World History II – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Elizabeth Hill
geographical barriers
Communication was difficult in Ancient Greece because of __________.
___________ was difficult in Ancient Greece because of geographical barriers.
voice their opinions
The following right was given to Spartan women: the right to ______ publicly.
The following right was given to Spartan women: the right to ______ property.
transact business
The following right was given to Spartan women: the right to ______ without the husband’s consent
full civil liberties
The following right was given to Spartan women: the right to enjoy _____ under the law, with only one exception.
Mediterranean coastline
Alexander’s conquest of Egypt was significant for Greece because this secured the ______, which meant that Persia couldn’t use it to invade Greece.
conquest of Egypt
Alexander’s ______ was significant for Greece because this secured the Mediterranean coastline, which meant that Persia couldn’t use it to invade Greece.
invade Greece
Alexander’s conquest of Egypt was significant for Greece because this secured the Mediterranean coastline, which meant that Persia couldn’t use it to ________.
The type of government in which a small group of people rules society is known as ______.
the scattered
Sparta’s name means _______.
Spartan government
Each of the following was a component of _________: Two kings; a council of 28 members; and a public assembly open to all male citizens.
public assembly
Each of the following was a component of Spartan government: 2 kings; a council of 28 members; AND a _______ open to all male citizens.
Each of the following was a component of Spartan government: 2 kings; a ______ of 28 members; AND a public assembly open to all male citizens.
they were building an empire
The following statement accurately describes Athens between the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars: ________ and enjoying political and economic dominance.
political and economic
The following statement accurately describes Athens between the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars: they were building an empire and enjoying ________ dominance.
Plato’s political ideology is best represented by the statement that democracy gives power to the _______ instead of the educated.
The Greek ______ was a city-state.
Delian League
The following statement about Athens is true: Athens established and dominated the _______ after the Persian Wars.
The following statement about Athens is true: Athens developed a ______ society.
The following statement about Athens is true: Athens established the world’s first ______.
The following statement about Athens is true: Athens developed an impressive ______.
struggle of the orders
The _______ was a conflict between the patricians and plebeians.
The “struggle of the orders” was a conflict between the ______ and plebeians.
grain and wine
The following was a right or privilege given to Roman citizens: free _______.
The following was a right or privilege given to Roman citizens: the right to ______.
arbitrary imprisonment
The following was a right or privilege given to Roman citizens: safety from ______.
Roman citizens
The following was a right or privilege given to ______: the right to hold the highest political offices.
political offices
The following was a right or privilege given to Roman citizens: free grain and wine, the right to appeal, safety from arbitrary imprisonment, AND the right to hold the highest _______.
The following men were members of the First Triumvirate: ______, Pompey, AND Crassus.
The following men were members of the First Triumvirate: Caesar, ______, AND Crassus.
The following men were members of the First Triumvirate: Caesar, Pompey, and ______.
The man considered to be the first Roman emperor was _______.
Roman emperor
The man considered to be the first ______ was Octavian.
The ______ believed that the end of the world was quickly approaching.
defense of the borders
The following occurred during the reign of the Five Good Emperors: the successful ______.
The following occurred during the reign of the Five Good Emperors: a deadly ______ epidemic.
The following occurred during the reign of the Five Good Emperors: a reformation and revitalization of ______.
The following occurred during the reign of the Five Good Emperors: a ______ of the emperor’s authority.
Five Good Emperors
The following occurred during the reign of the _______: the successful defense of the borders, a deadly smallpox epidemic, a reformation and revitalization of bureaucracy, AND a consolidation of the emperor’s authority.
ships with gangplanks
Rome won the First Punic War only after they built ______.
First Punic War
Rome won the ______ only after they built ships with gangplanks.
adult male
The following statements about the army of the Roman Republic is true: every ______ was required to serve.
bread and vegetables
The following statements about the army of the Roman Republic is true: the food for soldiers was mainly ______.
The following statements about the army of the Roman Republic is true: soldiers deemed ______ were killed.
a war
The following statements about the army of the Roman Republic is true: they lost a few battles, but never _____.
Roman Republic
The following statements about the army of the ______ is true: every adult male was required to serve, the food for soldiers was mainly bread and vegetables, soldiers deemed cowards were killed, AND they lost a few battles, but never a war.
Mediterranean Sea
According to Romans, “Mare Nostrum” was the _______.
Mare Nostrum
According to Romans, _______ was the Mediterranean Sea.
seaport city
The geography of Rome compares with that of Carthage in that both were centrally located, but Carthage was a ______.
The geography of Rome compares with that of Carthage in that both were centrally located, but ______ was a seaport city.
Jesus of Nazareth
The basic message of ______ was that people should love God and each other.
_______ legalized Christianity.
Constantine did the following: move the ______.
