well-being of organization members with their contributions to competent strategy execution and the achievement of performance targets
Management's most powerful tool for winning employee commitment to good strategy execution and operating excellence is
A system of rewards and incentives tied tightly to the achievement of the targeted strategic and financial performane
The guidelines for designing an incentive compensation system that will help drive successful strategy execution include
Making the payoff for meeting or beating performance targets a major, not minor, piece of the total compensation package
Which of the following is NOT a sound guideline for designing a reward and incentive system that helps promote good strategy execution?
Ways must be found to reward deserving non-performers who, for some reason, do not fare well under the incentive system
Which one of the following is NOT characteristic of a compensation and reward system designed to help drive successful strategy execution?
A reward system that involves 50 percent non-monetary rewards and a work environment that avoids placing pressure on managers and employees to perform at high levels
Some caution needs to be exercised in using performance-based compensation systems in multinational enterprises because
In some countries, incentive compensation runs counter to local customs and cultural norms
A company's corporate culture is BEST defined and identified by
The character of a company's internal work climate and personality--as shaped by the company's core values, beliefs, business principles, traditions, ingrained behaviors of "how we do things around here," work practices, and style of operating
The character of a company's corporate culture is a product of
The core values and business principles that management preaches and practices Its standards of what is ethically acceptable and what is not and the stories that get told over and over to illustrate and reinforce the company's values, business practices, and traditions The company's approach to people management and the "chemistry" and "personality" that permeates its work environment The work practices and behaviors that define "how we do things around here"
Which one of the following is NOT a fundamental part of a company's culture?
The company's strategic vision, strategic intent, and strategy
A company's culture is in part defined and identified by
A company's internal work climate and personality--as shaped by its core values, work practices, traditions, and ingrained behaviors that define "how we do things around here"
A company's culture is NOT manifested in which one of the following?
Its strategic vision, strategic intent, and strategy
Which one of the following is NOT something to look for in identifying a company's culture?
Its resource strengths, core competencies, and competitive capabilities
Which one of the following is something to look for in identifying a company's culture?
The spirit and character that pervades the work climate and the values, business principles, and ethical standards that management preaches and practices
Frequently, a significant part of a company's culture is captured in
The stories that get told over and over again to illustrate to newcomers the importance of certain values and the depth of commitment that various company personnel have displayed
Once established, company cultures can be perpetuated by
Systematic indoctrination of new members in the culture's fundamentals , frequent reiteration of core values by senior managers and group members, and regular ceremonies honoring members who display desired cultural behaviors
Which one of the following is not particularly helpful in perpetuating a company's culture?
Maintaining a consistent strategic vision and strategic intent over time
Which one of the following statements about a company's culture is false?
A company's culture, once established, tends to remain stable and entrenched over time
Companies, especially ones with multinational operations and/or newly acquired businesses, typically have
Multuiple cultures (or subcultures) rather than a single culture
In a strong culture company,
Values and behavioral norms are like crabgrass--deeply rooted and hard to weed out
The characteristics of a strong culture company include
Deeply-rooted values and operating approaches that "regulate" the conduct of a company's business and the climate of its workplace A strong managerial commitment to conducting the company's business according to established traditions Frequent and dedicated efforts on the part of management to communicating values and business principles to organization members and explaining how they relate to the company's business environment Using core values and ingrained business principles as guides in making decisions
The hallmark of a strong-culture company is
The dominating presence of certain deeply-rooted values and operating approaches that "regulate" the conduct of a company's business and the climate of its workplace
Which of the following contribute to the emergence and sustainability of a strong culture?
A sincere, long-standing company commitment to operating the business according to established traditions, thereby creating an internal environment that supports decision-making and strategies based on cultural norms
Which of the following is NOT a factor in contributing to the emergence and sustainability of a strong culture?
Centralized decision-making, strict enforcement of company of company policies, and a strong commitment to being the market share leader
Which of the following statements about a strong-culture is false?
