U.S History-Imperialism – Flashcards
Flashcard maker : Martha Hill
1. What is imperialism?
The economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker nations, was a view held by many Europeans nations as they expanded their power overseas
2. Know the chronology of major events during Imperialism: Sinking of the USS Maine, Annexation of Hawaii, Construction of the Panama Canal, Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, T. Roosevelt becomes President.
Overthrow of Queen Lilioukalani, Sinking of the USS Maine, Spanish-American War, Annexation of Hawaii, Construction of Panama Canal, T. Roosevelt becomes President
3. What were the reasons America goes to war with Spain?
Yellow Journalism, sinking of the USS Maine, DeLome Letter, Spain’s harsh treatment of Cubans, US’s economic interests in Cuba
4. Why is Imperialism popular? Especially after the Spanish American War?
Americans wanted to develop overseas markets to keep the economy strong. Social Darwinists argued that as nations competed, only the strongest would survive.
5. Who was Alfred T. Mahan and why is he important?
Captain Alfred T. Mahan of the United States Navy published his lectures in a book called The Influence of Sea power Upon History, 1660-1783. Supported the idea of a Modern and Larger Navy.
6. What makes America a world power after the Spanish American War?
The US defeated a European power and annexed overseas territories
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7. What was Teddy Roosevelt’s role in making the US a world power?
He established the United States control over the Panama Canal Zone and warned European nations not to interfere in the Caribbean.
8. What obstacles did the US face in constructing the Panama Canal?
Geography and malaria
9. Why did some US leaders believe in the importance of a strong navy?
To protect American investments overseas
10. What was Sanford Dole’s role in the annexation of Hawaii?
He led the American sugar and plantation owners who seized power in Hawaii and asked to be annexed to the US.
11. How did Henry Cabot Lodge’s actions help move the US into a position of a world power?
As a leader of the majority party in the Senate, he persuaded other Senators to agree to US acquisition of overseas territories as colonies
12. How did the US acquire the Philippines?
The US acquired the Philippines after the Spanish-American War.
13. How did the US acquire Hawaii?
Sugar plantation owners rebelled against the Hawaiian Queen and gained control of the Island. They established their own government and requested annexation from the US.
14. What are some of the benefits of American Expansion on foreign territories?
new avenues of business, as well as US military protection
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15. Know the chronology of Important events of WWI: German invasion of Belgium, Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia, US entry to the war, Treaty of Versailles
Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Austro-Hungarian invasion of Serbia, German invasion of Belgium, US entry to the war, Treaty of Versailles
16. What were some of the long term causes of WWI?
Nationalism, Economic Rivalries and Imperialism, Alliance Systems, Militarism
17. What was the Zimmerman Telegram?
German telegram sent to Mexico asking for Mexico’s aid in the war against the US. Promised Mexico the land that is New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas in return.
18. Why was the ship Lusitania important?
Lusitania was a British passenger liner that was sunk by a German U-boat, killing 1200 people, 128 were Americans. This is one of the causes of the US’s entry into the war.
19. What was the role of African Americans and women in WWI?
African-Americans served in the military, worked in factories. Great Migration led to many African-Americans leaving the South to find jobs in the North.
20. Who was General John J. Pershing?
He was the commander of the American Expeditionary Force in WWI. Had previously served as commander of a force that attempted to capture Pancho Villa.
21. Explain how Trench Warfare was used in WWI?
Opposite sides dug trenches reinforced with sand bags and barbed wire, used as a response for the machine gun. No-man’s land.
22. What was some of the new technology of WWI?
Poisonous gas, machines guns, tanks, airplanes
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23. What officially ended WWI
The Treaty of Versailles – Germany’s army was reduced, Germany had to pay back damages, Germany had to admit to starting the war.
24. What was the League of Nations?
League of Nations – would help preserve peace and prevent future wars
25. What battle ended WWI?
Battle of Argonne Forest – Allied troops, largely American, broke through German lines and pushed the Germans back
26. What were some of the steps the US government took to get citizens on the Home Front involved in the war effort?
26. What were some of the steps the US government took to get citizens on the Home Front involved in the war effort?
26. What were some of the steps the US government took to get citizens on the Home Front involved in the war effort?
Victory gardens
National War Labor Board
Daylight Savings Time
Women/African Americans – factory jobs
National War Labor Board
Daylight Savings Time
Women/African Americans – factory jobs