New Rome
Constantine did the following: defend ______ against the Germans.
Constantine did the following: adopt the ______ as his battle emblem.
German gods
We get our names for many of the days of the week from ______.
hired many of them for service in the army
The following statement accurately portrays early Roman-German connections and conflicts: the Romans fought the Germans, but also _______.
The following statement accurately portrays early ______ connections and conflicts: the Romans fought the Germans, but also hired many of them for service in the army.
A _____ is a land grant.
Eastern Christian Church
The four main centers of the ______ were in the cities of Antioch, Jerusalem, Constantinople, AND Alexandria.
The four main centers of the Eastern Christian Church were in the cities of _______, Jerusalem, Constantinople, AND Alexandria.
the church
The most powerful institution of the Middle Ages was _______.
Germanic tribes
The ______ did all of the following: herd cattle, hunt deer, attack neighboring people, and make swords from iron.
make swords from iron
The Germanic tribes did all of the following: herd cattle, hunt deer, attack neighboring people, and _______.
attack neighboring people
The Germanic tribes did all of the following: herd cattle, hunt deer, ______, and make swords from iron.
______ was known as “the scourge of God”.
the scourge of God
Attila was known as _______.
Subordinate warlords who swore to provide allegiance and military service to their overlord were known as _______.
Black Death
The Byzantine Empire experience a population declined in the 600s and 700s because of the _______, the Bubonic Plague, and warfare.
Bubonic Plague
The Byzantine Empire experience a population declined in the 600s and 700s because of the Black Death, the ______, and warfare.
Byzantine Empire
The ______ experience a population declined in the 600s and 700s because of the Black Death, the Bubonic Plague, and warfare.
The Byzantine concept of _______ can be described by saying that the leader of a country should serve as the political and religious authority.
political and religious authority
The Byzantine concept of caesaropapism can be described by saying that the leader of a country should serve as the ______.
______ was known as “New Rome”.
the emperor was chosen by God to rule politically and lead spiritually
The following accurately describes attitudes concerning religion and politics in the Byzantine Empire: ________.
he tried to unify the Old Roman Empire; they didn’t
Justinian differed from his successors in that _______.
_______ is the breaking of images.
equal of the Apostles
The emperors were called _______.
Christianity is the religion that was adopted by ______.
nomadic heritage
The following statement about the Khazars is true: they abandoned their ______ and built large towns.
The following statement about the Khazars is true: they tolerated ______ and Christianity.
paid army
The following statement about the Khazars is true: they created a professional, _____.
commercial and cultural
The following statement about the Khazars is true: they served as a ______ crossroads.
the Khazars
The following statements about ______ is true: they abandoned their nomadic heritage and built large towns; they tolerated paganism and Christianity; they created a professional, paid army; AND they served as a commercial and cultural crossroads.
Ottoman Turks
The _______ completed the Islamic conquest of West Asia.
West Asia
The Ottoman Turks completed the Islamic conquest of _______.
Islamic conquest
The Ottoman Turks completed the _______ of West Asia.
______ was a Christian protectorate by 500s.
Christian protectorate
Ethiopia was a _______ by 500s.
Jews in Medina
According to Muhammad, he received the revelations about Abraham after the _______ rejected him.
According to Muhammad, he received the revelations about ______ after the Jews in Medina rejected him.
______, meaning “struggle” or “striving,” is often translated to mean “holy war”.
______ might be found in a mosque. Statues, portraits, chairs, or stained glass windows would never be found there.
Pulpits might be found in a mosque. Statues, portraits, ______, or stained glass windows would never be found there.
Islamic legal code
The _____ is known as the Shari’a.
The Islamic legal code is known as the ______.
Battle of Tours
At the ______, the army of Charles Martel defeated the Muslims.
army of Charles Martel
At the Battle of Tours, the _____ defeated the Muslims.
Muslim warriors demonstrated that they had conquered a territory by building a ______.
Muslim warriors
______ demonstrated that they had conquered a territory by building a mosque.
The following accurately portrays Muhammad’s views concerning the Bible: it is valid, but _______ and somewhat inaccurate.
divine revelation
The following accurately portrays Muhammad’s views concerning the Bible: it has been revised and translated so much that it no longer contains the fullness of _______.
The following accurately portrays Muhammad’s views concerning the Bible: it lacks something because it was not originally written in ______, the language of God.
the purity of God’s revelation
The following accurately portrays Muhammad’s views concerning the Bible: it has been copied so much that it no longer contains ______.
According to _______, Abraham is the father of all Arab peoples.
Arab peoples
According to Muhammad, Abraham is the father of all ______.
they rejected it because they didn’t believe Muhammad was a prophet
The following accurately depicts Jewish views toward Islam in Medina: ________.
staged a mutiny
Alexander the Great was unable to conquer India because Alexander’s men _______.