Centralized decision-making, strict enforcement of company policies, diligent pursuit of a distinctive competence, and a bold strategic intent are the hallmarks of a strong-culture company
Strong company cultures are preferable to weak company cultures because
Strong cultures are an ally in executing strategy provided the behavioral norms ingrained in a strong culture are well-matched to the behaviors needed for good strategy execution
Strong corporate cultures
Promote good strategy execution where the imbedded cultural norms are a good fit with the strategy and hurt execution when the cultural norms are a good fit with the strategy and hurt execution when the cultural norms are a poor fit
Which one of the following is a typical characteristics of a weak company culture?
A lack of values and principles that are consistently preached or widely shared
Which one of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of a weak company culture?
A complicated value chain and a very diverse set of core competencies--both of which act to create multiple subcultures
Which one of the following statements about a weak company culture is true?
Weak cultures provide little or no assistance in executing strategy because there are no traditions, beliefs, values, common, bonds, or behavioral norms that management can use as levers to mobilize commitment to executing the chosen strategy
Which of the following is NOT a common trait of an unhealthy company culture?
An aversion to incentive compensation, failure to recruit the best and brightest employees, subpar support for employee training, overemphasis on working in teams, and low ethical standards
Which of the following is NOT an example of an unhealthy company culture?
Hyper-adaptive cultures
Companies with change-resistant cultures
Are prone to be preoccupied with avoiding risks, are unlikely to pursue bold actions to capture emerging opportunities, are frequently lax when it comes to product innovation and continuous improvement in performing value chain activities, and prefer following rather than leading market changing
Unhealthy company cultures typically have such characteristics as
A politicized internal environment, hostility to change and a wariness of people who champion new ways of doing things, and an aversion to looking outside the company for best practices, new managerial approaches, and innovative ideas
The hallmarks of a high performance corporate culture include
A "can-do" spirit, pride in doing things right, no-excuses accountability, and a pervasive results-oriented work climate where people go to the extra mile to meet or beat stretch objectives
Which one of the following statements about a high performance culture is false?
High performance cultures often have a low regard for high ethical standards, a strong preference for high-risk strategies, and a slow and methodical approach to responding to changes in the marketplace
Which one of the following statements about a high performance culture is true?
Results-oriented, high performance cultures are permeated with a spirit of achievement and have a good track record in meeting or beating performance targets
The hallmark of an adaptive corporate culture is
Willingness on the part of organizational members to accept change and take on the challenge of introducing and executing new strategies
In adaptive corporate cultures,
There's a spirit of doing what's necessary to ensure long-term organizational success provided that core values and business principles are not compromised and provided top management undertakes the changes in a manner that exhibits genuine concern for the legitimate interests of stakeholders
Which of the following corporate cultures is most conducive to long-term organizational success?
A strongly-planted adaptive culture
Which of the following statements about adaptive corporate cultures is false?
The standout cultural traits are a "can-do" spirit, pride in doing things right, no-excuses accountability, and a pervasive results-oriented work climate where people go the extra mile to meet or beat stretch objectives
A work environment where the culture is well-matched to the conditions and behaviors requisite for good strategy execution is a valuable managerial ally because
It provides company personnel with clear guidance regarding "how we do things around here" and produces significant peer pressures from co-workers to conform to culturally acceptable norms--as a consequence, culturally-approved behavior thrives and culturally-disapproved behavior gets squashed and even penalized
Which of the following is a benefit of closely aligning the corporate culture with the requirements for proficient strategy execution?
A tight strategy-culture fit steers company personnel into displaying behaviors and adopting operating practices that promote good strategy execution
Which of the following statements about the match between a company's culture and it strategy is false?
A tight strategy-culture alignment facilitates building core competencies and distinctive competencies that lead to low operating costs and a cost-based competitive advantage and exert their best efforts to execute the strategy and achieve performance targets
When a company's culture is out of sync with what is needed for strategic success and good strategy execution,
The culture has to be changed to accommodate the requirements of good strategy execution as rapidly as can be managed
The single most visible factor that distinguishes successful culture-change efforts from failed attempts is
Competent leadership at the top
Changing a problem culture
Is one of the toughest managerial tasks because of the heavy anchor of ingrained behaviors and ways of doing things
The place for management to begin in trying to change a problem culture is
By making a compelling case for why the company requires a different culture that embraces a new set of behaviors and work practices
The menu of actions management can take to change the problem culture does NOT include which one of the following?
