WH Chapter 13 Post WWI – Flashcards

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State of Europe after WWI
• After WWI there was great discontent • Battlefields were littered with debris, farms were destroyed, and surviving soldiers returned to a life of restlessness (about to experience rapid change) • After the war, Europe faced economic instability as jobs were scarce and cites were ravaged • These factors led to political
State of America after WWI
• Solders came home victorious • There was no land damage on our soil (about to experience rapid) • While Europe struggled to return to a steady peacetime economy, the U.S. emerged as the economic leader • Affluent America bolstered Europe's recovery • Spending and borrowing was at an all-time high • The benefits from war's economy led to an economic crisis • At the end of the Roaring Twenties, a depression soon spread to touch most parts of the world
Women changing values
-Many women changed their values -Flappers! -Women earn the right to vote -Women pursue careers -after the war most women left their jobs but the war work helped them earn the right to vote -a few women were elected to public office like Miriam Ferguson and Lady Nancy Astor serving in the British Parliament -some women sought work outside of home or volunteered as managing a house became easier with inventions like the washing machine
The Roaring Twenties or Jazz Age
-Cultures around the world changed rapidly -Affordable cars, improved telephones, and new forms of radio and movies brought people around the world together -Young people escaped morals and chased excitement -Many women changed their values -radios turned to play more jazz -famous Jazz musicians were Louis Armstrong and pianist Duke Ellington -symbols of the jazz age were the willingness to experiment, the nightclub, and the sounds of jazz
Reactions to the Jazz Age
-Social Activists wanted to ban alcohol -Prohibition repealed in 1933 with 21st amendment -Western nations after WWI had to restore prosperity and ensure peace -People enjoyed changes in society -Science, art, lifestyles changed after WWI
Government changes
-In the twenty years between the two wars, there were many changes to democracy -In the USSR, totalitarianism was the new trend with Stalin - In Italy and Germany people turned dictators hoping for a solution to their problems -They all needed someone to blame for war -France, Britain, and the US all tried their best to maintain democracy -Not only were forms of government a challenge, but western culture changed after WWI
Social Activists banned alcohol with the 18th amendment passed in 1919. The goal of the amendment was to end the negative effects of drinking. The amendment backfired and created gangs, mobs, speakeasies, and organized crime with people like Al Capone. It was soon repealed in 1933 with the 21st amendment.
Marie Curie
A French scientist discovered radioactivity when she found that some atoms of elements spontaneously released charged particles. During this time, scientists also discovered how atom are not solid and indivisible.
The German scientist argued that the measurements of space and time are not really absolute, but determined by the position of the observer. These ideas disagreed with Newtonian science. During this time, Enrico Fermi discovered atomic fission, splitting of atoms, which would later be used to develop the atomic bomb.
Alexander Fleming
This Scottish scientist discovered Penicillin when he found a nontoxic mold that killed bacteria. This bacteria was used in antibiotics and to treat infections.
Sigmund Freud
This Austrian scientist suggested that the subconcious mind drives much of human behavior. He said values such as morality and reason helped control powerful urges. Psychoanalysis is a method of studying how the mind works and treating mental disorders.
Postwar Foreign Policies
• Peace seemed fragile after the war • France wanted to weaken Germany by enforcing the Treaty of Versailles, while Britain wanted to lessen the treaty's effect on Germany • Many countries wanted to reduce their military and the League of Nations (LoN) worked to stop aggression • Yet, when Japan was allowed to invade Manchuria, other dictators took note of the LoN weaknesses
Great Depression
• The US stock market crashed in 1929, ushering the Great Depression • This was a global economic crisis that closed businesses and left behind many jobless, homeless, and starving people • Some causes were overproduction, lower earning led to failing demand, financial crisis, stock prices crash
Countries respond to Depression
• The governments of Britain, France, and the United States struggled to help people • President Roosevelt's (FDR) "New Deal" programs went a long way toward helping suffering Americans • Political radicals gained ground during this difficult time
illegal bars that opened up after the Prohibition Amendment was created
Fundamentalist Ideas spread
A Christian fundamentalist movement swept the US in the early 1900s. Fundamentalist believe that all that happened in the bible is literally true. The radio and traveling preachers were used to spread their message.
Teaching evolution
A biology was found guilty after breaking the law of teaching anything other than the Bible's version of creation. He was a biology who was trying to teach evolution. Many fundamentalist believed the proceedings her their cause.
A Loss of Faith
More literature was produced that showed the negative parts and results of the war. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway and The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot are examples of works during this time. Other authors were F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein. Gertrude Stein gave authors like these the nickname of "The Lost Generation."