The following Greek gods was believed to be children of Zeus: Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Ares. _____ was believed to be his wife.
his wife
The following Greek gods was believed to be children of Zeus: Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Ares. Hera was believed to be ______.
Stoic philosophy
According to the beliefs of ______, one should virtuously do his duty even in times of crisis.
_______ was the largest city-state in ancient Greece.
the Greeks
______ practiced each of the following methods of government: oligarchy, monarchy, democracy, and tyranny.
The Greeks practiced each of the following methods of government: oligarchy, monarchy, democracy, and ______.
Each of the following should be associated with the reign of ______: an end to debt slavery, the positioning of himself as a mediator between the rich and poor, the inclusion of all citizens in the political system, and the guaranteeing of basic rights for the poor.
debt slavery
The following should be associated with the reign of Solon: an end to ______.
rich and poor
The following should be associated with the reign of Solon: the positioning of himself as a mediator between the ______.
all citizens
The following should be associated with the reign of Solon: the inclusion of ______ in the political system.
basic rights for the poor
The following should be associated with the reign of Solon: the guaranteeing of ______.
Athenian democracy
_______ differed from today’s perception of democracy in that ______ didn’t include all citizens.
science courses
The following statement about Aristotle is true: he laid the foundation for many of the ______ studied in schools today.
The following statement about Aristotle is true: he was a _____ and philosopher.
The following statement about Aristotle is true: he believed that there were _____ elements of which the universe is composed.
Alexander the Great
The following statement about Aristotle is true: he was once the personal tutor of _______.
asking questions
Socrates taught by ______.
______ taught by asking questions.
At the battle of ______, the Spartans fight to their death against a larger Persian army.
Persian army
At the battle of Thermopylae, the Spartans fight to their death against a larger ______.
The ______ were commoners.
The plebeians were _______.
some battles
The following accurately portrays the Roman Republic’s army: they lost ______, but they never lost the war.
Each of the following accurately portrays the Roman Republic’s army: courage was richly rewarded and cowardice resulted in _____.
Each of the following accurately portrays the Roman Republic’s army: they were often amused and intrigued when they ____ a battle.
harsh discipline
Each of the following accurately portrays the Roman Republic’s army: _____ and constant training were the norm.
Second Triumvirate
Each of the following men was a member of the _______: Lepidus, Caesar Augustus, and Marc Antony.
Each of the following men was a member of the Second Triumvirate: ______, Caesar Augustus, and Marc Antony.
Marc Anthony
Each of the following men was a member of the Second Triumvirate: Lepidus, Caesar Augustus, and ______.
promised land
Many Romans held generals in higher esteem than Senators because the generals ______.
Pontius Pilate
The main concern of ______ was maintaining peace and order.
maintaining peace and order
The main concern of Pontius Pilate was _____.
only meant for the Jews
Peter and Paul differed in that Peter believed that Jesus’ teachings were _____; Paul disagreed.
Second Punic War
During the ______, Hannibal crossed the Alps with a group of war elephants.
Hannibal crossed the Alps
During the Second Punic War, ______ with a group of war elephants.
Augustan Age
All of the following factors threatened Rome’s stability during the ______: Augustus never formalized the position of emperor, the empire had grown too large, the empire expanded to include monotheistic societies, AND the borders were too extensive to be successfully defended forever.
The following factors threatened Rome’s stability during the Augustan Age: ______ never formalized the position of emperor.
The following factors threatened Rome’s stability during the Augustan Age: the empire had grown too _____.
monotheistic societies
The following factors threatened Rome’s stability during the Augustan Age: the empire expanded to include ______.
The following factors threatened Rome’s stability during the Augustan Age: the borders were too ______ to be successfully defended forever.
______ was a gladiator who led a slave rebellion crushing many Roman legions before he was killed.
Roman legions
Spartacus was a gladiator who led a slave rebellion crushing many ______ before he was killed.
The following statement concerning Roman law is accurate: Roman law aimed to achieve ______ in resolving disputes.
international law
The following statement concerning Roman law is accurate: Roman law was the foundation for ______.
The following statement concerning Roman law is accurate: Roman law proved to be remarkably ______.
both Roman citizens and foreigners
The following statements concerning Roman law is accurate: Roman law distinguished between civil and criminal procedures; Roman law aimed to achieve equity in resolving disputes; Roman law was the foundation for international law; and Roman law proved to be remarkably flexible. Roman law applied to _______.
civil and criminal procedures
The following statement concerning Roman law is accurate: Roman law distinguished between ______.
Christian rejection of Roman religious practices
Roman antagonism toward Christianity was deepened by ______.
______ was the first man to reunite most of western and Central Europe after the fall of Rome.
reproduction and service to men
Regarding Germanic gender roles, women were valued for ______.
