The Outsiders: Ch. 10-12 – Flashcards
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What "circumstances" does Ponyboy's teacher refers to? What circumstances does Ponyboy think his teacher is referring to?
Pony's teacher is talking about the hearing for Bob's murder. Ponyboy thinks his teacher is referring to everything that had gone wrong: Johnny's death, the church fire, being on the run from the police, and Dally's death.
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Why doesn't Ponyboy feel scared when the Socs approach him and he threatens them with a broken bottle?
At that point, Pony didn't think he had anything else to lose; Ponyboy says at that moment he didn't feel any emotion at all.
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How is Ponyboy's reaction to the broken bottle incident a dramatic change from the Ponyboy we have seen up until this point?
In the last few chapters, Pony was scared and counted on the other gang members to fight for him. Now he doesn't really care what happens to him because he's already lost so much.
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What does Darry mean when he says, "you don't just stop living because you lose someone."?
When Dally and Johnny died, Ponyboy broke down and shut the world out. Darry says he can't do that- he couldn't quit.
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Explain how Darry and Pony play tug-of-war with Soda.
Darry and Pony always fight and make Soda pick a side.
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What do we learn was so special about Johnny?
Johnny listened more than he spoke and Pony could tell him anything.
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What does Ponyboy end up doing for his English assignment?
Pony ends up writing The Outsiders for his English assignment.
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