The American College CFP HS300 – Chapter 1
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Which of the following financial advisors using the financial planning process is practicing multiple-purpose financial planning? A. A multiline insurance agent who sells all lines of life, health, and property and liability insurance. B. A tax attorney who assists clients with their income, estate, and gift tax planning. C. An investment advisor who is registered as such with the Securities and Exchange Commission. D. A life insurance agent who also sells a family of mutual funds to meet both the protection and wealth accumulation needs of clients.
A multiline insurance agent who sells life, health, and property and liability insurance to a client.
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The financial planning pyramid is
A widely accepted approach for developing a comprehensive financial plan over a period of time.
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Financial advisor activities considered to be part of developing financial planning recommendations in the financial planning process do not include
Reviewing the plan to see that it is performing satisfactory.
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According to a survey conducted by the CFP Board, the top three financial planning areas of specialization that advisors engage in do NOT include
Closely held business planning
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Starting at a relatively young age, a career-minded person typically will pass through all of the phases of the financial life cycle en route to retirement EXCEPT
Post retirement
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