Literature of the Inner Mind
Other writers experienced with the writing style call stream of conciousness like Viginia Woolf with her novel "Mrs. Dollaway" or James Joyce with "Finnegan's Wake"
stream of conciousness
Stream of consciousness was a technique in which a writer presents a character's random thoughts and feelings without imposing any logic or order.
The Harlem Renaissance
During the 1920s, an African American cultural awakening occurred in Harlem in New York City. African American writers and artist wrote about the African American experience.
New Directions in Painting
Cubism was pursued before WWI through artists like Picasso and Georges Braque. Cubists paint three-dimensional objects as complex patterns of angles and planes, as if they were composed of fragmented parts. More abstract art also emerged with artists like Vasily Kandinsky and Paul Klee. Abstract art is composed only of lines, colors, and shapes. The dada movement also started where Dadaists rejected all traditional conventions and believed there was no sense or truth in the world. Cubism and dada both inspired surrealism, a movement that attempted to portray the workings of the conscious mind and rejected rational thought. Salvador Dali was a popular surrealist.
New Styles in Architecture
Architects rejected classical traditions and developed new styles to match a new world. The Bauhaus school in Germany blended science and technology with design with glass, steel, and concrete. Another architect was Frank Lloyd.
Party Struggles in Britain
The Labour Party in Britain surpassed the Liberal party in strength by promoting socialism among workers. The Liberal Party traditionally represented middle-class business interests. When it started to falter, the middle-class supported the Conservative Party who then passes legislation limiting the power of workers to strike with their new power and support.
Irish Independence at Last
Approving Irish independence was delayed by WWI and in 1916 the Easter Rising took place when a small group of Irish nationalists went against British rule. Parliament still denied Irish independence, so the Irish Republication Army (IRA) launched guerrilla wars against Britain. 1922 Ireland became the self-governing Irish Free State.
France's Troubled Peace
France emerged from WWI with good and bad. They struggled with financial problem and party struggles. A series of coalition governments ruled France.
Isolationism in the United States and the "Red Scare"
US emerged from the war pretty good. However, people became afraid of radicals and the Bolshevik Revolution, so the police rounded up suspected radicals to expel from the United States. This event, called the Red Scare, caused more limited immigration from Europe, China, or Europe.
Arguing Allies
France wanted to secure its border with Germany and built a massive fortification called the Maginot Line along the border with Germany. France allied with the Soviet Union and wanted to keep Germany weak with the Treaty of Versailles. The British did not want Germany to become too weak because the feared the power of France and the Soviet Union combined without Germany.
The Search for Peace
Representative signed peaceful treaties in Locarno, Switzerland that settled border disputes. The Kellogg-Briand Pact, sponsored by the United states in 1928, was signed by almost every countries as a promise to "renounce war as an instrument of national policy." The countries of US, Britain, Japan, France, and other nations even signed treaties agreeing to limit the size of their navies, but did not limit their armies. The League of Nations led more peace reforms.
The League's Weakness
After Japan attacked Manchuria and the League was able to do nothing to stop them, other dictators noted the LoN weakness and began to pursue more aggressive foreign policies.
Britain and France Recover
In Britain the factories were out of date with high unemployment rates and the country was in great debt. Strikes occurred often, in 1926 a general strike, or strike by workers in many different industries at the same time, occurred and lasted nine days. In France, the reparations and territory from Germany helped, but the economy was unstable. Europe returned to an almost normal state.
The United States Booms
The United states emerged from the war as a leading economic power. The global economy remained stable due to the prospering American economy.
Falling Demand and Overproduction
Farmers and unskilled workers were the worst hit after prices for raw materials fell after the war. As the demand lessened, since people earned less and then bought less, overproduction occurred. Overproduction is a condition in which the production of goods exceeds the demand for them. Since factories cut back production, workers lost jobs.
Crash and Collapse
Prices on the New York Stock Exchange were at an all time high, so the Federal Reserve, the central banking system of the US, tried to slow it down by raising interest rates but it didn't work. Financial jitters caused many people to sell their stocks and the stock market crashed. The Great Depression, a painful time of global economic collapse, had begun quietly in the summer of 1929 with decreasing production. In 1931, the Federal Reserve increased the interest rate again. Millions were thrown out of work as people bought and invested less. More and more people turned to help with things like soup kitchens and slept on park benches.
