The origins and evolutions of Greek Mythology(research paper sources)

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Kruger, Chaddie \"Those changing Olympians?\"(print) \"the ancients themselves kept changing the list of deities they thought lived there.\" (Quotation)
Kruger, Chaddie. \"Those changing Olympians?\" Calliope Nov-Dec( 2012). 23.3 10+. Student Edition. Web. 26 Apr. 2013
Kruger, Chaddie \"Winning Mount Olympus\"(print) Before the Olympians, there were other godly deities known as the titans-the gigantic gods who ruled the golden age. The king of these deities was named Kronos(Cronus). had once defeated his father Uranos(Uranus) and was more cautious towards any of his offspring because he believed they would, in turn, defeat him. So every time his ruling wife, Rhea(Calliope) would have a child, Kronos saw it fit to swallow them! Rhea was smart however and tricked Kronos into eating a rock instead of their sixth child when he was born. This child was taken to the lad of Crete where he grew and learned about his horrible father. This child was planning on avenging his swallowed sibling and defeating his father once and for all. This child was known as the almighty Zeus. King of the Olympians and god of the Sky and Prophet.(summary)
Kruger, Chaddie. \"Winning Mount Olympus.\" Calliope Nov-Dec. 2012: 2+. Student edition. Web 26 Apr. 20132
Atsma, Aaron \"Theoi Protogenoi Family Tree\" (web) This picture shows the Theoi Protogenoi Family Tree of the Greek Gods and their ancestors(Summary)
Aaron Atsma. \"Theoi Protogenoi Family Tree\" Chart. Aaron Atsma. 2006. 26 April 2013
CHS World History \"Roman Gods Family Tree\"(web) This picture shows the Protogenoi Family Tree of the Roman Gods and their ancestors(summary)
Chsworldhistory \"Roman Gods Family Tree\" Chart . 2010. 2 May 2013
Kruger, Chaddie \"Those changing Olympians?\" (print) The Olympians' appearances, obligations and characters were dynamic-depending on the era, the location and the specific writer(paraphrasing)
Kruger, Chaddie. \"Those changing Olympians?\" Calliope Nov-Dec( 2012). 23.3 10+. Student Edition. Web. 26 Apr. 2013
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Kruger, Chaddie \"Winning Mount Olympus\"(print) There were many ancient Greeks who wrote about the the gods and their battles. This includes, Homer(c. 700 B.C)-who is ascribed towards the poems of Iliad and Odyssey and the Homeric Hymns-and Hesiod(c.700 B.C.) who wrote the work of Theogony(paraphrasing)
Kruger, Chaddie. \"Winning Mount Olympus.\" Calliope Nov-Dec. 2012: 2+. Student edition. Web 26 Apr. 20132
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The Moral Times \"Protogenoi and Titans of Greek Mythology\" \"In Greek mythology there is a mention of the Prôtogenoi...known as the Primordial gods. These gods represent the forces[elements] of nature, the very basic gods if you may.\" (Quotation)
\"Protogenoi (Primordial gods) and Titans of Greek Mythology\" The Moral Times. MMORPG, 22 Feb, 2013 Web. 6 Mar, 2013
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The Moral Times \"Protogenoi and Titans of Greek Mythology\" The Moral Times talks about the family tree of the gods, titans and so on before that. (summary)
\"Protogenoi (Primordial gods) and Titans of Greek Mythology\" The Moral Times. MMORPG, 22 Feb, 2013 Web. 6 Mar, 2013
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Zimmerman, J.E. Dictionary of Classical Mythology \"We are all Athenians in a sense, for ideas of ancient Greece have permeated our whole culture.\"(Quotation)
Zimmerman, J.E., Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Ed. J.E. Zimmerman. New York: Harper & Row 1964. Print.
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Zimmerman, J.E. Dictionary of Classical Mythology \"To understand the spirit of the ancient myths and of the ancient Greeks as revealed in their masterworks of literature and arts-in the epics, in the didactic poetry, tragedy...and to appreciate the strength and beauty of these ancient works, a knowledge of mythology is[incredibly] indispensable.\"(Quotation)
Zimmerman, J.E., Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Ed. J.E. Zimmerman. New York: Harper & Row 1964. Print.
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Hesiod \"Theogony\" Hesiod talks about the shifting and coming of the gods and their suitors, creatures, ancestors. Explains their affinities and powers. Lastly explains their purpose to our Gaia-Earth(summary)
Hesiod Theogony. Hesiod's Poem of Theogony. Web. 5 May 2013.
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Hesiod Theogony \"Monstrous Gaia was groaning withincongested. She conceived a cunning, evil trick.4 Quickly she made the element of grey adamant and fashioned a great sickle and showed it to her children. Then she spoke, encouraging them, though sorrowing in her heart. 'My children with a reckless father, if only you agree to obey me. We would avenge the evil outrage of this father of yours, for he first devised unseemly deeds.'\"(Quotation)
Hesiod Theogony. Hesiod's Poem of Theogony. Web. 5 May 2013.
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Atsma, Aaron \"However they were sometimes represented assuming anthroporphic shape, albeit ones that were indivisible from their native element. Gaia the earth, for example, might manifest herself as a matronly woman half-risen from the ground ; and Thalassa the sea might lift her head above the waves in the shape of a sea-formed woman.\"(quotation)
Atsma, Aaron J. Theoi Aaron J Atsma, 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2013
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Atsma, Aaron Plato, Euthyphro 5e (trans. Fowler) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) : \"Plato, Euthyphro 5e (trans. Fowler) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) :Men believe that Zeus . . . put his father [Kronos] in bonds because he wickedly devoured his children, and he in turn had mutilated his father [Ouranos] for similar reasons.\"
Atsma, Aaron J. Theoi Aaron J Atsma, 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2013
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