Stilicho of treason
The Romans unwittingly aid Alaric the Goth by mistakenly accusing ______ and massacring Germans in the empire.
Alaric the Goth
The Romans unwittingly aid ______ by mistakenly accusing Stilicho of treason and massacring Germans in the empire.
massacring Germans in the empire
The Romans unwittingly aid Alaric the Goth by mistakenly accusing Stilicho of treason and ______.
Peasant life
______ centered on fields, family, and church.
______ is selling of church offices.
groups of people
Kingdoms different from tribes in that tribes are ______ and kingdoms are pieces of land.
pieces of land
Kingdoms different from tribes in that tribes are groups of people and kingdoms are ______.
______ divided the Roman Empire into two parts after concluding that it was too big for one man to rule alone.
successors to Peter
Popes see themselves as ______.
_______ established a set of regulations for monastic life.
monastic life
Benedict established a set of regulations for _______.
Byzantine peasants
Social life centered on religious services, holidays, and family celebrations for ______.
family celebrations
Social life centered on religious services, holidays, and ______ for Byzantine peasants.
Basilica of Saint Sophia
The following should be attributed to Justinian: the building of the _______.
The following should be attributed to Justinian: the ______ of Roman law.
The following should be attributed to Justinian: the attempted ______ of the Roman Empire.
______ proclaimed Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire.
Roman Empire
Theodosius proclaimed Christianity to be the official religion of the ______.
Theodosius proclaimed ______ to be the official religion of the Roman Empire.
legal systems
The following statements about Justinian’s Code is true: it serves as the foundation of the modern ______ of many Western nations.
Roman law
The following statements about Justinian’s Code is true: it codified and preserved ________.
The following statements about Justinian’s Code is true: it made Roman law the most ______ legal system in history.
prominent jurists
The following statements about Justinian’s Code is true: it was compiled by ______.
three-field system
The advantage of the _____ was enhanced soil fertility.
soil fertility
The advantage of the three-field system was enhanced ______.
German people
The ______ overran the Western Roman Empire.
Western Roman Empire
The German people overran the ______.
The _____ class was made up of aristocrats.
The boyar class was made up of ______.
Patriarch of Constantinople
Each of the following was one of the four eastern patriarchs: _______, Patriarch of Antioch, Patriarch of Alexandria, AND Patriarch of Jerusalem.
The following statement concerning Russian geography is true: Russia was _____ throughout most of its history.
heavily populated land
The following statement concerning Russian geography is true: Russia is the most frigid _____ in the world;
inadequate moisture
The following statement concerning Russian geography is true: Central Asian Russia suffers from _____.
Gulf Stream
The following statement concerning Russian geography is true: the ______ touches only a tiny portion of Russia.
church authority
Christians disagreed on all of the following: _______, icons, the nature of Christ, and the role of the pope.
the role of the pope
Christians disagreed on all of the following: church authority, icons, the nature of Christ, and _____.
Christians disagreed on all of the following: church authority, _____, the nature of Christ, and the role of the pope.
Jews and Christians
According to Muhammad, Allah regards _____ as “People of the Book”.
People of the Book
According to Muhammad, Allah regards Jews and Christians as ______.
Islamic calendar
The ______ is based on the Hijra, the year 622 A.D., and Muhammad’s journey to Medina.
journey to Medina
The Islamic calendar is based on the Hijra, the year 622 A.D., and Muhammad’s ______.
Muhammad’s ______ was chosen as his successor.
______ would never be found in a mosque. Rugs, verses from the Qu’ran and geometric designs might be.
______ are the “ships of the desert”.
The following is mandated by the Islamic legal code: a man must treat all of his _____ equally.
The following is mandated by the Islamic legal code: a woman must be ______ in public.
The following is mandated by the Islamic legal code: women must spend most of their lives sequestered in their ______.
The following is mandated by the Islamic legal code: women are to be severely punished for ______.
Muhammad was the final prophet
The following accurately depicts Islamic beliefs concerning Muhammad, Jesus, and Moses: they believe that all three men were prophets but that ______.
Islamic beliefs
The following accurately depicts _____ concerning Muhammad, Jesus, and Moses: they believe that all three men were prophets but that Muhammad was the final prophet.
one’s own personal struggles with sin
Revisionists have attempted to change people’s perceptions about jihad by indicating that the term jihad really refers to ______ as opposed to anything related to war.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims have in common that they all believe in ______.
Jews, Christians, and ______ have in common that they all believe in monotheism.
a pilgrimage to the Ka’ba
After Muhammad established an umma in Medina, he tried to reconcile with Meccans by taking his followers on ______.
an umma in Medina
After Muhammad established ______, he tried to reconcile with Meccans by taking his followers on a pilgrimage to the Ka’ba.
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