The Depression Spreads
America demanded money from loans back from other countries who were not able to make the payments back, so they in turn fell into debt. America tried to help the debt by raising tariffs, but that backfired when other countries did the same thing. This caused the depression to spread to all parts of the world as trade lowered.
Britain and France Search for Solutions
Britain set up a set of coalition governments made from the leaders of the major political parties. The government provided some unemployment benefits but did little to help the economy. The depression took longer to hit France than other countries. Leon Blum a socialist leader united some leftist parties. His Popular Front government tried to solve labor problems and passed some social legislation, but strikes took down his government but the democracy survived.
Roosevelt Offers the United States a New Deal
President Herbert Hoover believed that the government should not interfere and tried a bit but did little to help. FDR was elected president and introduced the New Deal, a massive package of economic and social programs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
elected president in 1932 and argued that the government had to take an active role in combating the Great Depression. He introduced the New Deal.
The New Deal
Introduced by FDR the New Deal made the government more involved in people's everyday life. Laws regulated the stock market and protected bank deposits. The government created jobs and gave aid to farmers. It also created a Social Security System that provided pensions for the elderly and other benefits. The New Deal did not end the Great Depression.
The Dust Bowl
The Dust Bowl occurred during the Great Depression. The Dust Bowl ruined all the parts of farming by blowing topsoil and dirt through the air away with great winds. When many farmers lost their land, they moved out west in hope of a new life.
Problems in Italy after the war
• Unemployment • Food shortages • Rising prices • Business failures • Socialist and Communist parties became appealing
• It stresses nationalism and places the state above the individual (foothill game analogy) • Power resides with a single, strong ruler • Fascism glorified violence, action, discipline, and blind loyalty to the state • Fascists pursued foreign expansion through warfare • The warfare was highlighted in battle against Ethiopia • Fascists rejected reason and used emotion to their advantage • The Italian state was everything
Benito Mussolini
• Spokesperson for fascism • Promised to bring military strength back to Italy • 1922 he became the head of the Italian government by legal appointment Benito was the son of a blacksmith and a teacher. He was a socialist in his youth but rejected it for intense nationalism. He organized a fascist party and named it from the fasces in ancient Rome that were a symbol of unity and authority. He promised to end corruption and revive the nation. His supporters were called "combat squads" and wore black shirts. They were called black shirts, or party militants, and they rejected the democratic process in favor of violent action. The fascists started to take more and more control and then declared they were going to march to Rome and demand the government make changes. During the March to Rome thousands of fascists swarmed the capital. The King Victor Emmanuel III feared civil war, so he appointed Mussolini prime minister.
Fascists in Power
• By 1922 they had 300,000 members • Their slogan was "Believe, Obey, Fight!" • They wore black shirts, carried weapons, and paraded through the streets • Mussolini set up a secret police • He controlled the press • Mussolini told the public that Fascism had fixed all their postwar problems • Mussolini projected power and confidence in a time of disorder • The Fascists wanted everyone to live and work only for the state
Looking ahead 13.3
• Democracy, communism, and Fascism competed for influence in postwar Europe • Fascism was on the fast track during the Great Depression because people wanted aid and hope
State if Italy before Benito Mussolini
Italy was falling apart as promises with the Allies about territory were broken after the war. Workers went on strike and peasants were seizing land. The government had no way to help.
Mussolini's rule
Mussolini gradually assumed more and more power. Italy became a dictatorship upheld by terror as critics were thrown in prison, secret police ruled, and propaganda flooded the regime. Mussolini brought the government under state control to spur growth and help conflicts. He still preserved capitalism. Representatives and the Fascist Party controlled industry, agriculture, and trade.
The Individual and the State with Mussolini
Mussolini and the government stressed the importance of the country rather than the individual. People were bombarded with the slogan "Believe! Obey! Fight!" Men were pushed to be ruthless warriors and women were encouraged to stay in the home. Women were given awards for bearing more than 14 children. Boys and girls were toughened and were to obey a tough military discipline. They were trained to be tough military soldiers for Mussolini in the future.
Mussolini's Totalitarian State
In Mussolini's totalitarian state he regulated every aspect of his citizen's lives. Hilter, Mussolini, and Stalin all lead totalitarian states.
Fascism with Mussolini
Mussolini made up the term Fascism to describe any centralized, authoritarian government whose policies glorify the state over the individual and are destructive to basic human rights. All different types of fascism were rooted in extreme nationalism.