Shifting from decentralized to centralized decision-making so as to give senior executives more authority and control in driving cultural change
Which one of the following is a SUBSTANTIVE culture-changing action that a company's managers can undertake to alter a problem culture?
Revising policies and procedures in ways that will help drive cultural change and replacing senior executives who are strongly identified with the old culture and who may be stonewalling needed organizational and cultural changes
Which one of the following is NOT a substantive culture-changing action that a company's managers can undertake to alter a problem culture?
Urging company personnel to search outside the company for work practices and operating approaches that may be an improvement over what the company is presently doing and paying sizable bonuses to those employees who identify practices that the company ends up adopting
When trying to change a problem culture, management should undertake such steps as
Identifying which aspects of the present culture are supportive of good strategy execution and which ones are not
In moving to alter a problem culture, management should
Identify which aspects of the present culture are supportive of good strategy execution and which ones are not Specify what new actions, behaviors, and work practices should be prominent in the "new" culture Talk openly about the problems of the present culture and how new behaviors will improve performance Employ visible, forceful actions--both substantive and symbolic--to ingrain a new set of behaviors, practices and cultural norms
Which one of the following is NOT an appropriate step management can take to change a problem culture?
Appointing a team of key managers and employees to design a plan for cultural change and then lead the internal effort to change the culture
Changing a problem culture to create better alignment with strategy generally does NOT involve
Altering the company's strategic vision and/or its strategic and financial objectives
Which one of the following is NOT likely to be an effective management action to create a better strategy-culture fit and alter a problem culture
Calling upon first-level supervisors and rank-and-file employees to lead the cultural change effort
A company's culture is typically grounded in and shaped by
Its core values and the bar it sets for ethical standards
A company's values statement and code of ethics
Communicate expectations of how employees should conduct themselves in the workplace
At companies where executives believe in the merits of practicing the values and ethical standards that have been espoused
The stated core values and ethical principles are the cornerstones of the corporate culture
A corporate culture founded on ethical business principles and socially approved values
Is a positive force underlying a company's long-term success because how a company conducts its business ultimately affects its reputation with customers, suppliers, and investors
Code of ethics and statements of core values
Serve as cornerstones of the corporate culture at companies where executives are truly committed to practicing the values and ethical standards that have been espoused
Which one of the following topics would LEAST likely be contained in a company's statement of its core values?
Mandating full compliance with all laws and regulations
Which one of the following would LEAST likely be contained in a company's code of ethics?
Committing to a no-layoff policy and to adequate funding of employee retirement programs
Which of the following is NOT a technique that companies employ to hammer in and ingrain core values and ethical standards?
Downplaying ethics enforcement procedures
To deeply ingrain core values and ethical standards, a company must
Turn the espoused core values and ethical standards into strictly enforced cultural norms
The two culture-building roles of a company's stated values and ethical standards are to
Help create a work climate where company personnel share common and strongly held convictions about how the company's business is to be conducted and to signal employees that they are expected to display the core values in their actions and behaviors and uphold the company's ethical standards
Which one of the following is NOT one of the positive impacts that company's stated values and ethical standards have on its corporate culture?
Ensuring that the company will be a model corporate citizen
Companies that are truly committed to core values and ethical conduct of their business
Make core values and ethical behavior a fundamental part of their corporate culture Put a stake in the ground, making it unequivocally clear that company personnel are expected to live up to the company's values and ethical standards Use values statements and code of ethical conduct as yardsticks for judging the appropriateness of company policies, decisions and actions and individual conduct Incorporate the statement of values and the code of ethics into employee training and educational programs
Which of the following is NOT an integral part of transforming core values and ethical standards into cultural norms?
