To Kill A Mockingbird Study Guide Questions Chapters 26-31 – Flashcards
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Explain what was Scout's part in the pageant:
She was a ham
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Explain why did Scout and Jem not leave the school until almost everyone else had gone.
They were embarrassed about Scout's mess-up at the play.
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Explain what happened to Jem and Scout on the way home from the pageant:
Cecil Jones scared them, Scout left her shoes at the school, and Bob Ewell attacked Jem and Scout.
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Who saved Jem and Scout? Who killed Bob Ewell?
Boo Radley
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Why did Heck Tate insist that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife?
He didn't want shy Boo Radley to be dragged into the limelight.
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Scout arranged things so that "if Miss Stephanie Crawford was watching from her upstairs window, she would see Arthur Radley escorting [her] down the sidewalk, as any gentleman would do." Why did she do that?
She didn't want Boo to be embarrassed to be led across the street by an eight-year-old. She wanted him to seem to be in charge.
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As Scout leaves the Radley porch, she looks out at the neighborhood and recounts the events of the last few years from the Radley's perspective. Why is this important in analyzing Scout's character?
It shows how Scout has matured since the beginning of the book.
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