Germany after the War
• Embarrassed and disgraced by the treaty • Economically distraught • Weimar Republic • In 1929 Germany fell into an economic depression • By 1932 more than 6 million Germans were out of work • This helped to the rise of Hitler • He appealed to veterans, workers, the lower middle classes, and business people with his promises to rearm Germany, create jobs, and end reparations Before the war, Germany was in chaos and the kaiser abdicated. The leaders signed the armistice and the Treaty of Versailles. When Germany fell behind in paying back reparations, workers in the Ruhr Valley, a coal-rich area occupied by France, protested and didn't want to work. The government tried to pay them by printing more money, but the inflation spiraled quickly out of control. German money that had originally costed 100 marks cost 944,000 marks. The Allied countries helped Germany by reducing the reparation payments with the Dawes Plan helping Germany to recover. Then the Great Depression hit and Germans looked to Hitler who promised to solve the economic crisis and restore Germany's former greatness.
Weimar Republic
• In 1919 a National Assembly met in Weimar to adopt a constitution for democracy to succeed • It set up the right to vote and a Bill of Rights • It was weak and torn within its government • All Germans blamed the government for the Treaty of Versailles • The nationalists wanted to destroy the treaty and looked to blame someone • They wanted one strong ruler to make Germany stronger In 1919, German leaders created a constitution that implemented a democratic government. The constitution created a parliamentary system that was to be lead by a chancellor, or prime minister. It gave women the right to vote and had a Bill of Rights. The republic faced problems from how Germany was made of many different political parties, so the chancellor tried to form coalitions but they didn't work. Communists wanted radical changes in the government and the Conservatives thought the government was too liberal and weak. They wanted a stronger leader. Germans hated the Weimar republic and hated the Versailles Treaty. The hard times of the Depression helped stimulate more culture though dadaist art, Bauhaus architecture. Germany attracted writers and artists like Bertolt Brecht and George Grosz.
Adolf Hitler
• Born in 1889 in Austria • Hitler quit school at the age of 16 • He was a German soldier honored twice for bravery • He had extreme nationalist and racist views • He despised the Weimar Republic and many saw him as their one strong ruler • After trying to seize power and talk about revolt in a beer hall, Hitler was arrested and put in jail • Here he wrote his book, Mein Kampf (meaning= My Struggle)
Nazi Party
• AKA- National Socialist German Workers Party • Known as the "storm troopers," they wore brown shirts and marched the streets, like Mussolini's men did in Italy Nazi Appeal: • It gave them an enemy to hate • It gave people a cause to fight for • Hitler promised to bring the country out of chaos • People were eager for a strong ruler Hitler and the Nazi Party brought hope to the Germans that were suffering through the Great Depression.
Mein Kampf
• It stated his political views: o Rascism o Nationalism o Hitler stated the Germans were the master race and the inferior races weakened Germany o He believed the inferior races should be blamed for Germany's problems (like the Yugoslavians)
Brown Shirts
• AKA "storm troopers" • Hitler's private peacetime army (Germany was not allowed by the treaty) • In exchange for devotion to strengthening Germany, soldiers were given clothes, food, and shelter
Hitler (Third Reich) in Power
• 1933 Hitler was appointed to head of state by the chancellor • He turned Germany into a totalitarian state within one year • He controlled government, religion, and education • He set up courts and held secret trials to find traitors • He had enemies tortured and killed • He set up a secret police (Gestapo) • He banned all political parties except the Nazi Party • Anti-Semitism became the official government policy (hate against Jews) • Hitler and the Nazis moved quickly to improve Germany • They put people to work through public work programs • They placed restrictions on Jews • They denounced Christianity • Hitler's official government policy was Anti-Semitism • Jew's lost their citizenship, jobs, and businesses • "Kristallnacht"- night of the broken glass • 1938: gangs of Nazis set fire to synagogues and looted Jewish homes and stores • Hitler set up ghettos and concentration camps to keep enemies detained
Nazi Infleuence
• Through propaganda, Hitler claims he: o Rebuilt the government o Aided small businesses o Started a public works program o Revived the arms industry o Eliminated unemployment • He controlled: o Radio o Newspaper o Magazines o Film o Art o Schools o Textbooks o All were used to spread Nazi ideas • Hitler appealed to the youth with his ideologies • He urged young Germans to destroy enemies without mercy • In camps "Hitler Youth" pledged loyalty to Germany and prepared for war • Books that spoke of democracy positively or were written by Jewish authors were burned • Hitler had books rewritten, especially science books written to say things like German DNA was the strongest DNA, to support his ideas and beliefs Hitler first tried to assumed power by staging a small-stage coup in Munich like Mussolini had with the March On Rome. He failed and was put into jail, but came into legal power in less than a decade.
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