TKAM Reading Check Questions Ch. 9 – 17 – Flashcards
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Does Scout learn anything from overhearing Atticus's conversation with Uncle Jack? What might this be?
She learns quite a lot. She learns that Atticus trusts her and is trying to do the right thing. She also learns that her biggest problem is that she is hotheaded. She also learns how Atticus feels about Tom Robinson.
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Scout says that "Atticus was feeble." Do you think that this is her view as she tells the story or her view when she was younger? Does she still think this after the events recorded in the chapter? Why/ Why not?
This is her view while she was still young. She was immature as she measured strength by literal strength and not by any other means. After the events of this chapter she no longer thinks that Atticus is weak as he shot the dog on his first attempt.
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In this chapter Atticus tells his children that "it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." What reason does he give for saying this?
The mockingbird represents innocence and purity. To kill one means to kill innocence.
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What does the shooting of Tim Johnson reveal about Heck Tate and Atticus? How does Atticus feel about how well he can shoot?
It reveals that they are aware of each other's shooting ability. Furthermore, the fact that they're are on first name basis highlights their friendship.
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Jem and Scout have different views about telling people at school how well Atticus can shoot. Explain this difference. Which view is closer to your own?
Jem says not to say anything. Scout wants to tell everyone. I say that they should keep it a secret. Atticus is a modest man, he would most likely want to keep it that way.
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How does Atticus advise Jem to react to Mrs. Dubose's taunts?
Atticus tells Jem to keep his head held high and not to react.
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Characterize Mrs. Dubose.
Mean, old, and doesn't care about others. Simply put, plain hell. She likes her flowers though.
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What request does Mrs. Dubose make of Jem? What does Mrs. Dubose gain from this "punishment" to Jem? What does Jem gain?
Mrs. Dubose requests that Jem read to her every afternoon after school and on Saturdays for two hours for a month. Mrs. Dubose gets to hear storys before her death and Jem gains the knowledge of what real courage actually is.
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Briefly explain Jem and Scout's visit to First Purchase Church. What do people think/ feel about them?
Overall everyone was very welcoming of the siblings and glad they came. Luba was an exception. She didn't like white children coming to a colored church.
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What new things do Scout and Jem learn at this Church about how black people live?
They learned that: Most black people were illiterate. Black people didn't go to school and had to teach each other how to read and write.
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Explain why Calpurnia speaks differently in the Finch household, and among her neighbors at church. How is language different in a workplace and in a social setting and/or around family?
She speaks differently because she says it would be "out of place." Most people are much more casual around family than at a workplace.
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Chapters ten and eleven are the last two chapters in the first part of the book. Explain why Harper Lee chooses to end the first part here.
Part 1 is all about set up, characters, and children. Part 2 is all about more adult things like murder, racism, and rape.
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Describe Calpurnia's education and her son's education
Calpurnia and her son know how to read and write.
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Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with Atticus and his family? What is she like?
Aunt Alexandra stays with the family because she feels that they need some feminine influence for Scout. AA is the worst, she is stuck up, petty, opinionated and racist.
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Alexandra thinks scout is not clever. Why does she think this, and is she right? Are all adults good at knowing how clever young people are?
Because Scout hasn't had a female influence in her life. She thinks Scout is unladylike. She is very much not right. Scout is clever in her own way. Deciding someones intelligence based off of the fact that they don't act a certain way, especially such a strong stereotype, is absolutely ridiculous. All adults are not good at knowing how clever young people are. There are definitely adults who are good at knowing how clever young people are but not every adult is that type of adult.
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Read the first two things Alexandra says when she comes to the Finch house. Are these typical of her or not?
She immediately gives 2 orders out. This is very typical of her as she is the bossy type
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How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Maycomb's social life?
Aunt Alexandra joins like every single club and invites women over to the house.
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Comment on Aunt Alexandra's ideas about breeding and family. Why does Atticus tell them to forget it? Who is right?
She has a very limited outlook on breeding and family which Atticus considers naive and conceited. This includes that an individuals heritage should have an influence on how their behavior should be approached as. Atticus disagrees. He believes that no one should be judged based on someone's ancestors. He therefore tells Jem and Scout to forget everything Aunt Alexandra said. I agree wholeheartedly with Atticus
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Who does Scout find hiding under her bed? Why is this person hiding in the Finch home?
She found Dill hiding under her bed. He ran away from home
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Why is Jem considered a traitor? Why is he also considered a maturing, more responsible, young man?
Jem is considered a traitor because he told Atticus about Dill running away from home.
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Describe Jem's behavior when he confronts Atticus at the jailhouse and also meets a mob of hostile men.
Jem was very scared. He was also nervous that he would get caught sneaking out to see what Atticus was doing
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Describe Scout's behavior in the setting mentioned above.
Scout was very angry. This is because she was upset that the mob was talking to Atticus when Atticus already told them that what they want is not in that jailhouse.
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Describe how Maycomb people act at the courthouse square--when they arrive to view the trial of Tom Robinson
Everyone seems very unhappy
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Where do Jem, Scout and Dill sit in the courthouse? Why is this significant?
They were sitting in the balcony with the African Americans. This is significant because they are entirely disregarding segregation laws.
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Describe Tom Robinson's alleged crime, as told by Bob Ewell and Heck Tate
He raped Bob Ewell's daughter Mayella
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What evidence does Atticus reveal about Bob Ewell that may find him guilty of Tom Robinson's alleged crime
Atticus reveals that Bob Ewell is left handed and Mayella has a bruise on the right side of her face.
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Characterize Bob Ewell
Bob Ewell was an ignorant man. When the judge spoke to him, he wouldn't listen. He is also an attention seeker, he always tried to make the audience laugh. His language also isn't very good. He uses a lot of slang. Nobody really appreciates any of this.
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