Tolerance essay

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Foster feels we believe love is most needed.
According to Forster, what quality do most people believe will improve the world?
In Foster's eyes, love works well amongst men. However, it cannot be translated unto companies, nations, strangers, or other powers, for they do not know each other and may only love what they know.
Why does Forster disagree with this popular opinion?
Tolerance is lacking in the glory of love. Love is praised and celebrated, love is coveted, and love is perfection. And what is tolerance? To withstand something. Not to enjoy it.
Why is tolerance, in Forster's eyes, a "very dull virtue"?
If we are to rebuild the world successfully following the war, we must do so on a foundation of tolerance, not some foolish sentiment.
In your own words, restate the message, or thesis of this essay
I most liked when he called us out on our lack of love, for we truly does have moments where all we can do is cope with one another. He so accurately he calls us out, saying that "And love generally gives out as soon as we move away from our home, from our friends, It and stand among strangers, in a queue for potatoes. Otherwise we think, 'why will people be so slow?'"
Review the notes you made as you read.Which reasons and evidence best support Forster's thesis? Explain your response.
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1. "What is the proper spirit?:" Makes us question our own values 2. "Why will people be so fat?" Shows us how we are subconsciously intolerant to one another. 3. "Why are they so deaf? Why do they mumble?" To point out that, either way, there will be no appeasing us.
When crafting persuasive essays, authors often use rhetorical questions to make a point. Find 3 different rhetorical questions and state why they helped you as a reader.
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Foster does this to the reader to the text, further embellishing the message into our mind's eye.
Reread lines 52-61. Why do you suppose Forster uses examples drawn from everyday life to demon straight the need for tolerance?
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He says this, because it is difficult to understand why we must tolerate someone if we do not know them. Foster goes on to say that we can get to know someone by imagining ourselves in their shoes. Truthfully, that's one of my favorite things about acting: you learn more about your character and their life, which in turn makes you more tolerant of the characters around you.
Reread lines 62-63. What does Forster mean by his final point that tolerance requires imagination?
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I do. However, I was brought up by a mother who- for the first 10 years of my life- taught tolerance. So, I most likely shared his viewpoint from the title.
Think about the effectiveness of the essay. After reading it, do share Forster's position about tolerance? Why or why not?`
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I believe the people of Darfur would most benefit from hearing this today, as it is still challenged and plagued by genocide.
Forster's essay was broadcast on the British radio during the time of World War 2.Who might benefit most from hearing or reading the essay today? Explain your opinion.
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