Immediately dismissing any employee caught violating the company's code of ethics or disregarding core values
Establishing a workable strategy-cultural fit in multinational and global companies
Can be accomplished by grounding the company's strategy in values and operating practices that travel well across country borders and that strike a chord with managers and workers in many different areas of the world, despite varying local customs and traditions
Leading the drive for good strategy execution and operating excellence calls upon managers to
Practice MBWA, put constructive pressure on the organization to achieve good results, push for the development of stronger core competencies and competitive capabilities, display ethical integrity, and lead social responsibility initiatives
Which of the following is most integral to the task of leading the drive for good strategy execution and operating excellence?
Staying on top of how well things are going, putting constructive pressure on the organization to achieve good results, displaying ethical integrity, leading social responsibility initiatives, and pushing corrective actions to improve strategy execution and achieve the targeted results
Which of the following is NOT one of the important leadership roles that managers have to play in pushing for good strategy execution and operating excellence?
Weeding out managers who are consistently in the ranks of the lowest performers (the bottom 10%) and who are not enthusiastic about the strategy or how it is being executed
MBWA refers to
The managerial practice of making regular visits to field operations, talking with many different people at many different levels, and learning first-hand how well things are going
The purpose of managing by walking around is to
Gather info and opinions about what is happening from diverse sources, learn what is on people's minds, and learn firsthand how well the strategy execution process is proceeding
Putting constructive pressure on the organization to achieve good results and operating excellence entails
Setting stretch objectives and create an expectation that company personnel are to do their best in achieving performance targets Utilizing the full range of motivational techniques and compensation incentives to inspire and motivate company personnel, nurture a results-oriented climate, and enforce high-performance standards Granting employees enough autonomy to stand out, excel, and contribute and celebrate individual, group, and company success Encouraging employees to use initiative and creativity in performing their work and making champions out of people who turn in winning performances
Successfully leading the effort to instill a spirit of high achievement into a company's culture and put constructive pressure on the organization to achieve good results
Entails such actions as treating employees with dignity and respect, making champions out of people who turn in winning performances, and setting stretch objectives
Which of the following is NOT a managerial action calculated to promote an organizational climate where good strategy execution and operating excellence can blossom and thrive?
Keeping the reward system positive and striving to eliminate tension, fear, job insecurity, stress, and anxiety from the work environment
Which one of the following is NOT something a manager in a leadership role should do to instill a spirit of high achievement into the culture and thereby promote an organizational climate where good strategy execution and operating excellence can blossom and thrive?
Carefully channeling and controlling the creative efforts and initiatives of company personnel and, in particular, weeding out the ideas and suggestions of people with maverick ideas and out-of-the-ordinary proposals
Strengthening a company's competencies and competitive capabilities
Often requires intervention and proactive leadership by top executives because they are in the best organizational position to spot opportunities to leverage existing competencies and competitive capabilities Is an exercise best orchestrated by senior managers who appreciate their strategy-implementing significance and who have the clout to enforce the necessary networking and cooperation among individuals, groups, departments, and external allies Often requires top executive action because senior managers are in the best position to anticipate changes in customer requirements and market conditions, see the need and potential of new competencies and capabilities, and play a lead role in the capability-building, resource-strengthening process Is often a top management function because proactively building new competencies and capabilities ahead of rivals to gain a competitive edge is strategic leadership of the best kind
Which of the following statements about leading the development of better competencies and capabilities is false?
Top executives are the ones who craft the strategy and thus they are the ones responsible for strengthening this or that competence or capability to keep the strategy successful
Too little funding
Slow progress and impede the efforts of organizational units to execute their pieces of the strategic plan proficiently
Too much funding
Waste organizational resources and reduce financial performance
Business Process Reengineering
Radically redesigning and streamlining how an activity is performed, with the intent of achieving quantum improvements in performance
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Creating a total quality culture, involving managers and employees at all levels, bent on continuously improving the performance of every value chain activity
Six Sigma Programs
Utilize advanced statistical methods to improve quality by reducing defects and variability in the performance of business processes
Corporate culture
The shared values, ingrained attitudes, core beliefs and company traditions that determine norms of behavior, accepted work practices, and style of operating
Strong culture companies
Deeply rooted values and norms of behavior are widely shared and regulate the conduct of the company's business
Weak culture companies
Lack widely shared and strongly held values and principles
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