17. Analytic’s -Reports & Dashboards =13% – Flashcards
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Describe the capabilities of a custom report type.
The report type determines which records are included in a report (report filters are then used to remove records), and which fields can be added from the report data.
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List the mathematical operations that can be used to summarize field data within a report (excluding custom summary formulas).
By clicking the down arrow next to the field when customizing the report, you can perform several calculations: Sum. Average. Max. Min.
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Describe the capabilities of custom summary formulas.
Custom summary formulas give you the ability to perform calculations against summarized data within a report. For instance, let's say that I want to calculate the percent that each sales rep has contributed to the sales pipeline. A custom summary formula is different than a custom formula field. In the above scenario, a custom formula field cannot calculate the maximum value of all won opportunity records, and thus could not be used to calculate a percentage of that maximum.
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Describe how report and dashboard folders are secured within Salesforce.
If access levels for sharing report and dashboard folders is enabled (Setup --> Customize --> Reports & Dashboards --> Folder Sharing), then permissions to report and dashboard folders is determined by access level (viewer, editor, manager). If the above feature is not enabled, then report and dashboard sharing works similarly to other folders in Salesforce (e.g. documents, list views). This simple sharing model is less flexible, as you can only set the access level for all users to the folder (Read Only or Read/Write). Enhanced Sharing for Reports and Dashboards (access levels) is enabled by default for orgs created after the Winter 14 release; for orgs created prior to the Winter 14 release, the administrator must enable the feature.
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Describe the relationship between dashboard data and report data.
Dashboards provide a representation of report data at a point in time, as viewed by the running user. A dashboard is only current as of its last refresh date, while reports are current whenever run. The data collected from the source report and displayed within each dashboard component is determined by the dashboard running user. Therefore, it is possible for a user to drill into a report from dashboard and see different results than dashboard itself. For example, Mary is a sales operations user and can view all opportunities. She is also the running user on the Sales Ops dashboard. Mark is a sales user, and can only view opportunities that he owns. When Mark views the Sales Ops dashboard, he see 534 opportunities for the 2013 pipeline. However, when he views the source report for that component, only 34 opportunity records are returned. Mark cannot view the other 500 opportunity records; Mary can. Because Mary is the running user of the dashboard, her security permissions are used to determine which results are displayed in the dashboard.
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Describe the capabilities of historical trending.
Historical trending allows an organization to report on changes to field values over time. For example, compare opportunity amounts today with amounts 3 months prior. While track field history will create an audit trail of this information, it cannot be reported on easily for comparison. Analytic snapshots provides similar features, but is cumbersome to configure, maintain, and report on for this use case. Historical trending is enabled by default in orgs created after the Winter 14 release, but can be enabled in for previously created orgs (Setup --> Customize --> Reports & Dashboards --> Historical Trending).
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Describe the capabilities of embedded analytics.
Embedded analytics allows an administrator to add report charts directly to a page layout. The chart can be configured to show data relevant to the currently viewed record (e.g. when viewing an account, display a chart showing opportunities only associated with that account).
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Jim is a sales manager for an internal products company. He has asked sales operations to provide a report that groups leads by company size: Small (Less than 50) Medium (Between 51 and 500) Enterprise (501 and More) This data is currently captured in the standard numeric lead field "No. of Employees". What feature of Salesforce.com can you leverage to generate this report? A. Custom Summary Formulas B. Bucketing C. Cross Filters D. Dashboards
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Julie is a sales manager for ABC Products, Inc. She would like to run a report that shows the total value of won opportunities summarized by sales rep (opportunity owner). What is the least complicated report format that would meet this need? A. Matrix B. Joined C. Tabular D. Summary
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You are the Salesforce administrator for your organization, and you have been asked to evaluate the distribution of account records among the sales staff. The sales operations manager would like to start by seeing a report that displays account ownership per sales rep as a percentage of the total number of accounts. For example: 100 Accounts Total Rep A - 9 Records / 9% Rep B - 14 Records / 14% Rep C - Etc. What feature of Salesforce.com can be leverage to perform this type of analytics? A. Custom Formula Fields B. Bucketing C. Custom Summary Formulas D. Matrix Report
Custom Summary Formulas
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A group of executives within your organization would like a variety of summary-level information emailed to them on a weekly basis. Examples of the type of information they are looking for include the following: Number of opportunities created this week, summarized by sales rep Amount of opportunities closed/won this week, summarized by sales rep Total current sales pipeline in USD, summarized by stage What would be the best way to meet this need for the executive staff? A. Create a dashboard with the required metrics and schedule it for weekly delivery to the appropriate users. B. Create several reports and schedule them for email delivery to the appropriate users. C. Create a dashboard and manually refresh and email the dashboard to the appropriate users on a weekly basis. D. Create a custom report type and schedule it for weekly email delivery.
