The Minister’s Black Veil Summary/Analysis pgs.1-4 – Flashcards
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3rd Paragraph summary
The veil concealed everything but parson Hooper's mouth and chin. a lot of imagery is used in this paragraph describing parson hooper. (30, bachelor, dressed with clerical neatness)
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3rd Paragraph Analysis
Parson Hooper is precise, thoughtful, and neat. The minister can see out but the people can not see in. What might be the significance of this? Why does Hawthorne choose black for the veil? Why's it important to note that the veil makes everything dark Why does parson hooper see the world as negative.
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2nd page 1st paragraph summary
Mr hooper greets his parishioners and the people remark on how they hate his veil.
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1st paragraph analysis
Repeats that Mr. Hooper wants the world to look dark or thinks it's dark. Together the towns people are negatively affected by the veil, they think he's crazy.
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