Create a dashboard with the required metrics and schedule it for weekly delivery to the appropriate users.
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reports are the simplest and fastest way to look at data. Similar to a spreadsheet, they consist simply of an ordered set of fields in columns, with each matching record listed in a row. Tabular reports are best for creating lists of records or a list with a single grand total. They can't be used to create groups of data or charts, and can't be used in dashboards unless rows are limited. Examples include contact mailing lists and activity reports. Data can only be summarized across all records in the report (grand totals only).
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Summary reports are similar to tabular reports, but also allow users to group rows of data, view subtotals, and create charts. They can be used as the source report for dashboard components. Use this type for a report to show subtotals based on the value of a particular field or when you want to create a hierarchical list, such as all opportunities for your team, subtotaled by Stage and Owner. Summary reports with no groupings show as tabular reports on the report run page. Data can be summarized only along the X axis (up to 3 levels).
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reports are similar to summary reports but allow you to group and summarize data by both rows and columns. They can be used as the source report for dashboard components. Use this type for comparing related totals, especially if you have large amounts of data to summarize and you need to compare values in several different fields, or you want to look at data by date and by product, person, or geography. Matrix reports without at least one row and one column grouping show as summary reports on the report run page. Data can be summarized along the X and Y axes (up to 2 levels each).
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reports let you create multiple report blocks that provide different views of your data. Each block acts like a "sub-report," with its own fields, columns, sorting, and filtering. A joined report can even contain data from different report types. A mashup of two or more reports into a single report.
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List the 4 filter options
-Field Filter. -Filter Logic. -Cross Filter. -Row Limit.
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Field Filter
Field filters are available for reports, list views, workflow rules, and other areas of the application. For each filter, set the field, operator, and value. With tabular, summary, and matrix reports, you can drag a field from the Fields pane to the Filters pane to add a report filter.
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Filter Logic
Add Boolean conditions to control how field filters are evaluated. You must add at least one field filter before applying filter logic.
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Cross Filter
Filter a report by the child object using WITH or WITHOUT conditions. Add subfilters to further filter by fields on the child object. For example, if you have a cross filter of Accounts with Opportunities, click Add Opportunity Filter and create the Opportunity Name equals ACME subfilter to only include those opportunities.
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Row Limit
For tabular reports, select the maximum number of rows to display, then choose a field to sort by and the sort order. You can use a tabular report as the source report for a dashboard table or chart component, if you limit the number of rows it returns.
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Two common reasons to create custom report types:
1. Standard report types do not return the desired set of records. 2. The fields you wish to include within the report data are not available on a standard report type.
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What are the 2 types of reports?
-Standard Reports. -Custom Reports.
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Describe Standard Reports
-Built In. -Stored in standard folders. -Can be customized. -Saved as custom reports since they can't be overwritten (can't save changes to them).
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Describe Custom Reports
-Can be built from scratch. -Can be created by customizing standard reports. -Must be saved in a custom, personal, or unfiled folder.
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How can you control access to reports and dashboards?
-Access to reports & dashboards is controlled through folders on the Reports tab. -Access can be Read Only or Read/Write. -Folders can be accessible to all users, hidden from all users, or shared using public groups or roles. -Access to folders does NOT roll up in the role hierarchy.
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What's the value of enabling Enhanced Report & Dashboard folder sharing? What additional control does it offer users in controlling access to reports & dashboards?
* Gives users finer control over how they share their reports & dashboards. * Different groups of users can be given different access to the same folder. * Users can grant Viewer, Editor, and Manager permissions to folders they create. * Enabling enhanced folder sharing may change the existing access to reports & dashboards, depending on their user permissions.
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What are the characteristics of the Report Builder Upgrade?
* Grants all users access to the report builder. * Enables scatter charts. * Allows users to access the old report wizard in Accessibility Mode. * Needs to be enabled manually for existing organizations * Can't be disabled after its turned on.
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What functionality does the Grouping by Date Fields provide?
A user can select the "Group by Dates" option to determine how records are grouped. For example a user may display all closed opportunities with a close date in the same Calendar Week, Calendar Month, or Calendar Quarter.
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What are the characteristics of Report Filters and Filter Logic in Salesforce?
* Add up to 20 additional filters to a report. * Use the Add button or drag fields from the preview pain into the Filter pane. * Link multiple filtres using "and," "or," and "not" operators to create sophisticated conditions. * Offset priority conditions using parentheses and nested parentheses.
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How can literal date values in custom report filters help a user to customize a report? In what circumstances are literal date values useful in reporting?
Literal date values provide the ability to filter by criteria such as "yesterday," "last week," "tomorrow," or "next quarter." For additional flexibility, users can use variables in literal date values for days, quarters, and years. Examples include "last n days," "last n quarters", or "next n weeks."
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What are the characteristics of a Custom Summary Formula on a report?
* Up to five per report. * Cannot reference other summary formulas. * Can reference formula fields in the data. * Only display on summary rows, not on detail (record) rows.
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List the 5 types of single grouping charts.
* Bar Charts. * Line Charts. * Pie/Donut Charts. * Funnel Charts. * Scatter Charts.
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What are the characteristics of a Bar Chart in Salesforce? When should you use horizontal vs. vertical groupings on a bar chart?
* Each bar represents data from a grouping. * Use horizontal to compare many groups. * Use vertical to compare fewer groups or when grouping by a date field.
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What are the characteristics of a Line Chart in Salesforce? What is this chart type good at representing?
* Each point represents data from a grouping. * Use when grouping by a date field. * Great for displaying changes over time.
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What are the characteristics of a Pie/Donut chart? What is this chart type good at representing?
* Each wedge represents data from a grouping. * Size of wedge is determined by summary field. * Use to compare shares of the grand total. * Use a donut chart to display the grand total.
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What are the characteristics of a Funnel Chart? What is this chart type good at representing?
* Each segment represents data from a grouping. * The size of segments is determined by by the summary field of each grouping. * Use funnel charts to compare the summarized values of groupings (e.g. display total amount of opportunities at each stage within a company).
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What are the characteristics of a Scatter Chart? What is this chart type good at representing?
* Plot two summary fields against one another. * Visualize the correlation between values in a group (e.g. Opportunity amount vs. Win Rate). * Enable the report builder upgrade to use scatter charts.
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What are the 4 types of Multiple Grouping charts available in Salesforce?
* Side-by-Side Bar. * Stacked Bar. * Stacked to 100% Bar. * Grouped Line.
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What are the characteristics of the Side-by-Side Bar chart in Salesforce? What is this chart type good at representing?
* Use this type of a chart for multiple groupings when you're not necessarily interested in showing the total. * Each value is represented by a set of bars. * Difficult to show proportions vs a total with this chart type.
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What are the characteristics of the Stacked Bar chart in Salesforce? What is this chart type good at representing?
* Use this bar graph to display the proportions between values. * It displays a single bar for each primary value, with secondary values shown on the same bar. * Don't use this chart if there is a big disparity between the values of the groupings (e.g. 50 vs. 1.5 MM).
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What are the characteristics of the Stacked to 100% Bar chart in Salesforce? What is this chart type good at representing?
Use this for proportions between values in each grouping where there may be a big disparity between the numbers in the groups (e.g. 50 vs. 1.5 MM). * All bars are the same overall length. * This is used primarily to study proportions between groups.
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What are the characteristics of the Grouped Line chart in Salesforce? What is this chart type good at representing?
* Use this chart to view multiple groupings ordered by one secondary grouping that represents an ordered set of data. * Each bar represents an ordered set of data. * Missing values are displayed as gaps. * Its difficult to compare totals with this chart type.
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By clicking the "Printable View" button on a report, a PDF version of the report is created which maintains all formatting, grouping, and sub-totals from the original report. a. True. b. False.
False. The Printable View button will create a version of the report in MS Excel, not a PDF version. Everything else about the statement is correct.
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By clicking on the "Export Details" button on a report, a user has the option to save as a PDF, Excel, or CSV format for the report. a. True. b. False.
False. Only Excel and CSV formats are available for export, not PDF. Formatting, groupings, and sub-totals will be lost in both of these options.
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The Printable View button and Export Details button available on reports can be accessed on the report, but are not available on the Report Builder. A user must first Run Report in order to access these buttons. a. True. b. False.
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What 4 things must a user specify in order to schedule and email a report?
* Running user (must have access to the report). * Frequency. * Start and end dates. * OPTIONAL - email recipients. Additionally, report scheduling must be done after the report is run. Report scheduling is not available in the Report Builder.
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Once a scheduled report runs, what will email recipients receive? (Select all that apply) a. An email with an Excel attachment containing the details of the report. b. A email with a CSV attachment containing the details of the report. c. An email with an HTML version of the report embedded in the email. d. A link to the actual report in Salesforce.
- An email with an HTML version of the report embedded in the email. - A link to the actual report in Salesforce.
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Name the 3 types if Buckets
-Numeric Buckets. -Picklist Buckets. -Text Buckets.
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